Invoking & Activating to the “Wealth-Bestower” form of Spirit, the 108 Names of Lakshmi, & the 108 Names of “The Banker of Heaven” – Michael Davis Golzmane


This is a downloadable pre-recorded group clearing, and will be emailed to you in mp3 format immediately upon purchase.Purchase Invoking & Activating to the “Wealth-Bestower” form of Spirit, the 108 Names of Lakshmi, & the 108 Names of “The Banker of Heaven” – Michael Davis Golzmane courses at here with PRICE $50 $30Experience the Freedom to Live your Destiny of ProsperityDespite any current appearances in your life circumstances, the Spirit that created the stars and planets, that supplies every good thing in life, is actually fully present within you right now.  You are It!  Take a breath and let that in.This Spirit is your essence, your life.  It doesn’t need to be acquired — it only needs to be activated, to be realized, to be embraced, and to be expressed.  You are on a path of doing that already.  Why not expand it more with this clearing?Why don’t you know and experience the Prosperity that you are in every area of life right now?  It’s because you don’t truly *know* your Self.  You don’t know what’s locked up within you right now, and so you can’t experience it fully in your results.You change your consciousness?  You change your results — automatically.  You allow more room for Spirit as Prosperity to flow through you.Every time you say “yes” to doing the inner clearing work of transformation, you are saying “yes” to Life, to Prosperity, and to experiencing your Self more fully.  When you live life in authentic relationship to your Self, you prosper, you succeed, and your feel on purpose.This entire month of mid-July through mid-August, according to the yogis, the life-sustaining, prospering, healing energy of Spirit is highly accessible for those who are willing to enter into their Sacred Inner Space to find it.Specially-timed during this month and date of auspicious highly-charged blessing energy, join us for this high-vibe prosperity activation and clearing which I will be performing remotely for you at approximately 8pm Friday evening, New York Time.We are going to initiate your consciousness into the special quality of the Divine Goddess in her “Wealth-Bestower” form, clearing your karmic blocks to your realization of this state of consciousness.Included in this clearing will be an activation into the 1000 names of Goddess Lalita, the 108 names of Lakshmi, and the 108 names of Lord Kubera (the banker of Heaven).It is your Divine Destiny to manifest more of this Prosperity in your life.  There is a Divine mandate from Spirit that you should manifest wealth!You not only “could”, but it is your Divine destiny that you “should”.  Come experience this opening — and prosper!Tag: Invoking & Activating to the “Wealth-Bestower” form of Spirit, the 108 Names of Lakshmi, & the 108 Names of “The Banker of Heaven” – Michael Davis Golzmane Review. Invoking & Activating to the “Wealth-Bestower” form of Spirit, the 108 Names of Lakshmi, & the 108 Names of “The Banker of Heaven” – Michael Davis Golzmane download. Invoking & Activating to the “Wealth-Bestower” form of Spirit, the 108 Names of Lakshmi, & the 108 Names of “The Banker of Heaven” – Michael Davis Golzmane discount. Purchase Invoking & Activating to the “Wealth-Bestower” form of Spirit, the 108 Names of Lakshmi, & the 108 Names of “The Banker of Heaven” – Michael Davis Golzmane courses at here with PRICE $50 $30