David Steele – The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Your Ebook For Maximum Sales On Demand Training


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Purchase David Steele – The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Your Ebook For Maximum Sales On Demand Training courses at here with PRICE $47 $18SOLVED: “How To Sell Books Like A Boss!” “Follow Along As You Look Over My Shoulder And See How To Market Your Book And Make A Ton of Sales and Profits With Ease!” Hurry Less Than 17 Copies Left! Dear Future Master Book Selling Friend,My name is David Steele and what I’m about to reveal in this letter, right here and now, will not only change the way you sell your books forever, but also make sure you sell a ton of books at will.And no, I’m not talking about any of that sleazy stuff you find online that groups you in with Nigerian money scams or fake Facebook ‘friends’ trying get your hard earned cash.See, I’ve discovered a tried and true formula that even a complete newbie can follow along and start selling books like crazy on demand.And most likely, it’s not what you think.As a matter of fact, you probably won’t believe how simple the process is. You’ve probably overlooked it because it’s not ‘sexy’ or mixed with a lot of hype.But boy oh boy, does it work like gangbusters.So much so, it completely changed my life.Whoa. Let me slow down a bit. I’m getting ahead of myself here. While I’m enjoying the writer’s life and living all of my dreams, this isn’t about me.  It’s about you and helping you live the writer’s life as well.But speaking of writing, I’m sure you probably don’t have any problem with that right? You could probably write all day and let ideas flow until the cows come home.It’s getting people to see and purchase your writings that’s the issue right?As a matter of fact…Writing The Book Is The Easy Part. Selling It? Well, That’s Another ‘Story’…I’ve seen it all too often.Authors and writers super excited that they’ve completed another ebook only to have it sit on the shelf and collect digital cobwebs.Or worse, they sell 2 copies.One because they bought it themselves to ‘invest’ in themselves and the other is from dear ol’ mom or nana.As Jack Canfield puts it, “As we all know, a book is like an iceberg: 10% is writing; 90% is marketing…”And friend, if you don’t have any marketing skills or promotion chops, you’re sure to have every book you write sink like the titanic hitting that iceberg.But if you don’t believe me and think you can make a go of it all on your own, then let me ask you a question:Could You Sale A Ton of Books…If Your Life Depended On It?Let’s say that you was a bad guy and he attached a bomb to your leg. And then let’s say the conditions for diffusing the bomb was that you had to sell at least 10,000 copies of your ebook in 6 months.Could you do it? No?Ok, how about 1,000 copies? Still no?Sheesh. Well what about 100 then? Maybe you’d hit that last goal since you’d have 6 months to go around to friends and family and hopefully get 100 people to buy your book.Oh, but there’s one more condition. You can’t tell anyone about the bomb.So all you’d have left is your marketing skills to get you over the hump. And if you have that lump in your throat like I know you do at this moment, then we need to talk.  Because if you can’t put the pedal to the medal and produce 1000 ebook sales with ease within 6 months, then frankly speaking…you’ll never sell a ton of books.Not unless you know the formula and step by step to follow that helps produces results just about every time.Heck, dare I say that the more you use this formula, the easier it gets to create and sell books that your audience will gobble up.But if you’re thinking at this moment, “how would I make that many sales of my book?”, and you don’t have a tried and tested formula and strategy, then it’s pretty much game over.No book sales means no profits. And no profits means no writer’s life.You’ll just wind up hurt, confused, utterly hopeless and helpless when it comes to selling any book you write.And That’s Why I’m Writing You Today. .. So You Can Never Feel Helpless Again When It Comes To Marketing and Selling Your Book Creations And Hopefully Achieve The Same Results I Have.Look. I know EXACTLY where you are at this moment.I wish that I could say that I always had this ebook selling thing down pat. However, nothing could be further from the truth.There was one point, not too long ago, where I just couldn’t seem to figure this whole ebook selling thing out.I was constantly spinning my wheels with very little sales to show for it.But after a while, something changed.First, after I got away from all the noise, I really began to study how a lot of best sellers were marketed. Now, I’m not talking about working with a publisher and going to a bookstore like Barnes and Noble.But rather, how sites like Amazon Kindle truly could help me sell a ton of my books.After a lot of tinkering and testing, I finally had a breakthrough!So much so, that I went from absolute zero to selling over $30,000 worth of ebooks PER MONTH.Yep. You read that right. $30 grand worth of sales every…single…month.Now, I’m not saying that those results are average. Not by a long shot.But what if you could get 1/3rd of those results? Wouldn’t that change things in your life? Couldn’t that changed where you lived, what you drove, and even where you vacationed?Heck, it could change if you ever came back from vacation!And while the money from the sales isn’t everything, it sure helps to do a lot of things that you’ve always wanted to do, but either didn’t have the time for or just didn’t have to resources to.But the problem it seems is having a clear and concise training on how to sell any book you create on demand with a lot of sales to show for it.And after every hurdle, struggle, and even mental failure I’ve had in this business, I’m pleased to announce that I’ve published my breakthrough formula in an easy to follow on demand training. Introducing… “The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Your Ebook For Maximum Sales On Demand Training” I’m sure you and your writing have a lot to offer the world. And the main problem is getting your writings and ebooks in the hands of those who not only want the information your ebooks so desperately contain, but actually NEED it as well.And if they can’t find the precious nuggets inside of your books, then they’ll look elsewhere and probably wind up with the wrong book.And that’s why I created “The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Your Ebook For Maximum Sales On Demand Training” .It’s specifically designed with you in mind to help you get over any hurdles and humps and get on the path to selling a ton of your books as fast as possible!You’ll find that after you sign up today, you’ll easily be able to follow along with this one of a kind training that you can devour in one sitting.We’ve put everything together in a simple follow video seminar format along with a downloadable pdf containing all the slides from the training.Here’s Just A Small Sample of What You’ll Learn Starting In The Next 5 Minutes…I’ve asked Monique Johnson, one of our top trainers at Writer’s Life to conduct a special and unique on demand online training for you to watch at your leisure.That’s right. You get to learn from one our top trainers in this industry with no holds barred.She’s someone who has helped thousands of writers and authors of all genres learn how to systematically sell a ton books.Here’s what’s waiting for you inside:The #1 Thing You Must Do to establish yourself in the marketplace. When you do this, it makes marketing your books a ton easier because you’ll already be creating a loyal following who can’t wait for your next release!Build Your Author Platform With Ease when you know exactly what steps to take and how to execute them! (We’ll show you how…)How To Use The Old Medium of a website and blog to corral your existing audience while attracting new readers. I’ll show you how to use this also to be the ‘hub’ for all of your future marketing campaigns.Learn To Capture Their Attention quickly and easily with the steps to creating a newsletter that wows and that your readers will look forward to.Make Sure Your Book Stays In Front at all times and don’t let it off the reader’s mind. I’ll show you how to create a lander that does just that and where to put it on your website for maximum results!Connect With Your Readers On An Deep Emotional Level by learning how to create a personal biography that makes them feel like they’ve known you all along.Use This One Strategy As Old As Time Itself to draw readers in life never before. Here’s a hint: You’ve heard these used from when you’re a child before you go to bed as well as when family and friends get together for a good laugh.Everyone Loves The Overcomer, but if you don’t have a good overcomer underdog story yourself, we’ll show you how to create rapport with your readers by borrowing other people’s stories in the process.Don’t Ever Stop Pursuing This One Method that can downright make you a ton of book sales on demand. As long as you have a list of emails, you can basically launch your books at any time. We’ll look at how you can do that a number of ways in the simplest manner possible.Learn How To Tap Into Other People’s Hard Work and use it to help you build your own following a lot easier than they did. All it takes in some cases is just sending a simple message to get the ball rolling.Use The Tools You’re Already Using Everyday to start building your brand even more. Instead of goofing off on Facebook, Twitter and other sites like them, I’ll show you how to use these sites for maximum results when it comes to building your following and selling your books.Then You’ll Get The Whole Enchilada when I take it a step further and move you into some advance techniques that even some of the bigger names don’t know about or use themselves.Cozy Up To Amazon with these Kindle techniques that help bring home the bacon like clockwork!And so much more…As you can see this really is the ultimate tutorial for learning how to market your ebook for maximum sales. But until now, I’ve never seen it put in a clear, concise, and easy formula that anyone can follow. Even if you’re a newbie.Just imagine being able to market any book you create anytime, any place, almost anywhere…and all on demand! And The best part? You can watch the training whenever it suits your busy schedule.It doesn’t matter if it’s 2AM on a Sunday or if you want to watch it at 5PM while sitting at football practice with little Johnny. The choice is yours.I could go on and on, but instead let’s take a quick look inside the training. Here’s a snippet of what you’ll learning in only a few moments from now:And as I said earlier, you can watch it on your own time whenever and wherever you want.Watch it from your desktop, laptop, tablet or even your phone! Because this is an online training seminar (in video format) created specifically for writers, you can watch it as many times as you want and from as many different devices as you want.We’ve made accessing the information easy and convenient for you.Salepage: https://specialaccess.clickfunnels.com/ebook-od-salesaArchive: https://archive.ph/wip/5W5WLPurchase David Steele – The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Your Ebook For Maximum Sales On Demand Training courses at here with PRICE $47 $18