Robert Thurman – Revolutionary Enlightenment


And you can deepen your mindfulness with the help of Buddhist inner science and sophisticated depth psychology.Robert Thurman – Revolutionary EnlightenmentLiberate yourself from fixed ideas of what Buddhism is and experience a more spacious, open way of being authentically awake and enlightened.Experience the foundational teachings of the Buddha in a way that’s free of dogma and leads you to become an “enlightenmentist” who experiences more freedom and joy.Buddhism has gained a lot of traction in recent decades in the West, particularly through mindfulness meditation. Everyone loves the Dalai Lama and even scientists have become more “hip” to Buddhism.However, the deeper truths of Buddhism reach much deeper into the fabric of our being than just mindfulness. In fact, they literally rewire the way you see and think about the world. When you engage in the essence of Buddhist practice — beyond dogma, rituals, or ideas of rightness — you open to the naked experience of each moment in a way that is truly revolutionary.And you also get fully engaged IN the world in a new way. You become compassion in action.Enlightenment is not just something that happens on the cushion. It’s really something that permeates every moment, including the way you think, speak, work, and engage in relationships.That’s why freeing yourself up from old boxes, ideas, and habits is so key for the process of becoming an “enlightenmentist,” Robert Thurman’s wonderful term for someone who is not just following Buddhist teachings but living into the radical fullness of each moment.When we engage Buddhist lineages and teachings in this way, terms like bliss and freedom shift from being concepts into lived realities. It also makes Buddhist teachings relevant and important for ANYONE, including people who fully see themselves as Christian, Jews, Hindus, pagans, or spiritual but not religious.That’s because “Buddhism beyond Buddhism” is ultimately about taking off the filters through which we see the world and seeing it nakedly, honestly, as it is. That’s also why true “enlightenmentists” are also very pro-science, as the scientific inquiry into reality is fully compatible with the open-minded quality of someone who is truly following in Buddha’s footsteps.That’s where the teachings of Revolutionary Enlightenment come in. Revolutionary Enlightenment is all about overturning our cherished assumptions and challenging our long-held beliefs.It’s about learning the fundamentals of the teachings and practices but then walking the actual path of the Buddha by recognizing that our modern lives have unique challenges he didn’t face, which steer us toward engaging these sacred teachings in very different ways.Revolutionary Enlightenment is about becoming a realist who’s more in touch with everyday realities as opposed to someone who is seeking to escape them.The reason that the saying, “If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him,” has gotten so much press is not because Buddhism advocates violence of any kind, but because its symbolic message is so important: Putting a teacher on a pedestal can actually be a barrier to your enlightenment.As you can probably relate, our natural human inclination is to put people, beliefs, and practices on pedestals.This is why Vimalakirti — Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightened disciple whose ancient text deconstructs everyone and everything in order to reveal the infinite blissful glow of the true Reality — stood in front of the Buddha and told him that he didn’t see a physical body. Vimalakirti was referring to the Buddha’s self-perception as everything, not only the continuum of the illusory single embodiment before him.And even though the Buddha’s “real good news” is that the default “real” reality is nirvana, the transcendent state in which there is no desire, suffering, or identification as the self, we shouldn’t settle for some idea that nirvana (or “buddha”) is elsewhere but should seek it within as already there.Module 1: The Four Noble Truths (May 22)The core of the Buddha’s teachings are known as the Four Noble Truths. The first is that life means suffering. It is true indeed — no one escapes this life without experiencing anguish and sorrow. The second is that attachment to desires is the origin of suffering. The third is that suffering can be overcome, a promise that offers hope and comfort to troubled souls everywhere. The last is that there is a path of practice that leads to enlightenment and an end to suffering.The Buddha viewed these truths not as beliefs, but as facts — as a prescription to help followers cure their self-inflicted suffering and discover lasting peace and wellbeing. Those who reject the reality of these truths will suffer pain, change, and the cosmic stress of attachment to any version of existence that’s experienced as self vs. other.In this session, you’ll discover:Buddhism is primarily a science and a set of educational institutions for those who embark on the project of understanding the reality of the worldBuddhist teachings only seek to “convert” ignorance into enlightenment, not to cause someone to change religions or ideologiesThrough improving your fulfillment of your born religion or scientific secular ideology’s humanistic goals, you can use Buddhist sciences and arts without religious “Buddhist” conversionThe most successful scientist in history was the Buddha, whose name means “enlightened one” — and that enlightenment is not a mystical discernment of an alternative reality into which one can escape, but the scientific discovery (not a religious revelation) that the only real reality is itself freedom, bliss, goodness, beauty, and truthAlthough Buddhist science is about mental or spiritual reality, it doesn’t neglect the physical — these 3 aspects are the same at the subtlest, deepest levelVimalakirti, the bodhisattva “time lord” is a modern-day Dr. Who whose house is a “TARDIS” abode, wherein the illusory or magical nature of reality is revealed to those who enter thereModule 2: The Easily Known, Yet Inconceivable, Worldview of Nondual Reality (May 29)Buddhism is more a science and philosophy than a religion. The Buddha used the scientific method of inquiry to explore the reality of the self and of the world. Although the Buddhist view of reality is fundamentally an openness of mind and heart, it is an openly held view that can be materialistic as well as religious and spiritualistic.Exploring the usefulness of the Buddhist teaching of emptiness can help people free themselves from widespread blind faith in (pseudo-)”scientific” nihilism in regards to the ongoing life of the soul.In this session, you’ll discover:“Emptiness,” “voidness,” or “selflessness” is not nothingness, and, in fact, it functionally has the same meaning as relativityTrusting your own intelligence, yet remaining critical of its inherited, indoctrinated envelope of cultural constructs, enables you to break free from unrealistic viewsIt’s important not to be intimidated by authoritarian dogmas — blind faith is dangerous and crippling, either from religious or secular authoritiesThe truth of what happens after death will never in principle be discovered because nothing is not a thing, a place, a destination, or a state, but nothingA causal biology that includes mind as well as physical causation processes is most useful, albeit truly scientific in that none of its laws are absolute, but simply hypotheses accounting for evidence discoveredThe enjoyable roar of Vimalakirti’s silence is about inconceivable real realityModule 3: The Delicious Fun of Freedom (June 5)The second chapter of the Vimalakirti Sutra, a sacred text written nearly 2,000 years ago that explores the foundational principle of nonduality, also examines omniscient compassion; the transformation of the “ordinary mis-knowing body” into a “Buddha body”; and the purpose of life, which is to educate oneself in the delicious fun of freedom.The wisdom of Vimalakirti, a layman, was matched only by the Buddha himself. In this chapter, monks and bodhisattvas who were intimidated by Vimalakirti’s wisdom — including Manjusri, bodhisattva of wisdom — pay him a consolation call when Vimalakirti falls ill, largely to witness a conversation between the two wisdom keepers.In this session, you’ll discover:The practice of Buddhism is the original “higher” or “super education,” which is the most realistic purpose of human life; this threefold evolutionary learning is concerned with ethics, mind, and physical realityThe Buddha determined that you too can be enlightened and that your human intelligence is the fruition of your own evolutionary effort to educate yourself to become enlightenedThe only logical use of your human lifetime from an individual evolutionary point of view is to prioritize engagement with the 3 “super educations” in ethics, mind, and wisdomLiving as an “educationalist” — someone oriented to lifelong learning — is a no-brainer, whether you want to benefit humanity, please God, or just be happierEven though words are imperfect and never fully capture inner or outer realities, they are essential in the super education process; we can use them rationally and logically in science, and poetically in art — and we can share the minds of many great educationalists from past centuries starting at least with Shakyamuni Buddha as recorded in his sutrasYou already do know reality from a deep, normally inaccessible part of your being, so you should never fall for any authority’s assurance that you cannot know reality without their guidanceModule 4: Engaging in Positive, Evolutionary Action(June 12)Positive, evolutionary action is conscious, biologically skillful use of body, speech, and mind for evolutionary navigation for one and all. In contrast, enlightened self-interest and altruistic other-interest reinforce each other.The Vimalakirti Sutra’s teaching of inconceivable liberation tells us that the bodhisattva aspiration and vow is logically imperative in a world of infinite inter-entanglement of beings in a cosmos of infinite, absolute relativity. We’ll explore the possibility of the inconceivably liberated bliss-bodied enlightenment life through the lens of the tenfold path of skillful and unskillful evolutionary action.In this session, you’ll discover:When you are driven by mis-knowing, evolution is pointless, beginningless, and endless, and just goes from one kind of suffering to another; even reaching godliness or heaven is just another relative state, and is still plagued by impermanence and causality, and hence still subject to cosmic sufferingYou can reach an evolutionary summit that is totally meaningful, which is enlightenment, defined as expanding to identify viscerally with all life, physically as well as mentally — a state that can only be achieved by the supreme and extreme bliss of transcendent wisdom and all-encompassing loveThe laws of biological life-shaping are governed by ethical choices in gross and subtle actions by body, speech, and mind, with the quality of life forms dictated by whether choices lead to ever more expansion, unification, and openness, or ever more contraction, separation, and closednessThe core evolutionary skills are what most cultures, even Buddhist ones, call virtue and goodness, while evolutionary lack of skill, or regression, is what is called vice, or sin and evilYou have an evolutionary motive to be good and to avoid bad — in your mind as well as your speech and physical actsYou can easily evaluate your own acts of body, speech, and mind by how they add to or subtract from your sense of identity as a field of life: therefore, it is imperative to study and understand the pattern of the tenfold positive and negative evolutionary actsModule 5: Sustaining an Infinite Lifestyle (June 19)Realistic livelihood can be attained by sustaining an infinite lifestyle in every situation. This holds true for societies and nations as well as for individuals.You can adapt your livelihood to harmonize as much as possible to the tenfold positive actions and avoid the negative ones, without necessarily dropping out from whatever profession you are in or inclined toward.In this session, you’ll discover:Advice from enlightenment biologists fits well in many respects with general systems of ethics and most religious ethics, as well as with commonsensical secular ethics, as His Holiness the Dalai Lama calls the life of kindness, compassion, intelligence, science, and artThe monastic or specialized retreatant life is ideal, in that in sensible, truly individualistic, humanistic cultures, such a choice on the part of a person is honored and respected — and such people are economically and socially supported in order to pursue their educationalist lifestyleSome people develop more by doing more for others in the bodhisattva vow mode — and there are many avocations and professions that help: teaching, learning, healing, protecting against harm, producing wealth, etc.We need to learn from cultures in which Buddhist science has already had a multi-century or multi-millennium impact, as they have developed strategies to help beings live productive lives by prioritizing at least to some extent evolutionary skillfulness activitiesModule 6: The Foundation of Creativity (June 26)Creativity is grounded in the effort to align yourself with the true, the good, and the beautiful. It’s the natural gift of everyone.The realization of nonduality of relative and relative (thing and thing), results in a “magnificent activities path” or “creativity path.” Based on the knowledge of the absolute being relative, relative and relative are mutually non-obstructive. Therefore, magic and miracles are possible.In this session, you’ll discover:There are amazing arts and sciences, disruptive technologies, and tantras, that enable beings to use their precious human lives to make quantum leaps in their evolutionary progressYou’re already an accomplished artist in the art of living, the beauty, value, and benefit of your creations only limited by your habitual self-identities, which are internalized from your subliminal assimilation of the dictates of your cultural conditioningIn emerging from the finite lifestyle, your opening mind and heart lift you beyond despair and depression into an ever-expanding land of opportunity, igniting your creativity in assuming your own version of universal responsibility — and gradually immersing yourself in harmony with loving partners in being the living solution to problems that previously seemed insolubleModule 7: Making the Unconscious Fully Conscious (July 3)Mindfulness cultivates internal critical awareness, a prerequisite for making the unconscious fully conscious. And you can deepen your mindfulness with the help of Buddhist inner science and sophisticated depth psychology.In this session, you’ll discover that:The human subconscious or unconscious was well explored by Buddhist psychologists, who discovered the Eros and Thanatos residing in the “id”These psychologists were clinical in approach and motive, thereby providing a method of making the subconscious conscious, systematically and thoroughlyMeditation help you become aware of the inner workings of your mind, through which you can understand how your reactions are driven, governed by unconscious and subliminal drives and transformable by inner awareness in order to transform negativities and reinforce and expand positivitiesThere is a direct relationship between mindfulness and refocusing your memorySince you are an infinite, endless evolutionary being, you must decide that you cannot allow yourself to be driven and directed by an uncontrolled unconscious, and so you make it your highest life priority to expand your consciousness to find, disarm, and re-channel your Eros, Thanatos, and Lethe energies into activities of your choosingModule 8: The Bliss of Samadhi (July 10)Samadhi — a state in which you achieve union with the Divine — is the diamond top of all eight components of the noble path of Buddha. Patience, persistence, and endurance will automatically develop when you discover that all the most extraordinary, “altered,” and exalted, transcendent states already lie without your range of experience.In this session, you’ll discover:Mind, when fully conscious, ranges down into the subtle and super-subtle energy levels within, becoming supernormally powerful, competent, and artful in shaping all levels of experience and embodying optimal forces to generate healing and happy conditions of self and othersYou can definitely, systematically develop a supernormal level of concentration that will empower your wisdom intelligence to enable your mind to realize the deepest rock-bottom nature of reality and experience the inexpressible — in here, or out thereYou can take control of these energies and shape yourself, your environment, and that of others in ways more beneficial to you and themEven the experience of death can be transformed into a space of evolutionary quantum flight between lives, just as deep sleep can be a portal to lucid dreams wherein key knowings and sharings can be developed — and even to lucid lives, where embodiments can be shaped for optimal benefit of self and othersYour access to transcendent states are only blocked by self-habits and identity instincts posed by evolutionary stage and cultural constriction; these blocks can be removed, baby step by baby step, with no shortage of time, as endless lifetimes open up before you as you gradually emerge from the finite lifestyle into the open field of the infinite lifestyleThe Revolutionary Enlightenment Bonus CollectionIn addition to Bob’s transformative 8-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.Here’s What You’ll Get in Robert Thurman – Revolutionary Enlightenment– Download Sample files “Robert Thurman – Revolutionary Enlightenment”Course Requirement: Robert Thurman – Revolutionary EnlightenmentReal Value: $297One time cost: USD52Frequently Asked Questions For “Robert Thurman – Revolutionary Enlightenment”How to make payment for “Robert Thurman – Revolutionary Enlightenment” ?Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . 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