Melissa Henault – Lead Gen Academy


Melissa Henault – Lead Gen AcademyIf that sounds like you, then I’ll bet this is also true:✔︎ Finding a rich pipeline of high-quality leads is your biggest challenge✔︎ Investing in Facebook™ Ads feels like throwing money right down the drain✔︎ You know that increasing your organic reach is a top priority✔︎ You feel like your voice is not being heard through all of the noise on social mediaImagine finding more ideal clients or business partners in the next 6 months than you have in the last 6 yearsINTRODUCINGlnside of the Academy, you’ll learn to:✔︎ Become a lead generation master on LinkedIn™ to 10X your business✔︎ Transform how you brand yourself as the business owner you are✔︎ And most importantly…Master attraction marketing that results in potential clients and prospects begging to get into your calendar to learn more about what you have to offerWe teach an “Ick-Free” solution to social selling.We take away all the spammy tactics you’ve been taught on other social media networks and teach how to position yourself as the professional business owner that you are.We will teach you how to:✔︎ Professionally build your business brand on Linkedin™✔︎ Create an ideal network of potential clients✔︎ Create massive momentum and a funnel of calls with humans who are excited to learn more about what you have to offer.High-touch coaching, a dynamic community, ongoing live training, built-in checkpoints, monthly group coaching calls, weekly office hours, and more will support your 6-month journey to owning LinkedIn™.THIS IS AN ALL-INCLUSIVE PROGRAM, NOT A COURSE.Here’s what’s inside The Lead Gen Academy:01Building Block Modules on DemandOur modules are available on-demand and also available in an app so you can listen in anytime it works for your schedule!02Weekly Office HoursYou won’t get lost in a sea of students.  We hold weekly office hours so you can ask the questions you need – NOW.03Live New TrainingsLinkedIn™ is constantly evolving and we keep you in the know so that you can get the best results for your business.04Live Audit WorkshopsWe have live audit workshops led by our expert coaches in all areas – your profile, social media, and role-playing.05Monthly Networking CallsYour network is your net worth.  You’ll get to interact with our community monthly and build your network while discussing trending topics.06Hot Seat Coaching with MelissaCheck in with Melissa and discuss your progress and needs while receiving expert coaching.07Guest Experts and Monthly Mindset CoachingWe bring you top leaders in all areas to help you with your business – including monthly mindset coaching with Courtney Hirsch.08A Dynamic and Supportive CommunityYou’ll fall in love with our community.  The support you need to succeed is everywhere inside the Academy.And so much more!I’m Melissa HenaultPharm.D.,Founder and CEO of Burn Out to All OutWhile experiencing burnout in corporate as a senior leader in a Fortune 500, I decided to take my corporate leadership skills to the internet and built an exit plan. I leveraged the power of LinkedIn™ in the pockets of my time to build my first e-commerce business.I grew my first online business to match my corporate income in less than 2 years and retired from corporate forever at the age of 35. I’ve since applied my own tried and true LinkedIn™ Method recruitment model to build my own 7 figure coaching business.I teach others how to✔︎ Land high ticket clients and business partnerships on LinkedIn™✔︎ How to build and monetize their personal brands✔︎ Manage their business✔︎ Use effective leadership skills in the online spaceMy passion outside of being wife and mom of 3, is teaching others how to build their online empires and brands through my coaching.Empowering more professionals to go from Burn Out to living ALL OUT! Who is the Lead Gen Academy for?Who it’s for:✔︎ Those who are looking for more clients or business partners to 10X your current business state✔︎ Those ready to commit to owning your industry as the massive income opportunity it is✔︎ Those ready to jump in head first and do the work✔︎ Those ready to commit to growing and scaling a targeted audience that wants what you have to offerWho it’s NOT for:✘ Those looking for a quick fix get rich scheme✘ Those who like to point fingers for their setbacks instead of taking ownership✘ Those who are not ready to commit a couple hours a week in the pockets of your time consistently to grow and scale your media presence as an online, e-commerce, or business professional seeking to partner with other like minded, motivated peopleThere are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.