Clear the Karmic Pattern of Relationship Mental-Emotional Anguish Across Thousands/Millions of Relationships Your Soul is Working On Now, Across All Lifetimes – Michael Davis Golzmane


Clear Emotional Anguish Karma from up to 2 Million of Your Past and Present Life Soul Relationships: Monday EveningPurchase Clear the Karmic Pattern of Relationship Mental-Emotional Anguish Across Thousands/Millions of Relationships Your Soul is Working On Now, Across All Lifetimes – Michael Davis Golzmane courses at here with PRICE $50 $30Clear Emotional Anguish Karma from up to 2 Million of Your Past and Present Life Soul Relationships: Monday EveningHello friends,This is a very important relationship clearing I’m doing originally on Monday evening August 12, 2019.Anyone and everyone can benefit from this clearing in ways you may not immediately realize.This is the first time I am doing this classic 15-point Vedic karma clearing protocol, 5 forms of planetary and mantra-based karma clearing, and 35 topic-specific forms of relationship karma clearing — through ALL relationships your soul is currently in across all lifetimes, lineages, and generations of ancestry.Even if you have done other relationship clearings with me, the specific protocols we will do on Monday’s “Relationship Mental-Emotional Anguish” clearing happening exactly at a special optimum “Soma Pradosham” timing, in this group setting, will reap tremendous benefits for your spiritual, relationship, financial, career, health, and life success evolution.Your soul wants to be free. When your soul is more free, you are able to function at a higher level in all life areas, to feel better, to fulfill your purpose, to serve more, to heal the planet, and just to be more in alignment with the Truth of Who You Are.In order to be free, your soul has to resolve what it’s holding onto. It’s currently holding onto every bit of self-restricting karma you’ve ever set in motion, except for that which you’ve already cleared.Most karma clearing happens when an unexpected block or problem arises in our life circumstances, then hopefully we rise to the occasion, and solve the problem through new choices.This process of revealing inner issues into physical form to solve is time-consuming and tedious. Most of us have had enough “learning through suffering” over many lifetimes. Using spiritual clearing technologies, we can accelerate your process, and help you to become freer now.On average for those who will read this, your soul is actively trying to resolve between 6000 and 2 Million different relationships you’ve had over many lifetimes.This doesn’t mean that you actually know that many people in this present life. It means that you have known this number of people over many lifetimes and over the many experiences of your soul.Some of these relationships have been very minor, and had a relatively low karmic impact.Some of these relationships have been past-life marriages, parental relationships, friendships, political enemies, ancestral connections, perpetrator-victim scenarios, and other potentially very difficult and charged situations.The unresolved nature of these relationships equate with your relationship karma now. This karma isn’t a punishment coming from an outside source. It is simply the suppressed unresolved energy still held by your unconscious on these past situations.Even if there is only a little bit of karma still present in any of your past relationships, your soul will continue to work on trying to bring it up and resolve it until it’s fully resolved. Your soul really has one primary mission, and this is for your total freedom. You cannot be truly free while you are still carrying a weight of karma.For most people, this soul-clearing process means that the karmic patterns in the old relationships will continuously be brought forward into present relationships and situations, symbolically activating the old energy for resolution and clearing now.This means something obvious: most people’s relationships are filled with constant problems. Even if people move into new relationships — romantic, friendship, family, professional, etc. — they often find they just continue to encounter the same types of issues over and over again. Different faces, same issues.The problem isn’t the relationships themselves, but the internal karma that you are carrying that is not yet resolved.When you resolve the karma, and also do your conscious work (this is also monumentally important), you will start to see different, more positive, results in the relationships you attract. Relationships will start working much better. You will attract clearer people and clearer situations that will enrich you, rather than bring you down.You can accelerate this process of relationship karma resolution by participating in this clearing.This clearing is taking place at an exactly optimum date and time for doing this kind of work.Monday evening, August 12, at 90 minutes before sunset (at approximately 7:00 pm New York time), a special rare window of karma-clearing opportunity will arise called in the Vedic tradition “Soma Pradosham”.Pradosham days in general are the most important dates for karma clearing. But more rarely is an event called Soma Pradosham, which is the most effective time for clearing afflictions of the Moon that can cause mental and emotional anguish, especially in relationships.Pradosham is a special day, considered to be the most effective day for karma removal.The word “pradosham” literally means “removal of karma”, and this date is associated with Shiva, who is the karma-removing Divine Archetype. Clearings performed on this special date, starting at the special window beginning approximately 90 minutes before sunset, can bring immediate relief from karma, and can establish a new sense of inner freedom.During this clearing, we will perform on your behalf, and on the 6000 to 2 Million souls your soul is currently trying to resolving karmic issues with through many lifetimes, at least the following clearings:The following full scenario of potent Vedic-based relationship karma clearing protocols:an Aikyamatya Pushpanjali clearing (Karma Clearing and Activation for Unity and Oneness, strengthening relationships, and bringing unity within them)a Muruga Pooja. Muruga is the ruling Divine Archetype of Mars, and can help clearing malefic relationship effects. Mars directly impacts all relationships, and when the karma of Mars is cleared, it can bestow good health and vitality.Homas (karma-clearing fire rituals) to Manmathan and Rathi (Divine Archetypes of Love), promoting unity and intimacy in couples, ensuring harmony in relationships, solving marriage problemsActivation and Karma-Clearing based on the “Parvati Vallabha Ashtakam” chant, to clear karma and activate consciousness around the themes of love and stability in relationshipMars Pooja to promote the positive aspects of Mars, and to help resolve relationship issuesArchana Pooja at Thirumangalakudi, which activates and clears blocks to long-lasting relationships, right partner, children, and reduces planetary afflictionsUma Maheshwara Pooja, helping to overcome relationship problems, and activating relationship longevityAbishekam to Valli Devayani Sahita Subramanya Swami to remove obstacles, and activate loving relationship consciousnessDhambadi Pooja: an ancient karma clearing and activation for relationshipPooja to Goddess Parvati to activate love, relationship longevity, and relationship obstacle clearingPooja to Goddess Durga to root out negativity external and internalActivation and Karma-Clearing to “Om Kleem Namaha” at the 10,008 level. This is the positive relationship attraction mantra.Mars homa to fix relationship and marriage problemsVenus homa to bless with positive relationships, happiness in relationships, love, beauty, and prosperitySamvada Suktam Homa: An ancient karma-clearing activation from the Rig Veda to bless you with peace, unity, good relationships, happiness, and successWe will also perform for you:An activation, installation, and a karma clearing of all past-life blocks you and your relationships have to the highest coherence to the mantra “Thiru Neela Kantam” which is the most powerful karma-clearing mantra there is. We will do this clearing at the 1,000,008 mantra installation level.a karma clearing for the 108 mantras and names for the “Moon”, which is the planet elevated at this time, and whose energy represents mind and emotions in relationshipa karma clearing and resolution to the blessings of the 13th waxing moon phase, which is highly charged on Pradoshama karma clearing for the 108 mantras and names of Shiva, who is the karma-clearing Divine Archetype, whose energy is elevated on Mondays, and whose energy governs Pradoshama karma clearing and activation for the 108 mantras and names of Parvati, the Divine Archetype whose energy “controls” the Moon, and whose energy is especially elevated on MondaysWe will work through resolving karmic blocks within all your relationship contexts that reflect or contribute to the following relationship challenges:revenge ideationabandonment issuesjealousy and envypower strugglesvolatility and hostilitypossessivenessselfishness and self-centerednessemotionally unavailablerigid expectationsemotional abuseunavailable sexuallysuppressed feelingsdisengaged and distantpassive-aggressiveafraid to commitinsecuritiestrauma-dramablameWe will then work to install, activate, and clear karmic blocks to properly expressing the following attributes in the healthiest ways possible:proper anger managementself-love firstemotional intimacy and communicationhonesty with self and otherscommunication of needs and desiressacred sexualityacknowledgement-acceptance-validationlistening-patience-negotiation-confrontationcommunications-commitment-time-effort-energy-attentionold habits and patterns resolved into new behavioraccountability-responsibility in proper balance“you can both be right”reconnection dialogue is now openproper relationship to “control”get real and honest with yourself no matter how painful it ishonoring your needs, strengths, weaknesses, differences with othersclear parental-family lineage transferenceThis is really a HUGE amount of clearing we will do in a vast number of your soul contexts!Remember that even clearing a single relationship can be very potent. In this clearing, we will work within 6000 to 2 million of your past and present life relationships in a single clearing!Get Clear the Karmic Pattern of Relationship Mental-Emotional Anguish Across Thousands/Millions of Relationships Your Soul is Working On Now, Across All Lifetimes – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $25Tag: Clear the Karmic Pattern of Relationship Mental-Emotional Anguish Across Thousands/Millions of Relationships Your Soul is Working On Now, Across All Lifetimes – Michael Davis Golzmane Review. Clear the Karmic Pattern of Relationship Mental-Emotional Anguish Across Thousands/Millions of Relationships Your Soul is Working On Now, Across All Lifetimes – Michael Davis Golzmane download. Clear the Karmic Pattern of Relationship Mental-Emotional Anguish Across Thousands/Millions of Relationships Your Soul is Working On Now, Across All Lifetimes – Michael Davis Golzmane discount.Purchase Clear the Karmic Pattern of Relationship Mental-Emotional Anguish Across Thousands/Millions of Relationships Your Soul is Working On Now, Across All Lifetimes – Michael Davis Golzmane courses at here with PRICE $50 $30