Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System


You already have expertise and knowledge that can be monetized EASILY. But You’re Getting Stuck on HOW to monetize it, right?Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System“5 ADDITIONAL bonuses and benefits when you pay in full!”You already have expertise and knowledge that can be monetized EASILY. But You’re Getting Stuck on HOW to monetize it, right?Are you stuck wondering…What do I do after my signature program is ready? (Because a program won’t sell itself!)What’s the best way to sell my program? (If you have no sales strategy, you will have no clients, no sales, no income! And a whole lot of hard work going nowhere.)What SYSTEM should I have in place to get paying clients? (Without a system, you’ll spin in a million different directions creating zero income. I’ve seen so many coaches in this situation, it takes everything out of you! )Do I just share my program on FB, or send to my email list? If I put it on my website or blog will people buy? (Nope! Unless you have a HUGE email list and following, but even then it RARELY creates sales like you think.)Should I be running Facebook ads, attending events, or doing a webinar? (That’s a great idea, but do you know what kind of “call to action” is EFFECTIVE and will actually convert leads to clients, FAST???)All these questions and uncertainties hold you back fromselling your program. Here’s the No-Holds-Barred Truth…You find yourself spinning your wheels and procrastinating when all you want is to be able work with clients. Or perhaps you thought once you have your program, the clients will magically appear… Sorry, that’s not going to happen. (You have to implement a simple, smart, incredibly effective system designed to sign up clients over and over again.)So tell me, how much of this are you doing…BLOGGING and WRITING ARTICLES, but you find yourself giving away all your content for free which doesn’t feel good. You might even begin to feel resentment.WRITING BOOKS OR EBOOKS to build credibility and attract clients, but still no paying clients. It’s not a lack of effort, just the wrong effort. Without a system, this effort doesn’t bring in sales.WORKING ON A NEW WEBSITE you’re proud of, BUT it still doesn’t turn visitors into clients. Hey, we all secretly want our websites to be magically found by thousands who instantly become clients. But it doesn’t work that way.CREATING A LEAD MAGNET AND LANDING PAGE to collect leads, but struggle to convert these leads to clients! Again, it’s only part of a system, not the entire system.PLANNED OR HOSTED A WEBINAR thought you could just sell your high-ticket program on there or on a sales page? But that’s not what happened.SALES CALL RELUCTANT because you don’t have a system that works for you and enables you to sign up clients over and over again. Not just any clients either, but DREAM clients.Let me explain: Creating a website, freebie, lead magnet, blogging, and webinars IS MARKETING, but marketing itself doesn’t get yousales or clients!What’s missing? YES! You guessed it… A SYSTEM.All of this great content and marketing effort without a system is like driving down a dead end road. It just ends and nothing happens.You simply become a busy “content creator” who works for free.Marketing helps you get in front of people. BUT what good is getting in front of people if you can’t turn the audience into clients?Trust me, the audience NEEDS you to invite them to work with you. Does that make sense?You can have great marketing, BUT if you don’t have a system behind your marketing that signs up clients, you’ll continue to struggle with inconsistent and even a lack of paying clients and cash flow.This means there is NO predictability or consistency in your business.THIS, MY FRIEND, IS A VERY VERY HARD, AND UNSUSTAINABLE WAY TO RUN A BUSINESS!! And honestly, if you’re not making sales, you don’t have a business yet, you have a great idea and content that entertains people.A business requires sales.If this is you…don’t worry.This is such an EASY fix!(I’m Going To Show You What To Do With All The Marketing, So It’s Not Wasted Anymore. It’s Further Down On The Page, So Keep Reading.)If you continue to create “busy work” for yourself- whether it’s because it feels “safe” to hide behind the computer, or you’re following what you see everyone else is doing online, or simply because you have NO real strategy and no system to get paying clients – you’ll keep playing the BUSY game, volunteering your valuable time away!Procrastinating, “perfecting,” stalling, putting your dreams on hold…….and it feels terrible. You can’t keep telling everyone around you that you’ll get clients soon. Without a comprehensive system, the clients aren’t coming 🙁So, are you ready for the easy fix?Get immediately download Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment SystemAre you READY to follow ONE Simple, PROVEN, and Incredibly Effective system to sign up clients over and over again?(PLUS With the YES Coach Certification, YOU’LL gain Instant Credibility & Respect.)IMAGINE IF ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS….Speak With Only Pre-Qualified Leads, Have Fun Coaching And Signing Up Dream Clients. Then Rinse And Repeat. It’s That Easy.Make Irresistible Offers To Prescreened People Who Are Warmed Up, And Already Motivated To Sign Up For Your Program. That Feels Good Doesn’t It?Now Scale Your Business! Triple Your Income Because You Are No Longer A Solopreneur, But Have The Right Dream Sales Team To Sign Up Clients For You. That’s The Way It’s Done!The High-Ticket Enrollment System andCertificationThe Incredibly Effective High-Ticket Enrollment System And Certification Has 7 Simple Steps. Here They Are:STEP 1Create Your Branded, Signature Program That Sets You Apart and Sells.STEP 2Coach and Sign Up Clients Through Powerful Conversations (aka Enrollment Conversations) without any “selling.” Imagine a potential client excitedly asking you “WOW! How can I work with you??”STEP 3Then follow my proven framework to make an irresistible offer that captivates your dream client’s attention and their deepest desires, inspiring them to take action.STEP 4Turn ANY income-crushing objections into a confident YES (comfortably). This is one of the MOST important coaching and communication skills you can learn as a business owner, expert and coach.STEP 5Set your automated system that prescreens people, so you only speak with pre-qualified and committed people. Never waste your valuable time by giving it away to people who have no intentions of buying.STEP 6Master your metrics and KNOW what your income will be month after month. I show you how to be an intelligent business owner and what to do when you have up stats or down stats, so you can grow with certainty.STEP 7Scale Your Business and Hire Your Sales Dream Team. (Would that allow you more time to relax, travel, be the brand of your company, only work with existing paying clients?) You’d be surprised at how fast you can be ready to scale!The Hidden Super Power To A Thriving Virtual Coaching Business Is Having The Right System To Schedule AUTHENTIC, Powerful Conversations that Sign Up Clients Over and Over Again!It’s the FASTEST path to cash flow, success and getting DREAM clients.(I would know because I went through years of trial an error to come up with this incredibly effective, proven system!)I know you’re ready to do this, but first, let me show you what you should do with all that marketing you’re already doing… (So it’s not wasted)Doing A Webinar?Announce You’re Giving Away 10 Strategy Sessions To Your Attendees And Sign Them Up As A Client Following This Incredibly Effective System!Writing A Blog?At The End Of Your Blog, Tell Your Readers To Book A Strategy Session To Sign Them Up As A Client Following This Incredibly Effective System!Have A Small Email List Or Social Media Following?Tell Them To Book A Strategy Session To Sign Them Up As A Client Following This Incredibly Effective System!Have A Sales Funnel Or Website?Offer A Free Strategy Session To Turn Leads Into Clients Following This Incredibly Effective System!Any And All Marketing Materials, And EffortsYour “Call To Action” Should Be To Go Book A Strategy Session So You Can Convert Your Potential Clients Into Paying Clients Following This Incredibly Effective System!Speaking At An Event?Perfect! You Already Built Your Credibility By Speaking in Front Of The Room. Simply Invite Your Audience To Book A Strategy Session, Hold a Powerful Conversation, and Sign Them Up As A Client Following This Incredibly Effective System!Get The Picture?See How SIMPLE And Straightforward It Can Be?Just Follow the Steps.You Just Need ONE Proven System, ONE Effective Strategy To Get Clients CONSISTENTLY With A Certification that Shouts Credibility.Rinse and Repeat Steps 1-7 of This Incredibly Effective System with Your YES Coach Credentials, and You’ll Have All the Dream Clients You Want!But Wait, Maggie, What Exactly Do You Mean ByDREAM Clients?You Only Have Powerful Enrollment Conversations With Clients That Are Quality, Knowing They Are Serious About Getting The Help, And It’s Someone YOU Know You Can Help.You Don’t Have To Waste Your Time Talking To People Who Only Want A “Free Coaching Session” And Will Never Buy. There’s a Way to Filter These Out and ONLY Talk With People Ready to Move Forward.You Only Work With Clients You Love And Enjoy.Dream Clients See The Value You Offer- They Need YOU, And Want What You Have To Offer, And Are Willing To Invest, And Be Resourceful To Make Things Happen.Dream Clients Are Coachable, And They Take Fast Action To Move Them Towards Their Transformation.The High-Ticket Enrollment System and Certification is Incredibly Effective. You Can’t NOT Sign Up Dream Clients Over and Over Again When Following This System!Let’s Review…THE HIGH-TICKET ENROLLMENT SYSTEMThe ENTIRE High-Ticket Enrollment system is Incredibly Effective because it takes a heart-centered approach, So It Naturally Increases Your Sales, Enrolling Pre-Qualified Dream Clients.This is the KEY to Helping You create a thriving 6 and 7 figure Virtual Coaching business That Can Scale With Your Very Own Dream Sales Team… On your terms.(Even if you’re brand new)Alright, Here’s What You’ll Get Today…Module 1: The Signature Program CreatorLearn how to turn your existing knowledge into multiple income streams, including a high-ticket program and a scalable group program that gives you more time, more freedom and more income!You’ll have an intelligent business model that gives you the ability to grow without burn out, trading your time for money. I’ll walk you step-by-step through how to structure, deliver, and price your branded, signature program with 100% confidence.You’ll be so proud!Module 2: The Six Figure Enrollment ConversationDiscover how to hold powerful conversations, so getting a new client is a natural outcome! I’ll walk you through the exact steps to guiding conversations with a prospective client in a way that is confident, comfortable, intuitive, and is a natural extension of what you already know as a coach and expert.You’ll have a customized script that’s proven and specific to your offer so you never have to enter an enrollment conversation blindly or feel unprepared or nervous again! Plus, this coaching conversation style will naturally lead to the client eagerly asking you “WOW! how can I work with you??”You’ll be so relieved!Module 3: Crafting The Irresistible OfferYou’ll discover the secret formula to crafting an irresistible, high-converting offer that makes your program stand out and effortlessly enrolls your dream clients. Once you learn this easy- to-use framework, you’ll know how to make irresistible offers to anything, for life.This is an easy-to-follow process that makes saying ‘YES!’ to your offer completely irresistible. You simply follow the structured framework to make your offer stand out and captivate anyone’s attention, so they will be prepared to take the next step with you.You’ll be thrilled when you see this!Module 4: From Objections to EnrollmentsI’ll show you how to avoid shutting down when a potential client hesitates or says no. These are just their limiting beliefs, and blocks…we all have them.You’ll be able to master one of the most important communication skills, to stand for your potential client’s transformation, and comfortably turn objections into a new conversation direction that gets to the root of their worry and fear which leads to a new, ready, inspired client! YES! It’s a total WIN-WIN.You’ll feel more heart-centered than ever before!Module 5: The Pre-Qualifying Leads FormulaMake sure every phone call you schedule is with your dream client!You’ll have the process to pre-qualify, filter and screen people before you speak to them, so you’re only devoting your valuable time to high-quality potential clients – You’ll feel more confident, better prepared, and see an amazing increase in conversions!You can swipe my copy, word-for-word and take my pre-screening process to use in your business. No need to reinvent the wheel!Get my secrets to increasing your show-up rate so you have more people to enroll into your program.You’ll feel so prepared!Module 6: The Winning Sales Tracking SystemDig into your data so you have a clear understanding of what is working, where you can improve, and what you need to do to get even MORE enrollments into your programs!I’ll walk you through how to set goals strategically and plan your success with intention (instead of aimless goals and hoping for the best!).Get immediately download Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment SystemBe a successful business owner that is always in the know of how your business is performing and what needs to be tweaked and improved, so you can see your stats, income, and performance rise week after week!You’ll feel empowered as you build an intelligent business!Module 7: The Dream Team Hiring SystemNow that you’re enrolling more clients and generating much more income, you don’t have to run everything on your own!(This will happen faster than you think, so be ready!)Having a team is crucial to scaling upwards, but you need the RIGHT people in place. I’ll show you how to identify, interview, and hire amazing enrollment coaches who will sell, enroll and fill your program FOR you.With the right hiring, recruiting and training system, and knowing how to properly pay out your coaches, you’ll motivate and inspire them to stay with you. Plus, when they’re happy, your staff and client retention rate increases. Your #1 Biggest Asset in your business is YOUR PEOPLE.Having this very important system and certification will help you to bring in more clients, so you can focus on being the brand of your company and delivering your work.Check out what Charlene created with my help…“ I INCREASED MY SALES BY $20,000 IN ONLY 1 DAY!”Maggie is a leader in the Sales & Marketing industry. The knowledge she shares with you will give you the ability to reach your goals for your business that would far surpass anything that you can do on your own.I was struggling with signing up clients, and Maggie analyzed exactly what I was doing, coached me, and gave me exactly what I needed, and the VERY NEXT DAY I increased my sales by $20,000 in only 1 day!! $20,000! This was just from one call with her and following her system. Say YES to her Payment in Full Bonus, especially if she’s offering private time with her. It’s worth the investment!She also genuinely cares about you and your success and that is rare today. Let Maggie help you get more sales and grow your business!– Charlene Fell, College Planning CoachWHOAH!THIS JAM-PACKED, PROVEN, INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVE SYSTEM AND CERTIFICATION HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO MAKE SIGNING UP CLIENTSNATURAL, EASY AND CONSISTENT!Plus, For Those Of You Who’ve Already Invested In My Other Program Today…These Exclusive Bonuses Apply (But On This Page Only)Bonus #1:Become a Certified High-Ticket YES! CoachBecause success doesn’t happen by accident. It takes planning, implementing, and making decisions on what you really want.The key to success is speed of implementation. If you wait, you will allow space for other things to pop up and get in the way and truthfully, it’s simply a symptom of FEAR or wavering confidence…You know what? At every big leap I made, there has always been someone that opened doors for me, and gave me opportunities that changed the trajectory of my life…Once you complete the quizzes in each module (10 questions per module), you will officially become a certified YES! Coach. This is the credentials golden ticket that will pave the way to more paying clients for you!Plus you’ll be invited to an elevated conversation to become my next success storyThis Certification is a…True indication that you have mastered one of the most important skills as a business owner- a heart-centered approach to powerful conversations that serve AND enroll.Promise that you’ll never again struggle to enroll clients! You now have an incredibly effective, proven system to sign up pre-qualified dream clients into your programs.Guarantee you’ll be added to my list of recommended coaches and experts whom I refer clients to when I have clients who need a service or program like yours. It’s a win for me because I know you’ve gone through my training, so you’ll know how to serve the people I send over to you and you’ll have a heart-centered ability to enroll them – without being pushy.Bonus #2:Be at the top of my priority list when I’m hiring coaches and practice enrolling high-ticket clients while building your own businessBONUS: Skip to the FRONT of the line! Be on the top of my consideration and priority list when I’m hiring more enrollment coaches to add to my dream team. This is a great way for you to practice on REAL clients (instead of family and friends), learn the operations of running a thriving online coaching business, help more people and make additional income AS YOU run your own business!!Bonus #3:12-MONTHLIFETIME Access to EVERYTHING!Forget the standard 12 month course access you get with most online programs! I understand things come up, and “stuff happens.” So I’m giving you unlimited time to take action!Time and money should never hold you back from achieving the life and business you want.PLUS, once you follow this incredibly effective system, you can duplicate it anytime for another new program, brand or business you create! It’s a proven process that you can apply to anything.Bonus #4:Fillable Planner and Sales Tracker to increase your productivity, focus, AND sales while amplifying with gratitude.This is my comprehensive daily planner and sales tracker in one, that I use with my private clients to provide clarity, boost productivity, while making sales, and signing up more clients!It’s an amazing all-in-one tool that increases your productivity, focus and enrollments, created especially for coaches and service-based professionals!The act of writing down goals, stats, affirmations, and dreams makes a stronger connection in your brain. It changes your awareness and increases the likelihood of achieving what you’ve written down.Make it a daily ritual with my exclusive planner (that cannot be purchased any where), to hit your goals, FAST!Bonus #5:The High-Ticket Sales funnel TEMPLATE That Provides 90% Done-for-You HighConverting Copy!Not good at writing hot copy that inspires people to take action?Want prospects booking themselves directly on your calendar, on automation?Need a way to grow your email list and subscribers?How about a way to market your enrollment calls so you can sign up clients?Not clear on the sequence of what goes into a “sales funnel” to get high-ticket clients?Once you join, you’ll get immediate access to my proven High-Ticket Sales Funnel Template so you can grow your email list with hot subscribers AND be able to immediately monetize your subscribers so the hot prospects will book a call to speak with you about your signature program/course/services right away, rather than waiting to nurture them through tons of email writing.The funnel comes with 90% pre-written copy, already included! Then you simply plug in the trigger words that apply to your ideal clients to customize your message.PLUS, if you have Clickfunnels or plan to use CF, it’s as simple as a one click instant download directly to your CF account! Can’t get any easier than this.The BONUSES Don’t End There!I’m Giving Even MORE Bonuses and Benefits When YouPAY IN FULL.Pay in Full Benefit #1:The Done-For-You Professionally Designed Webinar Presentation Slide PACK, with High-Converting ElementsGet ready for high quality people who are already warmed up and ready for your offer to be automatically booked on your calendar day-after-day.This bonus is jam-packed with everything you need to create your online webinar presentation FAST. Take a look: Video dissecting and breaking down EVERY slide step-by-step (55 minutes) Done-For-You professionally designed slide deck a total of 57 color slides with the high converting presentation framework and examples already in place! Written guide sheet on how to easily customize the slide to your brandVideo tutorial showing you how to easily customize your slide to your brandClarity, focus, confidence, peace of mind to get your webinar presentation done in weekend!Pay in Full Benefit #2:Lifetime, FREE upgrade anytime a new version is released!($2997 value)You will be notified, and all updates or new material will be downloaded to your lifetime members portal immediately, at no charge to you.Pay in Full Benefit #3:A 90-Minute, Private Coaching Session with Maggie Chu To Laser in On…($2500 value)Your next 90-day action planYour leveraged, freedom business model designed to hit your income goals with ease following the Incredibly Effective High-Ticket Enrollment SystemYour ideas and offers with strategic consulting to help you reach 6 and 7 figures in your business in the next 12 months.Pay in Full Benefit #4:Save an additional $185!No additional interest or financing fee is added to the program total when you choose to put it on your card and pay in full.In fact you save more, and don’t have to worry about your next month’s payment, but instead fully focus on completing your program to sign up clients over and over again.Pay in Full Benefit #5:Peace of mind to pay your credit card at your own pace!Get immediately download Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment SystemPay any amount you want monthly because you get to create your own payment plan using your own credit card.When you get your next client from following this system, pay it all off because you can!Just ONE client will pay for the entire High-Ticket Enrollment System and Certification, the rest is pure profits.Here’s What You’ll Get in Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System– Download Sample files “Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System”Course Requirement: Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment SystemReal Value: $1497.0000One time cost: USD142.0000Frequently Asked Questions For “Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System”How to make payment for “Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System”?Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . 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Your patience is appreciated.How long do I have access to the course? How does lifetime access download?After enrolling, you have unlimited download to this |Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System|  for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.How to download “Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System” ?Enjoy “Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System” in your account page.Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.What is the refund policy “Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System”Within 30 days of purchased |Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.Have More Questions?Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!You want to get “Maggie Chu – The High-Ticket Enrollment System” now right?!!!YES! I’M READY TO ADD TO CART BUTTON ON THIS PAGE NOW !There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.