Nikki elledge brown – A Course About Copy


Nikki elledge brown – A Course About Copy If you’re reading this page (and look! you ARE), chances are HIGH that like hundreds of bright entrepreneurs I’ve had the chance to work with:YOU’VE GOT THE IDEAS, BUT YOU’RE STRUGGLING TO FIND THE WORDS.What you’ve got feels boring.Awkward.Not YOU.What you need is someone to help you DIY with style. Page-by-blank-white-page.Amiright? Sweet.BECAUSE THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I DO.And “I” am Nikki, BTW – that’s me over there biting a perfectly good No. 2 pencil. >>Nice to meet you “Nikki is fantastic…I absolutely love this girl. Not only does she write amazing copy for her own business, but she teaches copy in a way that you can really understand…she really breaks it down in a way that’s very doable.”– Amy PorterfieldSocial Media Strategist, AmyPorterfield.comSeriously though. Any of this sound familiar?WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING YOUR SITE + COMMUNICATING YOUR VALUE, YOU’RE:Stuck at the starting line (in eternal draft mode).Overwhelmed by all the possible (wildly creative or totally strategic) ways you could approach each page.Unsure how much to share, where to share it, and how to share it in a way that make sense.SO. tired of making excuses + “it’s not done yet!” disclaimers (because you KNOW it’s not doing anything for you).YOU *WANT* TO BECOME A BETTER WRITER BECAUSE YOU:Realize that YOU need to be your own best spokesperson – in life and in business.Don’t want to pay thousands of dollars to wait for someone to write or update a page, offer, or opt-in you may want to change next week.Believe that as the voice of your business your audience wants to hear from YOU.Understand that effective communication leads to more customers, more profit, more confidence, and more CHOICES. (And as a boss, you like choices.)ORRR MAYBE YOU JUST THINK IT’D BE FUN TO LEARN FROM + WITH! A WORD NERD LIKE ME.(That’s perfectly legit too.)IF ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBE YOU, KEEP ON READING.“ACAC is a course every online business owner needs NOW! I used to be a copywriter myself, but writing my own site felt like climbing Everest. With Nikki’s help I’ve written a site that my crowd adores (twice!) and will continue to revisit every time I craft any comms to my peeps. Everyone needs ACAC in their pocket!”– Laura HussonCo-Founder, Husson MediaI’ve got a (fun) solution for all that.It’s called A Course About Copy,and it’ll help you write a site that:1. Attracts your dream clients2. Connects with them in a meaningful way3. Makes it easy for them to buy from youAnd THAT looks like:MORE PROFITBecause money loves clarity, and so do potential customers.LESS STRESSNo guesswork. I’ll walk you through EVERY. PAGE. of this baby.MORE TIMETo do what you love (like working with all these new clients!).LESS FRUSTRATIONNo more blank white screens. Unless you just like blank white screens.MORE CONFIDENCEIn conversations, public speaking, videos, and being a human in general.And you literally don’t have to take my word for it:Chandra Scott“BEST. MONEY. SPENT. Nikki is like a mind whisperer! She eliminates the writing blocks, and her copy converts. Exactly what it’s meant to do.”— Chandra Scott, The Startup’s Secret WeaponHanna Donnelly“I freaking love my copy and don’t have to worry about it anymore! Absolutely recommend Nikki’s services. Times 100. Anyone that is struggling with writing needs to work with her!”— Hanna Donnelly, Wardrobe Stylist, Hanna Lee StyleTami Cunningham“It was such a RELIEF to create something conversational with Nikki – something that felt more like ME and not something fabricated by rules. Seriously – she gets sh*t done.”— Tami Cunningham, Founder, GiftingSweet“ACAC was by far THE BEST biz investment I made in 2014. Learning to write AND speak authentically has made way for more ease (and expansion) in my business…an invitation to become Nick Jr.’s Resident Expert in Australia, a book publisher approaching me, plus TV and media appearances and speaking invitations throughout Australia! Finding my voice and communicating with my audience has literally changed my whole business (and life) in the most profound ways.’”– Dr. Kristy GoodwinChildren’s Brain + Technology Researcher, Every Chance to LearnSo what’s included when you join?Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 10.24.17 PMINSTANT (+LIFETIME) ACCESS TO ALL 8 LESSONSAfter working with hundreds of entrepreneurs in my first year in business, I’ve created ACAC to offer step-by-step, page-by-page guidance to help you write your site, attract your dream clients, and actually ENJOY the process. (And when I say “page-by-page,” I mean every. page. We cover the HOW of your home, about, blog, work with me, social proof, contact, press, giving back, site credits, resources, legal, thank you, and even your 404 page!)Study HallEXCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIP TO ACAC STUDY HALLOur private Facebook community is filled with wildly supportive entrepreneurs from ALL over the world (including the US, Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, Germany, the Bahamas, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Japan). Work on your homework with folks who know what to look for (and how to offer USEFUL, encouraging feedback).Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 11.30.20 PMFULL ACCESS TO OUR ACAC BONUS LIBRARYI’ve enlisted a team of superstar specialists to create an entire library of bonus lessons worth their digi-weight in GOLD. As you WRITE your site, these bonuses will help you build it, brand it, design it, finish it, optimize it, and protect it. (More details further down the page.)Kim Schaf“Since rewording my sales pages I just had the MOST PROFITABLE WEEK EVER (better than most months?!) – up 600% from a ‘normal’ week. That’s just crazy. Thanks, Nikki!”— Kim Schaf, CEO, Sleep Training SolutionsTamsen Horton“Holy cow! I’ve tripled the number of booked appointments, which is incredible. I love knowing that I can follow the system and get results when I sit down to write.”— Tamsen Horton, Attorney, Vujá dè LawTania Lanin“Getting this clarity about how to speak, write, post or present myself – was priceless. It’s such a relief knowing EXACTLY how to write all of my website (or other) content.”— Tania Lanin, Owner, Biz Made Easy“ACAC delivers on every promise. Within one week of joining, I attracted two clients that doubled my monthly revenue, and I wasn’t even done with the course. If you do the work, the results will come. I can’t recommend it highly enough!”– Tamiko KellyFounder, Sleep Well, Wake HappyWhat’s covered in the lessons?Lesson 1LESSON 1:WRITING FOR DREAM CLIENTSBefore you start throwing words up on the page, you’ve gotta get clear on the basics. In Lesson 1, we’ll cover the mindset stuff that keeps SO many people from writing their sites – like writer’s block, perfectionism, self-sabotage, and the fear of (constructive) feedback. Once that’s covered, we dig right into practical strategies on how to be clear, credible, conversational, and connected.Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 10.19.19 PMLESSON 2:WORDROBE ESSENTIALSPutting great outfits together is much easier when you’ve got classic WARDROBE essentials like a great pair of jeans, crisp white shirt, and little black dress at the ready. The same can be said for your WORDROBE essentials. In Lesson 2 we’ll pinpoint WHAT you’re offering, WHY you’re offering it, and WHO you actually want to offer it TO. (I’ll also share my #1 tip for getting your WHO’s attention….without ever leaving your couch.)Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 10.19.34 PMLESSON 3:THE ONE SENTENCEThe right kind of prep doesn’t make you sound like a cheeseball; it makes you sound like a professional. In Lesson 3, I’ll share my tried-and-tested exercise for crafting a clear, concise answer to the Q many entrepreneurs DREAD: “Soooo, what do you do?” BONUS: Once you’ve got your sentence down, we’ll style it up so you can share it with confidence whether you’re in line at the grocery store or happily stuck in the elevator with a big whig in your industry.Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 10.21.16 PMLESSON 4:HOME PAGE HOSPITALITYYour website isn’t just your storefront; it’s your digital home. And we all know the value of a great first impression. As the host(ess) here, it’s YOUR job to lead the way for your visitors and help them know exactly where you want them to go next. In Lesson 4, I’ll walk you through creating your entire home page (from header to footer) so you know how to help the RIGHT visitors click around and stay a while.Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 10.24.05 PMLESSON 5:ENOUGH ABOUT METhe about page is the #1 concern of most folks I work with. In Lesson 5, we’ll cover how to avoid TMI and exactly what you SHOULD (or shouldn’t) share to help people get to know, like, and trust the REAL you. After that, I’ll walk you through my world-famous About Page Recipe – five steps to introduce yourself (and your business) in a way that leaves people wanting to know MORE.Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 10.24.17 PMLESSON 6:BLOG LIKE YOU MEAN ITThe heart of Lesson 6 is about making a connection through your regular content. If you want to actually enjoy that process, you’ve got to find a system that works for YOU. In this one we’ll talk about topics, format, and frequency – then we’ll dig into clickable headlines, “open-me” email subject lines, and easy ways to get MORE quality conversation going on your blog.Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 10.24.49 PMLESSON 7:WORK WITH ME (NO, REALLY.)Once you’ve built relationships ‘n’ credibility, the natural next step is to tell people how they can work with you. In Lesson 7 I’ll tell you the four things EVERY prospective client wants to see on your sales page(s), and exactly how to give it to them using my nine-step recipe. We’ll cover how to share your rates with confidence, and I’ll share my favorite ways to “filter” for dream clients.Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 10.25.02 PMLESSON 8:BEST OF THE RESTWhile the A-Team pages often get all the attention, it’s the “little” pages that can make the biggest difference in your day-to-day ops + relationship-building. In Lesson 8 I’ll share the WHY + HOW behind social proof, giving back, legal, contact, resources, thank you, and even 404 pages that represent YOU and help your visitors feel connected, protected, and cared for.Marissa Bracke“In terms of ROI, this is an easy one: I’ve made my investment back several times over already. Working with Nikki was a pleasure, and the results have been fantastic.”— Marissa Bracke, Can-Do-Ologist, Just B Consulting, LLCKat Jaibur“Nikki has the goods! I’ve been in the copywriting biz for over 20 years, and even I hired her to help me. Highly recommend her. You can thank me later.”— Kat Jaibur, Copywriter CEO, Your Bright Shiny BrandAmy Aversa“The writing process can be daunting (if you don’t like to write), but Nikki makes it quick and painless. And quick and painless is worth $.”— Amy Aversa, Head Chef Owner, Sweet Basil CateringCaroline Limata“Within 8 minutes, this woman got me unstuck, refocused, and writing again. Nikki Elledge Brown strikes again!”— Caroline Limata, Publicity Coach, Play in JoyLaura Husson“Nikki rocks, ACAC rocks, and the peeps in ACAC rock. This is an essential resource for any solopreneur writing her own site!”— Laura Husson, Co-Founder, Husson MediaLisa Porter“Nikki is truly a gift. She breaks down each area of website copy in a way that is easy to understand and implement.”— Lisa Porter, CEO, Bold New Biz“Truly brilliant! I’ve struggled for well over a year, never feeling proud or excited about my website. Within one hour of completing “The One Sentence” exercise in Lesson 3, it was/is EXACTLY what I have wanted to say all this time! This is exactly what I needed to push forward! I have my SPARK back! Annnnd, for the first time, I am excited to write!”– Rebecca DourosElite Life Coach, Abundance WithinThen we’ve got the bonuses.(Oh, the bonuses…)WE’LL START WITH THE WARM-UP BONUSES FIRST.A few fun perks of your ACAC membership include…ACAC home2LIFETIME ACCESSIt certainly won’t take you a lifetime to get through these super-streamlined lessons (the average vid is 23 minutes long), BUT if you really want to take your sweet time, you can. When you join my ACAC fam, you’re in for as lonnng as it exists. You can go through the lessons one week at a time, one month at a time, all in one day, or once a year. Totally up to you.WorkbookTHE MOST GORGEOUS WORKBOOK I’VE EVER SEENIf you’ve seen my site, you’ve seen what happens when I work with creative genius (+ACAC founding member!) Sarah Ancalmo. We’ve cooked up digi-workbook MAGIC to showcase 50+ pages of templates, resources, and sample copy to help you capture all those genius ideas…before they’re ready for WordPress. (Seriously. Homework has NEVER looked this good.)Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 10.42.54 PMIN-LESSON BONUS VIDEOSIf you’re the “tell me more” type, you’ll love the bonus vids I’ve included with Lessons 3 through 8. This extra training shows you the lesson in ACTION – including walkthroughs of my OWN site pages, past and present, a really nerdy DIY-PowerPoint-graphics tutorial (I made every graphic you see here in PPT!), and actual clips from previous ACAC office hours.Study HallEXCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIP TO ACAC STUDY HALLIn our private, members-only ACAC Facebook community, you’ll have 24/7/365 access to my gorgeous tribe of hundreds of dream students – led by the fearless class president, my sister Stacey. We’ve got SO many fun ideas to keep you energized and accountable (including a faux-live run to kick off the next eight weeks) – but the real value here comes in the connections + feedback you’ll share with your ACAC classmates.THE WARM FUZZY OF GIVINGI give 10% of my income to for-purpose organizations I believe in (like Pencils of Promise and Feeding America). One of the sweetest perks of your ACAC investment is that when we finish funding a second school for kiddos in Guatemala, or buy much-needed food for families across the U.S. – you’ll know YOU played an integral part in that. Amazing, right??Tania Mercer“My new copy fits like a perfect little black dress. She inspired me to create at a level I couldn’t have reached on my own, no matter how much I labored at the words. I knew it would be a wise investment. I had no excuse – and now you don’t either ;)”— Tania Mercer, Weight Loss CoachJen Smith“I get totally stumped when writing. I needed someone to help me get past my analysis paralysis so I could create some sparkly copy! Anyone who needs inspiration to just WRITE needs Nikki.”— Jen Smith, Facebook Consultant, Jen Smith SocialDelia Joseph“I walked away feeling like I won the lottery! I’m serious!! I am so happy I listened to my God-given intuition and made this investment. I absolutely recommend Nikki…to anyone who will listen!”— Delia Joseph, Founder, Improveology Life Coaching“I was speaking at World Domination Summit in front of 3,000 dreamers, and who did I turn to? Nikki! She’s got a gift. Helped me get to the core of the message I was born to share. So happy to have her in my world!”– Jadah SellnerCo-Founder, Simple Green Smoothies(Aaand NOW I get to feel like Oprah.)INTRODUCING THE ACAC BONUS LIBRARYMy main intention here is to help you with MORE than just the copy elements of your site experience, including branding, development, design, sales, legal, SEO, and mindset. YES. Alllllll of that.The pros featured here in The Bonus Library bring a variety of perspectives and areas of expertise to the table and they’re GREAT at what they do.Truly – I can’t help but feel a little “You get a car! YOU get a car! YOU get a car!” when I share ’em with new members of ACAC.BONUS LESSON #1:MORE THAN WORDS with BRAND STYLIST SARAH ANCALMONow that you’re thinking about how you VERBALLY communicate your message, you’re probably thinking about how you VISUALLY communicate your message – colors, fonts, logos, images, and all that jazz. That’s exactly why I wanted to create this bonus lesson for you. Join creative genius Sarah + I for a colorful Q&A.BONUS LESSON #2:COPYRIGHTING YOUR COPYWRITING with ATTORNEY TAMSEN HORTONIt feels GREAT to have a site that really reflects who you are and what you have to offer. But what feels even BETTER is knowing that it’s alllll protected. That’s exactly what we’re talking about in this bonus lesson – from little C to big R – we’ve got your copyright + trademark Qs covered.BONUS LESSON #3:BEAT WRITER’S BLOCK with EFT EXPERT MICHELLE SIMMONDSAt some point in this write-your-site process, you’re GOING to experience resistance. Overwhelm. Writer’s block. Totally normal. When you’re tempted to be frustrated + give up, this lesson will help you learn how to PROCESS those fears + emotions and just. keep. writing.BONUS LESSON #4:BUILD YOUR SITE with DEVELOPER NATHALIE DOREMIEUXHaven’t actually BUILT your site yet? NO PROB. In this bonus training (a mini-course in ITSELF), Nathalie walks you through EVERY step of the process: Buy your domain. Set up hosting. Install WordPress. Choose a theme. Set up a “coming soon” page. YES. Alllll of that. In a delightful French accent. I can’t.BONUS LESSON #5:COPY THAT SELLS with SALES PRO KENDRICK SHOPEI’ve got you covered on WWM + sales page basics in ACAC, and in this bonus lesson, Kendrick and I take that conversation to the next level. We’ll talk about how to get over any potential fears + hesitations you may have about selling, how to position your value in a way that makes you AND your potential customers feel great, and top tips for following up in a totally comfy, non-awkward way.BONUS SEOBONUS LESSON #6:MUST-KNOW SEO with SEO PRO MALENE JORGENSENACAC will help you write smart, authentic copy that connects with your dream clients and customers. CHECK. But if you want as many people as possible to READ all that great copy, you need to incorporate smart, simple SEO. In this bonus, Malene shares what SEO really is, why it matters, and most importantly – seven delightfully simple ways you can leverage it on your site.AAAAND IF YOU’RE RUNNING A PRODUCT-BASED BIZ, HERE’S A BONUS JUST FOR YOU:ACAC for PRODUCTSWe’ve had ACAC success stories from folks applying the recipes to speaking, videos, everyday conversations…even Facebook ads!, but I want to be absolutely SURE I’ve got you covered from header to footer. That’s why I worked closely with the product-based ACAC Class of 2014 to create “ACAC for Products” – a full-on course companion filled with practical tips + inspiration to help you apply ACAC principles to everything from product descriptions to your blog strategy. (They’re loving it already!)Read more:– Download Sample files “Nikki elledge brown – A Course About Copy”Course Requirement: Nikki elledge brown – A Course About CopyReal Value: $997.0000One time cost: USD107.0000Frequently Asked Questions For “Nikki elledge brown – A Course About Copy”How to make payment for “Nikki elledge brown – A Course About Copy” ?Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . 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Your patience is appreciated.How long do I have access to the course? How does lifetime access download?After enrolling, you have unlimited download to this |Nikki elledge brown – A Course About Copy|  for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.How to download “Nikki elledge brown – A Course About Copy” ?Enjoy “Nikki elledge brown – A Course About Copy” in your account page.Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.What is the refund policy “Nikki elledge brown – A Course About Copy”?We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…Within 30 days of purchased |Nikki elledge brown – A Course About Copy  |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.Have More Questions?Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!You want to get “Nikki elledge brown – A Course About Copy” now right?!!!YES! I’M READY TO ADD TO CART BUTTON ON THIS PAGE NOW !