Marketing Sherpa – Search Marketing Benchmark Guide 2008


(Download available within 1-2 hours)MarketingSherpa’s Search Marketing Benchmark Guide 2007-2008 is the fourth annual edition, and has been completely re-researched and rewritten to accurately reflect today’s search marketing landscape.Marketing Sherpa – Search Marketing Benchmark Guide 2008With the search marketing industry expanding nearly 40% globally, facts, tactics and trends changed rapidly over the last 12 months. Don’t assume today’s information is the same as last year’s – it’s not! Stay ahead of your competition and learn what works and what doesn’t in Search Marketing for 2008.MarketingSherpa’s Search Marketing Benchmark Guide 2007-2008 is the fourth annual edition, and has been completely re-researched and rewritten to accurately reflect today’s search marketing landscape. This real data can only help companies better plan their 2008 budgets and forecast results.New Research HighlightsThe over 3,000 search marketers surveyed provide top 5 insights for 2008. Find out:What you can expect to spend on Search Marketing in 2008.How consumers really look at Web-based content and advertsing. Does URL length affect viewing and content?How search ROI stacks up against other tactics.247 real life marketers explain the challenges they faced in bring Search engine marketing in-house.A new way to evaluate clicks and click fraud.MarketingSherpa’s Benchmark Guide has relevant data for small, medium and large companies.Real-life results based on varying budgets and tests.How the world searches and shops.Tactical spending changes for 2008.B-to-B and B-to-C data.Trends of online advertising in relation to. traditional marketing.The relationship between SEO and Public Relations.Rating the top search properties.The real issues of click fraud.How search ROI stacks up against other marketing.The true averages of CPC in the major search enginesThe 2007-2008 edition is our biggest ever, with 275 fact-filled pages complete with 184 charts & tables, 10 heatmaps and analysis that can help you:Evaluate your budgets in relation to real-world spendingJustify and defend your PPC and SEO budgetsForecast results – including clicks, conversion and costs – more accuratelyDiscover practical tips on measurementSelect result-driven SEM testsTrain new staff more easilyYour new Benchmark Guide includes 3 Special Reports:Challenges to In-House SEM We surveyed 247 marketers who brought their SEM in-house about their successes and failures. They reveal how complicated the transition is from out-sourcing to going in-house, and how long it takes to be up and running. We also found out why it’s so hard to find good search employees.Eyetracking Study of Search Ad Position and Relevance This new eyetracking study focuses on ad relevance, position and URL length. We recruited business professionals to evaluate a web visitor’s behavior and attention in relation to ad relevance and ad position. These professionals also provide insight into how the length of a URL affects viewing and action.Under the Hood of Ranking Toolbars There are three toolbars that measure traffic and other factors to determine a web site’s popularity, standing and trustworthiness. This special report reveals their reliability and limitations, how their systems operate, how traffic is counted and how data might be affected.Hundreds of questions answered with the Search Marketing Benchmark Guide. Here are just 10:Am I budgeting enough or too much for SEM in relation to the rest of my marketing budget?What is the real impact of landing pages on conversions?What’s the first thing consumers do when they land on a retail site?How can a change in my internal search engine improve my site’s conversion rate?How are merchants policing affiliates and search?Why would I want to bring SEM in-house and why would I want to continue to outsource it?If I want to do business in China or India, is click fraud something I should worry about? Also is it important to translate my site?What should my conversion rate be for PPC vs. SEO listings?What do mobile internet users search for?What do customers do after viewing a video online?Chart I: Expected Search Spending for 2008Chart II: How Search ROI Stacks Up Against Other TacticsChart III: Difficulty in SEM Staffing Rated by Job FunctionChart IV: A New Way to Evaluate Clicks and Click FraudEyetracking Heatmap: Impact of Long URL Length on Ad ViewingGlossaryChapter 1: The Business of Search – Budgeting, Issues & Outsourcing SearchChart 1.1: 2006-2008 Search SpendingTable 1.2: Online Advertising – 2006 Spending BreakdownChart 1.3: Online Advertising Slowly Overtaking Traditional TacticsChart 1.4: Tactical Spending Changes for 2008 – PPC on GoogleChart 1.5: Tactical Spending Changes for 2008 – PPC on Top Tier (Yahoo!, MSN, AOL & Ask)Chart 1.6: Tactical Spending Changes for 2008 – PPC on 2nd TierChart 1.7: Tactical Spending Changes for 2008 – SEOChart 1.8: SEO Spending as % of Paid Search 2007Chart 1.9: B-to-C SEM Budget Percentages – $50,000 Marketing BudgetChart 1.10: B-to-C SEM Budget Percentages – $300,000 Marketing BudgetChart 1.11: B-to-C SEM Budget Percentages – $1.3 Million Marketing BudgetChart 1.12: B-to-C SEM Budget Percentages – All Budgets Over $1 MillionChart 1.13: B-to-B SEM Budget Percentages – $75,000 Marketing BudgetChart 1.14: B-to-B SEM Budget Percentages – $250,000 Marketing BudgetChart 1.15: B-to-B SEM Budget Percentages – $1.2 Million Marketing BudgetChart 1.16: B-to-B SEM Budget Percentages – Average of Budgets Over $1 MillionChallenges in SEMChart 1.17: Agency Pros Rank SEM ChallengesChart 1.18: Marketers Rank SEM Challenges by Size of Business TargetedChart 1.19: High Volume and Large Budget Marketers Rank SEM ChallengesSpecial Report: Challenges to In-House SEMChart 1.20: Reasons for Bringing SEM In-HouseChart 1.21: Advertiser Happiness with Paid Placement Services’ ProvidersChart 1.22: How Long Before In-House SEM is Up and Running?Chart 1.23: Difficulty in SEM Staffing Rated by Job FunctionTable 1.24: Issues in Staffing – Agencies’ ViewChart 1.25: Staffing Challenges Compared to Other Issues in SEMChart 1.26: Many Hats – the Roles of Search MarketersTable 1.27: Why Search Marketers are Mobile (Salaries and Demand)Table 1.28: Why Search Marketers are Mobile 2: The Impact of ExperienceSearch Marketing AgenciesChart 1.29: Use of Paid Search Vendors 2006-2007Chart 1.30: Use of SEO Vendors 2006-2007Chart 1.31: Use of SEM Vendors 2006-2007 – Marketers Spending Less Than $10,000Chart 1.32: Use of SEM Vendors 2006-2007 – Marketers Spending More Than $25,000Table 1.33: Agency Pros Speak Out – Issues and Opportunities in SEMClick FraudTable 1.34 : Trends in Click FraudChart 1.35: How Many Marketers Identify Click Fraud?Chart 1.36: Reported Click Fraud Levels 2006 vs. 2007Chart 1.37: A New View of Click FraudDefinitions of some of the click fraud metrics used in the scoring of clicksChart 1.38: Click Fraud Estimates 2006-2007Chart 1.39: How Marketers Identify Click Fraud?Chart 1.40: How Will Click Fraud Be Resolved? 2006 vs. 2007Chart 1.41: How Will Click Fraud Be Resolved? Big vs. Average SpendersTop Search AdvertisersTable 1.42: Top Sponsored Link Advertisers by ExposuresTable 1.43: Sponsored Link Advertising by IndustryChapter 2: Topics in SearchSpecial Report: Eyetracking Study of Search Ad Position and RelevanceHeatmaps ExplainedExperiment One: Relevance in ListingsRelevance of text descriptionsHeatmap 2.1: Scanning of Relevant and Non-Relevant Text AdsHeatmap 2.2: Example of Scanning on Relevant ListingsHeatmap 2.3: Example of Scanning on Non-Relevant ListingNon – Relevant Listings and Their Effect on ScanningConclusionsExperiment Two: Side-listed Ads – Impact of Relevance and PositionHeatmap 2.4: Side-Sponsored Ad in First PositionHeatmap 2.5: Side-Sponsored Ad in Third PositionHeatmap 2.6: Side-Sponsored Ad in Fifth PositionAnalysisConclusionsExperiment Three: Position Length of URLLength of URL strings as they appear in search listingsHeatmap 2.7: Test Listing with Short URLHeatmap 2.8: Test Listing with Long URLHeatmap 2.9: Click Patterns on Test Listings – Short vs. Long URL StringsTable 2.10: Time Spent with Listings by URL LengthHeatmap 2.11: Impact of Long URL Length on Subsequent Ad ViewingRelated Findings: PPC Advertising – the Relevance of RelevanceCase Study 1Case Study 2Business/Vertical SearchChart 2.12: Search Engines Used by Business Technology BuyersChart 2.13: Search Engines ‘Used Most Frequently’ by Technology BuyersChart 2.14: Business Searchers Often Can’t Locate Info via SearchNotes from the Field: How to Lower Costs for B-to-B LeadsContextual AdvertisingChart 2.15: Contextual CPC for Google AdSenseChart 2.16: Contextual CTR for Google AdSenseLocal Search & Pay per CallChart 2.17: Tactical Spending Changes for 2008 – Local SearchChart 2.18: Local Online Spending 2002-2007Chart 2.19: Ad Spending in Local Media, Online vs. TraditionalNotes from the Field: Running Ads in Google Local vs. Main Google SearchMobile SearchChart 2.20: Mobile Search Engine UseChart 2.21: Mobile Internet Use by CountryChart 2.22: What Mobile Internet Users Search forTable 2.23: Mobile Video Revenue Share 2006 vs. 2007Table 2.24: Mobile Browser Market ShareSEO & Public RelationsTable 2.25: Top 25 News Web Sites for June 2007Chart 2.26: Tactics in Optimizing Press Releases 2006-2007Chart 2.27: Measuring Success in Optimizing Press Releases 2005-2006The Second Tier of Search PropertiesChart 2.28: Use of 2nd-Tier Search Properties for MarketingChart 2.29: Use of 2nd-Tier Search Properties – Average vs. Big SpendersTable 2.30: Agency and Marketer Comments on 2nd-Tier ExperienceTable 2.31: Keyword Prices – Comparing the 1st & 2nd TierChart 2.32: Total Searches for June 2007 – 2nd-Tier Search PropertiesChart 2.33: Share of Searches for June 2007 – 2nd-Tier Search PropertiesChart 2.34: Unique Searchers for June 2007 – 2nd-Tier Search PropertiesChart 2.35: Penetration for June 2007 – 2nd-Tier Search PropertiesChart 2.36: Searches per Searcher for June 2007 – 2nd Tier Search PropertiesChart 2.37: Sessions per Searcher for June 2007 – 2nd-Tier Search PropertiesProfiles of 2nd-Tier EnginesTable 2.38: Selected Search Properties’ Comparison 1 – Setup and BiddingTable 2.39: Selected Search Properties’ Comparison 2 – Ad-Targeting OptionsProfiles of Selected 2nd-Tier Search ProvidersSearch123 Inc. (division of ValueClick Inc.)LookSmartMamma (division of Copernic Technologies Inc.) (division of Idearc Inc.)LycosBusiness.comYesup (Powered by sister company (A subsidiary of We Search and ShopTable 2.40: Top 100 U.S. Product/Retail-Oriented Search Terms June 2007Chart 2.41: Word Count in Search Phrases – U.S. SearchersChart 2.42: Impact of Complimentary Paid and Natural Search ListingsTable 2.43: Top U.S. Search Terms – IT and InternetTable 2.44: Top U.S. Search Terms – Internet AdvertisingTable 2.45: Top U.S. Search Terms – Net Communities and ChatChart 2.46: How Far Do Searchers Delve Into Results?Chart 2.47: Online Shopping and Product Research Are OrdinaryChart 4.48: How Do Online Shoppers Find New Retailers?Chart 2.49: Search’s Impact on Traffic by Product CategoryChart 2.50: Share of Retail Referrals from SearchChart 2.51: Share of Referrals – Specialty Home CategoryChart 2.52: First Step in Product Research – Electronics ExampleChart 2.53: Share of Retail Searches and ClickthroughChart 2.54: Shopping Engines Compared – Search Agencies Rate ROIChart 2.55: Tactical Spending Changes for 2008 – Shopping SearchTable 2.56: Shopping Sites – Required Feed AttributesTable 2.57: Shopping Site CapabilitiesSpecial Report: Under the Hood of Ranking ToolbarsAlexaCompete ToolbarThird-Party ServicesTrustGauge/BrowserAcceleratorOther Popular ToolbarsVideo & SearchTable 2.58: Market Share of Top Video PropertiesTable 2.59: Top U.S. Online Streaming Video PropertiesChart 2.60: Actions Taken After Viewing Online VideoTable 2.61: Selected Video Properties Comparison ChartSelected Video Site ProfilesGoogle VideoAOL VideoYahoo! VideoAltaVista Video (formerly (Acquired by AOL in January 2006)YouTube (Purchased by Google Inc. in November 2006)Chapter 3: Top Search PropertiesChart 3.1: SEM Agencies View Top Search Properties – 12-Month OutlookChart 3.2: SEM Agencies Rate the Top Search Engines – ROIChart 3.3: SEM Agencies Rate the Top Search Engines – Customer ServiceChart 3.4: SEM Agencies Rate the Top Search Engines – Targeting ToolsChart 3.5: SEM Agencies Rate the Top Search Engines – Keyword Suggestion ToolsTop-Tier Search Engine ProfilesGoogleYahoo!Microsoft LiveSearch & AdCenterTable 3.6: Selected Search Properties’ Comparison 1 – Setup and BiddingTable 3.7: Selected Search Properties’ Comparison 2 – Ad Targeting OptionsTable 3.8: Top U.S. Search Terms – Google Properties 2006-2007Table 3.9: Top U.S. Search Terms – Yahoo! PropertiesTable 3.10: Top U.S. Search Terms – MSN PropertiesChart 3.11: Total Searches for 2005-2007 – Top 5 Search PropertiesChart 3.12: Share of Searches 2005-2007 – Top 5 Search PropertiesChart 3.13: Unique Searchers 2005-2007 – Top 5 Search PropertiesChart 3.14: Penetration for 2005-2007 – Top 5 Search PropertiesChart 3.15: Searches per Searcher 2005-2007 – Top 5 Search PropertiesTable 3.16: “Lifestage” Demographics of Top 5 Search Engines – Composition of SearchesTable 3.17: “Lifestage” Demographics of Top 5 Search Engines – Composition of Unique SearchersTable 3.18: Household Income Profile of Top 5 Search Engines by Composition of SearchesTable 3.19: Household Income Profile of Top 5 Search Engines by Composition of Unique SearchersChart 3.20: Information Workers Prefer GoogleSearch Engine Shares – InternationalChart 3.21: Online Language ShareFocus on: China & IndiaChart 3.22: Pace of Asian Internet Usage Outpacing WorldChart 3.23: Baidu Leads, But Google’s Slide Is OverTable 3.24: Click Fraud a Serious Concern in ChinaChart 3.25: Chinese Search Marketers = Small BusinessesTable 3.26: Top 25 Advertisers in China, Ranked by SpendingTable 3.27: Chinese Online Advertising by Industry SectorTable 3.28: Top Web Properties – IndiaTable 3.29: Top Activities and Sites in IndiaInternational Search DataTable 3.30: Search Property Comparison – Australia (Home & Work)Table 3.31: Search Property Comparison – Brazil (Home)Table 3.32: Search Property Comparison – France (Home & Work)Table 3.33: Search Property Comparison – Germany (Home & Work)Table 3.34: Search Property Comparison – Italy (Home & Work)Table 3.35: Search Property Comparison – Japan (Home)Table 3.36: Search Property Comparison – Spain (Home)Table 3.37: Search Property Comparison – Switzerland (Home)Table 3.38: Search Property Comparison – United Kingdom (Home & Work)Chapter 4: Search Tactics and MeasurementChart 4.1: How Search ROI Stacks Up – Marketing Tactics ComparedChart 4.2: How ROI Stacks Up – Marketers Spending Over $25,000 per Month on SearchChart 4.3: How ROI Stacks Up – Marketers Spending Under $10,000 per Month on SearchChart 4.4: SEM Campaign Tests ROI – Agency ViewChart 4.5: Impact of Landing Page ElementsNotes from the Field: How to Increase Conversions as a Print Subscription Publisher by Revamping Search Landing PagesChart 4.6: SEM Campaign Tests ROI – Agency View by Clients’ Average SpendNotes from the Field: How to Measure Search Campaign ROI Using an Innovative SEM Scoring SystemChart 4.7: Targeting Search Users – Tactics Rated by Agencies (Average)Chart 4.8: Targeting Search Users – Tactics Rated by Agencies With Average Client Spend Above $25,000Table 4.9: Coping With Rising Keyword Prices – Agency ViewNotes from the Field: Improving Search Marketing ROIChart 4.10: Keyword Research: Tactics for Keyword ResearchEmerging Capabilities in SearchChart 4.11: Emerging Capabilities – What’s in Store for Search?Search Engine OptimizationChart 4.12: SEO Lift After Six Months of Optimization – Agencies vs. In-houseChart 4.13: Technology Marketers Evaluate Site OptimizationTable 4.14: Key Factors in Search Engine OptimizationChart 4.15: SEO – Easier Said Than DoneChart 4.16: Obstacles Encountered by Marketers in Implementing SEO RecommendationsAffiliates & SearchChart 4.17: Merchant Policies Toward Affiliates’ Paid Search Becoming More SophisticatedInternal SearchChart 4.18: What’s the First Thing Consumers Do When They Arrive at a Retail Site?Chart 4.19: Marketers Grade Their Internal SearchChart 4.20: Marketers Rank Internal Search CapabilitiesNotes from the Field: How an Eretailer Tripled Conversions With Internal Search ChangesChapter 5: Search Benchmark DataKeyword PricesChart 5.1: CPC for Top 3 Search Engines – Averages 2005-2007Chart 5.2: CPC for Top 3 – Median Price Summary 2006-2007Chart 5.3: Cost per Click Breakdown – Google 2006-2007Chart 5.4: Cost per Click Breakdown – Yahoo! 2006-2007Chart 5.5: Cost per Click Breakdown – MSN 2006 – 2007Chart 5.6: Cost per Click: Shopping Comparison Engines 2006-2007Chart 5.7: Cost per Click: 2nd-Tier Search Providers 2006-2007Keyword Prices by Marketer TypeChart 5.8: CPC – Marketers with In-house Paid SEMChart 5.9: CPC – Marketers with Outsourced Paid SEMChart 5.10: CPC – Marketers Bidding on More Than 1,000 KeywordsChart 5.11: CPC – B-to-C Direct EcommerceChart 5.12: CPC – B-to-C Lead GenerationChart 5.13: CPC – B-to-B Lead GenerationKeyword VolumesChart 5.14: Breakdown of B-to-C Keyword BuyingChart 5.15: Breakdown of B-to-B Keyword BuyingChart 5.16: Breakdown of Keyword Buying – Companies Spending Under $10,000 per MonthChart 5.17: Breakdown of Keyword Buying – Companies Spending More Than $25,000 per MonthChart 5.18: Breakdown of Keyword Buying – Companies with Outsourced PPCConversion RatesChart 5.19: Paid Search Conversion RatesChart 5.20: Natural Search Conversion RatesChart 5.21: Shopping Comparison Engine Conversion RatesChart 5.22: In-House vs. Outsourced Conversions Rates – PPCChart 5.23: In-House vs. Outsourced Conversions Rates – SEOClickthrough RatesChart 5.24: Clickthrough Rate Averages 2005-2006Chart 5.26: B-to-C Clickthrough Rates – Top Engines and Shopping ComparisonChart 5.27: B-to-B Clickthrough Rates – Top EnginesAppendix – Demographic Data for 2007 Search Marketing Benchmark SurveyChart A.01: SEM Agency Respondents – Clients’ Monthly Search SpendChart A.02: Marketers Monthly Search SpendChart A.03: Respondents by Primary Product TypeChart A.04: Respondents by Primary Conversion TypeChart A.05: Respondents by Primary Customer TypeHere’s What You’ll Get in Marketing Sherpa – Search Marketing Benchmark Guide 2008– Download Sample files “Marketing Sherpa – Search Marketing Benchmark Guide 2008”Course Requirement: Marketing Sherpa – Search Marketing Benchmark Guide 2008Real Value: $297One time cost: USD52Frequently Asked Questions For “Marketing Sherpa – Search Marketing Benchmark Guide 2008”How to make payment for “Marketing Sherpa – Search Marketing Benchmark Guide 2008” ?Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . 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