Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory


If you’d like to build an amazing memory as second nature, this is the most important message you’ll ever read.Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class MemoryJoin Yänjaa’s World Class Memory CourseWho Wants To Remember More Information, Easier and Faster, and Keep What You Learn for Longer?If you’d like to build an amazing memory as second nature, this is the most important message you’ll ever read.Hellloooo future memory masters!Let’s skip the intro and get to the good part.You’ve seen people transform themselves, from a supposed “terrible memory”, to unlocking their mind’s potential and memorizing 100 digits of pi in one sitting, using Creative Memory.And if you’ve paid attention to my YouTube channel, Facebook, or Instagram then you’ve seen that everyone is going nuts about this right now …cramming my email inbox and comment sections with questions under every video …and desperately trying to improve their memory abilities for studies, work, languages, daily life and more.Creative Memory Works!Just ask Eva from Sweden. I mentioned her during my video series. She had a serious impairment that was making it hard for her to study in school, specifically chemistry.On top of her disability, the information was just too dry to understand and all the equations seemed completely arbitrary and meaningless.I showed her that she could use pop culture references, like her favorite celebrities and characters to help make the content much more engaging, and help her remember how to calculate mole density.She told me she was so excited about learning these techniques, that she almost couldn’t sleep the night after our first session. She said it blew her mind to realize that there was a difference between memorizing and remembering.She ended up doing awesome on her exams and now she can use these same techniques towards any application in life.Then there is Paul. He was a Chinese student struggling with English. His dream was to go to a top university in the US, but he was sure his current English speaking level wouldn’t be enough to help him achieve that goal.He had been studying English using language apps and rote memory. He was spending a lot of time learning words and phrases that were impractical: like legal words, or weird sentences like “I’m a man”, that he would never actually use in daily life.All in all, I only had 3 days to spend coaching with him, but in that time he learned to use imagery to build connections from the English words he already knew, to the words he was learning, and I taught him which language apps really worked well and for what purposes.He learned to time his study to maximize his learning efficiency.He was able to dramatically reduce the amount of time that he spent studying. And in the end, he was able to meet his goal and attend a top American University.And you already know how I have used Creative Memory to set world records in memory and accomplish amazing feats of memory, like memorizing the entire IKEA catalog.The takeaway is clear, Creative Memory can be an incredible boost for your memory abilities, which in turn, can have life-changing impact.Now does that mean you will get the same results?That depends.The Disclaimer That Couldn’t Be Any PlainerBecoming successful with Creative Memory is a combination of different factors including hard work, dedication, and well, some creativity.A lot of people get amazing results with Creative Memory, but others don’t.Unfortunately, I think this is due to the fact that most people don’t commit to the work that’s required to get the results. Or they simply give up too early because of boredom or hardship.All of my most successful students have one thing in common:They have a desire to improve their memory and they work hard to make it happen.I don’t want to insult you by making any claims or promising what type of results you can get with Creative Memory. Like with everything in life, individual results vary.The sky is the limit when applying these techniques, but if you’re unmotivated, nothing will happen.Now that’s out of the way,Here’s What I Can GuaranteeThis is my best program so far.I’m giving you the best information — and all information — to build yourself a suite of amazing memory skills from scratch.I won’t hold back anything in the class.Every trick I know, every secret or strategy for memory that has worked for me or for one of my students is revealed and explained in step-by-step so you can easily do it yourself.I honestly believe this is the best information you will find anywhere about memory techniques.It is 100% current and fresh, and totally in-depth.This is not a random collection of theories, but rather a “field guide” on how to memorize all sorts of important information with detailed instructions along every step of the process.I truly believe if any program is going to help you improve your memory, it’s this one.Although many people got great results from my first course, I wanted to step it up this year and blow everyone’s mind by creating something with an even bigger offer.So I’ve decided to pull the curtain back and reveal EVERYTHING.Exactly What You’re GettingEvery day I get people asking me if I can mentor them, give them memory tips, or teach them how to memorize some specific type of information.And in the last couple of months I had to turn down every single one.I simply don’t have the time to help every person that reaches out, as much as I’d like to.So with this course, I’ve finally decided to put an end to the flood of daily questions by hosting this memory course for everyone who wants it.That way everyone who’s truly interested in having an amazing memory can do exactly that, in just seven weeks time…with these proven techniques, without pitfalls like fixed mindset, poor timing, incorrect assumptions, and other newbie mistakes.And at the same time I can scare anyone away who’s not truly serious enough learning memory techniques.So I’m solving two problems at once.Now you are probably wondering what exactly is in the course:Note: All modules are subject to change (in a positive way) as additional lessons may be added which could change the order slightly.Module #1Quick Start Guide To Creative Memory SuccessMemory Myth Busting: Are People Born With Bad Memories?The Critical Difference Between Consuming Information and Creating KnowledgeLearning the Difference Between Rote and Creative MemoryUsing the Principles of ABC – Always Be Connecting and the second ABC’S of MemoryExplaining Neural Reuse (A.K.A Metaphors) And Why It WorksBONUS: How To Remember Your DreamsWAIT! YOU COULD BE NEXT!…Once We’ve Made Your Success Almost Inevitable,I’ll Show You How To Apply Creative Memory Towards Study….Module #2How To Study Less While Learning More and Keeping What You Learn For LongerMemory Myth Busting: I Have a Bad Short/Long-Term Memory So My Memory Is BadHow To Succeed With This Course (Or Any Course For That Matter)The Iron Fist Method: Memory Formation Is Different From Memory RecallHow to Improve Memory Formation By Super Charging Your Attention and FocusActive Recall – What It Is And How to Improve The Way You Recall Learned InfoTiming – When and Where to Learn Something, and How Long to Study ForThe Pomodoro Technique and Knowing When to Stop StudyingHow to Study Less but Remember More – Spaced Repetition and the Forgetting CurveHow to Increase Your Long-Term MemorySetting Yourself Up For Big Wins With Memorization OrderOrganizing What You Learn with Mind MapsBONUS: How to Study During Times of Quarantine, Lockdown, or Remote WorkWAIT! YOU COULD BE NEXT!…Then I’ll Show You How To Use Creative Memory In Your Daily Life To Build Relationships And Stay Organized…Module #3How To Improve Your Daily Life With Amazing Memory Abilities as Second NatureMemory myth busting: Photographic MemoryWhat Does Mood Have to Do with Memory? How to Use Mood to Boost MemoryIntro to Remembering Names and FacesWhy Are You More Likely to Recognize a Face than Remember a Name?Recognition and Recall Are Different – an Example Using the 1000 Images ExperimentFive Secret Tricks to Memorizing People’s Names and Faces Easier and Remembering LongerHow to Become Better at Facial Recognition and Telling People Apart (How to Remember Faces)How to Memorize by Using Your BodyBONUS: How To Memorize an Entire Audience of People’s Names and FacesBONUS: Where the Heck Are My Keys?? Simple Tricks to Never Forget Where You Left ThingsWAIT! YOU COULD BE NEXT!…Once You’ve Integrated Memory Into Daily Life You can Move On To Advanced Techniques For Memorizing Large Amounts Of Info…Module #4The Memory Palace: One of the Most Powerful Memory Tools For Retaining Tons of Information – What It Is and How to Use ItMemory Myth Busting: Is Everything We’ve Ever Experienced Stored Somewhere?Memory Myth Busting: Can We and Should We Use, the Memory Palace All the Time?The Step-by-Step Guide To Using the Memory Palace or the Method of LociHow to Give Amazing Speeches Off the Top of Your Head Without Notes or Slides Using the Memory Palace TechniqueWhat Should We Remember? What Do We Store in Our Memory Palaces?Memory Palace Pitfalls and When It’s an Overrated TechniqueThe Strength of the Memory Palace Means You Don’t Need to be Creative All the TimeBONUS: How to Increase Your Visualization Power For Even More Memory SuccessWAIT! YOU COULD BE NEXT!…Then You’ll Learn Memory Techniques That Actually Improve Your Brain’s Function…Module #5How to Memorize Any Numbers In Sequence Backwards or Forwards and How Number Memorization Powers Up Your BrainMemory Myth Busting: Memory Techniques Are Too Complicated and Take Too Much EffortLifting Weights For Your Brain? How Memorizing Numbers Can Increase Your Mental Processing SpeedWe Remember What We Are Interested In: How to Build Memorable Images And StoriesQuick Start Guide to Number Memorization: Shape, Rhyme, and AlphabetExplaining Short-term Memory vs Long-term MemoryHow to Increase Your Short-term MemoryBONUS: Creating an Advanced Number Memorization System: Can You Memorize More and Faster With Three Digits At a Time?WAIT! YOU COULD BE NEXT!…After That We Will Learn How To Memorize Any And All Types of Words Including In Other Languages…Module #6How To Make your Your Mind an Iron Trap for Words, Languages, and Written InformationStep By Step: Memorizing New Words And VocabularyHow to Increase Your Vocabulary in Any LanguageLearning a Written System and Memorizing Unfamiliar Characters in a Foreign Language: Chinese, Japanese, and MoreYour Brain AKA the You May Also Like Machine: Using Your Brain’s Initial Reactions To Remember MoreHow to Memorize A Text Word-for-Word: Acting, Scripture, Poetry and MoreBONUS: How to Use a Dedicated Memory Palace to Learn the 500 Most Commonly Used Words in Any LanguageBONUS: Intro to Speed-Reading (Do’s and Don’ts)WAIT! YOU COULD BE NEXT!…And Finally I’ll Show You Some Of The Very Best Techniques For Memorizing Like A Pro…Module #7Unleashing the Secret Tools of Professional Memorizers: How to Compete In Memory Competitions (Or Just Amaze Your Friends)Beginner’s Guide to Competing in MemoryHow to Build a Two Digit Number System to Memorize Numbers Lightning FastField Guide: How to Memorize 100k Digits of PiHow to Memorize a Deck of Cards (Easy)How to Memorize a Deck of Cards (Advanced)SUPER BONUS: The Biggest And Most Precious Secret of Creative Memory Techniques that most competitive memorizers have not figured out…WAIT! YOU COULD BE NEXT!So wow, that’s a lot of proven and field-tested strategies to learn and apply an amazing memory.And it’s different from anything else you’ve seen before.Unlike other trainings or courses, this is a complete step-by-step training that covers every single aspect of memory. I reveal every single secret, every trick and every strategy that works for me and for all my students.But it gets even better than that…I’m Also Giving You 5 FREE Bonuses Worth $5,223 If You Join My World Class Memory MasterclassIf you know anything about me, then you know that I don’t settle for “pretty good”. I actually care about the results that my students get and that’s why I’m adding even more for you.To make sure you get results from this, I’m giving you 5 FREE bonuses worth $5,223.Here’s what I’ve got for you:FREE BONUS #1Secret Discord Mastermind Channel(Value: $522)Instant availability once enrollment closesWe Stay In Constant Communication In A Secret Discord Group Exclusively For StudentsGet Access To Me Personally On A Daily Basis (I’ll Be Actively Answering Questions, Looking At People’s Techniques, Helping Out and Giving Feedback)Receive Ongoing Support As You Build Your Memory Systems As Part Of A CommunityCreate Accountability With Fellow StudentsYou’ll see what works by comparing notes and you’ll be able to learn from one another first handThis Is Your Opportunity to Ask Any Memory Questions…Plus You’ll Get Group Calls With Me Personally As An Absolutely Free Bonus As Well…FREE BONUS #2NINE Mastermind Calls(Value: $3,742)Available by course launch: 3 Jan 2022Get Access To WEEKLY Group Video Calls With Me During the 7-Week Course DurationPlus 2 Follow Up Check-in Calls After the Course is CompleteAsk Me Any of Your Memory Related Questions and Get My Direct Feedback and Assistance During CallsHear From Other Students About Their Progress And Results With the CourseAn Exclusive Opportunity to Ask Any Advanced Memory Questions…Plus You’ll Get A Huge Batch Of Hands-On Content For Each Module Above, Along With Even More Bonus Material…FREE BONUS #3Assessments, Workbooks, and Activities(Value: $497)Available by course launch: 3 Jan 2022Assessments and Checkpoints in Each Module To Test Your Skills Before and AfterMemory Lifestyle Guides In Each Module: Improve Your Life With Wellbeing and Daily Habits For Superpowered Memory and Mental ProcessingPDF: My Secret List of the Very Best Memory Softwares and ToolsPDF Workbook: Creating Advanced Memory SystemsPDF: How To Game an IQ TestMP3: Guided Mental Performance Enhancing Memory Meditation…Plus You’ll Get An Exclusive Course Preparation Toolkit For While You Wait For the Course Period to Begin…FREE BONUS #4Course Preparation Toolkit and Lifetime Access (Value: $229)Instant availability once enrollment closesAn Exclusive Comprehensive PDF Worksheet On Your Memory “Why” With Activities to Have You Motivated and Ready For Success Once the Course BeginsLifetime Access to the Course – Including Updates and Upgrades!…And Finally You’ll Get Some More Course Exclusive Videos Answering Some Of My Most Frequently Asked Questions Among Others …FREE BONUS #5FAQ Module (Value: $233)Available by course launch: 3 Jan 2022How to Forget: Reducing Negative Memories of Experiences by Using the Cartoon TechniqueUsing Your Senses to Increase Autobiographical MemoriesHonest Memory Book Reviews and Recommendations on Further ReadingMemorize Chess like The Queen’s GambitHow to Memorize for Law SchoolHow to Memorize for Medical SchoolHow to Memorize for Business SchoolHow to Memorize with AphantasiaHow to Memorize a Rubik’s Cube BlindfoldedWow!With these FREE bonuses worth $5,223 you’ll be able to shortcut your way to memorizing more information, easier and faster, and remembering for longer …without spending time on the wrong techniques and without making newbie mistakes.Honestly, you’ve already won.This is like me giving you the perfect techniques for an amazing memory and all you have to do is find the info to remember.I’ve been competing in and teaching memory techniques for over 10 years now and I’ve broken records with all sorts of methods, but Creative Memory is by far the easiest and fastest way to learn memory techniques.You probably already know that, so…Here’s What To Do NextIf you’d like to learn these memory techniques that you can continue using for the rest of your life, you’ll have to register for my World Class Memory Masterclass ASAP.You can join the class for $497 one-time.And if you don’t have the money saved up but would like to join, you can hop on board for just 7 monthly installments of $97.But the way I see it, this class won’t “cost” you anything.To explain why, let me ask a few questions:• What’s the value of passing your difficult exams and graduating university early?• What’s the value of knowing every anniversary, birthday or important dates for friends, family, and significant others?• What’s the value of remembering the details and name of everyone you meet?• What’s the value of learning a new language so you can travel to that country and truly absorb its culture?• What’s the value of nailing an interview to your dream job using memory techniques?• What’s the value of making life more memorable?If you’re anything like me, the answer to all those questions is this: Priceless.This class is not an expense, it’s an investment.All I need from you is to click on the link below and sign up for my World Class Memory Masterclass. You’ll be asked to choose your desired payment option and fill out the form.If you feel like this is right for you, click here, and sign up for my World Class Memory Masterclass with $5,223 worth of FREE bonuses.Here’s What Happens After ThatAs soon as you’ve signed up for my World Class Memory Masterclass, you’ll be added to the secret Discord Mastermind group.And you’ll be given access to the FREE course preparation toolkit to prepare while you wait for the rest of the curriculum to begin…PLUS I might even have some unannounced secret bonuses for you that will completely blow your mind.But here’s the best part:You’ll be instantly plugged into a group of fellow memorizers, all with the same goals and values as you …improving their memories, pushing the limits of what they thought their minds could do, and having fun along the way.Your fellow memorizers aren’t dabblers.We stay in constant communication in our secret Discord Mastermind channel where you’ll see what works, where we all share our best memory secrets and help you develop your memory skills until you are the one proudly sharing your success story with the group.Here’s how the class breaks down: In every module you’ll get a new training where I show you step by step what you have to do and why, with real-life examples, while you watch over my shoulders.And don’t worry, it’s easy stuff and everything is delivered in small bite-sized chunks.If you feel like this is right for you, click here, and sign up for my World Class Memory Masterclass with $5,223 worth of FREE bonuses.YES, I WANT TO CHANGE THE WAY I LEARN FOREVER!Now, you know that there is already a ton of interest in this course, and that’s why you need to read this next part carefully:WARNING! EXTREMELY LIMITED!In order to provide you with the support you NEED in order to get the results you want with memory, I can only work with a handful of students at the same time.I simply don’t have capacity for more.The class will be detailed and thorough, as well as highly effective and rewarding for anyone who’s interested.About Timing (Very Important):The class is starting January 3rd, 2022 because I know that everyone will be super busy over the holidays, and for this course to be a success, we need no distractions.I have timed things so we can all start with fresh minds and resolutions in the New Year to improve our memories together. So January 3rd, 2022 is the official start date. But I do have an important reflection exercise (Bonus #4), to tide you over until the that time.Because of this though, I need to close enrollment very soon so I can focus on packing in even more content into the course, so time is a big concern here.Once the timer on this page hits 00:00:00:00 registration will close and the select bonuses will go out immediately to those enrolled. But the class might sell out much earlier because of the extremely limited seats available.There are close to a thousand people on the early-bird notification list.And there are another 51,632 people across YouTube, Instagram and Facebook who will jump on this offer just because I’m opening a new class…So if you’re truly interested in improving your memory skills for life, you have to act ASAP (right now!) …before someone else gets your spot and changes their own life forever…And so it’s clear:Spots are granted on a first-come, first-served basis.If you feel like this is right for you, click here, and sign up for my World Class Memory Masterclass with $5,223 worth of FREE bonuses.YES, I WANT TO CHANGE THE WAY I LEARN FOREVER!ACT NOW!Before The Class Sells OutYes, I understand that I’m enrolling in Yanjaa Wintersoul’s World Class Memory CourseYes, I understand that I’m getting $5,223 worth of FREE bonuses by enrollingYes, I understand this is a one-time, 7-week course commitment beginning on Jan 3, 2022Yes, I understand that I need to act now to guarantee my spotPayment PlanToday497.001 x Single Payment of $497$977 x Monthly Payments of $97Here’s What You’ll Get inYänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory– Download Sample files “Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory”Course Requirement: Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class MemoryReal Value: $497One time cost: USD 62Frequently Asked Questions For “Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory”How to make payment for “Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory” ?Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . 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Your patience is appreciated.How long do I have access to the course? How does lifetime access download?After enrolling, you have unlimited download to this |Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory|  for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.How to download “Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory”?Enjoy “Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory” in your account page.Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.What is the refund policy “Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory”?We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…Within 30 days of purchased |Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory|, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.Have More Questions?Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!You want to get “Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory?!!!YES! I’M READY TO ADD TO CART BUTTON ON THIS PAGE NOW !There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.