Jordan Thornton – Shadow Work Library


Jordan Thornton – Shadow Work LibraryAccelerate Your Self Healing Deepen Your Self KnowledgeIntegrate Your Shadow Parts The Most Comprehensive Shadow Integration Course On The Internet (Lifetime Access & Updated Weekly) Meticulously researched, academic-grade curriculum which blends only the most actionable insights from multiple psychological schools of theory and practice.Trauma informed and therapeutically grounded, as close to therapy as you can get without a therapist.Holistically focused and outcome obsessed, practical exercises will cultivate your development through multiple stages of breakthrough and integration.Intentionally structured, self-paced curriculum with multiple entry-points and navigational paths across nine clearly-organised and well-referenced modules.Historically rooted and unapologetically niche, this course introduces rare and forgotten material from masterful teachers you won’t find anywhere else. The Shadow Work Library Includes:110+ VIDEOS IN TOTAL with 20+ guided exercises.LIFETIME ACCESS to all future updates and ongoing video releases as this course continues to evolve.CURRICULUM SPOTLIGHT: Extensive research video bibliography, 36 book reviews to enhance your course experience and nurture your personal library building. When you join, you’ll get instant access to the curriculum below:INTRODUCTION & FOUNDATION1.1 – Introduction: Three Basic Books1.2 – Shadow Definitions: Territory, Entity or Behaviour?1.2.1 – Exercise 01: Meeting Your Shadow Self1.3 – Repression, Fragmentation & Projection1.4 – Unconscious Hooks & Projective Identification1.5 – The Complex: Why Do Shadows Become Patterns?1.6 – Golden Shadow: Are You Allergic To Self Actualisation?1.6.1 – Exercise 02: Find Your Golden Shadow With These Simple Questions1.7 – Shadow Talk: Dreamwork, Active Imagination & Voice Dialogue1.7.1 – Exercise 03: How To Speak So Your Shadow Will ListenADVANCED ARCHETYPES, PARTS & SHADOW SUBPERSONALITIES2.1 – The Psychology Of Repressed Parts & Shadow Subpersonalities2.2 – Warning: How To Avoid Possession, Inflation & Grandiosity2.3 – The Archetypes: An Overview2.4 – Masculine Archetypes: Introducing The King, Warrior, Magician & Lover2.5 – Masculine Shadow: The Dark Side Of The Male Archetypes2.5.1 – Exercise 01: Mapping Your Masculine2.6 – Feminine Archetypes: Introducing The Seven2.7 – Feminine Shadow: The Dark Side Of The Female Archetypes2.7.1 – Exercise 02: Mapping Your Feminine2.8 – How To Integrate The Archetypes In Ritual SpaceTHE COLLECTIVE SHADOW: VIOLENCE & CONFLICT3.1 – The Hostile Imagination: Hate Bonds & Adversarial Symbiosis3.1.1 – Exercise 01: Identifying & Releasing Your Toxic Hate Bonds3.2 – Are You Inferior Or Superior?3.3 – Social Media Shadow: What Has The Internet Done To Us?3.4 – Men Vs Women: Can We Diffuse The Gender Wars?3.5 – The Psychology Of Evil3.5.1 – Exercise 02: Self Purification & Confessing Your Worst MomentsSHAME & SELF DESTRUCTION4.1 – Inner Critic & Negative Self Talk4.2 – Toxic Shame: Origins & Healing4.2.1 – Exercise 01: Reframing Your Inner Critic (No More Toxicity)4.3 – Ego Death: Apathy, Depression & Suicidal Ideation4.4 – Addiction: How To Get Sober & Let Go Of Harmful Vices4.5 – Self Love: Theory & Practice4.5.1 – Exercise 02: How To Improve Your Self EsteemTRAUMA & INNER CHILD WORK5.1 – Childhood Trauma: How Your Past Controls Your Present5.2 – Dissociation: Where Did You Go When Bad Things Happened?5.2.1 – Exercise 01: Mapping Your Trauma Timeline (Ages 0-18)5.3 – Inner Child: The Wounding & Healing Of Your Younger Self5.4 – Inner Teenager: Meeting The Shadow Of Adolescence5.4.1 – Exercise 02: Inner Child Meditation & Active Imagination5.5 – Toxic Princess & Man Child: The Dark Side Of The Inner Child5.6 – The Divine Child: Accessing The Golden Shadow Of ChildhoodSOMATIC HEALING: YOUR BODY IS YOUR SHADOW6.1 – Introduction To Bioenergetics & Physical Therapy Fundamentals6.2 – Regulation & Restoration: The Science Of Your Nervous System6.2.1 – Exercise 01: Taking Inventory6.3 – Depression & Sadness: How To Warm A Cold Heart6.4 – Anxiety: How To Let Go Of Fear, Tension & Paranoia6.5 – Rage & Anger: How To Work With Explosive Energy6.5.1 – Exercise 02: Mirror Work (Your Face Is Your Shadow)6.6 – Self Liberation: Cathartic Movement & Ecstatic Release6.6.1 – Exercise 03: EmbodimentSEXUAL SHADOW: LOVE, LUST & TRAUMATIC SEXUAL COMPULSION7.1 – Love Addicts & Codependents7.1.1 – Exercise 01: The Ideal Partner7.2 – Romantic Projection: How To Work With Your Anima & Animus7.2.1 – Exercise 02: How To Accept Your Shadow Magnetisms7.3 – Anger & Abuse: How To Heal From Relationship Violence7.4 – Pornography: The Shameful Shadow Of Adolescent Sexuality7.5 – Masculine Healing: Semen Retention & Sexual Discipline7.6 – Feminine Healing: Womb Wisdom & Tantric Devotion7.7 – Healthy Relationships: How To Love Your Love & Evolve Together7.8 – Dominance & Submission: Exploring Taboo TerritoryTRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY & STAGES OF CONSCIOUSNESS8.1 – Transpersonal Psychology: History, Theory & Practice8.2 – Psychosynthesis & The Three Levels Of The Unconscious8.2.1 – Exercise 01: Mapping Your Shadow (Psychosynthesis Edition)8.3 – Intellect To Intuition8.3.1 – Exercise 02: Your Intuitive Strengths & Intuitive Weaknesses8.4 – Integral Theory & Stages Of Consciousness8.4.1 – Exercise 03: An Integral Approach To Individuation8.5 – How To Integrate Conflicting Theories Of ConsciousnessTHE SPIRITUAL SHADOW9.1 – Spiritual Repression: The Problem With Godlessness9.2 – Spiritual Emergency: The Crisis Of Mystical Revelation9.3 – Spiritual Bypassing: Why Do Some People Deny Reality?9.4 – Spiritual Narcissism: How To Fix Grandiosity & Self Inflation9.4.1 – Exercise 01: Soul Contact9.5 – Cult Mentality: The Dark Side Of Spiritual Spaces9.6 – Service & Devotion: How To Find Your Path Of Purpose9.6.1 – Exercise 02: What Is Grace? Meticulously researched, academic-grade curriculum which blends only the most actionable insights from multiple psychological schools of theory and practice.Trauma informed and therapeutically grounded, as close to therapy as you can get without a therapist.Holistically focused and outcome obsessed, practical exercises will cultivate your development through multiple stages of breakthrough and integration.Intentionally structured, self-paced curriculum with multiple entry-points and navigational paths across nine clearly-organised and well-referenced modules.Historically rooted and unapologetically niche, this course introduces rare and forgotten material from masterful teachers you won’t find anywhere else.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.