Younghae Chung – Fearless Flourishing 2019


Younghae Chung – Fearless Flourishing 2019Learn how to add charm and beauty to your letters through flourishing!You’ve admired all the beautiful flourished words/pieces on Instagram, and if you are anything like me 6 years ago, you are ITCHING to try, but don’t know where to start! Good news – there is a method to the madness and I’m here to walk you through the entire process. If done correctly, flourishing can instantly add elegance and elevate your lettering.Now is your chance to learn! After years of practicing, playing with how lines intersect, teaching hundreds of students in person & thousands online, I’m excited to pass on my love for flourishing. Through this Fearless Flourishing online course, I will walk you through all the basic concepts, demonstrate various letter flourishes, show you the beauty of seeing ovals & more so that you will leave with a trained eye and be inspired to start flourishing with confidence!Lifetime Access & UpdatesI get that life can be unpredictable. We will all start together, but there is no end date to the course. Follow along with the recommended schedule or go at your own pace! With lifetime access, you can revisit the course videos as much as you wish.Homework AssignmentsMove from being a passive to an active learner by implementing what you learned. After each Module, I will be releasing fun prompts via homework exercises for you to put your pen onto paper. Though it is suggested, students have the most success by completing the exercises.2 Bonus Lessons!In addition to learning how to flourish letters, I also love ornamental flourishing and adding florals/leaves! In the bonus lessons, we will go over how to incorporate basic florals and leaves into your letters and I’ll also share tips on composition when it comes to longer pieces.What Exactly is in the Course?The course is made up of 4 teaching modules, with individual lessons within each module. The structure is set up so that you can easily move along the lessons and pick up where you left off. Including all the bonus videos, there are over 20 video lessons provided for you!MODULE 1 – Introduction to FlourishingLesson 1.1 – What is a Flourish?Lesson 1.2 – Basic Rules to FlourishingLesson 1.3 – Warm Up DrillsLesson 1.4 – Four Types of FlourishesMODULE 2 – Lowercase Letter FlourishesLesson 2.1 – Ascending Stem Loops (b,d,f,h,k,l)Lesson 2.2 – Descending Stem Loops ( (f, g, j, p, q, y, z)Lesson 2.3 – End FlourishesLesson 2.4 – Letters without Loops & Understanding Negative SpaceLesson 2.5 – Connecting letters with a flourish/crossbarMODULE 3 – Uppercase Letter FlourishesLesson 3.1 – Capital Stem VariationsLesson 3.2 – Entrance Stroke VariationsLesson 3.3 – DEMO: Group 1A – Letters that start with a Capital Stem (A, M, N, I, J)Lesson 3.4 – DEMO: Group 1B – Letters that start with a Capital Stem (P, B, R, I ,F, D)Lesson 3.5 – DEMO: Group 2 – Letters that start with a Horizontal Oval Entrance Stroke (S, L, G, C, E, O)Lesson 3.6 – DEMO: Group 3 – Letters that start with a Vertical Oval Entrance Stroke (Z, U, X, Y, Q)Lesson 3.7 – DEMO: Group 4 – Letters that start with Compound Curve Entrance Stroke (V, W, H, K)Lesson 3.8 – Combining Uppercase/Lowercase flourishes. Feedback on Student ExamplesMODULE 4 – Ornamental DesignLesson 4.1 – What is ornamental design?Lesson 4.2 – Drawing florals, wheat, leavesLesson 4.3 – Adding simple ornamental design to namesMODULE 5 – FINAL WORDSModule 1Introduction to Flourishing. We will cover the basic rules of flourishing, move onto warm up exercises, and learn 4 essential flourish shapes.Module 2aLowercase Letter Flourishes. We will look at four subcategories within lowercase letters – ascenders, descenders, entry, end. I will also share tips on how to flourish off letters without stem loops.Module 2bDouble Letter Flourishes. What do we do when we have the same letter next to each other? I will share my personal strategies and techniques for tackling double letters.Module 3Uppercase Letters.  This module is jam packed (over 2.5 hours!) with demo, tips, and instruction so that you will know how to flourish the majuscules with grace.Module 4aOrnamental Design. It’s time to learn some embellishments! We will go over how to draw basic florals, leaves, wheats, etc to use as a stand-alone or adorn our calligraphy.Module 4bNow we will put together those individual elements to make a beautiful floral border. I will also show you how to incorporate them into your calligraphy.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.