Mike Michalkow’s – Jazz Drumming System


“If you are like most drummers, you’ve probably hit a wall in your progress at one time or another. Some drummers end up feeling uninspired for weeks, months, or even years – while others have their attention split in so many different directions that they never make significant progress in any one area.”Purchase Mike Michalkow’s – Jazz Drumming System courses at here with PRICE $197 $42Mike Michalkow’s – Jazz Drumming SystemEven the most committed students can hit a wall.“If you are like most drummers, you’ve probably hit a wall in your progress at one time or another. Some drummers end up feeling uninspired for weeks, months, or even years – while others have their attention split in so many different directions that they never make significant progress in any one area.”What makes the Drumming System so effective.Frustrating UncertaintyIt’s frustrating to have to learn everythingcompletely from scratch or having to dealwith contradictory advice from a varietyof unqualified and inconsistent sources.Get Mike Michalkow’s – Jazz Drumming System downloadHitting A Brick WallIt can be demotivating to feel stuck, likeyou haven’t made significant progress inmonths or even years. You want to getbetter, but just don’t know what to do.Feeling OverwhelmedThe sheer volume of information that isavailable online can lead many studentsto suffer from paralysis by analysis. Theyare overwhelmed by so many options.Frustrated By Sheet MusicIt can be difficult to learn new beats andfills without the ability to read sheet musicor when you find it frustrating to deal withcomplicated theory and notation.Benefit From ExperienceBoost your progress by getting detailedadvice from an experienced professional.Mike Michalkow has spent over 20 yearsteaching students at all skill levels.Progressive Drum LessonsIt doesn’t matter if you are a completebeginner or an experienced drummer.These step-by-step lessons createreal results from the very first day.A Game Plan For SuccessThe included Practice Routine Generatormakes it easy to establish a custom planthat is flexible enough to fit any schedule,giving you a clear sense of direction.Smart Beat TechnologyAll Drumming System lessons featureexclusive Smart Beat Technology makingit fun and easy to follow-along, while alsolearning to read notation in a natural way.Some of the popular lesson topics that are covered.Hand TechniqueHow to hold the drumsticks formaximum speed, power, control,endurance, and comfort.Bass Drum TechniqueLearn the techniques required toget the most out of your singleor double bass drum setup.Drum Beats & FillsLearn beginner-to-advanced beatsand fills that you can play for all ofthe most popular styles of music.Speed & EnduranceLearn the most effective strategiesfor developing incredible speed andendurance around the drums.Drum RudimentsMaster the essential rudiments thatyou need to unlock your creativityand control around the drum set.Practice RoutinesFind out how to put together acustom practice routine basedon your unique drumming goals.Drum Tuning & SetupHow to tune your drums so theysound their best, and get Mike’stips on how to set everything up.Odd Time SignaturesLearn how to understand & playbeats and fills within odd-time tounlock new musical options.Drum Play-AlongsHave fun applying what you learnwith the 100+ play-along loops &songs included with this pack.DrummerRob Fast– United Kingdom“It is almost like having your own drum tutor in the same room with you… I am delighted with all aspects of the system.”Ready to boost your progress? You’ve got nothing to lose.The Drumming System is backed by our extended 90-day money-back guarantee.That means you have three full months to try it with absolutely zero-risk.Get Mike Michalkow’s – Jazz Drumming System downloadPurchase Mike Michalkow’s – Jazz Drumming System courses at here with PRICE $197 $42