David Steele – How To Write A Novel That Your Readers Will Love On Demand Webinar


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Purchase David Steele – How To Write A Novel That Your Readers Will Love On Demand Webinar courses at here with PRICE $47 $18 “Discover The EXACT Secret Formula I Use To Churn Out Hit Novel After Hit Novel, Over and Over Again With Ease!Get Started Today and Have The Formula Down ByDinner Tonight Guaranteed!  Hurry Less Than 17 Copies Left!  Dear Fellow Author,Let’s put all the cards on the table up front.  Sorry to be so blunt and in your face, but honestly I don’t think there’s any time to waste.Because what I have to share can mean the difference between your readers experiencing euphoria when it comes to your novels or just being plain ol’ bored to death.There’s no doubt, writing a novel that creates raving fans is probably one of the most hardest things to do on the planet. Quite frankly, you can’t really fake it all.Now notice, I said writing a novel that ‘creates raving fans’. Not just writing a novel. Anyone with half a brain can do that. (No offense…) But to get the right amount of jargon, wording, and ‘secret sauce’ that keeps people hanging on every word…well that’s another ‘story’. (pun intended)Of course, some writing gurus will tell you can do fine without an understanding of the correct formula for novel readership success. Friend, that’s just not true.However, the big problem is most books and courses on the subject are filled with a ton of fluff and theory that leaves you in want, but not enough actual meat and actionable step by step processes that gets you results.You practically had to be a brain surgeon to figure it out. Sound at all familiar?But now there’s good news!…Finally! You’ve Mustered Up The Courage To Write That Bestselling Novel. But Now What?Congratulations!You’ve finally decided to write that novel that will bring joy to world and let people experience the truly awesome writer you’re meant to be. But after making that hard decision, overcoming any fear, and feeling a slight adrenaline rush, you may be asking yourself…“Now what?”“How do I go from here to writing a novel that most authors only dream about creating?” “And how do I get that novel out to the masses?”I know how you feel. I used to feel the same way as well. For quite some time I struggled trying to write stories that people would enjoy and even pay me for. I wish I could say that it was a cakewalk or a breeze upfront, but if I did – I’d by lying.To be honest, there was a lot trial and error and utter failure. That is until I figured out a simple formula that allows me to create incredible books on demand. It was this epiphany that allowed me to go from zero to multiple five figures a month with Amazon Kindle alone!So much so that I now live the writer’s life that most only dream about.And I’d like to share that same formula with you today if I may… “How to Write A Novel That Your Readers Will Love, The New On Demand Webinar!”And It’s The #1 Way To Learn How To Write Novels  That Create Raving Fans Forever! Don’t Get Me Wrong. This Wasn’t Easy To Create…  As a matter of fact, with all the trial and error it took me, trying to figure all of this out yourself could take you years and can cost you a small fortune!To try and figure out just the right combinations that make some novels successfully work – while others fall flat on their face can be downright daunting.But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with just the right formula for success, you now have it all done for you inside the “How to Write A Novel That Your Readers Will Love!”Here’s Just A Small Sample of What You’ll Learn Starting In The Next Few Minutes…I’ve asked one of our best trainers on the subject to come into the WritersLife.org headquarters and conduct a special, on demand online training for you to watch at your leisure.That’s right. You get to learn from one our top trainers in this industry with nothing held back.She’s someone who has helped thousands of writers and authors of all genres learn how to create incredible novels that readers absolutely go crazy for.Here’s are just some of the topics we’ll be covering:The #1 exercise that you can use to spot weak points in your novelWhy you’re already a writerHow to turn an idea into a full blown novel When to be original and when to borrow Why you shouldn’t be overly concerned with your story being 100% original and what would William Shakespeare do How to turn your concept into a plot The 3 parts that you must include in your novel in order to make it a success!How to create convincing characters How using real life situations can help you to easily create well-rounded characters Why your characters must have both flaws and strengths, plus how to develop them The two types of characters found in almost all stories What you must know before you can even think about finishing your plot’s outline How to create conflict How to create compelling structure When to include subplots and pinch points How not being afraid to “ruin your main character’s life” , can make for a gripping read How to challenge conventions and how it can come in handy especially when creating protagonists and antagonists Finding your style How to set the “tone” of your book Understanding the crucial difference between theme and tone and which of the two are most important Why reading can be one of the most important things you can do Why you should never be afraid to ignore your plot’s outline How to properly set the scene for your novel How to avoid common grammatical pitfalls How to overcome writer’s block Your first draft is done, now what?!?! How to stay focused and find time to write Revising and rewriting your manuscriptHow to write natural-sounding dialogue You’re Probably Wondering, “Can You Really Help Me David?”  Yes. Yes I Can.Listen, there’s only one thing that separates the successful authors from the fake ones and that’s having a proven plan and executing that plan. I would ask which one are you, but that’s not why we’re here right? You’re here because you want to be a successful author that creates novels that readers absolutely love and gobble up.And you’re wondering if this is right for you or if I can help you learn how to do that right?Well consider this:I currently make into the mid five figures monthly from my works on AmazonI didn’t go to college for any of this stuffI’ve spent a ton of time and energy learning (and failing if I might add)This fuels the Writer’s Life lifestyle for me and my family.I travel and do what I want when I want.So to answer the question in your head is this training right for me or if I can help you?The answer is ABSOLUTELY.The great thing for you though is that you won’t have to go through nearly any of what I did and you get a fast track pass to successfully creating novels that your readers will absolutely love without all the headache.So let me ask, ‘how much would something like this be worth to you?’To be able to FINALLY get on the right path to novel creating success and move closer than ever before to the writer’s lifestyle that so many aspiring authors absolutely covet.If this training helped you sell $500-$1000 worth of your books monthly then it’s safe to say that it’s worth at least $500 right?Who in their right mind wouldn’t invest $500 to be able to make $6,000-$10,000 monthly part time? It’s like a no brainer.But you won’t have to invest anywhere near that. As a matter of fact, you won’t even have to invest half of that.To get started today with the “How to Write A Novel That Your Readers Will Love!” is just a small investment of only $47.That’s it. No hidden fees. Just a drop in the bucket of only $47 one time.Salepage: https://specialaccess.clickfunnels.com/novel-love-od-salesaArchive: https://archive.ph/wip/JVNhXPurchase David Steele – How To Write A Novel That Your Readers Will Love On Demand Webinar courses at here with PRICE $47 $18