This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Jain 108 Lifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase Art of Number – Jain 108 courses at here with PRICE $33 $22This Page is in 5 Sections1 – ABOUT “The ART OF NUMBER, Volume 1”2 – BACK COVER BLURB3 – CONTENTS4 – 12 SAMPLE PAGES From “The ART OF NUMBER, Volume 1”5 – SEARCH ENGINE KEYWORDS1 – ABOUT “The ART OF NUMBER”Translating Number Into Picture & Sacred SymbolThis ebook contains 190 pages, is hand-written in parts but mainly computerized, highly illustrated, the book is a golden rectangle but fitted or orientated to A4 portrait.Self Published in 2012 First EditionISBN: 978-0-9757484-8-0Published: 2012This ebook is a collector’s item, it is a summary of 25 years of avid research on this exciting topic.Companion book, called:“The ART OF NUMBER – TEACHER’S MANUAL”, and will have about 100 extra pages to accommodate for lots of activity worksheets and extra important information for the school teacher to know.2 – BACK COVER BLURBThis book is a distillation of all other 15 books hitherto authored by Jain. It’s a thesis that explores the mathematical derivation or origins of sacred symbols like the Golden Spiral (Ram’s Horn), the VW symbol, the Pentagram, the Star of David, the Seal of Solomon, Magic Squares and much more.Its basic premise is to view Mathematics as Pictures or Power Art, that is recognized as Feminine, Right Brain Mathematics. Its like the reader is putting on X-Ray goggles to see Numbers as Shapes: the Universal Language of Pattern Recognition.Jain explores sequences like the Fibonacci Sequence and the Binary Sequence and magically transforms them into exquisite Art.Some sequences extracted from the common Multiplication Tables are simplified by Digital Reduction or Compression to single digits and reveal hidden Atomic Art.This book is a rare collection of the finest patterns available, and has never before been comprehensively compiled in such a visually stunning way.Great for teenage students wanting to further their love of Numbers and great for adults who are willing to learn again.Jain believes that if most students who struggled with mathematics were to simply have studied these mathematical patterns, and not learnt their algebra and trigonometry as required, would have seen life through another lens and developed a deeper appreciation for the Beauty of Mathematics.“If I were to leave this planet and leave one gift that would best serve me to be remembered by or to share gems of knowledge, it would no doubt be this Compendium. I am excited to release these gems in the exciting year of 2012, a time when many hidden or esoteric studies are being raised into full view. I believe that these simple Mathematical Codes are Celestial Transcripts and are part of our Ascension Process”.3.1 – CONTENTS IN BRIEFIntroducing Digital Compression & the Revelation of the 108 Codes.Chap. 1 • The BINARY – DOUBLING SEQUENCE GENERATING The VW SYMBOL.Chap. 2 • The ODD NUMBER SEQUENCE as SQUARED & CUBIC SHAPES.Chap. 3 • The VISUAL MULTIPLICATION TABLE CREATING 
3×3.Chap. 7 • STAR Of DAVID DERIVED From The NUMBERS 1 To 7.Chap. 8 • FLOWER Of LIFE PATTERN GENERATED From The GEOMETRY Of The STAR TETRAHEDRON.Chap. 9 • SOUL SIGNATURES: Personalized Geometric Soul Yantra or Sigils of your Name and Birth-date derived from unique Magic Squares of 6×6. Index of Words Index of Numbers Index of Digitally Compressed Sequences3.2 – CONTENTS IN FULLPAGE:  TITLE  of CHAPTER9    PREFACE + Introducing Digital Compression & the Revelation of the 108 Codes.1st Dimension of Numbers2nd Dimension of Phi Spiral in Phi Rectangle / Nautilus Shell viewed in Flatland3rd Dimension of Phi Spiral viewed as the Ram’s Horn4th Dimension of Phi Spiral viewed as the TorusThe number 108 in Base 10 converted to Base 2 as:1101100“In The Next Dimension” or “Jain’s 17th Sutra”18  INTRODUCTION: The 9 Celestial Transcript Codings (CTC)22    Chapter 1The BINARY – DOUBLING SEQUENCE GENERATING The VW SYMBOL sub-titled: The Magic of Nine hidden within the Doubling Sequence. 
The Mathematical and Geometrical Origin of the VW Symbol23    – PART 1: FROM The BINARY SEQUENCE To The BINARY CODE23    • Chart of the Doubling Sequence25    • The Digitally Compressed Binary Code 1-2-4-8-7-5 plotted upon the 9-Point Circle26    • Generation of the VW symbol31    • The 24 radial triangular vectors of the Cuboctahedron linking this symbol to the mystery of the Phi Code that is based on 24-ness31    • The Shadow of the Cubocatahedron forms the VW symbol32    – PART 2: FUSION Of The CIRCULARIZED PHI SPIRAL & BINARY CODE32    • The Fusion of the Circularized Phi Spiral and Binary Code33    • The Emanation Point: Contributions from Marko Rodin and Nassim Harramein34    • Nabokov’s circularized Phi Spiral35    • Jain’s rendition of the Nabokov Spiral40    Chapter 2The ODD NUMBER SEQUENCE As SQUARED & CUBIC SHAPES41    − PART 1The Odd Numbers Generating the Squared Number SequenceSolution to the Squared Number display of odd numbers shown in a ChartThe Supreme Language of Pattern Recognition or Universal 
ShapeThe Right Feminine Brain Mathematics45    − PART 2The Odd Numbers Generating the Cubic Number SequenceNature’s Cubic Patterns as seen in Soap Films Chart of the Cubic Display of Odd Numbers48    Chapter 3The VISUAL MULTIPLICATION TABLE49    — PART 1Digital Compression of the 4 TIMES TABLE (plugged into the 
Wheel of 9 to form the 9-Pointed Enneagram)53    — PART 2“All The Ones” forming the Atomic Structure of Rutile Crystal.60    — PART 3The superimposition of “All The Ones” with “All The Eights” 
forming the Atomic Structure of Platinum Crystal.70    Chapter 4FIBONACCI NUMBERS GENERATING The PHI SPIRAL71   — PART 1What You Already Know About Phi & The Fibonacci Sequence82   — PART 2What You Don’t Know About Phi & The Fibonacci Sequence. Jain’s Discovery of the Repeating 24 Pattern89   — PART 3 (See Teacher’s Manual)
 What You Need To Know About Phi & The Fibonacci Sequence.Time Code 12:24:60 Encrypted in the Fibonacci Sequence & 
Pascal’s Triangle— PART 4 (See Teacher’s Manual)The Binary Code Vs The Phi Code94    Chapter 5PRIME NUMBERS GENERATING The 4TH DIMENSIONAL TEMPLAR CROSS95    —  PART 1Definition of Prime Numbers and Ulam’s Rose107   —  PART 2Prime Number Cross Generated From Concentric Rings of 24122    Chapter 6The ATOMIC ART Of The MAGIC SQUARE Of 3×3:123    —  PART 1The TESSELLATED MAGIC SQUARE Of 3X3 CREATING The ATOMIC STRUCTURE Of DIAMOND131    —  PART 2SOLOMON’S SEAL Or STAR Of SOLOMON DERIVED From The MAGIC SQUARE Of 3×3138    Chapter 7STAR Of DAVID DERIVED From The NUMBERS 1 To 7140    • Ancient Puzzle142    • Properties of the Star Of David Derived from the Numbers 1 to 7145    • The fractal, ever recursive or repeating division of the 
triangle, known as the Koch Snowflake147    • How to Convert Number Into Art152    • The Coptic Cross155    • The UniCursal Hexagram157    Chapter 8FLOWER Of LIFE PATTERN GENERATED From The GEOMETRY Of The STAR TETRAHEDRON158    • The Flower of Life Pattern laser-carved at Osirian Temple in Abydos159    • Tetrahedron and the 4-Frequency Tetra159    • 64 Tetrahedra Crystalline Matrix160    • Star Tetrahedron161    • Cuboctahedron (aka Vector Equilibrium)163    • Foo Lions of the Forbidden City have 3-Dim Flower of Life Under Paw
164Hebrew Qabahlistic Tree of Life
16612 Sphered Tree Of Life Forming the Macrocosmic Snowflake167    • Chinese I-Ching Trigrams can be rearranged to form the Star
 Tetra168    Chapter 9SOUL SIGNATURES:
 Personalized Geometric Soul Yantra or Sigils of your Name 
and Birth-date derived from unique Magic Squares of 6×6, constructed by Jain and coloured in by Lily Moses.174    INDEX OF WORDS183    INDEX OF NUMBERS185    INDEX OF DIGITALLY COMPRESSED SEQUENCESGet Art of Number – Jain 108, Only Price $224 – Sample Pages5 – SEARCH ENGINE KEYWORDSThe Art of Number, Jain 108, Freedoms, Sacred Symbol, Pattern, Pentacle, Phi, Phi ratio, golden mean, divine proportion, sacred geometry, ancient knowledge, Vedic Mathematics, Fibonacci, Fibonacci Numbers, Platonic Solids, Cuboctahedron, crystals, Pythagoras, Decagon, Gayatri Mantra, DNA, Pine Cone, fractal, Sunflower, pentacle, platonic solids, Sequence, infinite mathematics, recursive, embedded, pattern, formula, secret, rosary beads, 108 degrees, mantra, Sanskrit, sonic, code, sound, vibration, dodecahedron, icosahedron, tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, shape, pentagon, heart, fractal, fractality, etheric, meditation, ascension, multi-dimensional, dimensions, sacred cut, fourth dimension, sphere, spherical packing, kissing number, sacred cut, Parthenon, Oracle of Delphi, galactic, galactic maths, unity, transcendental number, pi, formula, Pythagoras, DNA, D.N.A., Mona Lisa, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, star, pentagram, counter-rotating field, pineal gland, seeds, nesting, lesser maze, Charles Leadbeater, Buckminster Fuller, spirals, human body, canon, decimal, recursion, Living Mathematics of Nature, circumference, squaring of the circle, periodicity, 24, 12 pairs of 9, digital compression, base 12, Stonehenge, pyramids, Egypt, magic sums, magic squares, magic cubes, exponential number, magic constants, tetrahedral number series, triangular numbers, infinite, infinity, sutras, language, language of light, love, heart, numbers, new millennium mathematics, f.r.e.e.d.o.m.s., golden section, triangle d’0r, suppression, philosophy, unity in trinity, digital sums, reduced digits, palindrome, pascal’s triangle, geometric series, arithmetic series, harmonics of a decagon, the temple of Diana, construction, sacred architecture, Archimedean solids, jitterbug, star tetrahedron, silicon chip, atomic structure, Dan Winter, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Stan Tenen, Robert Lawlor, Callum Coats, Bruce Cathie, Victor Schauberger, Tibetan cosmology, occult chemistry, tube torus doughnut, soap bubbles, axes of spin, logarithmic spiral, shadow flames, sufi, goddess of health, Hygia, Hygeia, involute of a circle, sacred cut, perfect division, extreme balance, Plato, Golden Measure, Jesus Christ, creation, vesica piscis, Keith Critchlow, beryl, domes, muslim, Gustav Fechner, eye of the spiral, vortex, Vitruvius, Liber Abaci, prime numbers, bees, Fibonacci Quarterly, physics, Cheops, Giza, Gizeh, starfish, mathematical beauty, beauty, puzzle, ancient, complements of nine, genetic memory, 1.618033988, phi wave, temple of Poseidon, chakra, manipura, theosophy, theosophical society, venus orbit, beryllium crystal, star of Solomon yantra, periodic table, Enochian Tablet, Tree of Life, 666, radiolaria, alchemy, Islamic, Gann, Escher, Timaeus and Critias, symmetry, Mathemagics, zero, dual roots, Pentatopes, hypercubes, phi code, Chris Illert, cubic numbers, triangular numbers, magic tetrahedron, pollen, micro fossils, tetrahedral, yantra, pyramid numbers, the exponential Function, Harmonic Stairway, Jain’s Dictionary of Numbers, fusion of hex and pent, electronic calculator, unity square, polyhedron, tesseract, duals of the platonic solids, rose flower, implosion, swastika, 3 dimensional, computer chip circuit, molecule, angles of the angels, Derald Langham, quartz, silicon dioxide, diamond, carbon atoms, adyarium, alpha particle, tetrahedron stack number, micro-psi, ashmolean stones, Rabbi Solomon, reciprocal, nesting tori, diabolic donut, spherical memory, mystic cross, Walter Russell, universal one, Marko Rodin’s coil, magnetic fields, Sunflower Map, toroidal, Halayudha, zodiac, Claude Bragdon. Flower of life, lo-shu, The Book Of Magic Squares, Natural Squares, akashic records, Gauss, tetrahedral consciousness, sri yantra, sri chakra, Euler, Earth Heart, Annie Besant, Kepler, Mysterium Cosmographicum, isotopes, eight original cells, Benjamin Franklin, algebra, Al jabr Khwarizmi, Lawrence Blair, Einstein, Euclid, Feng Shui, formula, fourth dimensional, Martin Gardner, golden triangle, Queen of England, hecatonicosahedroid, intuition, Jacob’s Ladder, Law of the Squares, lemniscate, logarithm, lucas numbers, merkabah, Free Masons, mitosis, nautilius pompilius, nine point circle, nonagon, numerology, over unity, parabola, pattern recognition, self-similarity, silver ratio, Sloane, trefoil.Get Art of Number – Jain 108, Only Price $22Tag: Art of Number – Jain 108  Review. Art of Number – Jain 108  download. Art of Number – Jain 108  discount. Purchase Art of Number – Jain 108 courses at here with PRICE $33 $22