Todd V Dating – Verbal Game Academy: Infield Lesson 1


Instead of bringing her to Shoko right away, he suggests getting drinks at a quieter place first. This almost establishes a “test” that she needs to pass before he can bring her to Shoko and the interaction is much easier in a quiet place.Purchase Todd V Dating – Verbal Game Academy: Infield Lesson 1 courses at here with PRICE $22 $19Todd V Dating – Verbal Game Academy: Infield Lesson 11:15 – Todd opens with a push-pull. This opener immediately establishes a man-to-woman premise in the interaction but also creates tension.Todd knows the girl is very unlikely to continue the conversation after the opener so he follows up with another push-pull.He initiated physical contact within the first few seconds by putting his hand on her shoulder.3:30 – “What’s your story?” Todd moves the interaction into the evaluation phase. This is where he attempts to get the girl to explain and qualify herself.The lightest form of evaluation. It’s almost a biographical question but he uses a challenging tonality.If she qualifies herself then it was a success. If she doesn’t, then there wasn’t much loss of value in the attempt.10:00 – Phases of escalation. Talking about random topics moves the conversation forward the least.Talking about yourself is better but still not super impactful.Talking about her will help move the interaction forward a bit.The most powerful conversation topic is talking about you and her together in some way.14:35 – As an advanced guy, Todd doesn’t try to close right away. He changes the logistics in a way that makes the interaction easier for him while setting up a challenge for the girl.Instead of bringing her to Shoko right away, he suggests getting drinks at a quieter place first. This almost establishes a “test” that she needs to pass before he can bring her to Shoko and the interaction is much easier in a quiet place.Get Todd V Dating – Verbal Game Academy: Infield Lesson 1 download16:00 – Two forms of resistance, objection and condition.An objection means she is not emotionally ready and you haven’t gamed enough for her to be comfortable.A condition is an external, factual issue of the situation that can often be solved with logic.21:00 – Be aware of funny lines stated in a comedic wayIf you find something that works, it’s okay to reuse them in other interactions.Create an arsenal of different lines, stories and ideas that you can use when the situation calls for it.23:00 – Give the objection firstWhen escalating things toward sex, you’re likely to get an objection from her. It’s helpful to supply the objection before the girl does because that softens the sting when she says it.27:00 – Framing things in the negative is an incredibly useful tool to have in your arsenalThe girl says she wants to improve her English so Todd sarcastically says, “So as an American, I can definitely NOT help you with that because we DON’T speak English where I’m from.”“Don’t give me that look”The human brain struggles to understand things without visualizing them first. Therefore, saying something in the negative can introduce ideas into a conversation without you having to say them outright.30:00 – Phase shifting is the process of bringing your energy down, getting more intimate, getting more sexual, slowing down and facing the girl when you’re trying to escalate physically.Todd does this when he wants to try to kiss the girlCreating more sexual tension and not shying away from itTodd maintains the non-serious frame when he says, “Let’s have fun but let the grownups handle the serious stuff.”37:00 – Early on, Todd uses a ton of flirty and gamey stuff. Once they kiss and a clear connection has been established, he makes an attempt to get to know her more.The interaction DOES NOT become platonic and boring, he is still throwing teases at her.44:00 – Todd gets into the narrative phase of game.“When I first met you, I thought you would be boring, I’m sorry. But you’re actually okay now. You’re actually kind of fun now.”Establishing what your “story” is with the girl.45:00 –  At this point it is obvious that the girl likes Todd so now he is just trying to get to know the girl.He spends time with her and keeps it calm, chill and pleasant while maintaining some teases.He wants to avoid the boyfriend frame so he’s keeping it fun and casual.“Okay so, tell me something about you because I know that I enjoy you but I don’t know anything about who I actually know, like and enjoy at this point.”47:00 – Purposeful MisinterpretationMisinterpreting what a girl says on purposeShe says, “fuck” and Todd responds by saying, “I appreciate the offer but slow down.”50:55 – As good as the set was, Todd wasn’t sure she wanted to go home with him, so he stayed patientIt’s better to be patient than pushy because that’s more akin to a pull.Being too pushy and too fast will likely result in her resisting you when you bring her home.Get Todd V Dating – Verbal Game Academy: Infield Lesson 1 downloadPurchase Todd V Dating – Verbal Game Academy: Infield Lesson 1 courses at here with PRICE $22 $19