A Course in Courage With Julia Butterfly Hill


A Course in Courage With Julia Butterfly HillDiscover potent secrets for activating your heart-based courage, infusing your life with more authentic purpose and passion – and becoming a soul-powered agent for positive change.Each and every one of us has the capacity to transform our “ordinary” life into an extraordinary life by accessing the depths of love and power within us.Are you fully living the soul-powered life you know is possible for yourself? Or do doubts, fears and limiting beliefs prevent you from embracing your deepest truths, sharing your biggest message or really pursuing your grandest dreams?When faced with big challenges, do you act out old “scripts,” and shut down, react or become overwhelmed?These responses are only natural. However, when you react in these ways, you drain invaluable life force energy that you could harness to fulfill your highest potential and make your unique contributions to the world.So when struggles arise, how can you be truly empowered to consistently live your purpose, connect to your passion and become an agent for positive change?The answer is rooted in courage. It’s a simple, but potent word whose root says a lot about what it really is. “Courage” comes from the Anglo-French word “coer” – meaning “heart.” Contrary to popular belief, courage is not acting “brave” and “fearless” in the face of adversity or danger. This can not only be draining, it can also lead to destruction.For real courage to exist, your heart must be actively engaged – particularly when you’re feeling vulnerable or afraid. This gives us the sensitivity to know what is right action – and how to create allies rather than increase friction.To truly thrive, it’s vital to learn how to cultivate and sustain courage each and every day – so that you can live with grace, transform your relationship to perceived obstacles, and be available for new, expansive possibilities.With all the difficulties we’re exposed to in our world, it can be easy to close up in an attempt to create some sort of illusory armor. This is why the first greatest act of courage is to maintain an open heart and truly care.Courage doesn’t have to be dramatic, as its power hinges on moment-to-moment acts – anytime you face fear, overwhelm, anger, frustration or deep grief, and decide to explore and move through the situation with love.When you encounter any of these type of blocks, and then you mindfully choose to take actions with your heart engaged – that is courage.Once you’ve learned how to cultivate, nurture and sustain courage, you’ll have an invaluable skill that can dramatically improve every single aspect of your life – and, in turn – our world.You have the power to live a magical andmiraculous life.Courage is the fuel that powers your dreams and inspires others by example. It’s the energy that has empowered the most celebrated leaders throughout history – from successful business executives, to luminaries like Mandela and Gandhi.However, we’re rarely taught how to cultivate, deepen and expand this precious life-changing quality. For some people, this inner capacity seems to come naturally, but the truth is courage is a skill that anyone can learn and master – including you.To embody a truly inspired life, you must discover how to go beyond what your mind thinks is possible. And you do this step-by-step, starting at your heart center. It’s a distillation process where you cultivate grace in your way of being in the world.This creates the space for courage to blossom – so that you are able to tap into your most potent Self in whatever situation arises.When you’re able to access courage with grace, you are better able to manage and navigate the messiness of the human journey – and become more attuned to what brings you joy and passion.You can transform your relationship with the obstacles, mistakes and uncertainty of life, so that you are open to the amazing opportunities that can come from them.Learn from a Master TeacherWith A Course in Courage, you’ll discover how to develop and live from courage, with powerful insights and practices from Julia Butterfly Hill – one of the most courageous change agents and spiritual mentors of our time.Julia didn’t complete a 738-day tree-sit to protect ancient redwood groves from destruction with one giant act of courage. She ignited and led a worldwide movement by learning to face the challenges presented to her moment-to-moment – from harsh weather to dwindling supplies, from the heckling of loggers to isolation from human contact. She learned to do this with a fierce, compassionate, tender and open heart – which is what turned her into a global icon for sustainable change.Julia had to build bridges to the loggers from her authenticity, and also use humor to navigate challenging situations. She began to see that old-school “bravery” would not actually create the results she wanted to see. Real, heart-centered, vulnerable courage was required.And when Julia climbed down from the tree, she brought with her powerful insights into how EACH of us can become a courageous agent of change, that she has generously been disseminating throughout the world.A Course in Courage is a step-by-step program in which Julia will provide you with the potent secrets for cultivating, sharing and sustaining your own wellspring of courage that she learned from her personal experiences – as well as from many years working with some of the most beloved global visionaries.You’ll gain a much deeper understanding of courage – and learn how to utilize it to align your life with your highest purpose, passion and authentic power.You’ll also be empowered to be far more authentic, vulnerable and playfully humorous – keeping you energized for the long haul to your bigger visions.Courage goes far beyond what you DO in the world; it also gives you the ability to really understand yourself and know the real purpose for your life. When you use courage to make inner shifts, your outer work becomes more aligned and joyful. You attract exactly the right people and situations to fulfill your soul’s mission.You’ll discover during the course with Julia that you do have the power to have a miraculous life, and you CAN choose how you show up when difficulties – and even opportunities – come your way.In the Course in Courage, you’ll uncover what truly fuels the spirit of courage, so that when you put your love and passion into action in the world, it’s not only sustainable – it’s actually regenerative!In the Course in Courage, you will:Discover the secrets to harnessing your untapped energyCultivate the power of grace in your lifeLearn to keep your heart engaged during challenging situationsGet clear on your purpose of beingIgnite your passion, and apply it to your everyday lifeLearn what you can do daily to fuel your courageAccess and maintain your authentic powerTransform your relationship with obstaclesAlign with your unique giftsSpeak your truth, while remaining compassionateTransform mistakes into opportunities for magicLearn how to set boundaries in service to courageConnect more deeply to your identity as an agent of changeLearn to live “on purpose,” in ways that life aligns with YOUWhat You’ll Learn in These 7 SessionsIn this 7-module intensive, Julia Butterfly Hill will teach you how to activate your authentic courage and infuse your life with more purpose and passion to become a soul-powered agent for positive change.Each module, inquiry and practice session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to access, sustain and master the power of courage in your life.Module 1: Finding the Miraculous in You(Recorded on May 29, 2014)In a production-driven society, we are often like compasses with no magnet telling us which way to go. In this session, you’ll begin the exploration of uncovering your inner magnetic “true North” – which will help you align your life with your unique purpose, passion and authentic courageous power. You will:Gain a new perspective on the reasons why you may be playing smallDiscover the true power that comes from who you are being and what you are choosingLearn how to live “on purpose,” so that life aligns with YOUDiscover how finding your “true North” can help you say “YES” to new opportunities for taking actionFind out how reclaiming your truest Self can unlock your unique gifts, so you are free to make your best contribution to our worldModule 2: Cultivating a State of Grace at Your Growing Edge (Recorded on June 5, 2014)When you begin the process of finding your truest calling and purpose, you may only see where your life is NOT working. In this session, you’ll discover why this is a great place to be – because you are standing at your “growing edge,” where you are ready to embrace something new and bigger. And you’ll learn how to cultivate deep grace, compassion and courage when you find yourself on this precipice. You will:Discover the nuances of your “growing edge” – the space where where you are willing to expand beyond the bounds of comfort and self-preservation – into the unknownLearn to play and approach your growing edge with patience, curiosity and opennessUnderstand the importance of operating from a place of responsibility, power and love – instead of fear, complaint, judgment or angerExplore how your outer world can be a reflection of who you are on the inside, rather than having your outer world dictate who you ARE on the insideFind out how you can cultivate grace in the space between who you have been and who you know you could beLearn how having grace and compassion with others can fill your reservoir of courageModule 3: Letting Your Heart Lead (Recorded on June 12, 2014)There are moments when we step into our courage and greatness – even when it would be easier to just be silent, to walk away or to stop in fear. In this session you’ll learn to recognize such moments as the “choice-less choices” that originate in the depths your heart. You will:Discover powerful techniques for effectively directing your focus, energy, passion, commitment and resourcesUnderstand the importance of listening to your heart’s wisdom and intuition to access true, unstoppable courageDiscover the gems of courage hidden in the places where you might be afraid, but take action anywayLearn to let go of your addictions to comfort – so you can better trust your heartGain potent insights on embracing fear, while expanding your capacity to loveModule 4: The Power of Appreciation(Recorded on June 19, 2014)To have access to our heart-fueld courage, we have to allow ourselves to be open to the miracles and the magic of the moment. In this session, you’ll discover why it’s so crucial to keep hope and courage ignited by honoring the millions of miracles that are happening every single moment of every single day. You will:Learn the importance of celebrating even the smallest victories, so that your energy is not only sustainable – it’s regenerativeDiscover how being with your experiences and emotions – while not being attached to them – is imperative for feeling fully alive, moment-to-momentExperience the miracle of a single breath to re-inspire you whenever you’re feeling dejectedLearn to let go of any perfectionism that blocks your joy and contributionModule 5: Overcoming Obstacles by Transforming Your Relationship to Them (Recorded on June 26, 2104)The funny thing is, courage does not happen in the absence of fear. If you weren’t afraid, you wouldn’t need courage! You’ll learn that true courage can only happen when you face your fears, overwhelm, grief, anger and apathy – and then choose to take action from your heart anyway. You will:Look at the places where you are living within the confines of your fearsBegin to create and cultivate a practice where you move toward your edge, instead of recoilingLearn to face fear, overwhelm and grief by transforming your animalistic natural preservation reactions to them (ie, “fight or flight”)Uncover the emotional layers that might be inhibiting your ability to show up as your most caring selfLearn to make choices from your love and care versus grief or angerDiscover how you grow and become more powerful and joyful each and every time you transmute fear into love and serviceModule 6: Finding Your Unique Contribution (Recorded on July 3, 2014)Each of us has a unique contribution to make, which requires our full courage to move toward. In this session, you’ll discover a powerful distillation process for uncovering your unique purpose, which will be fueled by your growing relationship with courage. You will:Create your own purpose statement, which describes a vital essence of who you are being, rather than what you are doingDiscover techniques for elevating your purpose statementExperience the magic that comes from the boldness and courage it takes to stand in your purpose – effortlessly attracting the right people and opportunitiesLearn to harness the gifts of clarity and receive the magic it bringsModule 7: Taking Action with Love (Recorded on July 10, 2014)Most people will change their “purpose” many times throughout their lives. Most commonly, people are drawn to an issue for a few months, a year or a few years – and then branch out and find a new “purpose,” or even have several at a time. The key, though, is constantly being in loving action based on your purpose. And in this final session, you will explore which actions and ways of being of service are the best expression of your deeper purpose right now. You will:Explore the deep core of who you areUnderstand how to utilize who you truly are in loving actionDiscover the ways your heart and soul most want to be in action and service in the worldIdentify your “dream team” of supporters who can assist your loving actionsGain clarity on your courageous next stepsAn Unprecedented Opportunity to Cultivate Your CourageWe feel honored that Julia Butterfly Hill has chosen to partner with The Shift Network on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from an internationally-renowned agent of positive change and spiritual mentor.Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals – which would cost thousands of dollars). You’ll also be able to benefit from Julia and her guests’ incredible teachings and exercises, from the comfort of your home – at your own pace!If you’re serious about learning how to cultivate and sustain courage to bring more authentic purpose, passion and power into your life – and our world – please take this one-of-a-kind training.If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.