Stone River Elearning – Learn Pascal Programming from Scratch


Stone River Elearning – Learn Pascal Programming from ScratchCourse DescriptionPascal Programming Langugage is straightforward, organized, and clear. Its sole purpose is to impart sound programming principles and conventions. This online course provides the best approach to begin programming. It can be a great place to start for beginners who are overwhelmed with various new and fascinating languages available.Learn Pascal Programming From Scratch Course OverviewSince this course is intended for total beginners, we will walk you through every step, from installation to finishing your final project. A computer, an internet connection, and 500MB of storage space are all you need. Following the installation of your free program, you’ll begin learning the fundamentals of coding using Pascal as a context and creating your own projects as you go.Math operations, variables, user input, if/else statements, loop structures, string functions, arrays and records, working with files, date and time functions, and writing functions and procedures are all covered in separate sections of the course. In each session, you’ll finish a hands-on practical project from beginning to end to put what you’ve learned into practice.You will have a solid understanding of how to develop, construct, and compile Pascal code by the end of this course. You will be able to develop your own native applications and be more proficient at building, running, and maintaining them. You will be prepared to advance to some of the most potent and well-known programming languages in the world with the knowledge base you have obtained.About PascalPascal, one of the oldest languages still in use, was introduced in 1970 with the goal of promoting best practices in data structuring and structured programming. It is a high-level, imperative, and procedural programming language that novices would do well to learn before moving on to C. It is renowned for its efficiency, compatibility, quick compilers, and has simple and clear syntax.GoalsWhat will you learn in this course:Learn how to create, maintain, design, and build cross-platform native applicationsWrite code once, compile it, and run it on multiple applicationsLearn best practices and standards across all programming languagesDive deep into computer programming basicsPrerequisitesWhat are the prerequisites for this course?Basic understanding of programming conceptsCurriculumCheck out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the courseIntroduction to the Course2 LecturesCourse IntroductionPreview02:56Download And Installing SoftwarePreview03:30Using Math Operators7 LecturesSection IntroductionPreview01:38Creating Our 1st Pascal Program05:00Math Operators08:24Math operators using PEMDAS04:23Project01:58Creating the project02:59Section Summary01:55Variables & Getting User Input12 LecturesSection Introduction02:17Local Variables08:11Declaring And Using Variable With Numbers04:49Declaring And Using Variables With Strings05:20Defining Constant Variables06:54Example0106:20Saving User Input With Variables09:52Example0207:29Global Variables05:40Project Demo02:11Creating The Project10:12Section Summary02:18If Else-If Statements15 LecturesSection Introduction02:04If Statements07:11If Elseif Else Statements05:32If Statements With Relational Operators Part 112:00If Statements With Relational Operators Part 205:54If Statements Using The And Operator08:53If Statements Using The Or Operator06:18Case Statements Part 1Preview06:26Case Statements Part 205:36Project 105:10Project 1 Source Code09:07Project 203:11Project 2 Source Code Part 109:05Project 2 Source Code Part 203:50Section Summary02:19Loop Structures8 LecturesSection IntroductionPreview01:08For Loops05:34Repeat Until Loop04:18While Loop04:59Project05:05Creating The Project Part 109:42Creating The Project Part 202:36Section Summary01:42String Functions11 LecturesSection IntroductionPreview01:57Strings And The Trim Function04:11Strings And The Stringreplace Function04:45Strings And The Pos Function07:38Strings And The Delete Procedure04:36Strings And The Lowercase Function06:41Strings And The Copy Function06:31Strings And The Length Function07:03Project Review04:06Project Source CodePreview07:28Section Summary02:39Arrays & Records11 LecturesSection IntroductionPreview01:15Arrays With Strings05:55Arrays With IntegersPreview08:40Arrays With Doubles08:35Accessing Array Elements06:30Creating Records08:30Records More Examples05:03Records Advanced Examples09:50Project Review02:43Project Source Code08:12Section Summary02:22Working with Files12 LecturesSection Introduction01:18Creating And Writing Text Files Part 106:58Creating And Writing Text Files Part 202:48Reading From A Text File06:22Appending Data To A Text File08:03Rewrite Procedure More Examples #106:29Fileexists Function Part 108:18Fileexists Function Part 203:44Project Review06:54Project Source Code Part 106:51Project Source Code Part 207:27Section Summary01:55Date & Time Functions10 LecturesSection Introduction01:25Date time to str Function03:51Date to str & Time to str Functions03:42Comparing Dates08:51The Encodedate Function04:31Date time to str Function With Record Types Example09:09Date to str And Time to str Function Example04:17Project Review05:13Project Source Code09:09Section Summary03:09Creating Functions & Procedures6 LecturesCreating Procedures05:30Using Arguments With Procedures09:51Creating Functions With Arguments08:04Project Review04:20Project Source Code10:49Section Summary02:17Instructor DetailsStone River eLearningAt Stone River eLearning, technology is all we teach. If you’re interested in IT, programming, development or design – we have it covered.Check out our huge catalog of courses and join the over 1,200,000+ students currently taking Stone River eLearning courses. We currently offer 800+ different technology training courses on our Stone River eLearning website and are adding new courses on hot and trending topics every month. A subscription option is available for those with a real passion for learning.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be to post a review.