Ingrid Arna – The Six-Figure DivaGet ready for divine growth, expansion and cashed up months doing what you LOVE.Unparalleled business coaching,Where $10K – $500K+ months becomes your new normal!WORK WITH ME :HEREʼS WHAT I WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT THE LEVEL OF MY WORK AND HOW IʼM UNLIKE EVERY OTHER COACH OUT THERE…will have real-world, 20+ years proven experience in applying the strategies they teach.will have a solid and profitable million dollar business they built from scratch, without marrying a rich husband!is a marketing, copywriting, branding and business sage who generously and lovingly shares her knowledge.will give you the perfect mix of proven business growth strategies, spiritually solid mindset and energy principles that will help you to rewire your business and life.will see your brilliance and provide you with the support, love and guidance you need to have the money and soul breakthroughs to catapult you into sacred a powerful master teacher with the ability to powerfully pass on her work to her clients, so they can learn and apply it on a deep a high-priestess and mystical healer diva who has a dedicated team of coaches and healers committed to your ascension to create money, magic and profound healing.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be to post a review.