The American Monk – Intuitive Healing Guide – Burt Goldman


There are no instruments that can measure or detect energy imbalances… and these very energy imbalances will turn into overt disease. By the time western medicine and instrumentation can detect that something is wrong, the disease is already onset. And you have a long battle to fight.Purchase The American Monk – Intuitive Healing Guide – Burt Goldman courses at here with PRICE $27 $19How A Chance Meeting With An Old Korean Man Turned A 17-Year-Old Teenager In The Army Into A HealerIt’s so simple, you too can develop your own healing abilities to help heal yourself or heal a loved one, even from a distance, and soon you can alleviate ailments, help prevent sickness, and consistently enjoy a feeling of well-being with an abundance of physical and mental energy.Dear Friend,Hi. My name is Burt Goldman, and most people know me as the American Monk.I’m here to talk about something that concerns everyone: HEALTH. But before I go into my story, I want you to imagine…How much would you enjoy suddenly being able to heal yourself and others? How much more enjoyable would life be if you were free of fatigue, headaches, difficulty concentrating, stiff joints, and other symptoms that decrease your zest for life?Well, you don’t have to imagine… because it IS possible.But please stop reading if you don’t think you’re ready to hear what I have to say. If you don’t believe it’s possible to heal using only the mind… if you scoff at the idea of remote healing…If you’re content to accept your health as whatever it is… and you’re satisfied to pay high medical bills and spend the rest of your life relying on prescription drugs with side effects—then please click away from this page now.For those of you who remain, rest assured that by the end of this, you will have the opportunity to reach holistic health naturally… without pain, medication or scars to bear.But first, let me tell you my story of how I discovered these secrets.My First Hand Encounter with A Mystical HealerIt was 1945. I was 17. Drafted into the Army, I was shipped to Korea. Naïve to conquer the world, little did I know that an extraordinary accident, or rather coincidence, would set my destiny on a completely different path—to heal the world.My closest army buddy at that time was Kim, a second generation American. Kim spoke Korean and quickly made friends with many locals. One day, he asked me to go with him to meet some of them. I found myself in a small house on the side of a hill with two elderly Korean’s and their two sons.There was a kind of organ in the living room and I promptly sat down and played the only song I knew by heart, Auld Lang Syne. Unbeknownst to me, the tune Auld Lang Syne at that time was the Korean national anthem.Well before you could shake a stick at a goat we were all old friends, with my buddy Kim translating. It turned out the Korean gentleman, whose name was also Kim, was a practitioner of one of the ancient healing arts and a mystic. He was the first one to show me a world I never knew existed.It all began with a headache. When told what the problem was, Mr. Kim smiled and put the palm of his hand on my forehead. Then he kind of wiped my skin and just like that, the headache disappeared.I was at a loss for words. So I asked him what he did, and so began my initiation into a world I never knew. This new realm then became the study of my life, and if you’re ready, I’m going to tell you all about it.A New Realm of EnergyEnergy, in common street language, is the ability to do work. But everything is in fact energy. From every atom to even human thought, energy is the root essence, and we, are the embodiment of all the different energies of the universe.When energy is blocked, there is sickness and disease. But if you can tap into your mind and open it to the gateways of healing energy, you can remove the blocks so that the energy is flowing once more. The result? Your body is rebalanced and revived, from soul to cell.A New Sense of HealthAre you battling a disease or sickness? Are you tired of hospitals and medical tests? Are prescription drugs, surgery or other treatments taking a toll on you… not just on your wallet, but all the side effects too?On the other hand, if doctors tell you that you have a “clean bill of health”, do you really believe them?From the point of view of western medicine, sickness is merely the absence of disease. So yeah, you passed your stress test, the X-rays are clean, and your blood test came back with nothing alarming. Good. But what’s your energy like?There are no instruments that can measure or detect energy imbalances… and these very energy imbalances will turn into overt disease. By the time western medicine and instrumentation can detect that something is wrong, the disease is already onset. And you have a long battle to fight.Now, allow me to offer you a better solution. If you develop the skill of healing energy imbalances, not only will you spare yourself of minor ailments and the consequences of developing disease later on, you will experience a new sense of health all together.Have I lost you here?Well, believe me… ‘cause you can only truly understand when you get out of that health limbo and experience for yourself a rejuvenated energy.Are You One of the Millions of People Stuck in a Health Limbo?You may be of a healthy weight, in your prime years, and maintaining a healthy exercise regime. But are you in a health limbo?Are you not sick enough to be bedridden or diagnosed, but not well enough to enjoy life with eagerness and exuberance? Do you get stressed often? Do you have trouble concentrating at times? Do you consider headaches, fatigue, sore joints and muscle ache a normal thing? Are you dependent on coffee or other stimulants to get you through the day?Well, then, it doesn’t matter what the doctor tells you… YOU are not in perfect health. The good news however is that you can easily change this.Every Cell RejoiceDon’t worry, natural healing is not something that is hard to learn. Everyone can do it. In fact, you’re not really learning at all. Natural healing is an intuitive process, it’s just a matter of being conscious of how to control it.Take a look at your immune system for one. It’s constantly self-healing your body without you even realizing it. But we all know that when the body or mind is stressed out, sickness strikes. Why?Because everything is connected. Mind, Body & Soul… remember, everything is united by energy. Effectively, you’ll be as strong as your weakest link.Well, allow me to introduce to you everything you need to heal yourself… EVERY LINK… from soul to cell.Intuitive Healing: The Complete Guide From Soul to CellIn this PURELY digital release, available exclusively on download, you’ll get:Module 1 – Holistic Health, Happiness and YouIn this downloadable audio lesson, you will learn:Humanity’s search for youth and immortality is as old as time—what worked, and what didn’tThink you know your facts?—Health & medicine myths bustedThe conflicting story of “unhealthy” great composer and pianist Eubie Blake vs. “healthy” fitness author Jim Fixx—who lived longer, and why? (this is not what doctors will tell you)Understand the important role of your five senses towards your healthPLUS: Embracing the “Zorba appetite” for life—and instantly improve your health AND happinessModule 2 – Bridging Soul to CellIn this downloadable audio lesson, you will learn:Healing in Three Syllables—the one power word your mind must digest to achieve perfect healthConnecting your emotional well being and your physical healthMental and emotional states that attract bad health—which ones are you guilty of?Warning Bells—how you can catch the first sign of illness that even the best doctors and best equipment will missPLUS: Mastering the magical gateway that opens your mind to control your healthModule 3 – Healthy Behavior ChangeIn this downloadable audio lesson, you will learn:Sickness is not random—finding the real reasons of your illnessesHow past events in your life affect your healthThe key mindset to overcome impending negative healthEmpowering your health with this powerful self-healing “Replacement Technique”PLUS: How to get to, and use, the spiritual plane to reach tip-top health​​​​​​​Module 4 – Become a HealerIn this downloadable audio lesson, you will learn:How to obtain the three key characteristics all healers have so you can heal yourself, and others, even from a distanceA visualization technique to easily tap into the energy behind healingRecognizing mistakes that hinder healing… and how to avoid itAn energy healing technique you can start practicing on anyone TODAYPLUS: An insider secret of healing even the most stubborn person​​​​​​​But wait, because so many of you wrote in to my assistant Alexandra about your concerns of your current diseases and/or fear of developing a disease prominent in your family history… I’m going throw in a FIFTH bonus module on meditating your way to perfect health.Module 5 – Prevent and Fight DiseaseIn this downloadable audio lesson, you will learn:A meditation exercise specially designed to help you with current ailmentsA technique to leverage off the Alpha Level and enhance your immune system to protect yourself from future health vulnerabilitiesUsing the power of the mind to recharge and restore every cell of your bodyFinding balance to grow the healing energy in youPLUS: Tips on how to use meditation daily for a new sense of good health​​​​​​​Get The American Monk – Intuitive Healing Guide – Burt Goldman, Only Price $19Tag: The American Monk – Intuitive Healing Guide – Burt Goldman Review.  The American Monk – Intuitive Healing Guide – Burt Goldman download. 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