Rob O Rourke – 100k Email Blueprint


Rob O Rourke – 100k Email BlueprintSTOP running in circles with the same old freelance problems. Learn the proven communication and sales tactics that 6-figure freelancers consistently use to build their businesses with…$100K EMAIL BLUEPRINTUnlock Every Email Technique, Template & Tactic You Need To Land New Clients, Get Repeat Business And Join The Top 1% Of The World’s Highest-Earning FreelancersThese same strategies have already unlocked success for over 1,500 of my past students.INCLUDING MY PRIVATE 1-ON-1 MENTEES THAT ARE CLOSING $15K – $40K DEALS EVERY WEEK AS A DIRECT RESULT OF USING MY TEMPLATES & TACTICS…And now, for the first time ever, I’ve put every single one of these email techniques, templates, and tactics into…AN EASY, PLUG-AND-PLAY EMAIL SYSTEM DESIGNED TO GET YOU TO THOSE PROFITABLE $10K+ MONTHS (AND BEYOND)This email course is your new professional playbook. The way it works is:You go in, find the section with the problem you are dealing with (e.g. booking more sales calls, raising your prices, following up with unresponsive leads, handling a difficult client, etc.)……and you can INSTANTLY copy and paste a proven email template that solves that exact situation and moves your business forward.This way, you can take the guesswork and “emotion” out of knowing what to say to potential or existing clients… and instead be clear and strategic in any situation.Think of these templates as your new “Swiss Army Knife” for all scenarios you will find yourself in as a freelancer.UNLOCK THE SECRET GROWTH TACTICS OF A 6-FIGURE FREELANCE BUSINESS SO YOU CAN GET THERE TOONow, don’t get me wrong.These email templates & tactics aren’t a magic wand – if you mistreat your clients by over-selling and under-delivering, these templates probably won’t get you to where you want to go.But if you’re someone who’s in this game to create a real, long-lasting business based on real relationships with other business owners…Then implementing these email techniques in your freelance business or agency will surprise you at how quickly you can increase your profits.Here’s why I’m telling you this:This course is not based on any of the nonsense tactics you’ve seen floating around on social media – no spammy sounding emails or weird private messages.None of that amateur stuff.A lot of those tactics are just designed to get attention. But they don’t work with landing high paying projects, and they won’t help you build relationships with top clients.Instead, what 6-figure freelancers rely on are proven sales, persuasion, and communication principles that they have been using behind the scenes for years.It’s not just about WHAT you communicate either. It’s about HOW and WHEN you do it too.The more strategic you are with client communication, the more money you’ll make.So while other freelancers are coming up with email responses on the go and hope for the best, my students know EXACTLY what to say and when to say it to maximize their profits with every new lead.And so can you.Imagine transforming every email into an opportunity, every proposal into a project, and every contact into a lasting client relationship. Just like these past students of mine have done. Unlike the amateur tactics you’ll find floating around online, the templates & techniques included in the $100K Email Blueprint are so smart and seamless that…Prospects (or existing clients) won’t even realize they’re being sold anythingAnd THIS is the level you need to get to if you ever want to make six figures as a freelancer.If you’re not there yet, it’s because there’s really nothing like this course on the Internet.These templates are NOT obvious, you will NOT find them anywhere else, and unless you study psychology & consumer behavior for years, you will NOT be able to write yours from scratch.I’ve also included high-level video training on WHY these templates work. So once you understand these principles, you can stop relying on freelance courses once and for all.And now, for the first time ever, I’ve decided to make these templates & tactics accessible to ANY freelancer, in ANY niche you can think of into a system I call…$100K EMAIL BLUEPRINTMy ORIGINAL email system for freelancers who want to build and enjoy a consistent 6-figure freelance business.In the past I charged up to $6,000 for direct coaching and $3,000 for group training. But with this product, I wanted to launch early at an affordable price (under $1,000) while I am still updating it with more lessons & templates until it’s complete. I will tell you more about the current deal in a bit.But first, let me show you…WHAT’S INCLUDED IN THE COURSE IF YOU JOIN TODAYPART 01FIND NEW CLIENTSGet instant access to my proven cold email templates & strategies. So you can secure portfolio projects & high-paying clients whenever you need them. And reach your goal of making at least $10K per month.I’ll show you how to:10X the strength of your “reason for reaching out” to a business owner  (this approach got me my first ever $2,000 project!)Get a higher reply rate on your cold emails with one of my 3 BEST strategies (the “signpost” method, the “random” approach, or the “common ground” tactic)Use the power of public Facebook groups OR your own social media profiles to get portfolio projects (without needing a large audience)Turn your physical location & personal interests into actual FUEL for winning the trust of local business owners16 different methods for seamlessly following up with unresponsive prospects without risking to annoy themAnd a bunch morePART 02CLOSING THE DEALUse my “scenario templates” to crush your prospects’ doubts and objections effortlessly. So that you can start closing more deals than you lose and increase your monthly revenue.Close deals when potential clients say your price is too high (without offering them a discount)Respond to the “what’s your price” question WITHOUT turning away prospects (hint: the WORST thing you can do is tell them your prices. There are TWO types of emails here you can send instead to make them come back to you with cash in their hands)Break down projects into bite-sized budgets when prospects WANT to work with you but truly can’t afford youTake prospects from “interested to work with you” to paying your deposit and getting the ball rolling (even if they still have some doubts)And a bunch morePART 03MANAGING THE PROJECTThis section will contain my project management templates that make you look like a seasoned pro. Take your projects from start to finish effortlessly and provide your clients with a 5-star experience.Kick off your projects with confidence. With strategic templates that set clear expectations. So you can stop being perceived as a rookieUse our project email templates to move projects forward faster, making delays and downtime a thing of the pastNavigate project challenges like a pro. And turn roadblocks into opportunities for even better project resultsThe ultimate project success toolkit: Get the exact templates and work plans that have made countless projects a success.And a bunch morePART 04DEALING WITH CLIENT ISSUESThis section contains my client management templates that make dealing with difficult clients a breeze. Get rid of 99% of the headaches, stress and anxiety freelancers face when working with clients.Get your money from clients who “forget” to pay you when you HAVEN’T used a contract beforehand (this is a tough one to crack for most freelancers – but this approach has never failed me)Keep getting paid even IF your client’s budget is running low and thinks they need to cut you off (this happens all the time to freelancers; and if you know how to dodge it, you can keep your clients while others lose theirs)Deal with clients who miss payments repeatedly by sending them a simple, polite, and massively effective 4-email sequenceDeal with clients who shamelessly request extra work without wanting to increase the budgetDeal with clients who ask you to track your HOURS by convincing them to pay you per project instead (which is how you should ALWAYS be charging)And a bunch morePART 05SCALING YOUR BUSINESSGet instant access to my “repeat business” templates & strategies (one of the most high-revenue modules of this course!). So you can tactically persuade past & current clients to hire you again and again for YEARS.Reel in your past clients for more work throughout the year by leveraging industry newsUse “rush fees” to get paid x2 or x3 times more for the same amount of workGet high quality referrals from your existing customers using my most trusted incentivisation tool.Transform one-time projects into retainer clients so they keep working with you for years!Leverage past work to earn even MORE high-paying projects with existing clientsCreate real urgency for hiring you again when past clients DON’T think they need help with anything else26 templates in total – more coming soonTHESE SIX-FIGURE TEMPLATES & TRAINING VIDEOS ARE DESIGNED FOR:Any Freelancing NicheWhether you’re a designer, copywriter, developer, ad specialist, or any other type of freelancer, these templates will guide you in building a six-figure freelance business, no matter your niche.Any Experience LevelWhether you need help getting your first client or scaling past $5K, $10K or more per month… you’ll find templates in the course for every common situation you’ll find yourself in as a freelancer.Any Client PlatformWhile this is a course with mostly email templates, you can take the exact same principles and apply them to getting clients on Upwork, LinkedIn, Slack, Facebook, social media, or whatever platform you prefer. This course contains everything I used to successfully grow my freelance business to six figures… and everything else I discovered while training hundreds of freelancers just like you over the past 6 years.I literally CAN’T add any more value to this without actually sending these emails for you.And yet… I’m giving it to you for just a small FRACTION of what I invested to learn this information over the years (literally over $80,000).Because I want the initial freelancers who get in to secure some awesome WINS before I raise the price.It only takes one or two email templates used correctly to easily pay for your investment in the $100k Email Blueprint system.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.