On Ganesha’s Birthday, Receive 88+ Obstacle-Removing Karma Clearings for Your Life (2019) – Michael Davis Golzmane


On Ganesha’s Birthday, Receive 88+ Obstacle-Removing Karma Clearings for Your Life and for One Problem You Can SpecifyPurchase On Ganesha’s Birthday, Receive 88+ Obstacle-Removing Karma Clearings for Your Life (2019) – Michael Davis Golzmane courses at here with PRICE $50 $30On Ganesha’s Birthday, Receive 88+ Obstacle-Removing Karma Clearings for Your Life and for One Problem You Can SpecifyThe obstacles to everything you face are ultimately only within you, despite any outer appearances. And so, the ability to realize your freedom in any situation is always available within you, if you can only have the consciousness to see it.Ganesha is a Universal Inner Power, available to all in spite of any belief system, who represents the ability to remove obstacles that seem impossible to remove based on human understanding and effort alone.This type of Divine obstacle-removing power is absolutely essential to solving internal and external problems in our lives today, especially problems that seem unsolvable, chronic, or permanent.Sunday evening, September 1 is Ganesha’s Birthday, and represents the peak time of the year to connect with Ganesha Consciousness and reveal his inner blessings for obstacle-removal for the whole coming year.The birthdays of Divine Archetypes are mystically determined by great yogis, who sensed particular times of the year when Divine Energies became more heightened and available for us to connect to.This clearing is likely to be about 2 hours in length, as I plan to spend as much time as needed holding the space for this peak Ganesha energy to really penetrate into our lives and into our problems, using the 88+ clearing strategies specified below.There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. The clearing will be done remotely, then emailed to you to listen to at your convenience.Here is what we’re going to do on Sunday, September 1 (starting at about 7:30pm New York Time):I am going to ask you to specify to me one particular problem or challenge you currently have. We are going to focus the clearing on that particular issue (in addition to the issues everyone else specifies).We are then going to work with you and with “the problem” you specify, performing 88 specific forms of Ganesha karma-clearing (every form of Ganesha clearing I know), obstacle-removing, and activation-blessing for you, to help awaken Divine Grace within you to help you solve the problem, clear blocks, and to help you sense the flow of Divine Grace in your situation.Following that, we are going to perform karma clearing and activation work for each off you to the 1008 classic mantras (names) of Ganesha.In addition, my intuitive guidance also suggests that the consciousness of Ganesha is currently evolved to a point where there are 29 Million current “forms” of Ganesha that can help us, and there are 3-followed-by-800-zeros of actual forms of blessings Ganesha’s consciousness can bestow upon us at this time. We are going to consciously invoke all of this energy on your behalf — and on behalf of the current challenge you specify — to bring the ultimate power of Ganesha to bear on your situation at the exact most potent date and time of the year to do this work.Ganesha is a Divine Archetype, or a Divine Patterns that is universal, working with everyone who wants this work, despite religious or spiritual interest or lack thereof. Archetypes (or “gods” and “goddesses”) are not stagnant. They are always evolving, just like we are. The more they are worked with — by millions of people over eons of time — the more their consciousness evolves, so the more help they can bring to us.When we participate in the consciousness of a Divine Archetype, we mystically begin to “acquire” their powers. Participating isn’t an act of mental force, but of inner stillness and receptivity. It’s an act of inner surrender and worship.When we receive an influx of Divine Consciousness as represented in the Archetypal world, we save ourselves eons of time in our own spiritual development. We are able to build our life on the consciousness that has been developing, growing, evolving, and rising in self-realization.On Sunday’s Ganesha’s birthday, which is the most important time to make substantial connection to his blessings throughout the year, we are going to perform the following clearings for you and the specific current challenge you specify to me:1. we will perform a “Sankashta Hara Ganapati” obstacle-smashing clearing, destroying impediments, granting prosperity and successs2. we are going to run “the problem” you are working on now through the karma-clearing/activation of the classic “32 Forms of Ganesha, and 42 Unique Forms of Blessing”, to clear blocks you have to expressing more obstacle-removing power through your current challenge. The specific Ganesha blessings we will be invoking on your behalf are the following 32:Courage to face challenges in lifeEverlasting happiness and joyfulnessFaith and devotion to achieve big in lifeCourage, harmony and prosperityPower, authority and commandGood health and prosperitySiddhi powersGood relationship and increase intimacyFulfilling life by removing obstaclesGood knowledge and fulfilment of wishesConfidence and help overcome fearsWealth and wisdomOverall wellbeing and prosperous life Success in all endeavorsProficiency in artsUpliftment in life by helping to overcome difficultiesMastery over mind controlSuccess and boonsSpiritual upliftment and self-realizationAffluence and fulfills desiresMaterial wealth and fulfilment of wishesClarity and help come out of ignorancePower of discriminationBlessings to be free of bondagesBlessings to get rid of karmic debtsSpiritual awakeningInternal and external wellbeing blessingsFearlessness and success in lifeBoons and cures diseasesPhysical and mental wellnessRemove obstacles and win over negativitiesHappiness, fulfillment by destroying sorrows3. we will activate and resolve blocks to “Ganesha Pancharatnam” to destroy suffering, bestow happiness, relieve vices, clear negative ego and jealousy, and grant spiritual liberation4. we will perform a special clearing and activation of “Achu Muri Vinayakar” at an ancient temple of Achirupakkam, granting special obstacle-removing power and helping to attain success5. we will clear your obstacles through the lens of “Uchchhishta Ganapati”, a secretive Ganesha form representing the perfection of the entire cosmos. This clearing will strengthen relationships, and will increase beauty and abundance6. we are going to perform a special clearing (homa) for the 8 blessing forms of Uchchhista Ganapati, helping to heal issues of intimacy, unity in relationship, children, overcoming internal and external enemies, good health, wealth and abundance, divine knowledge and solutions, and liberation7. activating the “Desire Fulfillment Ganesha” (Vaancha Kalpalatha Ganapati), combining the obstacle-removing powers of Ganesha with the wish-fulfilling power of Mother Goddess. We will activate and clear your challenge through the following 11 lenses:Ganesha as the instant rewarded of wishes (Ksapira Prasada Ganapati)Ganesha as the embodiment of supreme consciousness (Uchchhista Ganapati)Ganesha as Goddess (Srividya Vallabha Ganapati)Ganesha as the Principle of Fire and Transformation (Agni)Ganesha as the Principle of Your True Nature Showing Up and Shining (Surya)Ganesha as the Supreme Goddess (Lalitha Tripura Sundari)Ganesha as Bala Tripura Sundari (another quality of the Goddess)Ganesha as Kubera, the Banker of HeavenGanesha as Lakshmi, Goddess of WealthGanesha as Vishnu, the Preserver and SustainerGanesha as Rudra (the Primordial and Fierce Form of Shiva)8. resolving your relationship karma into alignment with the 1008 unique names/mantras for Ganesha (Ganapati Sahasranama), removing affliction, fulfilling desires, smashing obstacles in career and business, and resolving old marriage karma9. activating and resolving relationship karma blocking the expression of the 12 major powers of Ganesha:Maha Ganapati: the great one, success and protectionDwija Ganesha: health and prosperityHeramba Ganapati: protector of wealthVeera Ganapati: valiant warrior, protecting women from dis-easeKarpaga Vinayagar: wish-fulfilling Ganesha, blessings with wealthTwin Ganeshas: removing obstacles, poverty, and dis-ease, blessing relationshipsNaramuga GaneshaSiddhi and Buddhi Ganapati: intuitive intelligence and analytical intelligenceNritya Ganapati, dancing Ganesha, bringing the Grace of the Divine and ancestorsVigna Ganapati, removing all obstacles in lifeSevi Saitha Ganapati, protects those who are punished even for good deeds12. Alinga Narthana Ganapati, dancing form of Ganesha10. we are going to transfer your relationship karma energetically into 1,000,008 clay Ganesha statues, and dissolve them into the ocean. This is a very, very powerful clearing, and does not need to be done physically to be effective!11. we are going to energetically break 1,000,008 coconuts on behalf of you and your challenge. This activation will not be done physically, but will be invoked on the spiritual plane. It is equivalent to sacrificing all of our old obstacles, and surrendering them to Ganesha.12. we are going to perform a relationship “Gaja Pooja” for you and your specified challenge. This clearing invoked Ganesha as “Lord of new beginnings”, as well as the planet Jupiter. In ancient scriptures, it is said to bestow wealth, happiness, and success, and remove obstacles and negative forcesKarma Clearing and Energetic Activation at 7 Ganesha Powerspots:Thirupachur (11 Ganeshas) — activating the power to win litigations, regain wealth, and realize wishesThiruvalanchuzhi — change your destiny and reverse your karmaVirudhachalam — fulfill wishes and grant overall well-beingThilatarpanapuri — resolve ancestral afflictions and give you peace and happinessThirumandurai — good relationships and increase intimacyThirupurambiyum — successful relationships, success with children, progress in education, removal of false thoughts and habitsPillayarpatti — remove relationship obstacles, blessing of children, progress in educationActivation, attunements, and karma clearing of blocks to expressing the Divine Substance within “Ganesha’s 8 Incarnations” (as expressed in the classic text “Mudgala Purana”). These 8 Divine Qualities represent philosophical concepts associated with the progressive creation of the world. Each incarnation represents a state of the Absolute as It unfolds into creation. As these high-level states get resolve and activated within our being, we begin to experience and express Life more like our True Divine Self:Vakratunda: the absolute as the aggregate of all bodies, an embodiment of the form of Source. This incarnation resolves envy.Ekadanta: represents the aggregate of all individual souls, an embodiment of the essential nature of Source. This incarnation resolves arrogance.Mahodara: represents the Absolute as It enters into the creative process. Divine Wisdom. Overcomes delusion and confusion.Gajavaktra: the counterpart of Mahodara. Overcomes greed.Lambodara: correponds to the power of Pure Creation, the Pure Power of Spirit to create. This creative energy helps resolve anger.Vikata: an embodiment of the illuminating nature of Pure Spirit. This energy helps to resolve craving.Vighnaraja: an embodiment of the preserving and sustaining aspects of Pure Spirit. This energy helps heal possessiveness and attachment.Dhumravarna: an embodiment of the clearing, “destructive” nature of Spirit, helping us clear and release illusions and limitations. This energy helps clear pride.Four Additional Important Points of Energetic Activation and Clearing, as described in the 4 Incarnations of the classic text “Ganesha Purana”. We will clear, activate, and resolve your consciousness, and “the problem” into Ganesha Consciousness represented in 4 Cosmic Ages:Ganesha is presented as Vinayaka in Krita Yuga, with ten arms, huge, very generous in giving gifts and riding a lion.In Treta Yuga, Ganesha is in the form of Mayuresvara (Mayuresvara), who has six arms, with a white complexion, and rides a peacock.He manifests in the form of Gajanana (Gajanana) in Dvapara Yuga, with four arms, a red complexion and riding Dinka. He is born to Shiva and Parvati in the Dvapara yuga.In the Kali Yuga, he is Dhumraketu (Dhumraketu), with two arms, of smoke complexion, mounted on a horse. He fights barbarian armies and kills demons in the Kali Yuga, according to Ganesha Purana.Get On Ganesha’s Birthday, Receive 88+ Obstacle-Removing Karma Clearings for Your Life (2019) – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $30Tag: On Ganesha’s Birthday, Receive 88+ Obstacle-Removing Karma Clearings for Your Life (2019) – Michael Davis Golzmane Review. On Ganesha’s Birthday, Receive 88+ Obstacle-Removing Karma Clearings for Your Life (2019) – Michael Davis Golzmane download. On Ganesha’s Birthday, Receive 88+ Obstacle-Removing Karma Clearings for Your Life (2019) – Michael Davis Golzmane discount.Purchase On Ganesha’s Birthday, Receive 88+ Obstacle-Removing Karma Clearings for Your Life (2019) – Michael Davis Golzmane courses at here with PRICE $50 $30