Total Size:Digital products: Get the download link at Account or directly via email.Support: LifetimeDownload: Unlimited Of Course Six Pack – Vince DelmontePurchase Six Pack – Vince Delmonte courses at here with PRICE $77 $40When purchasing Six Pack – Vince Delmonte course, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Six Pack – Vince Delmonte“Take Just 6 Minutes To Read This Page And I’ll Share Exactly 6 “Little Known” Reasons Why You Can’t Get Rid Of Your Stubborn Belly Bulge…”On top of that… it’s on this very page you’ll discover the secret to how…It Makes No Difference If…You want to drop those stubborn last 10 lbs. that have been plaguing you forever…You want to shed that first 100 lbs. that are destroying your health and social life…You want a firm and flat midsection because defined abs attract attention like nothing else…You want to sculpt your body because sexy abs are a sign of good health, power, and yes, even sexual ability!You think it’s your slow metabolism keeping you from that body of your dreams…You’ve been told you have bad genes and will never own one of those model’s bodies…Everything you’ve tried up till now has failed and left you frustrated and in worse shape…You lack motivation and are convinced your stubborn fat has found a permanent home…Dear 6-Pack Seeker,I think I know you. I do.You’re fairly young… or at least young at heart. You’re a guy or girl who truly cares about the way you look. Someone who knows deep down inside that how you look effects many other aspects of your life.The job you have…The relationships you have…Maybe deep inside your mind you have a vision of how your life will change when you finally look and feel your very best.You’re not the ordinary fitness seeker.You may be just a few pounds overweight… or  too many pounds to count.Either way you are not looking for just another plan that will help you a little.You’re sick and tired of pills, powders and shakes that only upset your stomach…You’re sick and tried of failing with the latest BS celebrity diet…You’re sick and tired of being told, “You don’t have the right genes…”You’re sick and tired of doing endless amounts of cardio, weights and crunches and still can’t get rid of your belly fat and extra stomach fat that is, let’s admit, pretty gross.You want to be the best of the best. You want a flat… firm… sexy stomach…And if you’re really honest, you want the trophy of all trophies…You want your 6-pack.IF YOU BELIEVE YOU MUST BE BLESSED WITH GREAT GENES… IN YOUR VIBRANT YOUTH… DO ENDLESS AMOUNTS EXERCISING… OR THINK A MAGICAL PILL, ELECTRONICAL ABDOMINAL MACHINE OR DIET WILL DO THE WORK FOR YOU… THEN YOU MIGHT AS WELL CLICK AWAY RIGHT NOW.THIS IS NOT FOR YOU.But if you’re willing to dedicate just 16 weeks to your belly fat…Then I promise you’ll lose your stubborn love handles and ugly belly bulge, simply… quickly and easily.Imagine… a new set of ripped abs… a new outlook… a new life! Without “fat burning pills”… without living in the gym… and without the confusion usually associated with new “expert” programs.It’s nothing short of a life-changing event.Never Again Will You…Endure the emotional heartache of being out of shape… the ridicule of being fat or the dangerous effects of being obese …Get screwed by marketing machines that play on your insecurities and promise results they couldn’t possibly deliver…Settle for the less than desirable “friend” of the person you truly desire. You’re going to get that girl… or that guy of your dreams!Just to start this new day… the first day of the rest of your life… let’s blast away some of the dirty little lies the diet, supplement and fitness industry has been feeding you…Dirty Little Lie #1“The Body Of Your Dreams Is Locked Inside This “Fat Burning” Pill or “Supplement.”Virtually every pro bodybuilder and pro fitness model uses fat burning supplements and pills to drop their body fat into the single digits and would be soft and flabby without supplement X.In every single fitness magazine, you will find over 100 advertisements of the pros singing praises to the latest and greatest nutritional supplement that hit the market.Next time you read one of these supplement review advertisements, thumb through the rest of the magazine because you’ll be reassured that every guy and gal with ripped abs is using some sort of “hardcore rapid amplifier pill” and if they are then you should too.Shame on you for thinking you could lose all your stomach fat without taking the newest “scientifically formulated thermogenic fat loss capsule.”The Truth!Did you know all of those magazines are owned by the very “nutritional” companies that sponsor bodybuilders and fitness models lucrative contracts in exchange for singing their praises?That’s right… Every major fitness magazine is just the marketing arm of the companies that make the supplements and the supplement companies need massive dudes and celebrities to endorse their products.Let me tell you that if you were to ever win, even your local, bodybuilding competition, don’t be surprised if your mail box gets flooded with offers to endorse a new supplement line you have never even used yourself.You’ll be offered money and free supplements in exchange for your false testimonial that supplement X played a massive factor for your physique. Really it was years of hard work, consistency, commitment, dieting and sacrifice. Unfortunately that does not make for a sexy advertisement.Dirty Little Lie #2“Lots Of Cardio Is The Secret For Your Success.”On top of your weight training program you will need another 7 hours a week for cardio workouts. Lots of “long slow cardio” is the best way to lose fat. Sure it is because think of all the people you know who do tons of cardio and have ripped abs too. Still thinking of someone? Keep thinking because so am I…The Truth!If you don’t believe me when I say, “Long slow cardio is NOT the most effective way to lose fat,” than take a look at the ladies in your aerobic classes and your gym members pumping away mindlessly on the ellipticals, treadmills and bikes. Do you notice their body looks the same as last month and even last year?Next time you watch the Boston or New York City marathon, take a look at all the overweight runners? If long steady cardio was so effective at losing fat then why in the world are there so many overweight joggers?Not only that but cardio strips muscle from your body! You lose muscle and your metabolism slows. Your metabolism slows and you store fat. What a lovely cycle.Don’t get me wrong, Peter followed a very unique cardio system but it did not strip off his hard earned muscle and had nothing to do with how the magazines teach you.Dirty Little Lie #3“Not Everyone Can Have A 6-Pack… It’s All In Our Body Makeup”Whether or not your body will ever be “cut” is all in your DNA. Some people just don’t have the “right genes.” That’s why they’ll never lose their belly fat and get a six 6-pack.The Truth!That is the first lie that comes out of the mouth of every trainer who fails to get you the body you want. Unlike most of the shredded posers you see on other websites, Peter has the worst genes imaginable for dropping fat. If Peter ate a regular diet and worked out in the usual ways that most personal trainers preach, Peter would be just slightly less than the 276 pounds he was when we first hooked up.The dead-honest truth is by following my system, anyone from high school student to retiree can have that body of their dreams. I don’t care if everyone else in the world says you can’t. I not only say you can! I guarantee it!Dirty Little Lie #4“Follow this new diet to get a flat stomach”I know that you’ve already tried the Cabbage Soup Diet, The Lazy Zone Diet, South Beach Diet, The Chocolate Diet, Atkins Diet and The Hollywood Diet and you’re not going to have to resort to the Amputation Diet because I just watched a commercial for a new diet that guarantees 10 lbs in the first 3 days or your money back!The Truth!You did not fail your last diet – your diet failed you! Diets are temporary and not lifestyle and result in massive food craving, make you feel trapped, result in stress, destroy your social life and are boring. Sound familiar?If you haven’t figured out yet diets make you feel like you are dying! If you took 100 of the diet books on the market you would discover that 90% of the content is the same and the author (who is usually 40 lbs over weight himself… sorry Dr. Phil) and slap a different “angle” on the last 10% to make it unique and to give it a marketing angle.Here’s something that’s always boggled my mind. Why would you buy a diet book from someone who is 40 lbs over weight themselves? That’s like buying a money making book from someone who’s broke! Anybody who writes a book on getting washboard abs better have their shirt off! Stop following 2 week diets that only result in you losing 14 days!Dirty Little Lie #5“Follow this killer abdominal workout or abdominal device for eye popping abs.”The Truth!Don’t get me wrong – there is a right way to build thick and muscular abs and a wrong way but don’t ever think you can get rid of 30-40 lbs of belly fat solely through a ab device or specific “abdominal workout.” Intense weight training and cardio training plus a clean diet is the secret to melting off the fat.Too be honest, if we could blowtorch off all of your stomach fat right now, you would probably not recognize yourself in the mirror and move to Mexico so you can go shirtless all day!See… abs are the holy grail of fitness.You can’t work a little… diet a little… and expect to get a 6-pack. Getting rock-hard, rippled, and washboard abs takes commitment. And in the past I’ve seen that most people don’t have that kind of commitment.Dirty Little Lie #6“Exercise is responsible for more than 10% of your results”The Truth!Your “diet” or what I would prefer to call “meal plan” is 90% responsible for how you look. Ask any fitness model or physique athlete and they will tell you, and I will agree 100%, that you create your abs in the kitchen – not in the gym or on a treadmill.Think of it this way, you have 168 hours in the week and you are only training 3-7 hours a week so lets just assume you’re on the ambitious side – 7 hours of training will account for only 4% of your entire week… and I bet your not exercising 7 hours a week?I, personally, have done every fat loss and muscle program in the world and the only time I see my body change is when I cut out certain foods. In fact, there are 4 specific foods I cut out, which are the same ones, Peter cut out, which were 90% responsible for getting rid of his love handles and belly fat.But Why Would You – Or Should You – Listen To Me?Hi. My name is Vince DelMonte. The man who was once destined to be remembered as “Skinny Vinny.”But that seems like a lifetime ago…Now I’m a personal trainer who became famous for building myself from that thin, scrawny, sickly-looking runner, into a world class, champion fitness model and author.And I did it in record time. The safe and natural way.Now you may think there’s no connection between me starting out ultra-skinny and you starting from where you are.But you’d be wrong, because…The same motivation and desire you have to finally possess a flat, firm and sexy 6-pack, is exactly what I needed to get my body.And the one thing you have… that Peter had (the guy in the before and after picture at the top)… that I DIDN’T HAVE…Someone to guide you every step of the way.Someone who has already helped, literally, over 20,000 people in 120 different countries to transform their bodies. The same someone who helped Peter get from 276 pounds, with more than 30% body fat, down to 176 pounds of lean, taut muscle with only 6% body fat.Of course I’m talking about me.Before we get into that part of the story… let’s find out a little more about you.Are you tired?Tired of buying all the bold promises, only to find that you’ve been lied to, ripped off and played for a fool?I don’t blame you.You got to this page because you’re searching. Searching for the roadmap to your ultimate 6-pack.This page probably wasn’t your first stop. That means you’ve been fed a big heaping bowl of garbage, probably more than once…And more than once you at least came close to falling for the lies. You may have even bought another program, or book from one of the “empty promise mongers.”Those bogus online “trainers” who hide behind stock photography and a well crafted sales page that promises you’ll lose a hundred pounds in 8 minutes.The only way that bull is possible is if you’re British and the hundred pounds are the money you lose just by buying their book!The good news is you’re finally here. The one website that will tell it to you straight…You’re not happy with the way you are because deep down inside you know you can do better. You may be 10 pounds overweight, or maybe it’s 110. Either way… you want a body that doesn’t go unnoticed – life is too short to be “just average.”You know that having that body is more than just about showing off your abs at the beach…It’s more than just having the best body in your gym…It’s more than just looking great in stylish clothes for the first time ever…It’s about what having a chiseled 6-pack says about you. It tells the world you can do anything you set your mind to.It says you’re in charge and won’t settle for second best…And the thing I’ve found in my own life is when you honestly believe you don’t have to settle, then life brings you the absolute best it has to offer.Not just the best health, the best job and the best future.And let’s face it…Sexy people date sexy people…And in 2008 there is nothing considered sexier and healthier than a rock-hard, flat, defined midsection.I don’t care if you’re male or female… young or old… extremely out of shape, or just a little… The only thing that matters is you’re here and you’re going to change everything you now hate about your body…Everything that’s been keeping you from true happiness.I trust this is starting to sound familiar and by the time you get to the bottom of this page… after you read every word… You will have taken the first step on your journey to chiseled… cut… washboard abdominals…Because right here on this website I’ll introduce you to the one and only program you will ever need to get rid of your belly fat and get a firm, flat and sexy stomach. And in the process you get in the best shape of your life… and stay there.I know it’s hard to believe that, YOU, have the ability to track down and capture the elusive six-pack and transform your abs from fat to flabby – to hot, sexy and defined. The system you’re about to possess will give you the ultimate metabolism advantage and ignite your fat burning hormones to start stripping fat, even while you sleep.Your entire body will change and that will transform your life!You’ll no longer go unnoticed or remain “average” (life is too short for that).Young or old… Male or female… It makes no difference!Yes… I have the secret to helping you melt fat like butter in a microwave…That not only comes from my desire and determination to go from “Skinny Vinny” to a world famous author and champion.You see… losing fat is a bit more personal for me…Earlier I mentioned how I went from skinny to muscular. And that’s 100% true. But there’s something else I didn’t tell you… Something I don’t often tell people. But…“I’ll Reveal My Secret To You…”When I changed my body in 2002, I went from social outcast to being more desirable to women. For the first time I actually got some dates and wasn’t that guy in the room who nobody noticed! And the female attention was cool. But… I hid my deep, dark secret…I went through a phase… when I was a fitness fraud!You see… I did my workouts a few times a week, and tried to eat okay… Then on the weekend I’d ruin it by eating junk, partying and never once hitting the gym. That’s when the unimaginable happened…“I Started Getting Fat…”I’m dead serious!I started to develop the most bizarre kind of body a man can possess…I was becoming a“Skinny Fat Guy.”You know what I’m talking about. The guy who is naturally thin but has high body fat percentage because he eats like crap on the weekend.A guy who still looks half decent with clothes on…But underneath is a stockpile of pizza… wings… nachos… and beer. Hidden deep inside my bulky sweaters and black, untucked shirts, I was actually growing a spare tire!I swear on my life, I hated it SO much. Especially when I had to take my shirt off – any muscle I had my body was discredited because I had this ugly and annoying belly bulge. I actually became envious of the skinny guys with no muscle and thought, “At least they have their abs.”In order to change… in order to associate my name with a six pack book, I needed to develop a fat loss system like there’s never been before!It wasn’t coming solely from a skinny guy who built muscle…The weight training system, nutrition strategies, cardio workouts, and supplement plan to cut the body fat and sculpt the perfect abs… were the same tools I personally used to say goodbye to my ugly belly fat, and compete, again, at the World Fitness Model Championships on June 13th, 2008 in Toronto, Ontario.Here’s what Peter wrote to me after he got his 6-pack!Recently I spoke to Peter, just to check up and see how his great new life was going. During that conversation he said something that touched me…“Thank you, Vince… I couldn’t have done it without you.”“Vince has captured in ‘Your Six Pack Quest’ how to achieve lean and sculptured abs that epitomizes today’s ideal physique and desired look by everyone.It is an easy read, that educates and informs on many levels, dismissing the many myths that are associated with trying to achieve the iconic six-pack!‘Your Six Pack Quest’ will guide you around all the pitfalls and obstacles many often face, and lead you clear ahead in your quest to sculpting lean, hard abs.If in any doubt, just look to Vince to see how he’s developed the book from his own quest, and how he has been able to rise from skinny to sculptured, and can lead the way for you too.”Rob Riches‘America’s Best Body’ and ‘World Natural Physique Champion’Awarded April 2008 at America’s Fittest Model contest in San DiegoAwarded at Musclemania World Finals, 2006, for Junior Lightweight BodybuildingAnd you can do it too. I’m 100% sure of it!But… you need the one program that comes from a guy who has been sickly-skinny… then skinny-fat…The program that helped Peter Carvell get six pack abs… the only program of its kind designed and developed using…“The Real-World Science Of Muscle”Yes…of course my program comes backed by an unbeatable money back guarantee. But you get an even bigger backing.You see… unlike all those self-proclaimed fitness gurus you run into online, my program also comes backed by science and REAL WORLD experience.In 2002, I received my Kinesiology degree from the University of Western Ontario. Not some bogus online diploma mill or personal training certification that certifies you over the course of 3-days for $200-300…The science of kinesiology is a big fancy $3 word that basically means the science of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and lots of other boring academic subjects.…but a real University world-renowned for their cutting edge teachings on the special science of accelerating your metabolism and balancing your fat burning hormones.And I put everything I learned in school… plus years of REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE with my own personal struggles… and through the 1000’s of clients I ‘ve personally trained—into what has to be the Internet’s best six pack abs and fat loss program…And that will transform your life!Young or old…Male or female…It makes no difference!Are you interested in? six pack care; six pack exercise; six pack workout; six pack abs photo editor; six pack abs workoutPurchasing Six Pack – Vince Delmonte course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Purchase Six Pack – Vince Delmonte courses at here with PRICE $77 $40