Krista Kathleen – Born To Coach Training Academy


Krista Kathleen – Born To Coach Training AcademyThe Born to coach® Mission:Our mission is to up-level your coaching skillset and teach you how to confidently & safely coach at the Professional Certified Coach level in order to help your clients get deeper breakthroughs and transformational resultsAfter all, the change starts within you. Let us help you live your best f*cking life while you help others live there’s.Is this you?⋐You’ve overcome challenging events in life and now you’re ready to turn your pain into purpose and help empower others to navigate their greatest obstacles⋐You’re in a service helping profession (therapist, dietitian, nurse, social worker, teacher…etc.) and you want to keep helping people and make good money without working long stressful hours and burning out⋐You’re a busy stay-at-home parent who wants the choice to take care of your family while making a meaningful income from home⋐You’re a health and wellness enthusiast (yoga instructor, personal trainer, massage therapist…etc.) and you want to learn how to create your own health programs combined with life coaching for your clients⋐You have a chronic illness or disability and want to be able to make an abundant living while taking care of your body’s needs⋐You’re a sensitive empath & healer and want to learn how to use your natural gifts to make people feel better⋐You’ve been thinking about switching careers but don’t want to put yourself into thousands of dollars worth of debt by getting another degree⋐You love to travel and want to be able to work online with clients and make money from anywhere in the world⋐You’re a corporate professional who wants to add leadership and coaching skills into your current role so you can more effectively manage a team⋐You want the opportunity to work as a part time or full time coach for companies like Better Up, Sphere, Noom…etc. that require ICF credentials to be eligible to applyIf any of the above describes you…. then the Born to Coach®️ Training Academy was made for you!Hey,I’m KristaYour Lead Trainer, CEO & Founder.Just like you, I am a life coach & entrepreneur.Before I transformed into a life coach 8 years ago I was a burnt-out nurse and miserable military wife. After a tragic series of events of losing my job and my marriage all in the same week I realized that the Universe had given me a beautiful gift to start over again at 30 years old so I could fulfill my life purpose in a bigger way.My first task was to hire a life coach to help me figure my sh*t out. After gaining clarity that I too wanted to be a full time life coach, I enrolled in an ICF accredited coach training program that catapulted my coaching career.Quickly after earning my ICF credentials I began to work as a coach trainer and mentored hundreds of personal clients to become life coaches and start successful coaching businesses. So starting my own ICF Accredited Life Coaching Training program became the obvious next, right step.I know the degree of grit, guts, and gumption it takes to follow your passions and turn them into a profitable career that supports your lifestyle, your dreams, and your soul. I’m here to make that journey as rewarding as I can for you. In other words, I want to be the resource for you that I needed all of those years ago when first starting out as an eager life coach ready to change the world.My Experience:⋐💖 PCC Coach of 8 years⋐💖 Currently training to become an MCC level coach⋐💖 Member of the St. Louis ICF Charter Chapter⋐💖 Self Published Author (check out my book: Beyond the White Picket Fence on Amazon!)⋐💖 Level 3 Reiki Master⋐💖 Certified Hypnotherapist⋐💖 Yoga Instructor⋐💖 Lived abroad and traveled to 50 countries⋐💖 Had a home birth and now mama to a 4 year old boy The Born to coach® Approach: Confidence in Coaching– We strongly feel when you 100% believe in your coaching skills and earn an ICF credential behind your name – this will give you the professional confidence and integrity to visibly put yourself out into the world and share your coaching gifts with others.Business, Marketing & Sales – If you don’t have clients then it’s hard to coach, make money and create an impact. We teach you how to find paying coaching clients and run your coaching business using our Intuitive Marketing and Spiritual Sales method. Running your business this way will compliment your current lifestyle and won’t take away from family time or leave you feeling burnt out or overwhelmed.Spiritual Intuitive Development– You’ll learn how to tap into your natural intuitive abilities & deepen your own daily spiritual practice so you can create a transformational shift in your life. This will greatly benefit you from growing your coaching biz, helping clients, improving your personal relationships, and making empowered decisions for yourself.What You’ll learn:Coaching VS TherapyYou’ll learn the difference between coaching, mentor, therapy, consulting, and when to refer your clients to other practitionersThe Core CompetenciesLearn the 8 updated ICF core competencies and how to apply them to your coaching practiceCoaching SkillsAll the skills needed to facilitate a life-changing coaching session for your clients using active listening,  powerful questioning, silence, metaphor, accountability & setting up SMART goalsTransformational CoachingHow to quickly identify your client’s patterns, limiting beliefs, and stories that are holding them back, and the best way to coach them through it in order to create new awareness, action, and thinkingBusiness Building SkillsYou’ll learn about structuring an LLC, legal resources, bookkeeping, client note taking systems, coaching salaries, branding, marketing, sales, ethical practices and more.Create Your Signature Coaching OfferYou’ll learn everything that is needed to create and sell out a high end life coaching package online using our spiritual sales techniqueHow to Get ClientsYou’ll learn how to create a consistent marketing content plan that easily allows you to find your ideal coaching clients online and in-personOur Learning Philosophy1. Practice coaching in real time is the best way to learn how to coach: We believe the sooner you start coaching real humans, the more confident you’ll be in your coaching skillset. Each semester you will be matched with a peer coach and will have weekly opportunities to practice being a coach and a client so you can implement the new materials you’re learning in class.2. Students need timely feedback to improve: In the Observed Peer Coaching Calls you will have an opportunity to practice your coaching skills in a safe setting with verbal & written feedback from a PCC Mentor Coach. You will also have 2 private ICF mentoring calls with your PCC Mentor Coach where they will listen and review your recorded coaching sessions together so you’ll know what skills to develop moving forward in order to best serve your clients.3. Students need access to up-to-date best proven coaching practices: In our program you will have access to weekly video modules & quiz questions with downloadable workbooks that will teach you the 8 International Coaching Federation (ICF) updated core competencies and will prepare you for the ICF Credentialing Exam.4. Cohort Based Learning: Only 20 students are invited into the program at a time to give you the individualized attention and live weekly support needed from a trainer when learning a new skillset.5.Active Participation in Learning: Every week you will attend live zoom group coaching calls and interact face-to-face via video with the coach trainer and other students through our discussion-based sessions. You’ll get to ask questions, provide input, and bring coaching requests so all of your training needs are met!In our program you Can…⋐Learn at your own pace and complete the program anywhere between 6 – 12 months⋐Start coaching & making money right away⋐Be actually working with clients instead of thinking about working with them⋐Feel good and excited to sell your coaching programs⋐Have direction, clarity, support & accountability that walks you through the toughest parts of starting a new coaching biz⋐Join a passionate and supportive community of like-minded coaches across the world⋐Have an ICF accredited life coaching guiding you throughout the entire programModules & LessonsSemester 1: Becoming a Transformational CoachM1: The Life Coach RoleM2: Being an Ethical CoachM3: Embodying a Coaching MindsetM4: Forming the Coaching AgreementM5: Creating Trust & SafetyM6: Coaching PresenceM7: Becoming a Better ListenerM8: Asking Powerful QuestionsM9: Goal Setting, Accountability & New GrowthM10: Running the Coaching SessionM11: Grief & LossM12: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & BelongingSemester 2: Building a Successful Coaching BusinessM13: Setting up the Coaching BusinessM14: Discover Your Unique NicheM15: Your Signature Coaching OfferM16: Sales & Discovery CallsM17: Find Your First Paying Client(s)M18: On-Boarding New ClientsM19: Marketing Yourself as a Life CoachM20: Building a Coaching BrandM21: Earning ICF CredentialsWhat’s included In the program: (Over $20,000 in value)⋐✨20 live training classes on zoom⋐✨20 live skills labs on zoom⋐✨10 Mentor Coaching Hours⋐✨Six Observed Coaching Sessions with Feedback⋐✨20 Video Modules⋐✨Coaching workbook & manual⋐✨Peer coaching program⋐✨Six private coaching sessions with an ICF credentialed life coach⋐✨ICF Credentialing Exam Prep⋐✨ICF Performance Evaluation⋐✨Private Facebook Group for 24/7 support⋐✨All-inclusive weekend retreat at Sedona, Arizona⋐✨Lifetime coaching support after graduation via our private FB group & monthly group coaching sessions⋐✨Life Coach Starter Kit⋐✨Lifetime access to the modules & training material⋐✨At graduation, BTCTA coach training certification and 146 coach training program hours for your ACC or PCC credentialsThere are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.