10 Steps To Learn Anything – John Sonmez


Discovering these techniques for yourself will change your entire outlook on software development-just like it did for me.Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the flood of “must-know” new technologies, frameworks and tools that you’re bombarded with every day, you’ll adopt a Zen-like attitude toward the churn.Purchase 10 Steps To Learn Anything – John Sonmez courses at here with PRICE $99 $22To Every Programmer Who’s Ever ScannedHacker News And /r/programming And Thought.“How Will I Ever Keep Up?”Here’s How To Turn “Information Overwhelm”Into An Efficiency Edge That CanQuickly Boost Your Income,Earn You “MVP” Status With Your Team,And Make You The In-Demand DeveloperCompanies Are Dying To Recruit10 Steps To Learn Anything QuicklyDiscovering these techniques for yourself will change your entire outlook on software development-just like it did for me.Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the flood of “must-know” new technologies, frameworks and tools that you’re bombarded with every day, you’ll adopt a Zen-like attitude toward the churn.You’ll relax in the knowledge that you DON’T have to jump on every new trend (or risk getting left behind).You’ll have the confidence that you can pick up a new technology and know it back to front in a few days or a couple of weeks.Instead of feeling scattered and distracted, your learning time will have laser-like focus and structure.And you’ll finally experience the satisfaction of actually FINISHING. You’ll know when you’ve learned enough and you’re ready to move on.This 10-step system will show you:How breaking out of the “learning cattle chute” can help you master even the most challenging technologies quickly.The reason why including a mandatory “play time” in your study sessions can rocket you up the learning curve faster than you thought possible-even though you feel like you’re just goofing off.A reliable heuristic for knowing what to read-and what to ignore. That’s right: Dumping that massive stack of unread books and deleting your Instapaper queue will actually make you a faster learner. (This will free you from “Amazon reading list guilt” forever.)How to harness your natural creativity and curiosity for better, faster learning (with zero frustration and overwhelm).How to chart your own course for learning a new topic. This will free you from the soft tyranny of book authors and trainers who think they know the best way for you to learn.The 3 critical questions you must answer when you start learning anything new. (Don’t waste weeks wandering around lost and confused. These questions will point you in the right direction, every time.)How to quickly get a “toehold” on any new topic before you dive deep. This technique lets you skip right past the part where your head spins from overwhelm.How to break out of the “infinite reading loop,” where the more you read, the more your reading list grows.The way to set yourself up for learning success. When you do this, you’ll know when you’re done with a topic and ready to move on to new challenges.How you can use your new learning superpowers to quickly gain respect as a leader and an authority. Your team will look to you when it’s time to evaluate new technologies, and you’ll have top-notch employers beating down your door.How to learn more by learning less. (This is critical to eliminating overwhelm-and actually putting what you’re learning into practice.)Here’s How It Works10 Steps To Learn Anything Quickly is NOT a “talking head” lecture on abstract concepts.For this course, I wanted to show you the techniques in action. So I decided to let you “look over my shoulder” as I teach myself a brand new skill-how to create pixel art.With each step, we’ll start with a brief overview of what’s involved, including your goal for the step and the specific actions you’ll take.Then you’ll get to hear my thoughts as I perform the steps right in front of you on camera.As I unpack the first 6 steps for you will:Go from feeling overwhelmed and intimidated by new domain you’re tackling to confidence that you understand the breadth and scope of your topic.Discover that you now “know what you don’t know”.Develop your own custom, just-for-you action plan that lays out exactly what you’re going to learn and what steps you will take to install this new knowledge in your brain.Then in the last 4 steps, you’ll chew through your learning action plan in record time.This part is fun, because you’ll tap into your own curiosity and child-like desire to explore. There’s even a MANDATORY play time-and a chance to show off everything you’ve learned.And it all helps to anchor your new knowledge in your brain so you can pull it out months or years later and it’s ready there, exactly when you need it.The entire course is presented in 12 HD-quality .mp4 videos. The videos are DRM-free, so you can download and convert them for viewing on the player of your choice. (Or even speed them up to 2X if that’s your thing.)And true to the spirit of “learning quickly,” the techniques in this course won’t take you weeks of study to master.In fact, you get the entire system in just 72 tightly edited minutes.That means you can rip through the whole course over your next lunch break and then put the system to work for you immediately.I put a lot of thought and effort into creating this course, and the videos really stand alone.But I want to do everything in my power to see you master these 10 steps.Tag: 10 Steps To Learn Anything – John Sonmez Review. 10 Steps To Learn Anything – John Sonmez download. 10 Steps To Learn Anything – John Sonmez discount. Purchase 10 Steps To Learn Anything – John Sonmez courses at here with PRICE $99 $22