Raquel Spencer – Awakening the Multiverse Emerald Crystalline Energies


Raquel Spencer – Awakening the Multiverse Emerald Crystalline EnergiesWorking with the Multiverse Emerald Crystalline Frequency provides a very specific energy that affects the repair and reassembly of your physical, spiritual and energetic bodies back into the original Angelic Human blueprint, your Crystalline Lightbody.The Multiverse Emerald frequencies will clear our physical supercomputer of Light of any “malware” coming from both within and outside of this universal structure. As we continue to unravel the old paradigm, our ability to purify throughout all levels of this multiverse becomes available. Accessing and embodying the Emerald Crystalline energies profoundly amplifies our Lightbody functionality and the way we interpret Light information and wisdom.Awakening is both an energetic and physical process. The reconstruction and activation of our higher Lightbody architecture is a very precise process. It is the act of literally rebuilding the Divine Vehicle to embody consciousness. There are no shortcuts, no skipping steps, no avoiding the inner work. We are here to become enlightened from within!ITEM 1:BALANCING INTO ANEW OCTAVE OF LIGHTThis activation works to bring you into a whole new level of balance.Working significantly with the Emerald Frequency, all levels of your cellular and subatomic levels were infused and upshifted into a new frequency octave of Tanzanite.Touching into the magnetics of the earth and two Stargates, this energetic work brings a profound fusion of Divine Feminine and Masculine energies.ITEM 2:EMERALD HEART –BLOOD PURIFICATION FOR REMEMBERINGYOUR GALACTIC HISTORYAs the Emerald Heart of Gaia awakens, it provides the opportunity to embody the emerald heart codes within our own body.This activation clears out lower frequencies and instructions that block our conscious memory of our galactic heritage.Upgrading our physical heart, spleen and blood to purify old “malware”, thus allowing a new level of our DNA instructions to ariseITEM 3:EMERALD INFUSION OF GAIA’S LIGHTSending Light across the globe, this activation focuses on the power we have to amplify the Light and neutralize the effects of energetic distortions running in the old grid systems.Tapping into the old planetary ley-lines, we blasted higher frequencies to assist with our ability to rise above the old paradigm.Next we tap into the crystalline heart of Gaia and receive an incredible influx of Emerald Light piercing deep into our systems… all the way into the bones.ITEM 4:SYNCING WITH THE SUN CODESBringing in waves of bliss-filled Light frequency, your blood goes through a purification to upshift your entire circulatory system.Upgrading your eyes to integrate higher levels of Lightcoming in from the Solar Sun and Sun’s Beyond this Solar System, this activation opens up new potentials for receiving codes of Light, assisting with upgrading your Lightbody.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.