Sexual Power – David Shade


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: David ShadeLifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase Sexual Power – David Shade courses at here with PRICE $69 $28What Would It Be Worth To Get Back The Stamina Of An 18 Year Old?Let me ask you a question…Have you ever been about to close the deal with a really hot woman but when it came down to it, you just couldn’t get it up?I mean, she’s ready to go, she’s got those misty “fuck me” eyes, and you can feel how wet she is when you tear her lace panties off.Then suddenly……Nothing.I mean, absolutely nothing.Johnny will not stand at attention, if you know what I mean.The look of disappointment in her eyes is soul crushing.She’ll just have to get it from someone other than you.If you can relate, you are not alone.It’s happening to more and more men every single day.What you may not know is that this is likely caused by something you are doing all the time without even thinking about it.But I’ll bet you know the symptoms:Limp, half-mast erections…Barely able to last a minute before you blow your load……Or the humiliation of just not getting it up at all.Now, if you’re anything like most guys, you probably figure you’re just getting older or are under too much stress…And I don’t blame you.That’s precisely what the makers of the “little blue footballs” want you to think.…Because it sells more pills.Never mind the horrifying side effects like strokes, seizures, and death.But I’m here to tell you:You DON’T have to put up with this shit for one more minute!I’ve discovered that male sexual performance has little to nothing to do with factors such as diet, exercise, age, testosterone levels, blood flow, or anything else you may have been told.Instead, whether a man is going to be able to pleasure his woman all night long comes down to a discovery that I’ve made called the “Dominance Switch”.In a minute I’m going to show you how the “Dominance Switch” can get you a rock-hard cock, so you can fuck for hours, and be the Masterful-Lover your woman desperately craves…But before we get to that, let me tell you something…Get Sexual Power – David Shade, Only Price 28$No One Knows About This Problem Better Than I doFirst, an introduction is in order:My name is David Shade, and I’m known as America’s Renegade Sex Expert.That’s today, but back in 1992 I was a wishy washy “Nice Guy.”I had a beautiful wife who modeled lingerie and we had sex every night. I was on top of the world……But it didn’t take long for that all to come crashing down on me.I found out she had been cheating with a Bad Boy, and next thing I know, she had divorced me and taken half of everything I owned. I was crushed. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me. Once I recovered from the shock I set out to find out what happened so that it would never happen again.The divorce was the kick-in-the-pants I needed to find out what went wrong. As luck would have it, I spotted the very same Bad boy in a bar one night. I went up and asked him to tell me what he did to cause her to leave me after 8 years of marriage.He told me everything.It made me sick to my stomach to hear all the details, but I got a glimpse into what raw sexual power is all about, and how women go crazy once they get a taste of this forbidden fruit.I believed being a good provider and loving husband was all my wife needed. Thanks to Mr. Bad Boy, that false belief exploded like a water balloon dropped from Empire State Building.I thought that being a “Nice Guy” was a good thing. I was raised by two very loving parents to be nice. The problem is I was being nice all the time. Nice at dinner is a good thing. Nice when you are the bedroom is a bad thing because it’s boring.I became a Bad Boy. That’s right, me a divorced father with 2 young kids and full-time engineering geek, became a Bad Boy.I was a total jerk to women and they wanted sex. And the sex was freaking HOT! But there was just one problem…Being a mean, conceited jerk around women sucked. It made me sick to my stomach, because at my core I’m a Nice Guy. I adore women and have always treated them with the utmost respect.However, I now had a huge dilemma… I was having the best sex of my life! The women were getting kinky in ways I never imagined even in my wildest fantasies. No way did I want to give that up! But I couldn’t continue to be a rude jerk to women either.I didn’t know what to do, until one day I stumbled on the answer by accident.I flipped the “Dominance Switch”.And now over the last 25 years, I’ve shown thousands of men how to give their woman such intense sexual pleasure she becomes utterly devoted to him…She can’t even think about other men…And she’ll do anything – and I mean ANYTHING – he asks her to.I teach men how to be dominant and sexy far beyond the romance novel fantasy most women have.They learn to reclaim their masculinity and be the dominant lover that ALL WOMEN secretly crave.To put it in the words of a satisfied client, I teach men how to be men again.…All without having to be a Bad Boy jerk.But it’s about a lot more than a sexual technique or saying the right word……all the sexual techniques in the world won’t save a relationship where the man is unable to get hard, stay hard, or last longer than a few minutes.A woman has a primal need to be taken, ravished, and fucked by her virile, powerful man……and if he can’t do it, she’ll find someone who will.And that, my friends, is the number one complaint that has crept up among men of all ages over the last few years.I’ve even heard from 20-year-olds who can’t keep an erection.And would you believe it has nothing to do with your testosterone levels, or poor circulation or any other physical malady.So look, if you’re having “performance issues” in the bedroom, don’t despair. I’ve got you covered.The “Dominance Switch” corrects all that.But first, I really want you to get the seriousness of the situation because…It Truly Is A Worldwide EpidemicDid you know there are over half a million Google searches every month seeking solutions for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction?…And studies are now showing a whopping one-third of men have sexual performance issues -which is the highest percentage in recorded history.Yes, it’s a raw deal for men today……They don’t even feel safe just acting like men and pursuing women. There’s so much confusion in dating. Who leads anymore? What is safe to say or do without offending women?Will she get pissed if I hold the door open?But that’s not even the biggest culprit…Would you believe that the most lethal threat to your dick isn’t soy, isn’t women making you feel emasculated, isn’t fake news, and isn’t climate change…It’s a simple innocent thing that most men do every day (which I’ll reveal below).…And researchers at Cambridge University have discovered that repeating this innocent activity over and over triggers the dopamine response in our brains.Dopamine is the hormone created when we are sexually aroused, eat chocolate, get a “like” on our Facebook page, or shoot heroin.It’s that instant rush, the pleasure/reward response. It’s the best feeling we’re capable of having……And it’s highly addictive.It gives you a form of ADD that kills your sexual response.It makes you “sexually ADD.”…That’s why we’re seeing such a dramatic rise in the numbers of men having trouble “getting it up” or lasting any length of time.The good news is that any “damage” you’ve created to your sexual performance this way IS reversible……IF you know how.And that’s what I’m offering with the “Dominance Switch”.I wasn’t in time to save my friend.I have a friend who, in his mid-thirties, had an intense onset of “performance issues.”He had been one of my best clients. He studied all of my material and knew how to be truly dominant with women.He was escalating and flirting with a tall, sensual twenty year old red-head. She couldn’t take it anymore, and she had to have him.They went back to his place, and the clothes were coming off.He put his hand over her panties rubbed her pussy and could feel her juices soaking through. She was so excited.Their clothes came off. She was begging to be fucked.Just one problem:He was limp as a wet rag.For her part, the girl was understanding, but my friend was fuming. And humiliated.He swore he would never suffer this indignity again.Not being much for self-reflection or digging, he wanted his problem resolved immediately.The solution he found was extreme:A medication he injected right into his member.No kidding.It had a spring-loaded needle. The same kind that diabetics use to shoot insulin directly into their stomachs.And you have to inject in just the right spot, or you could puncture a blood vessel…Let’s just say that while his girlfriend waited for him in bed, all done up in a lace teddy, he was locked in the bathroom in horror and his dick blew up like a purple balloon.Not only was the night ruined, but he wondered in horror if he would ever have sex again.Whatever you do…Do not shoot your dick with a spring-loaded needle.…Give me a chance to help you FIRST.My friend’s heartbreaking story was the last straw.I decided I was going to put together a program to help men rid themselves of this scourge once and for all…I wanted to give them the “Dominance Switch.”I put it into an easy to absorb and apply format so my clients could read it and make changes in their lives immediately.And as these students will tell you, I’ve done a pretty damn good job.As Eric from New York said…As a 38-year-old man, I figured my decreasing sex drive was just part of “getting old.”But then I found your stuff.Your material awakened my masculine side.Now I’m rock-hard and ready to go at a moment’s notice.She can’t get enough of me, and we’ve never been closer.Al from Ohio said…I used to lose my erection as soon as sex was about to happen.I blamed it on many different things – porn, being circumcised, not being big enough, etc.But after finding your courses all that went away.Now instead of having performance anxiety, I have complete confidence I can perform…And the women I’m with can sense that in me (and they like it.)And Ken from Detroit said…After being a loner in my early twenties, I finally had blossomed and was dating girls I liked and having sex with them.Unfortunately, I’d only last 2 or 3 minutes…And after that first night of sex, they never returned my calls. That’s when I bought your material and made sure I applied it.The next girl I was with – one I REALLY liked – was a different story.Now I knew I wasn’t going to be a “two pump chump,” I could just relax and enjoy the experience of bonding with her and being with her.Plus, I found out she was a screamer, and I made her come so hard she passed out!Interested in finding out what is making such a difference for these men?….It’s time to learn about “Sexual Power.”The Solution You’ve Been Waiting For“Sexual Power” is a downloadable, self-paced program that helps men get hard at a moment’s notice, fuck for as long as they want, and show their woman their true masculine power.Inside, I’ve packed in powerful information that helps men take control in the bedroom and give their woman breath-taking, ecstasy-filled orgasms.I’ll show how to eliminate the key sabotaging behaviors in your life that are short circuiting your sexual response and creating ED and PE.In it, I share how you can stay hard for hours, cum on command, and give your woman mind-blowing, earth-shattering sex.When you can do that, you will have power.After all, women are very sexual creatures. The more sexually satisfied she is, the more deeply she’ll fall in love with you.That’s why you see so many women ignore the huge red flags and fall in love with a “bad boy,” even though he’s a complete asshole …And at the same time, they will be utterly bored with the guys that give them EVERYTHING.…It doesn’t seem fair to Mr. Nice Guy, but who said life was fair?A woman craves good sex, and if you don’t give it to her, she’ll find someone who can.What “Sexual Power” Can Do:Here’s just a sample of what you’ll discover inside “Sexual Power”…The sex secret you can learn from a modern spiritual master. It’s not tantric breathing, the Kama Sutra, or any other “new age” sex technique… but it will instantly neutralize the cause of ED and make you the best lover she’s ever had…The health industry’s “secret shame” that’s keeping you and your woman from experiencing explosive, earth-shattering orgasms… and how you can use the hidden secret in there to last longer than any man she’s had before…How men mentally sabotage themselves when trying to defeat premature ejaculation and the 30-second fix that will make you last longer than ever before…WARNING: Are you unknowingly crippling your woman’s ability to enjoy the mind-blowing sexual pleasure she deserves? Find out inside…EXPOSED: Shocking evidence porn producers and the medical industry may have a secret “backdoor deal” they’re using to milk your wallet dry and destroy your brain in the process. Avoiding this scam is a must if you want passionate, hot sex…How “rebooting” can bring your dick “back from the dead.” If you’ve ever had problems getting it up in front of a hot woman, this is the technique that will save your life…Life hacks that allow you to use your sexual energy to decrease anxiety, eliminate brain fog, and live a happier, healthier life. It may SOUND woo-woo, but it’s all backed up by rock-solid medical science…The simple act a married man used to make his wife want him even more than when they first started dating… and how you can use it to make YOUR woman want you so badly she soaks her panties…The major misconception men have about women… and how breaking through it will get you more sex than you’ve ever had in your life!How to tap into your masculine energy and become the man your woman has always wanted (even if she didn’t know it!) She’ll be your sex slave after you use this simple secret…The three cardinal sins of a man’s sexuality, and how overcoming them will help you fuck your woman for hours on end, even if you’ve always been a quick shot before…The little-known cause of most premature ejaculation. It’s not ANYTHING you’ve ever heard before, and once you get rid of it, you’ll be able to give her orgasm after orgasm for hours on end…How a limp dick could actually be saving your life. If you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction, you MUST read the secret contained on page 52 to make sure you’re not making a terrible, life-destroying mistake…He Said, “David, the solutions in ‘Sexual Power’ are worth ANY price!”If you want to know how to develop the sexual potency and stamina to give your woman the best sex of her life, you already know you want this program.And in just a minute, I’ll tell you how you can get it…Tons of guys are going through messy divorces or break ups which aren’t just financially draining…They’re also emotionally brutal.Hell, some guys never recover.There is nothing worse than knowing the woman you love is boning some other guy.Trust me, I know.The girl’s gotta have it.And don’t kid yourself…If you’re not able to get rock-hard when your woman needs sex and fuck her until she comes again, and again, and again, you WILL lose her.Thankfully, “Sexual Power” will help make sure that never happens to you.It’s time to flip your own “Dominance Switch” now.I hope you understand it took years to put the material in this product together and I believe in all interactions there needs to be a proper exchange of value.I made the price affordable enough for you to buy it without question, but substantial enough that you will want to dig in and get your value out of it.So if you want to get “Sexual Power,” you won’t pay $500, $200, or even $100… even though my clients have told me it’s worth many times that.Now, if you’re hesitating, it might be because you’re not 100% sure I can help your situation.I understand that. The truth is, I can’t make any guarantees.Look, no matter how good my material is, there will always be people who don’t read it, or refuse to actually put the stuff I teach into practice.If you’re one of those guys, there’s NOTHING I can do to help you.And if I can’t help you, I don’t want your money.So let me make you a deal:I’m going to give you a 60-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.Grab your copy of “Sexual Power” today, and I’ll give you a full 60 days to look through it, try out the strategies, and see how they work for you.If at any time you’re not blown away by how much closer you are to your woman…If your sex life isn’t hotter than it ever has been before…And if you’re not giving her mind-blowing orgasms at will…Then, please, immediately contact my customer service desk.I’ll instantly refund every penny of your purchase, no-questions-asked.Will there be some people who take advantage of me?Yep.Always are.But that’s the name of the game and a guarantee is a guarantee.So it’s a no-lose situation for you.Either you get a complete turnaround in your sex life…Or you don’t owe me a cent.So… ready to get started?Just click the button below, and I’ll process your order.But if you’re still not ready to make the leap, I must ask you…What are you waiting for?For your performance issues to magically go away?That isn’t going to happen.I don’t care how many “secret natural cures” you try…What pills you take…Or what kind of diet or exercise you take on…Chances are you’ll still end up with “failure to launch.”And sooner or later, no matter how much she loves you…She’s going to have to look elsewhere to get her sexual needs met.I’ve seen it happen time and time again…Guys who say, “She doesn’t care about that stuff,” or, “It won’t happen to me…”Are always the ones who end up shocked when she starts having an affair with some hairy Greek guy or leaving them six months down the track.But even if she IS going to stay forever… will you be happy?Will you be satisfied with having to make excuses for having a limp dick when a gorgeous woman is naked in front of you?Are you going to pretend you don’t see the frustration on her face when you come two minutes after penetration?And are okay with her thinking of sex as nothing more than a weekly chore, laying there like a damned starfish, telling you to hurry up and finish?I sure wouldn’t be.But if you pass up this opportunity now, that’s exactly what you’re going to have happen to you.I really hope you avoid that mistake by ordering “Sexual Power” right now.Just click the button below – I’ll see you on the other side.Get Sexual Power – David Shade, Only Price 28$Tag: Sexual Power – David Shade Review. Sexual Power – David Shade download. Sexual Power – David Shade discount.Purchase Sexual Power – David Shade courses at here with PRICE $69 $28