Sales skills – the inner game of sales


Working hand in hand with the outer world sales modules of this sales system, the inner game of sales module will ultimately lead you towards File size: 4.71 GBPurchase Sales skills – the inner game of sales courses at here with PRICE $184 $38Sales skills – the inner game of salesWhat you’ll learnNeuro-linguistic-programmingTriple your confidence in selling situationsChange limiting beliefs that keep you backLearn how to get into the right mindset – every timeCreate a compelling vision that fuels youLearn how to set effective goalsIncrease your standards and align them with your visionLearn state managementUse NLP for your own benefitLearn NLP anchoring methods be your best selfGet Sales skills – the inner game of sales downloadRequirementsBasic NLP knowledge is an advantage but not a prerequisite“There are lots of good information and I like the way its presented.” – Rodney. Doussot“The course is so enriching that I literally binge-watched all episodes. I can recommend.” – Theatreche Douardtoulouse50% of success is your inner mindset. Period.Thus, it is impossible to have long-lasting success in sales without getting your mindset right: a compelling vision for your future, goals to work on daily, a strong belief system that does not hold you back, high standards, confidence and state management are all part of a killer attitude.If your inner game of sales is not 100% effective, you need to upt it…how? the most efficient way to do this is via neuro-linguistic programming – NLP.In this course, you are going to learn how toBring your A-game to the table every dayUse neuro-linguistic-programming (NLP anchoring) to get you into the right state of mindCreate a compelling vision statement that drives you forward even if your motivation or energy level are lowEmpower yourself to go into the sales call with high confidenceEver felt like you are self-sabotaging yourself? The reason for this are limiting beliefs. In this course, you are going to learn how to overcome limiting beliefs and replace them with powerful beliefs that guide you towards success.Create beliefs inside of yourself that empower you rather than holding you backRaise your standards so that you do not end up with a champaign vision and a beer standardBefore you get on the phone, make sure you are mentally ready for the sale. Knowing what to say is important but all outer world techniques are useless if you do not equally possess the inner strength to portray a successful future for yourself in order to keep your attitude and motivation high, especially in tough times.This course will teach you how to align your belief system, your vision, goals, attitude and inner game in order manage your state and your sales career.This course is different from other sales courses as itfocuses on the inner game of sales onlycontains practical applications and examples that allow you to implement the systems in your lifeaudio-visual NLP teaching technique means you keep more of the content in shorter timeIn this course, you are going to learn how to harness the power of neuro-linguistic-programming for your success in sales and persuasion. Even beyond that, you are going to learn techniques that you can apply in any area of life – cracking limiting beliefs, creating a compelling vision for the future, using anchoring and state management to get your best out during a presentation: all of these techniques, rooted in neuro-linguistic programming are presented in a practical and easily digestible manner to increase your success from day one.Working hand in hand with the outer world sales modules of this sales system, the inner game of sales module will ultimately lead you towardsBeing persuasive as a result of your state and confidenceCreating a great attitude for yourself that drives youRichard Bandler, the “inventor” of Neuro-linguistic-programming has transformed our understanding of the human mind and psychology. While some use NLP to persuade others, the true strength of NLP lies in applying it to yourself – to become a great salesperson and influencer.Finally this offer even includes a 30-day full money back guarantee, so there is no risk at all but a huge upside…Who this course is for:Professionals becoming their best selves with NLPPeople with a zest to improve their livesStart-up foundersEntrepreneurs and SolopreneursSales professionalsGet Sales skills – the inner game of sales downloadPurchase Sales skills – the inner game of sales courses at here with PRICE $184 $38