Laura Silva – Everyday ESP


Laura Silva – Everyday ESPYOUR INNATE INTUITION:THE GREATEST, MOST RELIABLE TOOL THAT WILL HURL YOU TOWARDS SUCCESS IS YOUR ESP!Go back into your personal history and imagine how your life would be different and better today had you followed all your hunches, gut feelings and intuitive insights…How healthy would you be? How much wealth would you have? Who would you be married to? How much wiser would you be?OPEN YOUR MIND TO THE POSSIBILITY THAT WE ARE BORN WITH A POWERFUL ABILITY TO CHOOSE WISELY AND BE NUDGED TOWARDS A PATH OF SUCCESS…ESP is also referred to as one’s Psychic faculty. It includes clear seeing, clear hearing and clear feeling/sensing. Have you ever had the thought of someone you haven’t seen for a long time enter your mind, and then they call? Or the feeling that the phone is going to ring, and then it does? Or you have a strong feeling of “knowing” who it is that is calling, and you are right? Maybe, it’s a song that keeps playing in your head, then you turn on the radio, and the same song is playing on the radio. Have you ever felt a strong feeling that a loved one is in trouble or needs your help only to discover they were trying to find you at that very moment?When these things occur, do you pass it off as mere coincidences, or do you acknowledge that there is something deeper, more profound taking place?Could you be tapping into what many researchers believe is a form of ESP caused by a shared consciousness or Super-consciousness that connects all people and perhaps all living things? And if this is the case, then it must be concluded that everybody has ESP to varying degrees.One’s psychic ability is a natural one and much like any other skill or talent, it gets better or stronger as you practice and develop it.SCIENTISTS SAY WE ARE THE RESULT OF ONE SOURCE OF ENERGY…WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE AWARE OF IT, YOUR INTUITION CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY, HEALTHY, WEALTHY, AND WISE!C. JoyBell C. says, “Our bodies have five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing. But not to be overlooked are the senses of our souls: intuition, peace, foresight, trust, empathy. The differences between people lie in their use of these senses; most people don’t know anything about the inner senses while a few people rely on them just as they rely on their physical senses, and in fact probably even more.” Studies show time and time again that people who rely on their inner senses for daily use have an overall greater sense of control over their lives…Inner and Outer Control!How do you rely on it? By consciously developing it!One’s psychic ability is a natural one and much like any other skill or talent, it gets better or stronger as you practice and develop it. Although most people have the ability to read, they aren’t born knowing how to do it…they learn how to do it. In a similar way, some musicians learn how to play an instrument from very young, practice for years and enjoy great success in the music industry.IMAGINE WHAT DAILY USE OF YOUR INTUITION CAN DO FOR YOU……Be guided by your inner voiceStir up creativity for problem solvingChoose great, loving and supportive relationshipsBe in greater control of your lifeConnect with your life’s purposeBe open to new ideas and possibilitiesEstablish better boundariesSee right through people’s intentionsMake better choices and decisionsEveryday intuition is a function of your mind and your mind is a faculty of the spark of Source Energy that resides within you…There is great power there!MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW OF THEIR GREAT INTUITIVE POWER NOR HOW TO USE IT EFFECTIVELY…DON’T YOU BE ONE OF THEM?These age-old concepts are taken more and more seriously by a growing number of mainstream scientists in the fields of quantum theory, psychology, and other disciplines. The idea that extrasensory perception (ESP) and related psychic abilities are quite real phenomena is gaining more credence.But…is ESP really EXTRA? We don’t think so…We believe it to be an effective sense that you can develop and use effectively every day of your life!YOUR INSTRUCTOR –LAURA SILVA QUESADALaura is the daughter of Jose Silva, founder of the Silva Method, a method teaching students specialized guided imagery techniques to rewire their subconscious with positive programming, tap into their true potential and achieve their goals. For decades, The Silva Method has been considered as the original and most imitated dynamic meditation program in the world.Laura was born during the pinnacle of her father’s research on mind development and was one of his primary research subjects. This gave her extensive personal experience and insight into the creation and use of life-changing and intuitive techniques. Carrying on where her father left off, she continues to serve humanity through the products she creates. Today, as President of LSQ Productions, she is able to enforce a broader vision, expanding beyond traditional seminar training to Internet e-learning.The Silva Method is at the heart of everything Laura produces. She has been training for over 40 years and learned, first-hand from her father, of the great power a disciplined mind can have. She invested over a decade to grow Silva international’s reach and strength and is credited as the brain power and creator behind several, hugely popular, online, Silva home study programs – Silva Life System, Silva Intuition System, Silva Mind Body Healing, and Silva Manifesting. The very programs that have kept Silva at the forefront of the personal growth industry.Laura is a modern woman, raising a family, running a business, nurturing a beautiful marriage, and balancing her time to live a healthy lifestyle. She is a true testament to the Silva Method’s empowering techniques, and a fan favorite across generations.INTRODUCINGEVERYDAY ESPTHE BEST AND EASIEST USE OF YOUR NATURAL ESP POTENTIAL IN AN EASYTO LEARN AND PRACTICE SYSTEM.Available exclusively on this site, Everyday ESP is an audio home training program that gives you advanced mind empowerment concepts, tools and techniques for engaging every layer of your natural ESP potential.HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:A totally new program with a step-by-step curriculum for developing everyday ESP that tunes you into your intuitive hunches, feelings and insights.4 brand new mind empowerment meditations created specifically for understanding how to discern information you sense and applying that information for bettering all aspects of your life.Effective exercises, assignments and meditations that are fun and easy to undergo, and help you to easily develop your sense of “knowing” that you know.Tried and true, proprietary method that will insure your development of ESP.And much, much more…EVERYDAY ESP IS DIVIDED INTO THE FOLLOWING 4 MODULES:MODULE 1EXPERIMENTS THAT PROVE ESP EXISTIn the field of quantum mechanics, physicists are now open to the possibilities of a conscious, vibratory field that permeates the Universe. In their books, The Source Field Investigations, by David Wilcock, and Seven Experiments That Could Change the World, by Rupert Sheldrake, the authors give credence to the idea that all space, time, energy, matter, life, and consciousness in the Universe is the product of a singular source field.POSTULATION #1: THE FOUNDATION OF ALL EXISTENCE IS SOURCE ENERGYAs some scientific studies show, there seems to be a field of consciousness that connects all things in the Universe. This is an age-old concept that has barely been touched by science. If this unifying field exists, then we must seek answers to define what reality truly is, the origins of consciousness, and our purpose for existing?DOES THE SOURCE FIELD EXIST?Many experiments have been conducted that demonstrate that our Universe is a vast matrix of intelligence discovered at the life-giving cellular level through what is known as primary perception and this intelligence has no boundaries of space or time. This knowledge allows us to develop a conscious awareness of our intuition and/or psychic abilities.MEDITATION #1Knowing I AM: In this exercise, you will connect with Source Energy within and create a tangible reference point for its existence.ASSIGNMENT #1Gut Feelings and HunchesMODULE 2MIND UNLIMITEDOur incapsulated consciousness, or Source Energy within, also referred to as the “I Am” presence, needs to have an ability to perceive; a focusing faculty much like that of the eye to focus on something far, and then in a fraction of a second, something near. That faculty is mind. Mind is a focusing faculty of Source Energy to move through space and time with no barriers whatsoever. Through mind, our consciousness can go forward or backward in time with ease.POSTULATION #2: THAT SOURCE ENERGY HAS GODLY QUALITIESOur incapsulated consciousness within, has the ability to move forward or backwards in time which makes it infinite/eternal. As it moves through space and time, it can perceive all kinds of information which makes it omniscient. It can apply that information to solve all kinds of problems which makes it omnipotent. And it can create something out of nothing which makes it omnificent.MIND: THE MASTER SENSE OF THE INTERNAL YOUOur ability to move through dimensions of time and space is something you are unconsciously competent at doing. In fact, we do it all the time like when we recall a past memory or focus on a future goal or event. The goal is to move your awareness in a consciously competent manner while solving problems or creating a new reality.MEDITATION #2OmniSensing: With this meditation, you will experience your ability to be one with all existence and discover how you perceive other matter both inanimate and animate.ASSIGNMENT #2OmniSensing WalkMODULE 3VITAL LITTLE DETAILSWith your unlimited mind senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching developed, you can experience the power you possess to create life altering, positive change.POSTULATION #3: THAT EVERYONE HAS ESP AND IT CAN BE DEVELOPEDEverybody has had many experiences of knowing some bit of information that was impossible to have gain through the mere physical senses or by physical means. Understanding and connecting with those experiences strengthens your ability to sense valuable information on a daily, as needed basis.INTUITION VS. WISHFUL THINKINGWhen information is experienced, in order to use it, you must be able to make sense of it…to discern it. You also need to know how to recognize distortions. There is a specific process called, ‘Subjective Education” that can be applied to all intuitive experiences that will allow you to not only understand what you are perceiving, but also, put it to good use.MEDITATION #3Distinctions: In this exercise you will experience the unique way you perceive images, sounds, odors, sensations and flavors so that you can become very familiar with your unique sensing ability.ASSIGNMENT #3Sensing ExercisesMODULE 4APPLIED EVERYDAY ESPYour intuitive faculties need to be applied, information perceived needs to be trusted, and following through with what you perceive needs to be practiced in order for the feeling of “knowing” to strengthen. With a strong sense of knowing, you will be able to rely, in the most practical of ways, on your inner guidance system.POSTULATION #4: THAT ESP CAN BE PRACTICALLY USED FOR EVERYDAY PROBLEM SOLVINGWhether it’s “knowing” which route to take to work, following a gut feeling to call a loved one, buy the best stock or come up with a huge idea for making money, your evolved intuition will play a definitive role.DEVELOPING YOUR ESPThere are many facets to ESP such as remote viewing, Effective Sensory Projection, OmniVision, gut feelings and hunches. Once your ESP is developed, you will have the ability to solve all problems, navigate effectively through times of uncertainty and create the life of your design.MEDITATION #4Your Inner Guiding System: Here you will connect with your primary sensing mechanisms…your inner voice, inner feelings and psychic images. You will learn how to tap them as you need throughout the dayASSIGNMENT #4Questions and PredictionsHERE’S WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU ORDEREVERYDAY ESPTHE PROGRAM CONTAINS:4 modules to help you acknowledge and effectively use your ESP4 brand new empowerment meditations to help you learn how to discern informationA step by step curriculum for developing everyday ESPExercises and assignments to kick off your ESP trainingThere are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.