Once-Yearly Exact Time Saturn Goes Retrograde: Clearing Deep Saturn Karma Causing Worry, Fear, Inner Restriction, Delays, Procrastination, & Career Difficulties – Michael Davis Golzmane


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He represents our deepest fears and worries. He represents delays in our good showing up, but through those delays, he helps to develop our inner discipline, responsibility, and self-control so that we can be better prepared for living an authentic, spiritually-aligned life, with ample material resources as well.This clearing is designed to help quicken and facilitate the inner learning experience by helping resolve Saturn karma, so we can make faster progress in career.The energy of Saturn asks the questions: What do I fear most? What do I worry about? What restricts or limits me?When spiritual clearing work is performed during these first few hours of the Saturn Retrograde movement, it presents the perfect opportunity for us to acknowledge our present blocks and limitations, and to do inner work with the energy of Saturn to help us empower our lives.You see, energetically Saturn controls our profession, and also controls gains from the jobs we do.Saturn represents the Great Teacher within us. Our efforts are often long and hard, but if we can be persistent with our inner development and outer application, Saturn guarantees we will see results. It is said in ancient texts that “what Saturn gives you, no other planet can take away”.In this clearing, we will work directly with clearing and revealing more of the healed forms of Saturn’s energy, especially around procrastination, work life challenges, and financial blocks.We cannot just “clear these problems away from you”. Saturn’s energy ensures that you will have to develop all the qualities within you that ensure you authentically and spiritually deserve what you are aiming for. In this clearing, we will accelerate that process by helping you to process and clear your past and present life karma more quickly, thus resulting in faster progress in your career (assuming you also continue to take inspired action).Also, this Date is “Ekadasi”, the Peak Clearing Time to activate to Kubera, “the Banker of Heaven”This timing of Monday April 29 also happen to coincide with another powerful monthly time known as “Ekadasi”, which is the time when the energy of the Archetype known as Kubera comes alive for blessing and clearing. Kubera is known as the “banker of heaven”, and by clearing our karma during this auspicious time, and activating into the consciousness of Kubera, we can open ourselves to be a better conduit for the limitless abundance of the Universe to reach us.I want to present at least 2 opportunities in 2019 in which we will do specific karma clearing and activating work around Kubera, because he is a very important archetype to work with to increase your wealth.In this clearing, we will:clear our relationship and inner connection to Spiritresolve karmic energies now showing up as Saturn restriction and limitation into greater flow and opportunityclear Saturn-based procrastination karmaresolve past life vows and suppressed energies in which we were stuck in dead-end careers, or didn’t get to actualize our dreams at allresolve past-life vows we made to block our own career progress, and to “never do that again” (meaning work that is the result of our inner spiritual development)resolve and clear our blocking karma associated with the 108 sacred mantras of Saturnresolve and clear our limiting karma associated with the 108 sacred names of Hanuman (who is the Archetypal ruler of Saturn)clear karma of fear and delayed blessingsclear karmic blocks to discipline, self-control, and self-responsibilityclear karmic blocks to our ability to envision and enact our soul’s purpose on Earthclear the karma we are carrying that limits the fullest expression and activation of the 108 sacred mantras of Kubera, the banker of heaven, from expressing through usclear the karma of the belief “I can never get ahead in my profession”clear the karma of the belief “I always have more expenses than income”clear karma to increase the amount of income we can handleclearing relationship with work colleagues, past and presentclear limiting “work beliefs” you may have inherited from your ancestors, thought to yourself, or picked up from co-workers and teachersTag: Once-Yearly Exact Time Saturn Goes Retrograde: Clearing Deep Saturn Karma Causing Worry, Fear, Inner Restriction, Delays, Procrastination, & Career Difficulties – Michael Davis Golzmane Review. Once-Yearly Exact Time Saturn Goes Retrograde: Clearing Deep Saturn Karma Causing Worry, Fear, Inner Restriction, Delays, Procrastination, & Career Difficulties – Michael Davis Golzmane download. Once-Yearly Exact Time Saturn Goes Retrograde: Clearing Deep Saturn Karma Causing Worry, Fear, Inner Restriction, Delays, Procrastination, & Career Difficulties – Michael Davis Golzmane discount. Purchase Once-Yearly Exact Time Saturn Goes Retrograde: Clearing Deep Saturn Karma Causing Worry, Fear, Inner Restriction, Delays, Procrastination, & Career Difficulties – Michael Davis Golzmane courses at here with PRICE $50 $30