Laura Silva – Silva Mind Body Healing Program


Laura Silva – Silva Mind Body Healing ProgramYou Too Can Learn How to Activate Your Mind’s Natural Healing Mechanisms, and Start Improving Your Overall Health and Well-BeingIT BEGAN IN A SMALL TOWN IN TEXAS, AND HAS SPREAD LIKE WILDFIRE TO OVER 6 MILLION PEOPLE IN 110 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES—AND NOW, IT HAS REACHED YOU.Millions of people worldwide have found better health with the phenomenon known as mind-body healing. Like you, they know there’s more to holistic wellbeing than conventional medication and procedures. And like you, they know that their health should be in their hands.The question is, how you can realize the full potential of your mind’s natural healing ability? How can you get consistent and lasting results, so you can start making profound changes to your wellbeing TODAY and for the rest of your life?IMAGINE…LIBERATING YOURSELF FROM THE BALL AND CHAIN OF EXPENSIVE AND UNNECESSARY MEDICAL PROCEDURES AND SIDE EFFECT-LADEN MEDICATION.HAVING THE PERFECT HEALTH AND VITALITY TO FOCUS ON YOUR CAREER, SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY, AND INDULGE IN YOUR HOBBIES.WAKING UP EVERY MORNING FREE OF THE DEBILITATING ACHES AND PAINS THAT HOLD YOU BACK FROM THE QUALITY OF LIFE YOU DESERVE.OVERCOMING THE DEPRESSION AND NEGATIVITY THAT OFTEN COMES WITH ILLNESS, AND INSTEAD REPLACING IT WITH AN UNBREAKABLE SENSE OF POSITIVITY AND MOTIVATION IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE.At The Silva Method, we believe your journey towards effective mind-body healing begins with a methodical step-by-step process—a system that trains you in all the fundamentals of mind empowerment, so that using your mind to influence physical healing becomes second nature.A 3-STEP SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO MIND-BODY HEALING, PERFECTED OVER 5 DECADES.Throughout his lifetime, the world-renowned mind empowerment pioneer Jose Silva believed that 90 percent of all illnesses are caused by the mind.You’ve probably heard of this theory before—but are you aware of its implications?If most illnesses are caused by the mind, it is extremely likely that most illnesses can be reversed by the mind too. This was Jose’s foundation for over 44 years of tireless research and experimentation.By working with people who went through his training system, known as The Silva Method, he found he could help them manage and sometimes completely overcome a variety of health problems and symptoms while improving their overall health and wellbeing.To demonstrate his breakthroughs to the public, Jose launched experiments that completely mystified people.ONE DEMONSTRATION LEFT PEOPLE STUNNEDAt a Silva Method class, Jose would begin by asking for a volunteer. In front of hundreds of people, he would guide this volunteer into the Alpha Level (I’ll tell you more about this shortly).He would then proceed to hypnotize the volunteer, and tell him or her that the whiteboard market in his hand was in actual fact a red hot poker. Then, he would take that marker, press it against their hand, and inexplicably, to the audience’s complete shock…A blister would form.After this unexplainable event, Jose would tell the patient that he could heal the wound within seconds. He would proceed to put his hand on the wound, and, just like he said it would, the blister completely disappeared within seconds.Take a second and imagine that—with nothing but the power of suggestion, Jose Silva could form a blister on someone, and make it disappear in the blink of an eye.THE SILVA METHOD’S GOAL IS TO TRANSFORM PEOPLE’S MINDS FROM A TRIGGER OF DISEASE, TO A CATALYST FOR HOLISTIC WELLBEING.We’ve been working towards this goal since 1967, collaborating with top scientists and researchers, and training over 6 million people worldwide with our method.In this time, we’ve identified three essential pillars for effective mind-body healing:PILLAR 1WE TRAIN YOU TO FUNCTION AT THE ALPHA AND THETA LEVELS OF MIND.Going to the Alpha and Theta levels have the same effect as meditating. When someone meditates, scientifically, they are simply reducing their brain wave frequency to Alpha or Theta.Jose Silva found that people who can remain in the Alpha and Theta levels are able to put their mind and body in a state conducive to healing, where cells repair, stress dissipates, the immune system strengthens, and physical symptoms of illness are in some cases reduced.Imagine being able to rewire yourself, without spending thousands of dollars on a professional hypnotherapist. What if you could more easily overcome unhealthy habits like smoking or snacking? What if you could change negative thought patterns to positive ones? And what if you could awaken your mind’s natural healing capacity, all by simply working with your own mind?Alpha level training has today become commonplace in the personal growth industry, but The Silva Method takes it one step further with Theta level training. We have created a variety of guided meditations and techniques, such as the 3 Fingers Technique, that instantly guide you into both the Alpha level, and the deeper Theta level. These are designed to help you comfortably remain in these states for as long as necessary to achieve your intended goal.PILLAR 2WE HELP YOU HARNESS THE POWER OF HEALING IMAGERY.Healing Imagery, also known as Visualization, involves visualizing the end result of your goal or desire while you are in the Alpha or Theta level of mind.The concept of Creative Visualization has been around for decades. It gained renewed popularity in the 1970s when a Silva graduate by the name of Shakti Gawain wrote a best-selling book about it.One of our most important rules for visualization is that it should be done in the present tense. For example if you’re looking to manage arthritis, you should visualize yourself free of arthritis, and feel the moment as if it is happening this instant and not some time in the future.In other words, feel the sense of joy of being arthritis-free, rather than the sense of wanting or the sense of desire for it.The Silva Method teaches a variety of advanced visualization techniques and exercises that are designed to be easily-induced yet immersive experiences that aid in facilitating and accelerating the mind’s natural healing process.“A DEEP STOREHOUSE OF KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM” “ONE OF THE EARLIEST WORKSHOPS I TOOK WAS THE SILVA MIND CONTROL COURSE… THE MOST IMPORTANT TECHNIQUE I LEARNED IN THAT COURSE WAS THE BASIC TECHNIQUE OF CREATIVE VISUALIZATION… OUR RATIONAL MIND IS LIKE A COMPUTER… THE INTUITIVE MIND, ON THE OTHER HAND, SEEMS TO GIVE ACCESS TO AN INFINITE SUPPLY OF INFORMATION. IT APPEARS TO BE ABLE TO TAP INTO A DEEP STOREHOUSE OF KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM”– SHAKTI GAWAINSILVA GRADUATE & BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF CREATIVE VISUALIZATIONPILLAR 3MASTER THE D-B-E THOUGHT PROCESS.In working with our students we have discovered that lasting success with any health-related goal—whether it’s to shake off a minor ailment or reduce the symptoms of a serious illness—can only happen when you condition your mind for 3 outcomes:1. Develop a deep desire for your goal2. Whole-heartedly believe that this goal is possible.3. Fully expect this goal to happen.We call this thought process Desire-Belief-Expectancy or D-B-E, and although it may sound simple on the surface, mastering it requires a significant level of control over your subconscious mind.At the core of D-B-E is the placebo effect: the widely documented phenomenon in which a patient can trigger self-healing by the mere belief that they will be cured. The placebo effect can be so powerful that all modern drugs have to be tested against a placebo before they are released to the public.In fact, many former treatments and drugs have been taken off the market when their healing properties were found to be solely due to the placebo effect.BRAUD’S 37 EXPERIMENTS INVOLVED 665 SESSIONS, 449 PEOPLE AND 13 RESEARCHERS—AND SUGGESTED THAT DISTANCE HEALING IS INDEED POSSIBLE.What Braud found was that at the exact moment the Sender was asked to think of their Receiver, the Receiver would show a change in his or her physiological condition.The 37 experiments combined resulted in odds against chance of more than 100 trillion to one in favor of distant mental interactions between the participants.In short, Braud’s study suggested that the ability of one person’s mind to affect another person’s body is scientific fact. INTRODUCINGSILVA MIND-BODY HEALINGGOING WITHIN FOR A HEALTHIER YOUTHE SILVA METHOD’S COMPLETE CURRICULUM FOR EFFECTIVE MIND-BODY HEALINGAvailable EXCLUSIVELY on this site, the Silva Mind Body Healing home training program is a complete 11-part guide for anyone—from beginner to experienced mind-body healer—to awaken the full extent of the mind’s natural healing ability.Silva Mind Body Healing takes you on a systematic journey through The Silva Method’s 3 pillars of mind-body healing. You’ll be trained on core concepts like Alpha and Theta Level meditations, Healing Imagery techniques, and exercises designed to program your subconscious mind in line with the Desire-Belief-Expectancy (D-B-E) thought process. Supporting topics like stress management and manifesting are also covered in detail.IN A NUTSHELL, HERE’S WHAT YOU’RE GETTING:The exact same optimized mind-body healing curriculum you’d get at one of our seminars. Every Guided Imagery exercise, every lesson, every technique—all presented in an easy-to-follow framework.Immersive Alpha and Theta Level meditations, each with their own unique objective. Just sit back, relax and press play as our meditation technology reprograms your subconscious mind for profound and lasting results.Powerful tips and guidance to help you get the most out of the program and make it a part of your daily routine, from Laura Silva (daughter of Jose Silva and President of LSQ Productions). THE CONTENTS OF THIS 11-PART HOME TRAINING PROGRAM ARE AS FOLLOWS:PART 1AN INTRODUCTION TO SILVA MIND BODY HEALINGYour holistic health journey begins. Get to grips with the fundamentals behind mind body healing with Laura Silva in this essential preparation guide.You’ll begin with a structured 10-point checklist that explains The Silva Method’s approach to mind-body healing and will help you achieve maximum results.Highlights include:THE SILVA MIND BODY HEALING CHEAT SHEETThe crucial steps to perfect health through healing your physical, mental and emotional selfHEALING, THE SILVA WAYDiscover our unique philosophy for healing, the fascinating history behind our method, and how to begin applying it in every aspect of your life for effective and lasting outcomesTHE POWER OF PREVENTIONHow one single step works against 90% of the world’s sicknesses, illnesses or diseasesPART 2BUILDING YOUR FOUNDATION FOR HEALINGNow you know how it works, it’s time to start applying it! Here Laura’s explains the vital step of setting your intention with a clear foundation on how to manifest it.We begin with getting you in the right frame of mind – focusing at the Alpha & Theta levels through meditation and image therapy.Highlights include:THE HOLOVIEWING TECHNIQUEDo you know what you really need to be focusing on? This essential visualization exercise helps you identify and focus on the health goals that will best serve youPLUS…What modern medicine has to say about mind body healing and what it could mean for your health costsPART 3LIBERATION FROM STRESSFeel like you spend most of your days frantically juggling your career, chores, errands and kids? Here Laura will describe how getting sick is more than just a physical thing – it manifests in the mind.Stress is the most common and dangerous of all – responsible for triggering 90% of preventable sicknesses. Here’s where you learn how to overcome it for good.Highlights include:THE THREE FINGERS TECHNIQUEOne of The Silva Method’s most popular techniques, this easily learned trigger mechanism allows you to enter the Alpha Level at will by bringing together your thumb and first two fingers. Perfect for when you want to instantly reduce stress or amplify your intuitionHOW TO BECOME IMPENETRABLEDon’t let the loss of a job, death of a loved one or any snide comment start affecting your healthPART 4HEALING YOUR BELIEF SYSTEMDo you truly, with all your heart and soul, believe you can be healthy? That you deserve to be well? Welcome to the hardest part of the program – actually convincing yourself that you can.Your innermost subconscious beliefs determine your success with mind-body healing, and your living experience as a whole. Here you’ll learn to access your subconscious and release yourself from negative and limiting beliefs, conditioning the mind for healing.Highlights include:THE ‘CHANGING LIMITING BELIEFS’ EXERCISEAn Alpha Level meditation that guides you into your subconscious so you can identify your negative beliefs, eliminate them, and replace them with positive onesGETTING THE VERY BEST FROM LIFEThe truth behind your belief systems, and why you shouldn’t delay another day in looking after your wellbeingPART 5EMBRACING YOUR EMOTIONSHappiness, frustration, gratitude, guilt – each one has an affect on your body for better or worse.Your emotions play a surprisingly significant role in mind-body healing. Find out why sweeping your emotions aside can be hazardous to your health, and how acknowledging and embracing your emotions is everything.Highlights include:MORE THAN MIND BODY AND SPIRITWhy your missing one crucial element to your health that’s stopping you from feeling truly completeTHE ‘HEALING PAST TRAUMAS’ EXERCISEAn advanced Theta Level meditation that allows you to revisit key traumatic points in your life, and replace the associated negative emotions with new onesPART 6UNDERSTANDING THE HOLISTIC HEALING PROCESSFrom beliefs to emotions to thoughts and EVERYTHING in-between – there are multiple components to mind-body healing, but learning how to get them all working in harmony is crucial to success.Let Laura guide you through how to merge these components into the unified concept known as ‘holistic healing’.Highlights include:DR. JOAN MCGILLICUDDYSilva Graduate and Clinical Director of Helping Associates Inc., on the holistic healing process, the hidden blessing in disease, and the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that cause diseaseTHE DYNAMIC LAWS OF LIVINGHow you can STOP letting stress from holding you back and get more of what you want in life as a resultPART 7CONNECTING TO YOUR SPIRITUAL BODYIn this chapter, Laura will teach you how The Silva Method recognizes that you are made up of much more than just the mind and the body. It’s time to get familiar with your spiritual self.The spirit may be an invisible and intangible element, but connecting directly to it can spark profound changes to your wellbeing.Highlights include:THE INTUITIVE HEALING METHODA technique for shifting your consciousness towards a healthy reality. Perfect if you struggle with feelings of hopelessness or negativityTHE ‘THETA TWILIGHT THEATER’ EXERCISEAn advanced night time Theta Level meditation that allows you to focus on improving your spiritual wellbeing. Just sit back, relax and press playPART 8ACCESSING YOUR MENTAL BODYYour thoughts, your actions, your beliefs – they are all born in your mind.In fact everything you do is in some way influenced by your mental body. Here you will learn how you can condition your brain for maximum positive effect.Highlights include:THE INTUITIVE HEALING METHODA technique for shifting your consciousness towards a healthy reality. Perfect if you struggle with feelings of hopelessness or negativityA GUIDED IMAGERY TRAINING SESSIONStudies have shown that the act of visualizing your healing process, for example imagining the cracks in broken bones disappearing, or the clearing of artery blockages, can actually facilitate healing and strengthen the immune systemPART 9THE ART OF MANIFESTINGNo matter what your health-related goal is – whether it’s to get fit, overcome an illness or develop a healthier mind -the thought of that goal must come first.Learn how to start aligning your thoughts with your desires for optimal health.Highlights include:HAS YOUR MIND BEEN PRE-PROGRAMMED FOR ILL HEALTH?How to upend negative thought patterns instilled by your parents, teachers or friendsTHE ‘MENTAL BODY’ EXERCISEAn advanced Theta Night Time Sound meditation that empowers you to connect with your mental body, tap into its inherent manifesting abilities, and use it to enhance your wellbeingPART 10STRENGTHENING YOUR PHYSICAL BODYEveryone knows how important the physical body is, but are really doing what’s best for your body?Here you’ll learn a number of important pointers for exercise, nutrition, understanding your body’s signals, and most importantly how to develop the discipline to put this knowledge to use in your everyday life.Highlights include:DR. RAY JIMENEZDiscussion on how to exercise and eat right, how to assess your current physical health, and the steps for detecting which parts of your body need attentionTHE 2 SCENES TECHNIQUE FOR ENERGIZING WATERLearn how to infuse the water you drink with a distinct intention, like getting rid of a headache or feeling more energeticPART 11HEALING YOURSELF ON A CELLULAR LEVELTime heals all wounds, but what if you could speed up time?In this final chapter you will learn how mind body healing works on a cellular level, and what you can do to accelerate that process.Highlights include:THE CELLULAR INFLUENCE TECHNIQUEThis visualization technique awakens an incredible natural ability within you—the ability to influence your organs on a cellular level, so you can guide them away from disease and towards perfect healthGETTING HELP FROM ABOVEHow to go beyond the confines of your self, and request a helping hand from the universal force known as God, higher intelligence or source energy WHY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE THE SILVA MIND-BODY HEALING HOME TRAINING PROGRAM?The cleanest, freshest water always comes from the source. And when it comes to unleashing the power of the human mind, The Silva Method is the source.Under the guidance of our founder Jose Silva (the man credited with bringing modern meditation to the West), we have worked with countless scientists, psychologists, doctors and alternative healers, investing decades of research and millions of dollars into the workings of the human mind.We have amassed a following of well over 6 million practitioners in 110 different countries, and have documented hundreds of thousands of success stories from users of our training process.The meditations, exercises and techniques within Silva Mind-Body Healing cannot be found anywhere else. And even if someone tried to copy us, it would be nothing more than a watered-down version of the wisdom we have dedicated so much of our lives to.We are the pioneers of various advanced Alpha and Theta level exercises, the Desire-Belief-Expectancy model, and countless other formulas and techniques designed to help our students awaken their natural healing abilities.Nowhere else will you find this level of depth, effectiveness, empirical evidence, or the magnitude of scientific proof that each of our techniques carries.DESIGNED FOR BUSY PEOPLE LIKE YOU.At this point you may be wondering just how much time you’d need to invest daily to use Silva Mind-Body Healing and get the results you want.Some people are worried they might not have the time. Or that they’d spend so much time on healing, they’d end up neglecting the job, the chores, the kids. But don’t worry, because all you need is 10 minutes a day.Spend a few minutes listening to the audios when you wake up, before you go to sleep, or whenever you can find a quick moment to yourself. Soon enough, the program will begin to rewire your mind, so that your mind heals your body on autopilot.Having the time to do what you want is equally as important as being healthy, and that’s why we’ve designed Silva Mind Body Healing to be as unobtrusive as possible in your daily life. Another thing we firmly believe in is that…YOUR HEALTH SHOULDN’T COST YOU YOUR LIFE.Because home training programs are replicable content, we’re able to keep our costs low. So while you may pay $1,000 and upwards to attend one of our seminars (and much more for flights and hotels), you’re getting the exact same content and results with the Silva Mind-Body Healing home training program…From as low as $197 for our digital option. No other mind-body healing system comes close to our affordability and quality of content.To put our price into perspective for you, consider this:DID YOU KNOW THAT 50% OF ALL BANKRUPTCIES ARE CAUSED BY MEDICAL BILLS?When’s the last time you or someone you know had to shell out a small fortune (or sometimes their entire life savings) on medical treatment or medication…Only to find that their quality of life doesn’t improve the way it should—or even gets worse?When this happens, they slowly but surely resign themselves to their fate. They begin to see disease and suffering as just another part of life, and try their best to work with what they’ve got— even if it takes an entire lifetime’s worth of savings.IN FACT, THE AVERAGE HEALTHY AMERICAN SPENDS ON AVERAGE $5,000 PER YEAR ON HEALTHCARE.And if you’re sick, you can easily multiply that figure by 10, 20, 30, even 40 times over.Now imagine that the Silva Mind-Body Healing program works just half as well as we say it will. What if, by studying our curriculum, you could save even just 10% on your annual medical bills? Think about how much money (and time) you’d save in the next 5, 10, 20 years. HOW TO USE SILVA MIND BODY HEALINGEACH MODULE COMES AS EITHER A LECTURE TRACK OR AN ALPHA OR THETA LEVEL MEDITATION EXERCISEThe Lecture tracks are perfect for those in-between moments like when you’re jogging, driving, or sitting on the bus or train. Pop the tracks onto your iPod or CD player and take them wherever you go, or listen to them as you relax at home. Your choice.The Alpha and Theta Level Meditation Exercises are immersive sessions that require complete concentration. You should listen to them in a seated comfortable position, because they’ll guide you into a blissfully deep state of mind. These sessions are as pleasurable as indulging in a nice hot bath or a full-body massage, so don’t be surprised when you start looking forward to them every day.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.