[Audio] Michael Tigar – Empowering the Jury, Part 12: Expert Witnesses – Choice & Preparation


This course is available now – Download it nowSame author: Michael Tigar[Audio] Michael Tigar – Empowering the Jury, Part 12: Expert Witnesses – Choice & Preparation full course with 13 USDAll will be sent via email after you sign up.Purchase [Audio] Michael Tigar – Empowering the Jury, Part 12: Expert Witnesses – Choice & Preparation courses at here with PRICE $59 $13[Audio] Michael Tigar – Empowering the Jury, Part 12: Expert Witnesses – Choice & PreparationIn 1999, the California Criminal Justice Lawyers chose Attorney of the Century. Michael Tigar finished third in the voting behind Clarence Darrow and Thurgood Marshall.Tigar is a Professor Emeritus of Legal Practice at Duke University School of Law and Professor Emeritus at American University Washington School of Law. He has also held full-time academic positions at UCLA and the University of Texas. He graduated from Boalt Hall, University of California,Berkeley in 1966, where he was top of his class, Editor-in-Chief of the Legal Journal and Order of the Coif.Tigar has litigated in 23 states and several other countries defended more than 100 federal appeals and defended seven cases before the US Supreme Court.A Tigar is a prolific writer and is the author or co-author of 13 books, three plays, and dozens of articles and essays, including:• Mythologies of the State and Monopoly Power,• Nine Principles of Litigation,• Thinking About Terrorism,• Fighting Injustice (his memoirs),• Examining Witnesses and• PersuasionThe Michael Tigar Papers, an event at the University of Texas at Austin in the year 2018 recognized Michael’s work and writing, including discussions of his major cases by the likes of Fernando Chavez, Jeremy Corbyn, and Patrick Higginbotham, and two scenes from his work Haymarket: Whose Name the Few Still Say with Tears.Mr. Tigar’s clients include Angela Davis, H. Rap ​​​​​​Brown, John Connally, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, The Washington Post, Fantasy Films, Terry Nichols, Allen Ginsberg, Leonard Peltier, Fernando Chavez, and Lynne Stewart. He is a past chairman of the Litigation Section of the 60,000-member American Bar Association and a past chairman of the board of directors of the Texas Resource Center for Capital Litigation.He has taught with law students at program clinics where Students are lawyers or paralegals in significant human rights litigation. To commemorate the founding of Santa Clara Law School, Tigar and his colleagues recreated the 1911 trial of Clarence Darrow for bribing a jury in Los Angeles.He has made several trips to South Africa to work with organizations of African advocates working to end apartheid, lectured on human rights issues following Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, and addressed the African National Congress on issues relating to the African National Congress discussing drafting a new constitution. Tigar has been active in bringing members of the Chilean junta to justice, including former President Pinochet.In 2003, the Texas Civil Rights Project named its new building in Austin, Texas (purchased with a gift from Attorney Wayne Read) the Michael Tigar Center for Human Rights.Get [Audio] Michael Tigar – Empowering the Jury, Part 12: Expert Witnesses – Choice & Preparation full course with 13 USD. Sign up now to receive your own special offers!For further information: expert witnesses – choice & preparation answers, expert witnesses – choice & preparation answers, expert witnesses – choice & preparation academy, expert witnesses – choice & preparation bookPurchase [Audio] Michael Tigar – Empowering the Jury, Part 12: Expert Witnesses – Choice & Preparation courses at here with PRICE $59 $13