Info-Product Creation Crucible by Daniel Levis


It’s organized into seven sections, each describing a specific go-or-no-go trial your info-product must pass to have a solid chance at success. And jam packed with specific strategies for pushing a borderline idea into the GO ZONE!Purchase Info-Product Creation Crucible by Daniel Levis courses at here with PRICE $156 $52Course “Info-Product Creation Crucible by Daniel Levis” is available, If no download link, Please wait 12 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your emailDear Fellow Marketing Addict,John Smith had what he thought was a great idea for a hot new info-product.He spent 3 whole months researching the topic, interviewing experts, and compiling the information into an attractive package he planned to sell online for $37.He spent another two months writing sales copy and learning to advertise on google until one fine day he was ready to begin offering his product for sale. No takers. He hired a competent copywriter to rewrite his sales page and started getting some sales, but not nearly enough. Finally he gave up in frustration, hundreds of hours wasted, thousands of dollars poorer.Jane Doe built her info-product around a similar topic, but approached it from an entirely different angle. And she targeted a completely different set of buyers.Jane then took a simple template she found in one of my copywriting products and cobbled together some sales copy over a single weekend. Later that week she was making money.Have you ever wondered why one info-product  sells well while another one doesn’t?It’s not always the sales copy … Over the years I’ve coached 187 different info-publishers in various stages of development — from those green as a head of cabbage to multi-million dollar producers — competing in 49 different industries, from self-defense… to hypnotherapy… to culinary… to mortgages… to real estate… and just about everything in between.I’ve pretty much seen it all…And may I be blunt?Many of the info-product ideas I see don’t stand a snowball’schance in hell of delivering the results their creators desire!I’m talking about info-product ideas that are fundamentally flawed from the very beginning. No amount of copywriting voodoo can save them. Trying to fix them with sales copy would be like trying to build a cathedral on sand.Without a sound product idea… aimed intelligently… positioned optimally… your promotional efforts are destined to cough and sputter at the starting gate. Or worse, climb just high enough to go down in flames.Make no mistake — the overwhelming factor that determines your success or failure as an info-marketer is knowing the difference between info-product ideas that swim downstream, easily providing the lifestyle and financial security you desire… and the duds that flush your valuable resources down the drain.You see, we all have a lot of “idea pride”. That’s actually a really good thing. It’s absolutely essential to our success. But we also need a way to avoid burrowing down unproductive rabbit holes. And we need proven strategies for turning borderline ideas into blockbuster successes.That’s why I created The Info-Production Creation Crucible, to save you the ego crushing false starts, dead ends, and disappointing failures that inevitably result when you try to stuff a square peg into a round hole. And to give you proven tools for developing your ideas to their fullest potential.Submit your info-product ideas to THE CRUCIBLE, and I’ll give you 7 crucial “money-tests” that allow you to get out of your own head… so you can quickly and accurately gauge the profitability of your next project.Sound good?So What exactly will you discover in this concise, straight-to-the-point, 34 page e-guide?It’s organized into seven sections, each describing a specific go-or-no-go trial your info-product must pass to have a solid chance at success. And jam packed with specific strategies for pushing a borderline idea into the GO ZONE!Here’s just a small sampling of what’s covered:Crucial Money Test #1:A simple distinction that tells you if your product will be hard to sell, or easy to sell. Your product makes perfect sense. People know they need it. But they just won’t buy it.  Find out why, and what to do about it!Why sometimes making a product less inclusive can make it seem more valuable — and the true story of how this astonishingly simple secret transforms a dead duck info-product into a profit pumping champion …How to spy on your competition to determine the viability of your price point, targeting, and promotional strategies …The myth of the low-ticket, low-margin, front-end product — and how to generate a flash flood of fresh new leads with expensive, high-margin products that bloat your bottom line …Crucial Money Test #2:A simple experiment you can conduct to see if your info-product idea contains one or more of the three overarching appeals common to virtually every front-end money maker in the history of marketing …How shrewd info-marketers make seemingly dull, pedestrian products sexy and dynamic, selling them at double and even triple the profit margins of their competitors …How info-products help buyers define their personal identities, and 19 of the hottest selling “characterizations” you can build into your offers …Crucial Money Test #3:How to tell if you will be able to advertise your planned info-product profitably …Competitive Espionage — How to reverse engineer a comparable product’s economics…Why SEO and pay-per-click are the absolute last places to find info-product buyers in the vast majority of cases. (Here’s a sneaky way to find the real traffic honey holes for your specific offering) …How to set up a simple spreadsheet that automatically organizes your research, ensuring you’re gathering the necessary data at each step along the way …Crucial Money Test #4:How to do “gap analysis” to uncover un-met needs and frustrated desires experienced by your target market …Why traditional supply-versus-demand keyword research is dangerous as hell. It tells you very little about whether your idea is a good one or not. Here’s a much better way to assess market desire …4 unusual strategies for creating competitive differentiation… How to craft a unique value proposition that speaks directly to the unfulfilled longings of your ideal prospects…Crucial Money Test #5:Why some info-products lend themselves to higher margins than others. And how to determine the price elasticity of your envisioned product …Why the relationship between price and margin is rarely linear… and how to use this quirky little truth to your advantage. (This one secret alone can spell the difference between triumphant victory and humiliating defeat when trying to conquer a new market) …3 case studies on the presentation of value… and how to stretch the price of a given product to the breaking point and beyond… The absolute minimum mark-up you should accept when selling physical information products …Crucial Money Test #6:The critical commodity you must possess before you can succeed long term in a given target market. (Trouble is, it’s difficult to measure this until you actually need it. This test shows you how) …Why most advice about finding a red HOT market to sell to is just plain WRONG…The 3 activities you should never, EVER completely outsource… and why info-product ideas and plans based on the assumption these things are not absolutely CORE are destined to fail …  Crucial Money Test #7:A simple “yes or no” question that will instantly tell you if a given info-product business idea has legs… or whether it will eventually hobble your cash flow and distract you from real opportunities that bring true wealth …Two special situations you should avoid like the plague. An opportunity can appear to be made in heaven, but if either of these conditions exist — walk away!Why you must think at least three products ahead if you’re going to succeed long term in this business …The often overlooked leverage point that when missing from your info-product idea almost always leads to lackluster results. (The good news is that when it is there — “in spades” — you can mess up repeatedly in other areas and still get richer than Midas!) …Look over my shoulder to learn these 7 simple acid tests, and you’ll be empowered with a whole new level of clarity.Either you’ll end up killing some projects and cutting your losses… or you’ll gain valuable new insights for improving them… and the confidence of a lion, for charging fearlessly ahead.Do you Have The Courage to Submit Your Money Making Ideas to The Info-Product Creation Crucible?I’ve packed a tremendous amount of uncommon wisdom into these pages, because product selection, targeting, and positioning are by far THE MOST IMPORTANT HURDLES you face on your road to success in the info-marketing business.It’s time to set your ego aside and take a cold, calculating, dispassionate look at the viability of your ideas. And to seek out creative solutions for making those that are promising as marketable as they can be.Frankly, I’m Tired of Being The God Damn Grim Reaper …I’m making this extremely affordable, because frankly, I’m getting a little tired of having to personally tear apart people’s dreams when they come to me for copywriting advice.The pitfalls I help you avoid in this report are the very same bugbears I encounter repeatedly in my private practice. People pay me a great deal of money ($450 per hour) for copywriting advice, critiques and consulting and far too often I end up giving them this kind of advice instead.Suppose this report opens your eyes to fatal flaws in your info-product development strategy… or gives you proven techniques for fixing a borderline idea or a finished product that’s already floundering …It would mean a much swifter, surer path to becoming a recognized and respected authority figure in the niche of your choosing. It would mean the attraction of lucrative new joint ventures and high paying dream clients. And the unbridled success that will seal your destiny as a rich, happy, and self-fulfilled info-marketer!How much is that worth to you?Thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours can be saved with the knowledge I’m offering you. Perhaps millions of dollars earned. And it all begins with The Info-Product Creation Crucible — available to you risk-free for just $47!It’s been said that ANYTHING  is easy once you know how to do it …… And this is especially true of making money with info-products… because successful info-product publishing is about knowing how to spot certain patterns… and knowing how to take advantage of them.Once you know how to recognize and read these patterns, you’ll be able to find profit opportunities no matter what the economic climate. When you possess this understanding, opportunity doesn’t just knock once or twice — it knocks over and over again!That’s why the rich in this business just seem to get richer and richer… while those ignorant of the simple strategies I’m about to make available to you continue struggling to gain the wealth, recognition and lifestyle you deserve.But Please Don’t Buy This  If You’re a Wild-Eyed Lookie Loo …I realize this isn’t the pie-in-the-sky, get-rich-in-your-underwear kind of thing that’s so common online these days. The people who fall for that crap simply refuse to let facts cloud their judgment about things. And if you’re one of them, then clearly, The Info-Product Creation Crucible isn’t for you. You’re likely to find the whole process deeply disturbing.On the other hand, if you’re sick and tired of the lies and over simplifications that have so far prevented you from realizing your dreams of becoming financially free… doing something you love… providing real value to people along the way. And if you’re ready to hold your ideas up to the harsh light of reality, then this could very well represent a crucial turning point for you.You must be totally impressed with the new levels of clarity and confidence you have in your ability to find, develop, and profit from winning info-product ideas — or don’t pay a red cent. You can email us for a friendly and courteous refund for up to one full year if you don’t think this is one of the most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made for growing your info-marketing business. And keep the $156 in free bonuses for your trouble, as my sincere thank you for giving The Info-Product Creation Crucible an honest try.Tag: Info-Product Creation Crucible by Daniel Levis Review. Info-Product Creation Crucible by Daniel Levis download. Info-Product Creation Crucible by Daniel Levis discount.Purchase Info-Product Creation Crucible by Daniel Levis courses at here with PRICE $156 $52