David Wygant – Date To Win For Men


If You Can Test Drive Just ONE of These 23 Effortless Dating Secrets, You’ll Have an ‘Unfair Advantage’ Over 99% of All Other Guys Trying to Meet Attractive Women, Guaranteed.Format: [5 CD – MP3, 2 Ebook – PDF]File Size: 59.50 MBPurchase David Wygant – Date To Win For Men courses at here with PRICE $38 $14“If You Can Test Drive Just ONE ofThese 23 Effortless Dating Secrets, You’ll Have an ‘Unfair Advantage’ Over 99% of All Other Guys Trying to Meet Attractive Women, Guaranteed.”Just do what I recommend in this simple letter…put any one of my secrets to the test…and almost like magic you will FEEL and SEE the difference in every interaction you have with women for the rest of your life!It really can happen that quickly…If you would love to finally feel what it’s like to have the power, the confidence andoverall dating life of a man who’s naturally great with women – not just ‘good’ but GREAT – then what you are about to discover here will change your life. My name is David Wygant and I’ve just put the finishing touched on an amazing new teaching book that instantly…Targets specific ways to boost the level of conversation and dating skills into “advanced” status…Uses new specific “diagnostic” teaching discoveries that can give you these specific new skills literally overnight…And…you can learn these advanced secrets, if you choose – JUST MINUTES FROM NOW.Let me explain. I’m a single guy, too, just like you… I’ve had all the frustrations trying to meet the right women (which I’ve all to often mistaken for the hottest women – but that’s another story ;-)). And I’ve spent a ton of money on dates, going out, clothing, books and more – with the secret hope that it’d make me more successful with the opposite sex. Some of it helped, some of it was pure baloney, and almost all of it was pretty confusing… so I was left to try to figure out what really would work for me, and what wouldn’t. It took time. And I’m an impatient man. (I’ll bet you are too.) My deepest wish was always to come across something or someone who would just make all the nonsense go away, clear away the fog… and finally just GIVE me the secrets of being “naturally” attractive in a simple way I could understand and use. That simple way never materialized for me. I had learned how to get good with women the hard way. But, now… for you… and for all the other guys now coming up into the dating scene… there finally IS a simple way to learn some of the most powerful secrets of “professional” level dating coach. (It’s been said that I was the inspiration for the Will Smith movie, Hitch.)And the best part is… since I’m not really a hard-nosed businessman (and don’t know any better)… I’m going to give you the opportunity to learn everything at absolutely no risk whatsoever. What I have to offer you is so thoroughly “tested” (by real guys, out in the real world) to be learned quickly, plus it’s astonishingly effective… and… you don’t risk a penny by “test driving” it yourself.The secrets of effortless dating made as fast and simple as possible, all yours practically for the asking. (I’ll explain the details in a second here.)Sound good? It should – every guy I’ve allowed to see these secrets has seen their lovelife leap into new (and very advanced) territory almost overnight… and they LOVE the way we’ve taken all the risk out of the equation. How to Meet atLeast One New Attractive Woman…Each and Every Week…For the Rest of Your LifeHow do you feel about your skills with women RIGHT NOW? Do you feel like women are naturally attracted to you whenever you talk to them? If not, then pleeaaaaase keep reading… I once believed I was pretty darn good with women. I could get lots of phone numbers… and if I played things right, I could turn them into dating, sex or a relationship. Truth is, I was a fool. Once I took my ego out of it and really (really) examined the whole process, I realized that there was no consistency to what I was doing… that I was actually randomly trying to charm and impress the women I talked to… and that my “success” was a pathetic shadow of what other guys (no taller or better looking or more successful than me, and many considerably ‘worse off’) were pulling off… I had made the horrible mistake almost all guys make: I Was Harvesting Phone NumbersInstead of Making Genuine Connections!Now I know better. Nearly all guys – even those who claim to be professional “pick up artists” – are “in the dark” about what it takes to become naturally irresistible to women. To automatically create an intense, unforgettable connection with each woman you meet. And it’s because the secrets of this process are…well SECRET. It’s not a conspiracy mind you – it’s just that nobody ever really took the time to figure it all out. And then lay it out in plain, easy-to-understand English. But then… every once in awhile a special opportunity comes along. I live in Los Angeles… and I’ve had the privilege of meeting, dating or befriending some of the most beautiful women in the world. So as I was discovering exactly what it took to attract them – while being my most ‘natural’ self – I was also getting them to reveal everything about their side of the experience… …including how they felt, thought, what they liked and didn’t like, and so much more. I mean everything. Believe me, it was much of it was a complete shock. And I mean that in a good way. Everything they told me only skyrocketed my understanding and confidence further. So I decided to put together a comprehensive manual based on some of the most crucial things I’ve discovered during my school of hard knocks. Called Date to Win, this manual can be summarized in the following 23 secrets (though it’s really much more than that):Secret #1: Dating Opportunities All Day LongHow your daily routine is already filled with the type of women that you’d love to date – FOUR simple ways to take advantage the endless opportunities that present themselves everyday. Secret #2: Wardrobe WizardryHow changing 2 basic things about your wardrobe will instantly attract many more woman in your day-to-day life. Secret #3: Conversational MagicAn amazingly EASY way to never run out of things to say to woman!Secret #4: The Only Thing You Have to Fear Is…Here’s a tip: Woman share the exact same fears as you. How you can use that fear to approach and succeed every time. Secret #5: From Noticing to FlirtingHow a simple observation can lead to a flirtatious conversation that will make her want to give you her number. Secret #6: Just Give Me 10 MinutesWhy you only need 10 minutes a day to meet sexy woman everywhere. Secret #7: Carpe DiemHow to recognize an opportunity and make it work for you quickly – even if you are pressed for time. Secret #8: From a Good Flirt to GreatHow to become a master at the art of flirting – simply watching certain people! Secret #9: Get Her to Approach YouHow by making yourself “approachable”, she’ll instantly be more attracted and even approach YOU. Secret #10: No More Competition5 “Top-Secret” places to meet women where there is little (if any) competition – places where they’ll even welcome you to flirt. Secret #11: Perception Is RealityHow to “position yourself” so woman become interested and intrigued by you. Secret #12: Begin from WithinHow to easily develop a winning mindset so that meeting women becomes as easy as talking to your buddies.Secret #13:Falling ForwardHow to turn what seemed like a missed opportunity into a successful encounter. Secret #14: Just a Few WordsThe pickup line that never fails: because it’s entirely unique, genuine and always your own. Secret #15: Your Own Personal Dating AgentsHow to convincingly get people you BARELY know to refer dates to you! Secret #16: Mad PropsHow using “props” is by FAR the easiest way to break the ice – I reveal the best ways to use them. Secret #17: Amplify or It’s GoodbyeA simple approach will make an already beautiful woman feel even better in your presence. Secret #18: Laughter is ContagiousHow to use props to make a sexy girl laugh – (because she’s both shy and interested!). Secret #19: Befriend Her FriendHow flirting with her friend will get you the REAL number you want every time. Secret #20: Saturday Night LiveThe only place you should be on Saturday night. Period. Secret #21: Ask Her ThisThe one question all women love to be asked. Secret #22: Tickle Her MindLeave her curious and wanting more by using this secret before you walk away. Secret #23: Don’t Say It, Convey ItWhat you don’t say is more important than what you say when leaving a message – learn why. As you can see, there’s a LOT that I was able to pack into this manual. It’s the ‘down and dirty,’ quick-start version of some of the most powerful stuff I teach.Just minutes from now you can be reading it, downloading its wisdom into your brain. And just hours from now, you could be out there putting to work… meeting more attractive women than you ever have before. It really is that easy. And that effective. And at only $37.97, I think you’ll also agree that it’s an absolute steal. I mean, that’s a LOT less than most guys spend on a single date. Wouldn’t you trade a few ten-spots to finally start meeting better women, with greater consistency? I sure hope so! Because every guy who’s answered “yes” to that question has experienced a huge leap in his dating life. And I know the same will happen for you. Of course, I don’t expect you to believe a word I say – I hope you don’t! That’s why I’m offering you such a generous guarantee. I just want you to say “maybe” and try out Date to Win for yourself – just put what you learn into practice this week or weekend, then get back to me. If you’re not happy with the increased results you experience – for ANY reason – just drop me a quick line and I’ll refund every penny, no questions asked. Act Now and You AlsoGet These 5 Free Bonuses!FREE GIFT #1: Just RELEASED… The Recording of a One-On-One Coaching Session! I’ve been asked this question many, many times by readers of my blog and by all of you who have ordered my products: “David, we would love to listen to you coach somebody and learn what it’s like to be coached by you through their eyes.” So one night it hit me …I decided that I want to give all of you who are wondering what it’s like to be coached ONE-ON-ONE by ME, the opportunity to experience it – Best of all, I am going to offer you the opportunity to hear this ABSOLUTELY FREE!!I called my friend Nick whom I have been coaching, and he agreed to come over and let all of you listen to an ACTUAL LIVE COACHING CALL. So Nick and I sat down in front of the microphone with a few other people with whom I work, and we went through an entire coaching session.So, how do you get this incredible recording … and better yet, get it for free?When you order Date to Win, I will give you as a FREE BONUS this one hour coaching session!What you’ll hear when you download this free one hour session, is me as I coach Nick on topics that I know will benefit everyone. You’ll feel like you have me in the room with you. In this coaching session, I cover:How to escalate escalate attraction when meeting a woman for the first time How to approach a woman with success and to leave her thinking about YOU How not to appear as a pickup artist and instead be perceived as a genuine and authentic person who is interested in her How to get her sexually intrigued How to understand the art of dirty talk Why women are such sexual creatures and how to understand them better How to appear confident and not needy when you approach a woman Learn women’s subliminal attraction signals and how to recognize them How to turn the inner voice off inside your head PLUS many more topics! And there’s more… FREE GIFT #2: Leave A Message How many times when you make that first phone call to a woman who has given you her phone number, do you get the dreaded voicemail message and you have no idea what to say?You’re thinking really fast. Your heart is beating really quickly. You don’t know what to do. You want to leave something funny and clever. Then you hear the “beep,” and you just start garbling a blur of incoherent things. You hang up . . . and she never calls you back. Knowing how to leave a good voicemail message is a skill. It’s a skill that involves learning a few different things. You need to learn to intrigue her. You need to learn how create desire by leaving just the right message. You also need to leave a short message that will get her to call you back. n this audio, I’ll go through the best ways to leave a voicemail message. I will also talk about all the most common mistakes that men make and how to avoid them. Once you listen to this audio, you will never again have problems leaving a voicemail message for a woman. FREE GIFT #3: Dress To Impress It is very important when you meet a woman that you make a great first impression. What you’re wearing when you make that first impression tells a woman about the way you take care of yourself. You need to dress to impress!A lot of guys just don’t understand how to dress. A lot of these same guys use the excuse that they don’t have enough money to be able to get a good wardrobe. In this audio, I am going to not only tell you exactly how to dress to impress . . . but also how you can turn women on with just what you’re wearing. I will also teach you how the find clothes and accessories which best fit the type of person YOU are. Remember, there is no reason for you to dress like someone else – it just won’t work for you!  When you do this, you’re acting just like a woman. How many times have you seen a woman wearing a pair of jeans that look ridiculous on her, and then you find out that the only reason she bought them was because her friend has the same pair.  Women love men with a great sense of style. So in addition to showing you exactly how to dress, I will go over some quick style tips that will have women instantly attracted to your sense of style when they see you. FREE GIFT #4: Double Your Options With WomenDo you ever see a woman who intrigues you, but she is with a group of women and you have absolutely no idea how to bust into that group so you can meet her?  In this audio I am going to show you exactly how to break into this kind of small group. Not only that, you’re going to learn a secret that most men don’t know – the secret of how to approach a group of women like this so that they will all be talking about what a great guy you are after you leave.  Most men make a huge mistake when they walk into a group of women: they target the one woman they want to meet and alienate all her friends. I will show you exactly how to make friends with all of the women in a group, so that they will be ‘talking you up’ to the woman you want all night long. You will learn why respecting a woman’s time makes you different from almost every other man a woman meets, and I am going to show you why that means that you will walk away! Walking away not only demonstrates respect for a woman’s time, but it also gives you the option to connect with lots of people during your evening. Because you’ve approached the group of women the right way and walked away, by the end of the night the woman you want will be extremely excited to talk to you because her friends have spent the whole night convincing her how amazing you are. This is what you need to do. This will not only double your options, this will show you exactly how to connect with women. FREE GIFT #5: Don’t Chase Women In this 45 minute audio, I will show you why you need to stop chasing women and why attracting women is far more powerful. I will also show you exactly HOW to create attraction to you every day and everywhere you go. So many men walk around all day long thinking about how to “pick up” women – they chase women. I am in my 40’s, and I never chase women. I attract women wherever I go. Not only that, but the way I do it is SO natural. I am going to teach you how to be completely comfortable in your own skin, and how by connecting with everyone you see you will make women naturally attracted to you. Learning to be naturally attractive is key – if you want to create instant attraction in women you need to first become naturally attractive. Once you understand the concept of how to attract women, you will never ever chase women again. I will show you how to get women to actually come after youI will break down approaches and show you why they workI will break down body languageI will break down attitudeLearn how to social proof everywhere you go so women become naturally attracted to youI’m going to show you how to become a truly confident man from the inside out! Wouldn’t you rather attract women than spend time convincing women to go out with you? This is one of the best inner-game products that I’ve ever done, because it will teach you how to cultivate true inner confidence – and women are attracted to men who have true inner confidence. A man with true inner confidence really understands himself, loves his life and embraces his life. Included in this coaching MP3 is a LIVE ROLE PLAYING session with my friend Lexi where she and I role play an actual first encounter at a coffee shop.This is key insight from a woman … Lexi breaks down the art of attraction and first encounters from a woman’s point of view. Learn what women are really thinking during this initial process of meeting, and what they are REALLY looking for in a man during that first encounter. Also, Lexi shares what turns a woman on and what turns a woman off. This powerful FREE one hour bonus is a MUST for any man that is looking to meet and connect with women in a natural style. Look, I want to help you master the natural style of attracting women, so you can go out and connect with women EVERY DAY.I have never offered an audio coaching session of mine as a free bonus before. So, for a LIMITED TIME ONLY, this coaching session is yours for free when you order Date To WinYou’ll Also Get This Additional BonusDownload my eBook now and you’ll also get a product that pairs perfectly with Date To Win My wildly successful, 71-page book Meet Someone Today in eBook form – packed with essential tips on how to develop the winning mindset you need to confidently – and daily – take on the dating world. (Previously sold for $24.95) If I had to estimate the total value of all these bonuses, it would easily by over $50. That’s more than the cost of the manual itself! But they’re yours free when you grab your copy of Date to Win right now. The Cheapest, Fastest Way toJumpstart Your Success With Women I’m not going to mince words with you. I offer a wide variety of powerful dating products. But this is quickest, most economical way to test-drive what I teach… and begin getting noticeable results. It’s taken me nearly a decade of trial and error – plus the “inside” wisdom of the some of the most beautiful women I know – to put this together. And now I’m offering it to you for less than the cost of a single night out. And remember, that’s without you risking a single penny. If you’re at all serious about your success with women, grab your copy and let me know what you think. I’m confident you’ll be very pleased. See you on the other side, David WygantSalepage: Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20090831055857/http://davidwygant.com/date-to-win-men.htmlPurchase David Wygant – Date To Win For Men courses at here with PRICE $38 $14