The Art of Sacred Loving


Using their own relationship over the years as an example, Gary and Linda discuss authentic power vs. the one-up-one-down power struggles that characterize most close relationships.The Art of Sacred LovingWhether You’re in a Relationship,Single or Looking for Love…This Course Gives You Proven Communication StrategiesAnd Enduring Love Skills You Need to Succeedin Having a Deliciously Satisfying, Joyful Relationship!Falling in love is… easy!But unfortunately, sustaining love over time isn’t as easy as the falling in love part.If being a full-on success at love were easy, there would be few divorces, few breakups and no heartbreaking, relationship-destroying disappointments or conflicts.Yet you still long for love! And with satisfying love in your life, you blossom and thrive.There’s only one solution: your love must become conscious. This is the only way to transform the pain that comes from relating from a place of old stories and beliefs that warp your relationship over time.Harvesting the full bounty of what’s possible in your intimate relationships takes more than good intentions.It takes more than falling in love and just hoping the rest will work itself out…For your experience of love to be consistently happy, rich and deep, there are skills and tools you’ll need to master to keep love conscious and flourishing.Otherwise you risk falling into old patterns and habits over the years of togetherness.Why is that?Because even with good intentions, it’s the little things that throw you off.One moment you might be flowing with love, but then the next minute you’re “triggered” and relating from an old pattern.The problem is even if you know you’re feeling triggered, you don’t always have the exact tool that would keep you (and your partner) from spiraling into that dark hole of irritation and resentment.Those are the moments where your love needs to be made conscious, because those are the moments that gradually erode your relationship’s success in the long term.We’ve all been there.That’s why we’ve enlisted the most sought-after relationship teachers and coaches to give you the precise techniques and strategies for nurturing the love you have with your partner, or the love you so desire, and set you up with crucial communication and body-centered practices to create a conscious and deliciously satisfying relationship.Love is a choice that you need to choose again and again. But you need to have the tools to support you when the challenges of love threaten to pull you down. You need to know how to transform your differences and challenges – the shadow side of love – into breakthroughs to conscious loving.That’s why we designed this course.Over 12 sessions, and from the convenience and privacy of your home (and for a fraction of the cost of therapy!), you have the opportunity to learn, apply and practice the art of sacred loving from the best of the best.You can either take part on your own or join with your spouse, partner or beloved. Or if you’re just interested in the art and skills of intimate relationship, this course is for you.Join us to awaken all the passion, soul and vibrancy you so desire in your relationship!Over 12 sessions, you’ll experience a quantum leap as you discover:How to free yourself from stories and beliefs that drain the life and love out of your relationshipsThe steps to cultivating self-awareness (and courage) so you can take responsibility for your patternsHow to turn your relationship problems into opportunities for more loveThe key to eliminating blame and how this leads to ultimate freedomThe best way to access and use your body’s wisdom to clear up seemingly impossible relationship issuesWhy you must bust the myths on love that are holding you back from living in ecstasyWhat you can do now to prepare your heart for the relationship you yearn forThis course is vital for you if you:Enjoy a comfortable relationship… yet some part of you still desires greater passion, vibrancy and soul between you and your partnerFind that money problems, family issues or the daily grind are chipping away at your relationship, in spite of your best efforts to rise above themFeel alone, misunderstood or under-supported in your relationship even though you’re quite certain you’re with the right personFeel called to greater growth, awareness and mission in your own life, but sense your partner isn’t quite on the same wavelength with youYearn to be in a committed and conscious intimate relationship and want to prepare yourself in the best way possibleWhat You’ll Experience: Course OverviewModule 1With Robert Gass and Judith AnsaraSession 1:The Art of Loving FullyThe best way to succeed at anything is to practice. With love, that means you practice the actual art of keeping good feelings flowing. So that when you do hit a challenge, you’re already adept at knowing how to steer your relationship into happiness again.Love is and must be a practice. Through practice, love deepens. And it deepens in ways that will truly astound you. There is always room to go deeper, no matter where you are in your relationship.If you’re single, these practices will prepare you for a significant relationship. If you’re already in a relationship, these practices will fortify your foundation, and help your love withstand any storm.You’ll Discover:How to embody and live the principle and practice of “Always Making Love”A delicious deepening of your capacity for compassion, respect and loving kindnessJumpstarting and sustaining the cycle of loving so what you appreciate, appreciates!Guidance to deeply experience the transformative power of empathySession 2:Masterful Communication: The Art and Heart of ConnectionThe number one complaint in most relationships is “I don’t feel heard or understood.”Successful relationships are made or broken by the ways in which you do and don’t communicate with others.No matter your current level of skill, you can discover how to become even more effective in the ways you engage through your presence, listening, words and accountability to your word.This session is about the art and skills of masterful communication – to help all your interactions become opportunities for mutual understanding, connection and intimacy.You’ll Discover:How to live in full presence and activate the creative aliveness of your relationshipsHow to create win-win solutions (you can’t win at your partner’s expense!)The art of listening, deep listening, and even deeper listeningThe courage and skill of authenticity and truth tellingSession 3:Radical Responsibility: Ending the Blame GameYou have far more power than you may realize to create the relationship you want.It can be tempting to blame your partner. It’s often easier to see what he or she is doing that is a problem than to look at yourself and your contributions.Do you tend to work hard at trying to get your partner to change? This is a common mistake, and it pulls the plug on love. Your loved ones never signed up for your partner-improvement program!But there is a path to freedom, inner power and even joy: the practice of taking 100% responsibility.This session is about harnessing the power of your attention and intention and putting yourself in the driver’s seat of your life and as the creator of satisfaction in all your relationships.You’ll Discover:How to free yourself from stories and beliefs that drain the life and love out of your relationshipsHow to cultivate the self-awareness (and courage) to take responsibility for your patternsThe pathway to liberate your partner from blame – and yourself from shameHow to turn the problems in relationship into opportunities for your own freedomSession 4:Self-Mastery: The Art and Practice of Emotional and Mental StabilityOne of the greatest challenges in intimate relationships is the way in which your loved ones push your emotional buttons.Your partner says or does something you don’t like, and you react emotionally…usually without even thinking. And you know how well that goes over.You may say or do things you regret later. We call this “triggering.”In this session , you will learn how to bring your clearest, most aware self to your partner and all your relationships.You’ll Discover:How to identify your own triggers-those situations in relationship where you tend to get thrown off balance and just reactHow to interrupt your patterns and turn them into opportunities to loveSpecific tools for quickly bringing yourself back to mental clarity and emotional stabilityModule 2With Gay and Katie HendricksSession 5:Mastering The 7 Miracles That Transform RelationshipsWhat if you could, in just ten seconds, create a quantum shift in the amount of love and relationship harmony you feel?Ten seconds is all it takes!Once you learn this proven practice, you’ll be well on your way to having an easier time with hard moments in your relationships. You’ll know what to say, to yourself and to your partner, that will help break the spell of unconscious behavior.In this class, you’ll learn the first four “Miracle-Moves.” These are actual practices that the Hendricks’ use in their own relationship. And they work!You’ll Discover:How to go from “off-center and stuck” to the open space of creative possibilityThe keys to eliminating blame and how this leads to ultimate freedomNaming energy shifts to prepare the temple of your heart for loveHow to use your body wisdom to clear up seemingly impossible relationship issuesSession 6:Mastering the 7 Miracles That Transform Relationships, Part 2In this class you’ll learn three more Miracle-Moves that create rapid, powerful change.And that’s rapid, powerful change in the midst of arguing with your partner. After all, the time you want the water is when there’s a fire! Empowered with tools and willingness, you’ll discover all the love you’ve been missing.You’ll Discover:Genuine wonder…a shifted state of consciousness that produces an immediate lift in your love-lifeTranscendent ownership…three simple sentences, each of which can be spoken in less than ten seconds, that reliably produce positive changeLeading with appreciation…a 10-second tool that shifts the context of your relationships from fear to gratitudeSession 7:Discovering Your Genius and the Genius of Your RelationshipWithin you, a Zone Of Genius lies waiting to be discovered and tapped. If you’re in a close relationship, there’s a Zone Of Genius in the relationship that can be accessed. Sound inspiring? It is!In this class, you’ll work with a series of questions that illuminate your personal area of genius. You’ll also open up a dialogue with your innate genius in relationships.In relationships, you synergize with the other person’s energy, creating more energy than either partner can manifest on their own. Most people burn up that energy in power struggles and conflict, but with a few simple tools you can harness the energy to manifest what you each most want.Gay and Katie Hendricks will share their own process of manifestation and how they’ve tapped their own Zone Of Genius to create abundance through four decades together.You’ll Discover:How to have a potent living dialogue with your own inner GeniusHow your inner Genius will help you navigate your relationshipsWhat the Genius of a relationship is and does, and how that will launch you into more love than you’ve ever known!Session 8:Lasting Love Made Easy: How Does The “Easy” Part Happen?“Easy” is a new possibility in relationships, one that you might not have seen or even considered.Recycling relationship conflict is a form of addiction. When you end the addiction to struggle, you open up a new world of ease and harmony that you may not have imagined possible!The myth is that relationships involve hard work, compromise and settling for less than what you really want. But it doesn’t have to be that way.In this class you’ll learn the surprisingly easy and powerful actions and choices you can take to create more ease in your relationships, both your relationship with others and with yourself.You’ll Discover:The inside scoop on “easy,” and how a good relationship becomes truly greatBusting the myths on love that are holding you back from living in ecstasyThings you can do to prepare your heart for the relationship you yearn forModule 3With Matthew and Terces EnglehartSession 9:Relationship as a Path to Unconditional LoveLove is the state of unconditional inclusion. Being a Kindred Spirit means using all your relationships as an opportunity to awaken from the constraints of the ego.The focus in this session is on emptying you out, so that you can make room for being occupied by the consciousness of unconditional love.Relationship is a healing path, a sanctuary to recover from the illusion of separation. Using relationship as a mirror is a challenging path, but one that can lead you into great awakening.You’ll find your ego’s trickery exposed, which will allow you to get present to the impact of your separation wounds and take full responsibility in your relationships.You’ll Discover:Tools to presence love in all your relationships regardless of your circumstances or past experiencesHow you can lean into the discomfort and have the difficult conversations that are necessary for the restoration of loveSession 10:Making Upsets Your AlliesMastery in relationships requires an understanding of upsets. Freedom is always there within you as you realize upsets aren’t personal.Holding space for another’s upsets is terrific training in being present. It’s the best remedy for you, and the most loving act in any relationship.Upsets are often about something other that what they seem. If used consciously as a tool for awakening, you can celebrate these emotional experiences as opportunities for deeper awareness and understanding with your partner.You’ll Discover:The real source of upset – and what to do about itHow to open, listen and lean into upsets as a way of creating a shiftThe actual tools you need to transform upsets into alliesSession 11:The Power of Apology and CompletionWhen you apologize to your partner, it’sa powerful act of taking responsibility, which then restores power to yourself. In every situation taking 100% responsibility is a potent place to stand. It offers you the opportunity to be fully present in the moment with your partner and frees you from the past.You’ll Discover:How the tools of completion can restore love in all your relationshipsHow to disarm your wounds through the power of apology and take 100% responsibilitySession 12:The Art of Making Powerful RequestsExpectations can suck the joy out of your relationships and set you and your partner up for big disappointments. But when you can turn expectations into requests of your loved one, you’ll find that your connection can be powerfully transformed, restoring love and workability.You’ll Discover:How expectations can sabotage your relationships and how to free yourselfThe empowering difference between expectations and requestsThe practice of being worthy of making powerful requestsBonus #1: Cultivating Trust in a Transformational IntimacyGuest Faculty: Saniel and Linda Groves-BonderTrust is so often overlooked in our efforts to find true partners and create intimate relationships that can truly last. It takes time to build trust – and actually requires the inevitable challenges and crises that come up in authentic relating. This is especially true if you are wanting to create a “transformational intimate partnership” rather than a conventional union that actually suppresses or deadens growth and change in each partner.In this bonus session, we’ll explore these and related topics:Why trust trumps love and why any sexuality that does not prioritize trust is missing the mark, no matter how energetic and blissful lovers can getThe “first males” and “first females” in our lives (parents, adult relatives, older and sometimes younger siblings) – and the ongoing impact that violation and betrayal of innocent trust in early life and its legacy in adulthood, no matter how spiritually attuned or awake we may becomeWhy open-ended commitment comes last in wise, yet inevitably daring explorations, toward enduring transformational partnership, and what we have to be willing to risk to find the love and trust we truly desireAfter a basic initial presentation, we’ll make plenty of time for Q&A, personal sharing, and comments from listeners for a very lively and heartfelt session.Bonus #2: The Secrets to Creating a Sacred UnionGuest Faculty: Stephen Dinan and Devaa Haley MitchellFor 11 years now, Stephen and Devaa have engaged their partnership as an awakening practice. Their love is the most fulfilling, joyful and transformative part of their lives – and it’s what allowed them to co-create The Shift Network together. Now they are delighted to share with you the secrets for creating a vibrantly alive and divine committed relationship.They’ll get honest and real with you, offering precise practices and insights into how your relationships can become truly sacred, filled with truth-telling, healing, juiciness, deep kinship, co-creation and mutual empowerment. You’ll learn practices and insights to help you:Channel masculine and feminine energies into their highest expressionCreate practices that deepen the love and allow you to work with the most challenging areasRespect and balance the differences in relationshipCreate “temple time” for healing, awakening, and higher states of awarenessExperience the joys of co-creation and learn to navigate the inevitable challengesMake your relationship more full spectrum, inviting more of yourself into itBonus #3: Partnership Between Equals for the Purpose of Spiritual GrowthA Recorded Interview with Gary Zukav and Linda Francis, Hosted by Gay & Katie HendricksUsing their own relationship over the years as an example, Gary and Linda discuss authentic power vs. the one-up-one-down power struggles that characterize most close relationships.They will share how when you challenge the frightened, angry and jealous sides of your personality you can then open to true partnership and a deep sense of meaning, purpose and joy! A true spiritual partnership is also the opportunity toGary Zukav is a spiritual teacher and author of four consecutive New York Times bestsellers. Gary and Linda co-founded The Seat of the Soul Institute in 1998.Here’s What You’ll Get in The Art of Sacred Loving– Download Sample files “The Art of Sacred Loving”Course Requirement: The Art of Sacred LovingReal Value: $397One time cost: USD62Frequently Asked Questions For “The Art of Sacred Loving”How to make payment for “The Art of Sacred Loving” ?Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . 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