Andrew W. Saul – The Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease


“If you only buy one book this year, this is it. The value of this book, for which no praise is high enough, lies in its massive accumulation of proof. Unfortunately, your physician probably doesn’t know anything about all this.”Purchase Andrew W. Saul – The Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease courses at here with PRICE $19 $18Andrew W. Saul – The Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease“If you only buy one book this year, this is it. The value of this book, for which no praise is high enough, lies in its massive accumulation of proof. Unfortunately, your physician probably doesn’t know anything about all this.”VITALITY Magazine“A great book.”Dag Viljen Poleszynski, PhDEditor-in-chief Helsemagasinet, Norway“If you are really serious about your health, this is the book you should get your hands on.”Trevor King, Northern Ireland “Dr. Andrew W. Saul has performed a great service to humanity by compiling this monumental work of key research supporting the curative power of nutrition and vitamin supplements in the treatment and cure of chronic disease. If tomorrow, every health practitioner started applying the information in The Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease, the improvement in the health of the nation and the reduction in suffering would be unprecedented.”John I. Mosher, PhDProfessor of Biological Sciences (Emeritus)State University of New York“The Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease sounds like a book you would take to school. It’s not. It’s easy to read and easy to follow. It’s the most terrific book out there. It talks about key people who, over the last 80 years, have had success curing illnesses with vitamins.”The Body Talk Health Show“I got the heavy book today, The Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease. Fantastic, marvelous! This is extremely fine medicine.”Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, MDFinlandRead moreFrom the AuthorMany readers will want to know, “How is The Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease different from all other nutritional therapy books?”The book’s Contents will help provide the answer:PART ONE: FOUNDATIONS OF ORTHOMOLECULAR THERAPYIncluding detailed discussions of megavitamin therapy, vitamin dependency, “Safe Upper Levels,” supernutrition, orthomolecular psychiatry, administration of vitamin C, dynamic flow, vitamin C treatment and bowel tolerance, children and vitamin C, clinical procedures in treating terminally ill patients with vitamin C, and much more.PART TWO: PIONEERS OF ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE Including the work of William McCormick, MD, Max Gerson, MD, Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi, MD, PhD, Roger J. Williams, PhD, Bill W., Linus Pauling, PhD, Adelle Davis, M.Sc., Carl C. Pfeiffer, MD, PhD, Irwin Stone, PhD, Frederick Klenner, MD, Wilfrid Shute, MD, and Evan Shute, MD, William Kaufman, MD, PhD, Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, Humphry Osmond, MD, Lendon H. Smith, MD, Ewan Cameron, MD, Archie Kalokerinos, MD, Robert F. Cathcart III, MD, Hugh Desaix Riordan, MD, Alan R. Gaby, MD, Ronald E. Hunninghake, MD, Claus W. Jungeblut, MD, and many others.PART THREE: ORTHOMOLECULAR TREATMENTAlcoholismAlzheimer’s DiseaseAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)CancerCardiovascular DiseaseDepression and AnxietyDrug AddictionEye DiseasesFatigueHIV/AIDSRadiation SicknessSchizophrenia and Other Mental IllnessAPPENDICES:Where Are the Bodies? The Safety of Antioxidants and MicronutrientsThe Riordan Intravenous Vitamin C ProtocolRadiation Injury ProtocolFor Further ReadingIndex by SubjectIndex by Author Purchase Andrew W. Saul – The Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease courses at here with PRICE $19 $18