Wholetones – Michael Tyrrell


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Michael Tyrrell Lifetime support – Unlimited downloads. The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available. Purchase Wholetones – Michael Tyrrell courses at here with PRICE $49 $34Renowned musician, author, and speaker Michael S. Tyrrell reveals stunning discovery in therapeutic music with…7 Amazing New “Musical Tones” Found To Relieve Stress… Promote Healing… Break Negative Cycles… and Restore Sound Sleep… in MinutesWorks great for people AND pets!Hello my friend,Let me ask you…Did the shark in Jaws snap you to the edge of your seat with its now infamous THEME … dun-dun…dun-dun?Was Darth Vader more intimidating with the ominous Imperial March playing behind him?Do you think of Jack and Rose pretending to fly on the bow of the Titanic when you hear the opening to My Heart Will Go On?Of course the answer is yes…The soundtrack to a movie is what creates your mood … moves you to feel anxiety, serenity, and even the pain of the characters…In fact, throughout our entire history, music has had the power to transform us spiritually and physically.Because as Longfellow pointed out…Music is the universal language of mankind.Now we’re discovering what the ancients have known for millennia – music also has the power to heal.Native Americans have used music and chanting as way to treat and protect against disease.In an article published by The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in 2009, Dr. Assad Meymandi writes:”Since ancient times, music has been recognized for its therapeutic value. Greek physicians used flutes, lyres, and zithers to heal their patients. They used vibration to aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Aristotle (373–323 BCE), in his famous book De Anima, wrote that flute music could arouse strong emotions and purify the soul. Ancient Egyptians describe musical incantations for healing the sick.”And so it goes in Biblical times with Zephaniah 3:17 – “He will rejoice over you with joyful songs!”Today we’re discovering how we too can use music to heal, repair, and protect against disease.And more and more, music is being used in hospitals to soothe postoperative pain, lower blood pressure, and boost immunity.And that’s the reason I’m writing you today — to tell you…How I discovered healing musical tones hidden deep in ancient frequencies …And how these frequencies have recently led to testimonials of spontaneous healing.Now I know what you may be thinking …But no.This is not some New Age, sit-in-a-circle-chanting “ohm” thing.Not even close.Because my story begins with simple frequencies … the same tones that make up the most powerful soundtracks and, in fact, all the music we hear … except these frequencies are different … and chances are you‘ve never heard them before.My name is Michael Tyrrell and I’m a musician, author, and speaker with a clear purpose…To share the 7 healing frequencies that I’ve found to bring transformation to people’s lives.Let me give you a very quick background so you can follow along and see what I mean…A frequency is just an everyday happeningEvery time you speak your voice box vibrates and creates a frequency. When you form words your tongue vibrates and that’s a frequency too.And I was given a very special gift that I’m going to share with you today … ancient frequencies I believe were played by King David himself – to heal and soothe King Saul in his time of depression.Plus a whole lot more …These ancient healing frequencies are so powerful, the Lord told me to create a product for you … so He could give these frequencies back to us – and everyone could experience their amazing power.And although He created these beautiful sounds, they were kept hidden – locked away for over 3,000 years.However, it’s so important that you join me with an open mind…Why would you need an open mind?Because I admit – this is some rather unusual information. Specifically a story about my mother that’s altogether unbelievable.But it’s all true.You’re going to completely understand the power I’m talking about … though they’re only frequencies – just like the ones your voice box and tongue make every day – these frequencies have the divine power to heal you.And…We identify frequencies using a unit of measurement called the HertzHertz measures sound as 1 vibrational cycle per second.In ancient times, at least 7 of these frequencies were used to heal and protect …And to make this simple, I’m going to give you 7 healing frequencies … recorded in 7 songs for the most miraculous listening experience you’ve ever enjoyed …… I call it Wholetones®: The Healing Frequency Music Project and I believe it’s the reason God has brought us together today. So I can tell you everything you need to know about this divine offering.I hope you enjoy the following story. It comes straight from my heart. Remember… sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction!Get Wholetones – Michael Tyrrell , Only Price $29The 7 Secret Frequencies Uncovered in the Music of King David…and the People Convinced of its Incredible Healing Effects…What if I told you that you may have the power to heal yourself and your loved ones with the gift of music……would you be okay with that power?Great! Because here’s a synopsis of today’s safest, most powerful, and creative modality of health that you’ve ever seen.Best of all…Some listeners have reported almost automatic healing … one in as little as 22 minutes!So you don’t even have to take my word for it. This is what others are saying. Obviously I’ve not been able to personally substantiate their claims – I only want you to give it a try.And I guarantee this product 100% – more on that guarantee in just a moment…First I have a rather unusual story to quickly share. So you understand the power of this project and how it came to life.This divine gift I’m sharing with you today was given to me while I was in Jerusalem…… by a mysterious but wonderful Christian piano player named David (of course!) who was performing Christian songs of worship – in a Jewish Orthodox coffee house!He noticed that I was aware of what he was doing … and smiled at me – he knew I was a believer.On a break, he ran to his car, came back, and sat down next to me.What happened next changed my life forever …See, David’s life’s work was studying the ancient psalms of King David – in ancient Hebraic forms of music …… and he handed me manuscript copies of many of these psalms.He then said – “These are for you … Yeshua said you would know what to do with them.”Well, let me tell you – both of us wept!Some time later, I looked at one of the manuscripts and noticed something mysterious … David had adapted them to a modern key. Sonically – this simply didn’t work.So I reflected on our conversation that night in Jerusalem … “Yeshua said you would know what to do with them.”Suddenly…the light came on… I DID know what to do!I noticed the original manuscript was in a different key … supposedly, King David tuned his instruments higher than what we know as the modern musical tuning system.I decided to experiment. I found reference to King David in my Bible on page 222.Now I don’t know if this was divine intervention or not, but something told me to double that page number and re-tune my guitar…That’s when I realized…I think I just discovered the key of DavidSo I quickly grabbed my guitar and tuned it up to 444 hertz.Remember: hertz measures sound as 1 vibrational cycle per second – these are frequencies…All this means is that each sound vibrates 444 times per second.Once I re-tuned, I discovered that most of these ancient healing frequencies were now right under my fingers.And I’m convinced that God had given these frequencies to King David, and I know for a fact that my piano playing friend David gave them to me.Do you see how this all unfolded?Next, I had to figure out if anyone else had made this same incredible discovery.They had.I went to Google, and it didn’t take long before I made another shocking discovery…These frequencies are available on YouTube FREE of charge … but…They’re not going viral any time soon!It’s a joke, really.They simply run a loop of a single sound in the corresponding frequency.Truthfully I was bored out of my chair when I heard it! Even gave me a little headache.And I thought that a more enjoyable, powerful listening experience would come from hearing these healing frequencies in warm, enveloping songs.This is what led me to conceive Wholetones®: The Healing Frequency Music Project.This healing music was truly orchestrated by the Lord – through us…What you’re hearing right now are samples of the very same songs you’ll get with your Wholetones® Healing Frequency Music Project package…And let me just quickly tell you why I know you’re going to fall deeply in love with this music.Because:I believe these frequencies were passed down to King David by God Himself.His original manuscripts were transcribed by my dear friend – an amazing piano player and believer – David from Jerusalem.He gave me these manuscripts and when I took a closer look, I understood they were transcribed to A=440 Hz which was inconsistent with what I knew of King David’s tuning.I sought to “right the wrong” and re-tuned my guitar to match King David’s original frequency.By divine intervention all this led to the creation of what you’ll soon have before you – The Wholetones® Healing Frequency Music Project.And truthfully we had no idea what we were going to play when we went into the studio…This further affirms to us that God was conducting this project from its humble start to the glorious finish.We used the best gear we could find. We recorded the music with analog technology where possible with minimal digital sampling.What you’re going to hear on every song is as clean as we could make it so you can feel the raw power of the frequencies come through each track.We used the finest instruments … crafted from the finest materials.When we started playing, we all simultaneously felt the hand of God guide us through each song … in the end, it’s the healing frequencies that matter – the music is merely the vehicle.Unlike the boring, headache-inducing straight tones you’ll find on the internet, these are real songs. Recorded by real, world-class musicians. In the finest recording facility available.Get Wholetones – Michael Tyrrell , Only Price $29Tag: Wholetones – Michael Tyrrell  Review. Wholetones – Michael Tyrrell  download. Wholetones – Michael Tyrrell  discount. Purchase Wholetones – Michael Tyrrell courses at here with PRICE $49 $34