Stop, drop, and LISTEN, every time you even LOOK as though you might be THINKING of thinking of dropping gold.“I binge on you like Netflix!”, this is not just something that (let’s just say it as it is) is being said to ME err’day (and it is), or to the other leaders, messengers, NEXT level speakers and seekers of truth …Purchase Becoming Magnetic – Katrina Ruth Programs courses at here with PRICE $97 $42BECOMING MAGNETICAN 11 DAY IMMERSION WITH KATRINA RUTH, TO RETURN YOU TO THE DEEPEST POWER AND MAGIC OF YOUR SOUL, FROM WHENCE YOU SHALL TRANSFIX THE I WORLD AS YOU RELEASE ALL ‘STRATEGY’ AND SELL.THE.PEOPLES.AUTOMATICALLY.ON YOU. THE WAY IT WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE.How it’s meant to happen, how it’s ALWAYS meant to have been, where it’s really time for it to get to, and frankly where you’re a little appalled it’s NOT yet, is simple:The people are meant to be addicted to you.Stop, drop, and LISTEN, every time you even LOOK as though you might be THINKING of thinking of dropping gold.“I binge on you like Netflix!”, this is not just something that (let’s just say it as it is) is being said to ME err’day (and it is), or to the other leaders, messengers, NEXT level speakers and seekers of truth …They’re MEANT to be saying it to you.How it is MEANT to be, is peeps just need to STAND near you in order to receive,Be transformed,And filled,With wisdom.With truth.With KNOWLEDGE.With exactly what they need.They are meant to hang off your every word,Not even really caring what the words are!Just knowing –There is medicine here for me.There is a message here for me.There is a MISSIVE here for me.There is a REMINDER here for me, of who I have always been, and who I must now RETURN to.My deepest self.My most stripped back soul.A fully raw, vulnerable, exposed and PURE version of myself.Where they then say to you, things like –“I don’t even know what it is about you … I don’t even remember what you really said … or where I found you, when you came into my life … I just knew –I had to absorb EVERYTHING which comes from you.I just knew – !I had to sign up! I didn’t even look at the details!I just knew – !I had to be AROUND you!And that I would receive,Without even looking for it, or trying!EXACTLY what I need,AgainAnd againAnd again!”And then?Well THEN THEY BUY THE THINGS OF COURSE.AgainAnd againAnd again!Not to mention, refer their friends, their neighbours, their dogs, the world! Preaching your message from the rooftops and telling all who will listen “come follow! You have to follow this girl! You have to check her out! You will LOVE her!”(This is just the normal stuff people say, when they happen onto something or someone who ROCKS THEIR WHOLE WORLD RIGHT BACK TO WHERE IT WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!)Let’s get real now –When it comes to BUS-iness, while you’ve always been willing, more than willing, and able, more than able, to ‘do what it takes, no matter what it takes, until it takes’, to outwork ANYONE, to join all the dots and cross EVERY ‘t’ in order to get to where you want to go and know that you SHOULD –At the same time, the TRUTH is –You kinda sorta don’t wanna.Do the things. The sales-y things. The market-y things. The business-y things. The attention to things, like ‘getting leads’, and ‘building funnels’, and ‘converting’.I mean … you CAN do it. Duh. YOU CAN DO FUCKING ANYTHING, there was never a question about THAT! AND you will be the literal best in the world at it, if you decide to!So there!!But the thing is, the THING is –You kinda sort not just don’t WANNA, you also think you shouldn’t HAFTA!So THERE!If we take this back a decade or three, you’ll remember, I trust, how you’ve ALWAYS been able to get what you want, click your fingers and have the world around you just CONFORM to your liking, do what it’s told, and with a thank you back AT you as well!You’ve always been able to ‘hack the system’, too, haven’t you?Not just ’cause it’s fun … and that rebel side of you likes to just mess with shit a lil bit … but also because, well –You can usually just see a better path.Than the one which was laid out for you.The one which they SAID you should do.The one which the FOLLOWERS traverse.And a lot of the time, the truth is you just know you are SMARTER than those who made the rules, created the system, said how it must be.To add to this of course, is the whole thing about how the normal rules just don’t apply for you and never have!You’ve always been able to do things just with your mind … with magic … with access to powers and resources that others don’t seem to know about.It’s like you’re given special codes.Shortcuts.Backdoors, which take you straight to the front.And, you’ve felt bad about this at times. Ashamed, a little. Scared even! Perhaps in some ways these feelings of “I’m doing something wrong”, or “I feel bad for other people though, why do I always seem to have everything work so perfectly for me!” have caused you to push down your gifts.Turn away from the KNOWING which you were born with.Do things the hard way, the 2D way, the NORMAL person way, when the whole damn time, the WHOLE entire fucking time you’ve had ZERO doubt that YOU?You, when you allow yourself to be ALL of you, to access ALL your power, and to allow the world to behave towards you AS IT HAS ALWAYS WANTED TO, which is to say to ELEVATE you to the damn top from where the people NEED to hear and see and receive what coems out of you, YOU –Are fucking MAGNETIC.Have wisdom, and knowledge which may have at times been termed ‘beyond your years’, but which in ACTUAL fact is simply –‘Beyond humanity’.You DO know shortcuts, you DO receive magic codes, you DO always just GET what you need and want and the ability to click your fingers, blink your eyes, sneeze –And just have the things you dream of and desire brought to life has ALWAYS BEEN THERE.The ability to transfix others …To bewitch them, some might even say, although we would only call it that if we understood that it’s in the MOST positive and expansive way, in alignment with THEIR soul desires …To compel them to take action, whatever action you suggest …To be a leader amongst leaders …It’s ALWAYS all been there.YES, these traits could all be dangerous, harmful, NOT soul aligned, if they fell into the wrong hands.Indeed we have seen this to be true …But really –Does that ACTUALLY have anything to do with you?And is it, pray tell, a reason to continue to TURN AWAY FROM THE POWER WITHIN?I think not.I think –You’re tired.So tired.And sick.SO sick.And done.SO done.With ALL WAYS OF PLAYING BUSINESS AND LIFE WHICH ARE NOT YOU JUST WAKING UP,OPENING YOUR MOUTHYOUR HEARTYOUR SOULAND LETTINGWHAT’S IN ITOUTAND THENTHE PEOPLETHE PEOPLETHE MOTHERFUCKING SOUL ALIGNED PEOPLE(ALL OF ‘EM!!)LISTENEYES WIDE OPENAND WATCHGAZE UNBREAKINGAND ABSORBTO THEIR DEEPEST CELLAND BUYEVERY SINGLE THINGSTARTINGWITH YOUYOUR ESSENCEYOUR SPIRITYOUR YOU-NESSA NECESSARY SALVE TO THE EXHAUSTED AND LOST WANDERING OF THEIR SOULTHIS.Is how it’s meant to be.THIS.Is what you’ve always known.THIS.Is what we now return to.THIS.Is what you are saying YES to, when you say yes to you,And to this workGet Becoming Magnetic – Katrina Ruth Programs, Only Price $42BECOMING MAGNETICAN 11 DAY IMMERSION WITH KATRINA RUTH, TO RETURN YOU TO THE DEEPEST POWER AND MAGIC OF YOUR SOUL, FROM WHENCE YOU SHALL TRANSFIX THE WORLD AS YOU RELEASE ALL ‘STRATEGY’ AND SELL.THE PEOPLES.AUTOMATICALLY.ON YOU. THE WAY IT WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE.In this work,We will not be looking at ‘what to do’.We will not be making plans.We will not be preparing things.We will have no damn clue where we are going, who we are supposed to be trying to be, or what ‘should’ be in place in order to be successful at making things selling things getting people to do things.What we WILL be doing, is flipping the entire.damn.thing.AROUNDINSIDE OUTAND UPSIDE DOWNAll topsy-turvy like, is where it gets interesting!Meaning –The strategy follows the beingThe strategy follows the beingThe strategy follows the beingThere is no how which is CAPABLE of existing, nor necessary, until or unless we are IN RESONANCE WITH OUR HIGHEST SELF.This is about getting you vibrating at the FREQUENCY of your highest available self. You know –The one to whom the people automatically look, listen to, are magnetized by, can’t look away from, and LIKE TO PAY MONEY TO.When you’re in THAT place –You have a certain energyAn auraA ‘vibe’, really!A, well, not to overuse the word, but really – a MAGNETISM is what it is!—> YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT HOW TO GET OR KEEP ‘LEADS’, BECAUSE YOUR SIMPLY DRAW YOUR SOULMATE PEEPS IN WITH YOUR ESSENCE, YOUR PRESENCE, YOUR SOUL. They hardly even know where you came from, they just knew that suddenly you were there. And that they didn’t want to leave. This is what we mean,When we talk about ‘calling them in’. It’s a SILENT SIREN, like Aslan’s horn, and it can come from you ONLY when you are in alignment and vibrational resonance with your highest most self.You know?Yep. You know!! You’va always known.When you’re in this place – it’s obvious, isn’t it?!You have a knowing.Access to ANY piece of information or idea you could possibly need.You just … yes. You know things. You see things. The world just shifts and dances FOR You.—> YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT OR GO LOOKING FOR IDEAS OF WHAT TO CREATE, PUT OUT THERE, OR SELL.The ideas come to YOU, begging you to bring them to life, and they are ALWAYS the best ones, the most creative ones, unique, YOURS. Like this—> YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT OR PLAN FOR OR FIGURE OUT HOW TO THEN LAUNCH SAID IDEAS. OR SELL ‘EM. OR MARKET – ANYTHING! You just … know. More than that, you just DO.SUCCESS SEEPS OUT OF YOUR EVERY PORE,When you’re in this place.When you’re in THE place,Of being MAGNETIC.Of being ALL of you.The thoughts you’ve long had, about how you shouldn’t HAVE to do it like others … about how it’s so TIRESOME, really, to ever have to think … about how things SHOULD just work for you, click, and done – !These thoughts are all simply reminders of the truth and of how it’s meant to be!!I’m talking about stepping out of trying to play business and life just in the physical realm and instead simply accessing the quantum, the infinite, the other-worldly, the deep BEYOND, and the deep, deep –Beneath.You KNOWOf that which I’m talkingYou KNOWYou’re making it SO ridiculously hard right nowYou KNOWThe answer is and can only be to let go,And to let it flowMagnetic.Transfixing.Magical.Supernatural.ADDICTIVE.AUTOFUCKINGMATICALLYAnd JUSTBy virtue of BEING youTHIS is what this work is about.THIS is what we will do.In Becoming Magnetic baby.You.And me.THE WAY IT WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE.(Well, the magnetic bit, not necessarily you and me, although of course … that too!)Heard enough, and ready to join me for 11 days going DEEP into soul remembrance and accessing of FULL magic?For the home study program, click the pink button above.  Make one easy payment of $97 and save over 30% OR take the payment plan option!As with all my downloads, my art, my work, THE work which pours from my soul and into yours, the course work will be shown to us as we journey.The specific ins and outs will be precisely what they are meant to be,And impacted not only from my own knowledge, truth, access to soul, but also from the collective of the group,Your fellow journeyersAnd no doubt(since it always happens this way!)Several quite-divine-downloads of extras beyond what I could possibly try to imagine or map out now.The OUTCOME of course, will be you receiving exactly what you need.The very shifts which most strengthen your soul.The precise wisdom and knowledge and remembrance required for you to then go forth,And BE FUCKING MAGNETICAs part of this,You will COMPLETELY let go of worrying about how to get or keep leadsYou will understand and be taking MAGNETIC ACTION ON simply drawing in your soul peeps with your essence, your presence, your soul.They will hardly even know where you came from, they will just know that suddenly you were there. And that they didn’t want to leave. You will be calling them in like a SILENT SIREN, from the returned-to place of being in vibrational alignment with your highest and MOST powerful selfYou will COMPLETELY let go of worrying about or having to ever go looking for ideas of what to create, put out there, or sell. You will step into a reality in which the ideas come to YOU, begging you to bring them to life, and they are ALWAYS the best ones, the most creative ones, unique, YOURS. Like thisThis will be a continual occurrenceYou won’t have to worry about or plan for or figure out how to then launch – market – or sell said ideas. You will have access to ALWAYS knowledge, from source, from soul, from truth.I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO DO THIS.This means – you will also fine-tune ‘your way’ of doing these things. Wanna know why my way is so flow, so easy, so magnetic, so RIGHT, so ‘me’, and it always just WORKS?? ‘CAUSE IT’S MY WAY. Not thought out or planned out. SOUL’D out. lol. For real though. It also means –You will MORE than halve the amount of time you require for all of this. It’s one of my ‘tricks’ … you know I mentioned hacking the system, always just going straight to the end goal, never doing the silly follow the steps way? Yeah … it saves a lot of time!! It’s how I’m always so martinis and chillBasically … SUCCESS AND FLOW AND EASE AND DIVINE KNOWLEDGE WILL SEEP OUT OF YOUR EVERY PORE!When you join me in BECOMING MAGNETICAN 11 DAY IMMERSION WITH KATRINA RUTH, TO RETURN YOU TO THE DEEPEST POWER AND MAGIC OF YOUR SOUL, FROM WHENCE YOU SHALL TRANSFIX THE WORLD AS YOU RELEASE ALL ‘STRATEGY’ AND SELL.THE PEOPLES.AUTOMATICALLY.ON YOU. THE WAY IT WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE.Of Course There is More, Too!!This work transcends FAR beyond the obvious and the mentioned around business and money.When you join BECOMING MAGNETIC (at the most ridic. price ever, I might add!), you can also expect all of THIS next level badassery:As a result of this work,You will be in vibrational alignment with your highest and MOST powerful self, not just relevant to the building of business and the making of money but relevant to ALL things, every part of you. As part of this, you can VERY reasonably expect:Your body to shift, tighten, release, be leaner, clearer, lighter, more notable ‘in service’ of youYour energy and mental clarity to sharpen, focus, be at a level most imagine available only through drugs. Our drug is superflow baby, and super you.Digestion and metabolism to improveLibido and overall DESIRE, not just sexual, but for LIFE to improveSleep to deepen, also a lessened requirementAnd let’s not forget – the releasing of whatever needs to be shed, so yes – there may be some … fun … detoxification and purgingHow BECOMING MAGNETIC Will FlowAll content is yours to keep for life.There will be 11 days of Divine Downloads (trainings!) from my soul to yours in which you will receive EVERYTHING discussed above.There will also be bonuses –You’ll have to wait to see  … but suffice to say, these run beyond the cost of this entire program. It’s how I like to do. When I follow soul. Which I always do!Okay, a hint – it’s around my favourite topics, the quantum, superflow, and instant BEING as well as manifestation!I don’t think there’s anything else to say, do you?I think you know,It’s always meant to have been EASY,FLOW,MAGIC,And NOT LIKE HOW THE OTHERS DO,For you.And now?That’s exactly what we gonna do.When you say yes,To BECOMING MAGNETIC, but really of course, as always –To you.Remember –Life is Now. Press Play.Kat xGet Becoming Magnetic – Katrina Ruth Programs, Only Price $42Tag: Becoming Magnetic – Katrina Ruth Programs  Review. Becoming Magnetic – Katrina Ruth Programs download. Becoming Magnetic – Katrina Ruth Programs discount. Purchase Becoming Magnetic – Katrina Ruth Programs courses at here with PRICE $97 $42