Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program


In a minute, you’re going to have a chance to put some real cash in your account later today. Because the system that I’ll show you is focused on ROI, File Size: 13.65 GBAsia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core ProgramIf You Want To Make An Income From Trading, And I’m Not Talking About Measely Returns, I’m Talking About Big Money And Huge ROI… Read Every Word Of This Letter…My name is Ezekiel Chew, and I teach bank traders, fund managers, prop traders and also ordinary people how to make money from trading. I trade forex, stocks, indexes, commodities (e.g. gold, silver, crypto) and anything that is tradable. And you are going to learn all of these. Because it doesn’t matter what vehicle it is, what we are looking for is high-probability winning trades that make big money. And with a secure system that guards the risk and money as carefully as my wife does.For a limited time, I will share with you my secret for making more money in a month than most people make in a year. On this page is some of the most valuable information anyone can receive. And that is: How to make money on demand. And not just any money. But BIG money on demand.Give me just 20 minutes a day of your time, and I will show you a road to wealth most people could only dream about taking.I’ll show you how my proprietary system has made me and my students millions of dollars and have how you can do the same.In a minute, you’re going to have a chance to put some real cash in your account later today. Because the system that I’ll show you is focused on ROI, where you put in $1 and it returns you $3. It’s not about fanciful strategies or flashy methods. This is a real system that professional traders and banks use. I know that, because I’m the man behind the scenes. The one who trains the bank traders. And I’ve made it so easily comprehensible that my 7- and 8-year-old kids understand it. And if they can understand it at such a young age, anyone can grasp this system if they put the effort into learning it.This system is so powerful that I’ve created many full-time traders who started the program with zero knowledge in trading. Some even went on to become fund managers, and I’m so proud of them!This is what you will be learning in the One Core Program:asia forex mentor one core program forex trading course 141319Click Here To Get The “One Core Program”!Here’s A Snippet Of The Testimonials That I’ve Received From My Studentsasiaforexmentor reviewI CAN GUARANTEE YOU THREE THINGSIf you continue to read this open letter to anyone who wants to achieve financial freedom, either: 1. You will be crystal clear on what you have to do to get the results you want.2. You will leave today with the confidence to take action.OR3. Nothing in your life will change, and your tomorrow will be the same as today. It takes courage to act, but I am going to show you how I did it and have helped thousands of others make money. Basically… I’M HERE TO MAKE YOU MONEY… AND WHEN I SAY MONEY, I MEAN LOTS OF IT… All you need to do is get rid of any distractions as you read this page and focus on what I consider to be the best use of the next 10 minutes you will ever experience. Because you are about to learn how you could solve all your financial worries.“Ezekiel’s ROI-driven approach is very different from the one used by most trainers. It is a scientific, numbers-driven way of beating the market that is not taught anywhere.”Raymond Wong(Newbie turned full time trader – A mentee of Ezekiel Chew)HERE’S WHY YOU ARE HERE TODAYI have been a professional trader for most of my adult life. It actually started when I was very young, and I was what some people would have called an entrepreneur.I taught myself how to trade when I was around 16 and started my forex trading account with $500. Coming from a middle-income family, this was hard-earned money made from part-time jobs during school breaks.Like many others, I depleted several accounts during my early days before I discovered my own proprietary trading system.Throughout the years, this system has generated millions of dollars for me and my students.I got hooked on trading and I haven’t looked back since.I have appeared on TV, blogs, interviews, and some of the best-known trading and investing websites in the world.Straits Times Interviews Ezekiel Chew:Straits Times (Premium)(Newspaper Image Part 1)(Newspaper Image Part 2)DBP – THE 2ND LARGEST STATE-OWNED BANK IN PHILIPPINES WITH ASSETS OF MORE THAN USD13 BILLION ARE TRAINED BY MEBanks and institutions pay me up to $25,000 just for in-depth analysis using my method of interpreting the market.I am what they say – the mentor behind the gurus out there.To date, I’ve traded for close to 20 years and have been mentoring traders for over 12 years now. As I said, some of them became gurus, full-time traders and also fund managers.Moreover, a lot of my students are now good friends of mine.Above are some of the events where I’ve been engaged to speak. These events are where I share my views, thoughts and opinions on the market. You may have seen me at such financial events around the world.I’m not trying to show off. My point is you will have the time to do what you want when you can control your own financial destiny.I don’t make my living from selling forex trading courses or consulting – I make a living from trading.But like all things, if you go at it too hard, you need a break for a while, and that’s why every few years I teach.When I teach, the results my students achieve are phenomenal, and I am very proud of them.The last time I taught full time, they said it was the best forex trading course they have ever attended. And that’s coming from people who had been through lots of forex trading courses, stock courses and seminars.When I say I know my stuff, and I train the professionals, it’s true. Because it’s not often you hear of a trader who makes 6 figures a trade.Here’s a published example of how I turned 950% in 2 weeks. Part 11 month later, with a capital of $24k, I turned it into $300k – That’s a 1250% return on investment. Part 2Here’s another example of a trade I took that made $159,432.25 in a dayAnd another example of me making $100K during Donald Trump Presidential Election within hoursClick Here To Get The “One Core Program”!My students have achieved incredible results of their ownasiaforexmentor review 141319 forex trading training course schoolasiaforexmentor review forex trading course eddieTHE ONE CORE PROGRAMI used to spend my time teaching via physical live seminars. But there’s only so many people that I can reach in this way. That’s why I’ve decided to make the transition to teaching online. I’ve put an insane amount of effort into crafting the program, the learning structure and methods in order to make it as effective as possible. In fact, it’s even more effective than a live seminar. This is because of the simple fact that you can pause and repeat at certain points where you need time to digest.The One Core Program is a program where I leave nothing out. I wanted to put my very best into creating something that can last for generations. And perhaps even to be called an industry classic 40 years down the road.In this program, I share all my proprietary methods and the tools that I personally use. I have spent thousands of dollars on getting it customized for myself and I’m giving my all in this program.So when I say I truly hold nothing back, it’s entirely true. This is where I share all my years of wins and losses. The lessons I’ve learnt, the things that work and what simply doesn’t. This encompasses the making of a professional trader, the things we do behind the scenes, the mentality, the execution methods, the exit methods… How to make really big money in trading (very few traders actually do this).Most traders and gurus teach you systems where they make around 10% return a year. Now, by market standards, that’s pretty good. Because it’s better than the fixed deposit rates that our banks give us.But will it make you rich? Hardly…And if you spend your time learning this craft of trading only to make such returns, you might as well put your money in the stock index, such as the S&P500. That has averaged an annual return of 9.8% for the last 90 years.Why spend time learning something that doesn’t give you a better return than the market?The only reason why we trade is that, when done right, it has the ability to make you really big money.That’s what you are here for. And that’s why I’ve put so much effort into creating this program.Click Here To Get The “One Core Program”!Here’s how One Core Program runs when you get access to it:Click on the + button at the left of each section to learn what is coveredasiaforexmentor one core program best forex trading courseasiaforexmentor one core program best forex trading course price actionasiaforexmentor one core program best forex trading coursebusiness behind trading best forex trading course asiaforexmentorchart reading technical skills forex trading course asiaforexmentorClick Here To Get The “One Core Program”!forex trading strategies stock trading strategies best trading strategyBest forex trading strategy road to millions formula asiaforexmentorforex trading trade management methods asiaforexmentorcorrelated pairs, fundamental analysis and spreads in forex trading asiaforexmentoradvance forex trading strategies methods asiaforexmentorProprietary point calculation system forex trading asiaforexmentorbest forex trading lifestyle trading asiaforexmentor ezekiel chewforex trading plan. blueprint. asiaforexmentor ezekieltrading psychology asiaforexmentor ezekiellive trading forex stocks asiaforexmentor ezekielforex trading tracking – how to track journal asiaforexmentor ezekielforex trading plan roadmap asiaforexmentor ezekielClick Here To Get The “One Core Program”!THE ONE CORE PROGRAM – THE BEST IN THE INDUSTRYI’m sure you can see by now that the One Core Program is very likely to be the most comprehensive and most powerful trading program out there. I have put tremendous effort into the creation of this program. Putting everything that I know that works and what doesn’t into it. I’ve formulated it into a progressive step-by-step learning process whereby after every module, there is a case study on the live charts followed by a task after it. This way, you can not only learn the concept, but also see how it works in the live charts followed by actual practice to make sure you can understand and implement them.The curriculum is created under a proper learning structure, I know it because I do own an arm of an education business and I’ve created it in such a structure for maximum learning effectiveness. So you’ll know that it’s not a program put out in a day or two.As you can see, this is not an ordinary program where you will learn some nuggets here and you have to pay more to join another program where they teach further stuff. The One Core Program is everything you need and more. It’s the teachings of the actual workings in the live market. And it’s created for professional trading, for people who truly want to make trading a core skill. This is a money-making skill that they can master and pass on to their future generations.The tremendous reviews and testimonials that my students has given describe it best. And I’m very thankful for it.Here’s what some of my students say about the One Core Programasia forex mentor one core program review ray hengasiaforexmentor review josh tanasia forex mentor one core program review seedasia forex mentor one core program review jemasia forex mentor one core program review darren angasiaforexmentor review matthew khoe trading course stocksasiaforexmentor review ahmed adam khoo rayner teoasiaforexmentor review lloyd best forex trading courseforex trading course reviews asiaforexmentor one core program mikeyforex trading course reviews joshuaforex trading reviewsforex trading course reviewamber asia forex mentor reviewWho is the “ONE CORE PROGRAM” Created For?Well, it’s for what we call the Committed Learner. Because learning to trade takes commitment. Nobody said it is going to be easy, it takes time to first learn, then practise, then fail (you are bound to meet mistakes), then learn from your mistakes, fail again, and keep learning and practising, until you find success.But if you are committed to this process… I can assure you, the One Core Program has everything you need to succeed from beginner to advance. This is the program we use to train professional traders.Note: It doesn’t matter if you have zero trading knowledge, in fact… most of our students started off with zero knowledge as well. The One Core Program takes you from beginner to professional.The One Core Program is created for those who know they NEED to make a difference in their lives and investing is the way that will impact their lives, and provide for their loved ones.The ones who get excited to learn and master a new skill, a money-making skill and modelling what success looks like.Those who are sick of small investment returns that don’t move the needle and want to make BIG money in trading.And of course, once again… those who are COMMITTEDIf that sounds like you… then welcome to the professional traders club, this program was created for YOU!Ezekiel ChewThe panel of speakers at Traders Fair (click on image to enlarge)Now, you’re probably wondering…“How Much Will It Cost To Have Me to Train You from scratch to becoming professional…?”We wanted to do something forex mentor one core programThe AFM Online Academy (click on image to enlarge)Normally if you were to attend any of my trading LIVE seminars, it is $2,500 per person.(That means, to bring a family of 4 – like mine – it would cost $10,000!)Oh, and you have flights… hotels… and food costs.But, since we’re going to be conducting it via online learning on your computer, or your phone. With a step by step training process, coupled with a practical session after each training video. All at the comfort of your home and at your own learning pace. where you can pause and repeat at any time you desire.And because I want your income to THRIVE during these crazy times…What If We Let You Attend…for FREE!?!Well, it’s kinda for free… Let me explain:The One Core Program costs $997 to attend right now…It will be at $2497 after. And even at the price, it will still be a steal when you compare the quality & credibility of the One Core Program to all the programs around.BUT… I want to make sure that you LOVE it, BEFORE you pay…So, this is how it works.You just put in your credit card numbers to secure your spot at the Launch PriceYou Can Then Attend The Entire Training… For FREE…I’ll give you a week to go through the program, IF you LOVE IT, and IF it changes your life…Then do NOTHING, and we’ll bill you the $997 AFTER the 7 forex mentor one core program 141319If For Some Reason You Decide That The Training Isn’t For You – Then On The Last Day, I’ll Give You A Special Email Address, That You Can Email And Let Me Know That You Didn’t Think It Was Worth The $997…If so, then we’ll cancel your order, and you will never pay anything.Does that sound fair?Cool…! (That way, you only pay if you feel it was worth every penny!)Click Here To Get The “One Core Program”!best forex trading course award to Asia Forex MentorWould you pay $997 to learn from a mentor who makes 6 figures per trade? Not someone who had just learnt trading not too long ago and makes a couple of hundred, 4 or 5 digits a trade. That’s a huge difference…And to learn the actual workings of the program I use to train the bank traders?If you could grab and implement just a handful of principles that I and the bank traders use in our trading…would it be worth it?Can you even imagine the golden nuggets that we’ve already struggled with, learned the ‘hard way’, and are going to teach you (so you can have a major short-cut)?In this priceless One Core Program training, you’ll get to learn how exactly do professionals trade and make good living in it as I dive deep into teaching you everything you need to know to be successful in trading…Ezekiel Chew speaking in Thailand on earning his first pot of goldone core program asia forex mentorThis is how it works…Step #1 – Reserve Your SpotThe first step is to put in your credit card right now to reserve your spot to the “One Core Program!”Step #2 – Start LearningNext, you (and your entire family!) can start learning and implementing the One Core Program trading system and you’ll start to see trading and making money in an entirely different light!Step #3 – Decide If It Was Worth It!At the end of 7 day, if you don’t feel transformed and armed with IMPLEMENTABLE knowledge that can push your trading business forward, then just email us at our private email address (that we’ll reveal on day 7), and you won’t have to pay a penny!Here’s What You’ll Get in Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program– Download Sample files “Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program”Course Requirement: Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core ProgramReal Value: $997One time cost: USD 219Frequently Asked Questions For “Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program”How to make payment for “Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program” ?Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . Because it is a safest and super security for you as well as for us.Is it safe?100% Secure Checkout Privacy PolicyEncryption of sensitive data and communication.All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate hosting environment, and doesn’t share or save any info.How can we deliver you the course?After you pay for “Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program” on our library, please follow the download links in your account page here: |Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program|In some case, the link is broken for any reason, our supporter will renew the download links and notify to your email within a few hours business day. Your patience is appreciated.How long do I have access to the course? How does lifetime access download?After enrolling, you have unlimited download to this |Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program|  for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.How to download “Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program”?Enjoy “Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program” in your account page.Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.What is the refund policy “Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program”?We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…Within 30 days of purchased |Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program|, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.Have More Questions?Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!You want to get “Asia Forex Mentor – AFM Proprietary: One Core Program?!!!YES! I’M READY TO ADD TO CART BUTTON ON THIS PAGE NOW !There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.