Stone River Elearning – DevOps Mastery Bundle


Stone River Elearning – DevOps Mastery BundleThe Docker for DevOps course gives you a chance to start transforming your organization to meet today’s fast-paced and evolving software market.Here’s what you’ll learn when you sign up for this course today:How to set up the development environment for running Docker in Windows, Linux and Mac OS platforms.A complete overview of DockerHow to dockerize flash or Ruby on Rails and create a production-ready application.How to create a staging server for testing your apps.How to work and manage the base imagesA complete overview of container managementHow to ensure your app is running forever using systemd.How to hook up a continuous integration pipelineHow to configure and serve your application over SSL or HTTPS with nginx.How to deploy your app.How to buy and configure a domain name (and ensure it works with your new server).Software is increasingly being applied to expand the breadth of operational efficiencies in organizations in every aspect of value chains such as operations, logistics, and communications. But traditional software development methodologies and delivery processes such as SDLC have the following inherent challenges which rule them out for accelerated software delivery:Non-integrated development toolsDisparate processes in software developmentLack of process continuityAgile approaches were a huge step forward for the software delivery teams. But they alone can’t address emerging customer demands such as accelerated delivery of software. Today’s enterprises are leveraging DevOps initiatives and philosophy to break the traditional barriers that existed between Development and Ops teams. And Docker is right at the center of it.Already, tons of organizations are using Docker to achieve the following:Deliver software at the speeds their clients expectEfficiently implement agile practices in software developmentEnhance software qualityAutomate software development processes such as coding, testing, releasing and deployment.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.