Action Jackson – Matchbook Method


File Format: [3 PDFs]File Size: 4.07 MBDelivery: Digital DownloadPurchase Action Jackson – Matchbook Method courses at here with PRICE $97 $30 Action Jackson – Matchbook MethodHi friend,As you scan every word of this web page you will become stunned to learn MySpace is an infinite pool of beautiful, single girls – completely open to messaging and meeting you IF you know what to say. The problem is 95% of men DON’T! At the end of this page you WILL! Now, I know you might be thinking “MySpace? Are you serious?”YES! Read these facts carefully:• MySpace is 100% free.• 1 in 4 Americans is on MySpace.• It has more than 110 million monthly active users.• Over 300,000 new people sign up to MySpace every day.– What Does This Mean For You?It Means…Just picture for a moment…Now, I can almost hear your mind saying, “If this is all true then why isn’t everyone doing it? ”YOU SAVE TIME!The Matchbook Method focuses on using pre-written copy/paste messages. 10 minutes is all I spend replying to my new messages. I usually message my girls during commercials. Scott in Tampa gets his girls during Psych 101, haha.YOU SAVE MONEY! Whether or not you’re successful at meeting and attracting women at bars and clubs, going out can be expensive! And this economy isn’t helping! Clearly it’s nice to have another option for scoring dates with the same high quality women.YOU GET MORE GIRLS!MySpace has more girls than ALL the dating and epersonals sites COMBINED!Now I want you to go deep into your own mind and visualize the word high-value…What does it mean for you?Matchbook MethodDo I have to be good-looking to attract high-value women?Absolutely not. I’m no Brad Pitt and you needn’t be either. Being handsome is all good, but there are secret advantages to NOT being the best looking. Men who know they are good looking tend to rely on it too heavily and don’t understand that women are emotional creatures.Do I have to be a young twenty-something?Not at all. Testimonials range from a high school 18 year-old taking an attractive 24 year-old pre-law student to prom to a newly single 38 year-old meeting up with six new women his first month.Do I need a successful, attractive life to get beautiful women?Nope. I personally know a 21 year-old who never graduated high school, doesn’t have a job, lives in his parents basement and STILL pulls girls off MySpace because he presents himself as high-value.Matchbook MethodOkay, you’re probably wondering…What Makes The Matchbook Method Different?It’s based on HIGH-CALIBER RESULTS! I’ve focused the last 2 years of my life on ATTRACTING and MEETING the most beautiful high-value women on MySpace and then illustrated step-by-step how to make these results possible FOR YOU!However, don’t take my word for it,here’s what some actual users had to say:AJ, gotta hand it…your method is sick. You’re right, I do need some better pictures, but I still pulled this hottie using your push/pull message close. # closed her and have a meet up next Tuesday w/ her.Zeke22, Hey Action Jackson,Quick question. Got my first two meet ups last week and both of them felt like she and I met before or known each other. I’m guessing this is this normal right? If it is you should put in the book ‘no more 1st date awkwardness’.Jake38, Yo Action. Man my confidence has shot through the roof since using this shit, maybe because that one girl I met up with last week is way cuter than the ones I used to date. This was a nice little side effect I wasn’t expecting. Thanks for your help on the forum too.Taylor29 Dear AJ, I’m in my 40’s and only tried your method because of the money back guarantee since I was positive I was too old for this type of thing. However, I’m having great success with the mid 30’s age range. I admit I look young for my age but I the section on age calibration is definitely what helped me the most. Thank you.Charles–Go forward in time when this is your Inbox…Matchbook Method MyspaceThanks for your help AJ… the 3 numbers I got last week are already worth the price of the ignition course. My profession is in marketing and sales and my advice is you should actually give it away free and just charge for each phone number the person gets. you’d make a lot more!James33OMG AJ, it’s working already, haven’t even changed my profile, sent out about 20 messages last night & have got 4 replies back already, yeeeaaah baabbbbyyyyy!!!!!!!!Justin19, Matchbook Method MySpaceMatchbook MethodMatchbook MethodMatchbook MethodMatchbook MethodRyan’s Matchbook Method Story Are you starting to get a feel for this? And remember the best part…-It’s on the couch…And You Can Learn It!What you’re about to read are true success stories from two customers I personally know…Chris’s Matchbook Method Story” I’m close friends with AJ and when he moved back to LA we started hanging out again. The first time we went out he had 2 really cute girls meet us there. An hour later I caught AJ making out with one of them! I asked him “how long have you been dating her?” My jaw dropped when he said “no no this is the first time I’ve met her, she’s cool though huh.” I admit I wastotally jealous so I convinced myself it was a fluke and everyone gets lucky once in a while. But then the same damn thing happened the next time we hung out. Now I was curious…I swallowed my pride and asked him if he could make the same thing happen for me. And he has…I’ve been with Sarah for 6 months now.”“My friend Ryan told me he met his girl from the other night off myspace and how his friend has a killer foolproof system for doing it. Sounded great, but I was skeptical and didn’t even know this guy. Then Ryan said AJ would personally give me back my money if for any reason I wasn’t satisfied. I had nothing to lose so I tried it. All I can say is my new dating life is epic and it’s worth every penny. It’s an awesome feeling knowing I don’t have to go out to meet new women.” Ryan’s TRUE STORY:I hadn’t thought of this until Chris brought it up, but it’s a great point…. The Matchbook Method pays for itself with all the money you save not having to go out to meet the exact same girls!Here’s Just Some Of What You’ll Learn:• Learn the MbM high success pre-written message system so you never have to type out another message again! – Pg.20• Critical Attraction Techniques for leaving Comments, adding Friends, posting Bulletins, and choosing Top Friends. – Pg.12• How to get the meet up without ever having to call her! – Pg.76• How to rule your MySpace world and regain your natural high-value attractiveness! – Pg.11• How to Strategically utilize MySpace Bulletins to get yourself even MORE dates. – Pg.84• How to have attractive women leaving you instant Social-Proof Comments that will raise your Value through the roof and Attract even MORE women! – Pg.14• How to effectively apply The Matchbook Method Model to each message! – Pg.39• The Matchbook Method Read/Reply System: The most efficient way to track your messages to accelerate your success. – Pg.17• How to create the perfect opportunity to move the conversation off MySpace, instead of waiting for it. – Pg.69• How to borrow quality messages from one girl and use them on your others! – Pg.20• How to efficiently gauge her replies to get the girl in the least amount of time! – Pg.40• Advanced-Browsing Strategies: How to filter your search results to ensure you are browsing the hottest women on MySpace! – Pg.24• Post Number Exchange And Meet Up Messaging. – Pg.79• How to NEVER run out of new girls to message! – Pg.15• Eye-catching Subject Lines that ensure she reads your message. – Pg.27• How to message 50 women in 15 minutes! Choose from different universal opening messages that are proven to work on the highest-value women. – Pg.29• How to create 2nd Chances if a contingency arises – Pg.80• Secret tricks to ensure each pre-written message sounds congruent and personal. – Pg.21• How to give value to the conversation without qualifying yourself or conveying romantic interest too early. – Pg.30• The 3 types of Virgin Messages and how to reply to each one. – Pg.39• How to use Push/Pull Techniques to keep her attraction temperature hot for you!- Pg.45• How to pace yourself for the long run! If you don’t you WILL have 15 conversations going at once, and this is too much to successfully handle at the same time. – Pg.16• How to Disarm Bitch Shields and Handle Shit Tests so the rest of the conversation will be smooth sailing. – Pg.47• The revolutionary, easy to follow Matchbook Method Messaging Model! – Pg.38• How a MySpace convo is equivalent to spending 2-4 hours with her in person! – Pg.90• REAL Life Examples of message replies and how each was successfully replied to. – Pg.42• Essential techniques to ensure you don’t end up in the friend zone! – Pg.9• Effectively using Attraction Spiking/Value Stories. – Pg.50• Texting And Phone Techniques and Routines. – Pg.86• How to get her working for you and jumping through your hoops! – Pg.52• How to hook her from the very first message! – Pg.33• How to building rapport to make the meet up casual and feel super natural. – Pg.66• Formulated opening messages that will skyrocket your message reply rate. – Pg.29• How to reopen the Message Conversation so you’re NEVER down and out- Pg.81• How many messages to send out at a time and when to send them (Important!)- Pg.16• My Super High Success Number Exchange Message formula! – Pg.73• How to strategically use smiley faces, winks, “haha”, “lol” to build attraction! – Pg.18• How to make sure she doesn’t flake on you!- Pg.75• The Big Meet Up: How, When, Where, For How Long. – Pg.89• How the exclusive Matchbook Method Messaging Ladder will guide you all the way to securing the meet up! – Pg.60• How to kiss her within the first 20 minutes of meeting! – Pg.91• And MUCH MORE!!!Matchbook MethodMatchbook MethodMatchbook MethodMatchbook Method Message To Meet Handbook Message To Meet Handbook Purchase Action Jackson – Matchbook Method courses at here with PRICE $97 $30