Bartosz Czekala – Vocabulary Labs Cookbooks


File Format: [Documents – 12 PDF, flashcard file – 1 APKG]File Size: 174.82 MBDelivery: Digital DownloadPurchase Bartosz Czekala – Vocabulary Labs Cookbooks courses at here with PRICE $189 $54Bartosz Czekala – Vocabulary Labs CookbooksHow my obsession with memory started …When I was about 20 a friend of mine asked me an interesting question, “What is some big goal you would like to achieve before you turn 40?”. I don’t know why but I blurted out, “learn 10 languages by the time I am 40”. I really have no idea why I said it. Sure, I liked languages but I had never even thought about learning so many of them, I mean how would one even go about tackling such a big project?Somehow the idea stayed with me and it felt more and more compelling as the days went by. Even more so since at the very same time I got really hooked on learning more about memory.Soon after, I enrolled in a language school to master German and after about four years I was ready to sit the Goethe-Zertifikat B2 exam. The last trial before the real thing was a mock exam. I took it, I passed it and life felt great.I felt so proud of myself as I was leaving my language school, “Now I know English, German and Polish, there are 7 languages to go”. The life had different plans for me. Just as I was ambling down the street I was approached by an elderly German couple asking me if I speak any German.“I do”, I replied proudly. “Do you know any good restaurants around here?”, they asked.As they were finishing their question, something terrible happened. I froze. I couldn’t spew out any coherent answer. I huffed and puffed and floundered until I managed to form some vague answer.As they were leaving I felt devasted. I spent 4 damn years in a language school and couldn’t even hold a simple conversation!How the hell did that happen?The feeling of shame quickly became my driving force. I knew that the typical approach to learning languages was very ineffective. But there had to be some solution out there. And I was hell-bent on finding it.Here is the first thing I discovered:Terrible misconceptions about learning languagesThis task felt a lot like chasing the elusive rabbit. Every time I was sure that I found the best way to learn, I got disappointed. Every book I bought held a promise, yet always fell short.But I didn’t give up. Oh no. I doubled-down. I started buying even bigger amount of popular books about memory and language learning.Surprise, surprise, it didn’t change much. Once you measured their efficiency (does anyone else do it?) they always turned out to be disappointing. Everything changed when one day it dawned on me – why look for the answers in books or blogs when I can start studying research papers?It was an absolute game-changer for me.I started going through reams of memory- and language-related studies. Not in an ordinary fashion, mind you – I was actually memorizing them. As shocking as it sounds, this is actually the only way to make sense out of complicated problems.I didn’t find the answer I was looking for in one study. I didn’t find it in 100 either. But each one of them started opening my eyes to something truly terrifying:99% of people whose advice I was reading had no idea how to learn, including, unfortunately, many so-called specialists.I slowly started realizing why all the strategies I had been trying out, like mnemonics or flashcards, failed.The most frustrating part?Some of the popular methods which are still being heavily promoted today were already found to be ineffective in the 70’s! If you have ever been frustrated with your language learning progress I want you to know that it’s probably not your fault. The methods you have been using so far can be to blame.So what’s exactly my problem with all the inefficient learning methods?If you want to learn a language by using them, you need a LOT OF TIME. The thing is that you are not a pimply and carefree teenager anymore.Years ago I spent almost 6-8 hours each day learning English. Do you have that much time?Does comment like this one convince you: “Extensive reading works fine if you read 10000 or 15000 pages”? Would you like to spend 400-600 hours and have nothing to show for?Of course not. You are an adult. You come frazzled from work, have to play with your kids, do shopping and so on. You have no time to waste. Because this is exactly what using inefficient learning methods is – a colossal waste of time. You could have spent all this extra time on doing something else but you couldn’t. It got sucked into the inefficient-learning-methods vortex.The result? Frustration. Double-guessing yourself. Anger. And the worst of all – giving up. If you ever felt any of them, know that you are not alone.In this course you’ll learn…Vocabulary Labs contains 15 modules and almost 160 units which will guide you step by step through the process of becoming an independent and efficient learner.It doesn’t matter if you are just a beginner or an advanced learner or what kind of language you learn. All the methods outlined in the Vocabulary Labs course are fully optimized for retention and created so that you can avoid all the learning mistakes.Of course, the more of them you implement, the better your results are going to be!Here is a brief overview of all the things you are going to learn:MODULE 1 – INTRODUCTIONA brief introduction to the course and suggestions on how you can use it to maximize your learning curve.MODULE 2 – FUNDAMENTALS​The module tackles topics such as:determining your current language levelchoosing your daily goals so you know exactly when you reach your dream levelovercoming mental barriers to learning many words per daychoosing the right vocabulary to increase your fluency asapselecting learning toolsMODULE 3 – A COUPLE OF WORDS ABOUT ANKIIn this module, you will learn why ANKI is the best possible learning tool and how to use its basic and more advanced features.MODULE 4 –  LANGUAGE LEARNING MISTAKES WHICH HINDER YOUR PROGRESSThis module will make you think hard about all the mistakes you have been making so far in your language learning. It explains in depth 15 of them, among others:lack of a retention intentionlack of passive encodingpassive learningexceeding your working memory capacityMODULE 5 –  THE E.V.A. METHOD (THE ENHANCED VOCABULARY ACQUISITION METHOD)This is where the real fun begins. The E.V.A. method is one of the most powerful methods any language learner can dream of. It can help you memorize any word or phrase and guarantees 100% retention of any word. That’s a big promise but I deliver.It helps you omit EVERY single mistake from the ones I mention in Module 3. And to top it all, it’s super useful at any language level!If you have even thought that remembering words like “coppice” or “brazier” in your target language is impossible, I will make you change your mind.​MODULE 6 –  ​THE GRAMMAR MASTERYThis is a complete grammar learning system. It shows you how to master grammar from every possible angle. Starting from mapping the most important grammar concepts, delivering feedback to yourself and ending with automating their use.MODULE 7 –  ​CONTEXTUAL LEARNING FROM READINGThe short and sweet module which shows you when to use reading as a learning tool in your language learning journey. It also demonstrates how to start reading native materials even when you are on an A2 level and how to automate your vocabulary acquisition from texts.MODULE 8 –  ​A FULL ACTIVATION PACKIn this module, you will learn a bunch of learning strategies which will help you with achieving fluency by speaking with yourself.  After mastering this module, you won’t need teachers or lessons to improve your conversational skills anymore. You will be able to build your fluency from the ground up.MODULE 9 –  ​HOW TO FIND LANGUAGE PARTNERSOk, you don’t have to be THAT guy who just sits on a train mumbling something to himself. This module will show you dozens of great ways to find a language partner.MODULE 10 –  LOGIC IN LANGUAGE LEARNINGKnowing how to memorize something is certainly great but not always necessary. Sometimes it’s enough to use your head in order to notice different linguistic patterns underlying word formation.MODULE 11 –  ​HOW TO SURROUND YOURSELF WITH A LANGUAGEHere you will learn everything you need to know about surrounding yourself air-tight with a language of your choice and how to use passive learning to accelerate your progress.MODULE 12 –  HOW TO LEARN WITH MUSICWhat would be life without a little bit of music, right? In this module, you will learn strategies on how to utilize music in your language learning.MODULE 13 –  HOW TO ​IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING COMPREHENSIONEverything you need to know to start understanding your target language asap.(BONUS) MODULE 14 –  YOUR LEARNING STRATEGIESHere you will discover a general language learning strategy for all language levels as well as the concrete guidelines for specific language levels.(BONUS) MODULE 15 –  ​FAQA place for all your other questions concerning language learning. E.g. “What are the best ways to mine vocabulary?”, “How can I learn a new alphabet” and so on Purchase Bartosz Czekala – Vocabulary Labs Cookbooks courses at here with PRICE $189 $54