IG90 Connect + Convert +Plan.Create.Celebrate + Hashtag Discovery Workbook – Kate


I wanted to connect with people. Really connect, as I would in real life. I wanted to make Instagram not only fun again, but have it make a real impact on my business too.Purchase IG90 Connect + Convert +Plan.Create.Celebrate + Hashtag Discovery Workbook – Kate courses at here with PRICE $97 $60How to Sell without Selling on Instagram (and get the algorithm working in your favor!)What if you could make sales… without constantly pitching yourself on Instagram?What if YOU became the go-to shop for your customer?No questions.She remembers you, always comments on your Instagram, and isexcited to support you.Because I don’t know about you, but I’m a little tired of the Instagram game.No matter which new strategy or hack you try, your follower count doesn’t budge.You’re sick of the desperate ‘follow/unfollow’ game and trying to keep up with confusing algorithm changes.At times it feels exhausting and fake… what happened to the fun, wonderful community it once was?!In fact, you’re starting to have a love/hate relationship with Instagram.It’s more difficult to stand out, the algorithm is leaving you confused, and there’s an overload of ‘hacks + tricks’ promising you’ll “beat the algorithm!”YOU’VE TRIED EVERYTHING.You sign up for free courses and challenges that promise to “grow your followers”.You diligently show up each and every day.You’ve read seemingly every blog post and hundreds of freebies that promise to give you the secrets behind growing your account.You maybe even already invested in other Instagram courses (and weren’t totally satisfied with the results).You still feel like you’re struggling to understand how to work around the algorithmBut what if I said you don’t have to “beat the algorithm” or find the next new hack to work around it…That there’s actually a (simple!) way to make the algorithm work – in your favor.I totally and forever changed my approach to Instagram and startedloving it again.Yes, I wanted to build my business and make sales through Instagram, but I knew there had to be a better way than screaming to the masses, posting pitch after sales pitch, or wearing out my thumb scrolling + liking thousands of posts a day.I wanted to connect with people. Really connect, as I would in real life. I wanted to make Instagram not only fun again, but have it make a real impact on my business too.So, what’s this big “secret” to getting the algorithm working for you?Engagement.And not just any kind, but hyper-personalized relationships.As Instagram continues to improve the user experience, we need to follow suit and focus more on our individual audience relationships.What do they need from us? What gets them talking? How can we encourage them?Instagram is no longer just a popularity contest (YAY). They’re valuing real over spammy or bot behavior (can I get a double YAY YAY!), and individual relationships matter, putting you back into control.So how do we crack this level of engagement?By understanding what our audience actually uses Instagram for + how we can meet them where they already are.They use Instagram as a platform for:InspirationDiscoveryCommunityAnd the one thing they don’t?As a sales platform.(Which is not to say you can’t or won’t make sales from it. Otherwise that’d be a giant waste of our time!)But understanding that tiny distinction will make a huge difference in how you approach your Instagram content and the results you get.Which is why I’m so excited to introduceIG90: Creative Instagram Plans for Online Shop Owners, Makers, and Etsy Sellers.IG90 is about connecting with your customers through storytelling, getting a conversation going, and learning how to lead them down the path from follower to buyer in a natural way using the Instagram platform.Let’s say goodbye to random posting, “time-sucking engagement hacks”, and sweaty palms staring at that blinking cursor.Let’s focus on connection first, then conversion.I’m not going to tell you why you need to post great content, pretty images, or show up every day.You know all that!And that’s the problem I found with most Instagram courses. They tell you what to do without a clear action plan on HOW you can follow through, day after day.This course won’t show you how to work around Instagram loopholes and beat the algorithm with one-off hacks.And it isn’t a “do this” tactic-based approach.This is an intentional, creative road map designed to help you understand your customer, start a conversation with her, and show up again + again with exactly what she needs to hear before she’ll buy from you and support you.This course will help you CONNECT with + CONVERT your followers to paying customers.Doesn’t that sound better than a vague “double your followers”?Because I see you out there trying to connect on Instagram.…. you’re sick of the pointless follow/unfollows,…. the empty “love!” comments,…. and the crickets you keep hearing even though your followers are growing.You’re looking for real engagement, real followers, and genuine comments that make you smile and get you excited to chat with your people every day. You want to sell on Instagram in a way that feels good, not just for you, but your customers too.Not to mention – you want to actually show up in your followers’ feeds and feel confident about how your account is working with the algorithm.So I wanted to take away the confusing ‘engagement hacks’ and get back to serving our customer.With IG90: Creative Instagram Plans, I created specific strategies for shop owners to plan out your content in 90 day chunks and serve your customers in a way that’s going to hit them over the head (in the softest way possible) and get them excited about your brand.Seriously.This isn’t another online course with just a lot of theory and information. It’s a road map so you can put this information to work.You’ll create your 90 day content plan over the course of a few days and then have an exact road map of the content and images you need to create.Planning doesn’t have to be boring.ItWhat would that mean for you?I’ll take a few guesses…Never staring at that blinking cursor, cursing that you don’t know what to say #puncityBeing able to focus on your business, instead of wasting time worrying about what to post each dayNever running out of ideas again! (Because I’m sharing over 100 of mine)No more forgetting (or avoiding) to postAND THE BIG ONE… having an intentional content strategy that will actually turn followers into customers and support your business goals.I honestly haven’t been more excited than I was while creating IG90. I truly believe it will re-shape the way you approach your Instagram and finally give you a social media strategy that supports your business.And I’m thrilled to say those going through the course have seen the payoff.What to Expect?We’re going to set up your Instagram account to be a micro-blogging platform that drives all your other content creation needs.Instagram is a platform of inspiration, discovery and community; and online shops are primed to succeed at delivering on all three.IG90: Creative Instagram Plans is broken down into 4 large sections that are designed to build upon each other.The first two are pre-work sections:1 | Positioning Your Product2 | Who is Your Customer?You’ll come away with a clear idea of who you’re speaking to and what you need to communicate about your brand.We’ll dive deep into understanding your product + seeing it from a consumer’s perspectiveWhy your customer wants it (what you’re actually selling)And the easy way to authentically share your story, in a way your customer will care aboutThe next two sections are where you’ll build out your content strategy.3 | The 90 Day Strategy SessionYou’ll create an easy guide of what you need to cover and when.We’ll look into five areas to ensure your business is covered and you’re never left with the dreaded feeling of ‘how did I miss that?’4 | Create Your Content StrategyWe’ll start with three lessons that talk about the types of content we’re creating and how to position your brand messaging.Those lessons include Writing Captions That Matter, How to Convert Shop Lurkers into Customers, and the 4 Content Pillars Every Instagram Account Needs.I share 4 methods for creating captions that matterWe’ll discuss the 5 call-to-action (CTA) categories you should be using (and what to do if you’re hearing crickets), plus give you over 20 examples of CTAs to useThe theory of getting your customers to ‘know, like, and trust’ you, but more importantly, how to actually put them into practiceThe four types of content you need to be sharing to naturally turn your audience from casual onlooker to excited fan to loyal customer.It wraps up with an easy walk-through on how to use the prompt worksheet and gives ideas on how to structure each month.And that’s when the real work begins!This course was created to be actionable. It’s not designed to create extra work, but instead make the work you’re already doing more intentional.Starting with a caption, you’ll learn how to easily create images that stand out and speak to your brand’s messaging.I’ve created over 100 caption prompts specifically for product sellers.You’ll receive a copy with some actual examples so you can see how to inject more of your personality and start brainstorming your own. As well as a blank version with prompts for you to complete and fill in based on your own brand and research (spreadsheets are Excel based, also work with Google Sheets).Have an image you can’t wait to share first, but not actually sure what to say? No problem, you can do that too! You can easily sort to find caption ideas or categories to create a compelling caption that matters.You’ll also receive a monthly content calendar that pulls from these categories so you know exactly what to post each day. (Plus it’s customizable, so if you don’t like a caption? Toss that idea and grab the next.)Two Bonus Lessons:Promotion/Event Strategy – plug and play promotion sequences so you’re prepared with an Instagram strategy for your next sale or launchEngagement Checklist – a monthly, weekly, and daily list so you can keep track of what to do when and how to put your new strategies to usePlus, you’ll learn the secret sauce of Instagram. Yeah really, I went there.The strategy behind this whole course is designed to save you time and help you create intentional images that support your brand message.Are you ready for a clear, approachable method to planning your Instagram?Then you’re in the right place my friend.IG90: Creative Instagram Plans is the ONLY Instagram course specifically created for online shops and Etsy sellers that helps you:gain a deeper understanding of who your customer truly is and why she’s buying your productcreate meaningful captions with over 100 prompts just for online shops, so you can create content and messages that will matter to her and get your audience talkingplan your content ahead of time so you never miss a holiday, key selling season, or special announcementnaturally sell without feeling like you’re pitching your products constantlyIf you’ve been around The Shop Files for awhile (or heyyy girl if you’re new!), you know I don’t like fluff.This is not another Instagram 101 “How to create a killer bio” type of course.In fact, I didn’t even want to call it a course, because it’s an actionable, repeatable plan. It’s legit. You can use and re-use these strategies and prompts for an entire year. And then start all over again.IG90 helps you show up for your customer every day.Class CurriculumIntroductionGetting StartedReal Quick Housekeeping!Pre-Work #1: Positioning Your ProductIt’s All About Her (or Him).Understanding Your ProductWhy Does Your Customer Want It?What You’re Actually SellingSharing Your Story AuthenticallyAnother ExamplePre-Work #2: Who is Your Customer?Profiling 101: Debunking the Big MythWho Is Your Customer – WorksheetCustomer Wrap UpTag: ” IG90 Connect + Convert +Plan.Create.Celebrate + Hashtag Discovery Workbook – Kate” Review. ” IG90 Connect + Convert +Plan.Create.Celebrate + Hashtag Discovery Workbook – Kate” download. ” IG90 Connect + Convert +Plan.Create.Celebrate + Hashtag Discovery Workbook – Kate” discount.Purchase IG90 Connect + Convert +Plan.Create.Celebrate + Hashtag Discovery Workbook – Kate courses at here with PRICE $97 $60