Maria and Alyssa – Pinterest Traffic Avalanche 2019


Do any of the following statements resonate with youHave you just started your blog or website and are feeling a little lostlooking for the best way to get people to actually visit it?Maybe you have already spent HOURS running in the “turtle race” that is Google SEO traffic, only to not be ranking for any posts and have hardly anyone visit your blog.You know bloggers talk about Pinterest a LOT, but you have no idea how to go about using it to get people to visit your blog…Purchase Maria and Alyssa – Pinterest Traffic Avalanche 2019 courses at here with PRICE $197 $45Maria and Alyssa – Pinterest Traffic Avalanche 2019Do any of the following statements resonate with youHave you just started your blog or website and are feeling a little lostlooking for the best way to get people to actually visit it?Maybe you have already spent HOURS running in the “turtle race” that is Google SEO traffic, only to not be ranking for any posts and have hardly anyone visit your blog.You know bloggers talk about Pinterest a LOT, but you have no idea how to go about using it to get people to visit your blog…And maybe you feel like nobody knows your blog exists…YET…What if we told you that you could…Generate THOUSANDS of new unique views for FREE.Spend LESS time on trying to drive traffic to your blog and more time on what you love – creating blog posts and monetizing your blog.Bring hundreds of raving fans to your blog every day for FREE.Become a leading expert in your niche in just 3 short months.It’s no joke, y’all… Check out what our fellow bloggers are saying…Meet Maria and Alyssa, the Spinach for Breakfast girls! “Thanks so much Lauren! I’ve been binge watching the course since yesterday, and I’m almost all the way through (two Ninja courses left)!This course is unbelievable! It’s so easy to follow. You guys did an amazing job!I can’t believe how much we were not doing on our Pinterest account. It’s embarrassing haha. I am so happy I naively reached out to you!”-Maria, Spinach for BreakfastMaria also told us that the traffic to her blog shot up 50k page views in the FIRST MONTH that she followed our program:Pinterest users are NOT your average website visitors…Pinterest users are an amazing demographic of people:They spend more money than ANY social media per day (yes, even Facebook)They are FULL of kind and wonderful people who leave comments and share your blog (they truly are AWESOME).The majority of users make over 50k per year, and 10% of users make over 125k per year.!They are 47 million plus STRONG and grew by 24% in 2016.They are SHOPPERS and are there looking for things to BUY.The majority of Pinterest users have a college degree and higher education.Learn the exact secrets, methods, and insider tips that took our health and wellness blog from unknown to a Pinterest Powerhouse,which eventually led to us being able to quit our jobs and work online full-time!Meet Suzie Burgess from the UK!Suzie went from 0 views to 20,000 views per month her very first month of using Pinterest Traffic Avalanche! “You may think you know it all from watching different YouTube videos and free information online, but this course goes into a completely new level… Genius.”    Here’s exactly what happened when we implemented these Pinterest Avalanche techniques into our business…As you can see, in the first 2 months of running our blog (October and November), we had virtually no traffic. Once we began implementing our Pinterest Avalanche strategies in December, things changed almost overnight…In July, we had a weight loss pin go MEGA VIRAL and generate us 990,000+ views in ONE month! It was INSANE, and that was when we realized the TRUE untapped potential of Pinterest for our blogs.As you can see, it’s not linear growth. This is due to the nature of Pinterest and the “virality” of content. But if you pin the best content have the right strategies in place, you WILL continue to grow.P.S. This is ALL Pinterest traffic. No ad spend, no Facebook, and no Google traffic.Before we move onto our Pinterest account and stats, let me tell you a little about us…You see, we didn’t start out in this niche. We don’t just blog about blogging or coach about coaching… We’re SO over that.No, we actually started out in the health and fitness niche. Our main squeeze is called Avocadu, and these are the stats that you are about to see!Purchase Maria and Alyssa – Pinterest Traffic Avalanche 2019 courses at here with PRICE $197 $45