Naima Sheikh – The Multipassionate Product 5-Day Sprint


Naima Sheikh – The Multipassionate Product 5-Day SprintProduct Creation Made Simple for Multipassionates On A Mission To DoneCreating digital products and doing so fast is one of the most important skills you can develop.Especially as a multipassionate!You want to do it fast so you get it done before the next idea comes along.Plus, how else are you supposed to make money in your sleep, if you’re, like, sleeping??Yup — digital products.So they can work for you while you chill.Or go hiking.Or work with a client.Or create another digital products.Your InstructorNaimaTeaching Tech Without Trauma or DramaHello, my name is Naima and I’m a Digital Strategist.I help individuals get over the technical and creative humps that stand between them and successfully taking their expertise to market.Sometimes we can see exactly where we want to be, and what we want to do. Only thing is, there are annoying little things that tend to get in the way.Sometimes these “things” are little mindset gremlins. But more often than not, they are creative and technical skills that seem just out of reach, like building a website or creating a cover.Does that sound familiar?I work with my clients to get clear on what their end game is, and to develop a solid strategy with actionable plans to get there.But I also coach them and help them acquire “mini online business skills” required in our internet economy, so they can thrive in taking their expertise to market.Whether in a corporate role or a solopreneur, it is only through clarity, skill acquisition, and focused action that growth can be achieved, both for business and for personal fulfillment.I bring 20+ years of corporate experience in applying technology and smart work processes to business growth, and share that experience through my courses, ebooks and of course, in person.Course CurriculumIntroductionWhy you need to create digital products (4:09)Getting The Most From The Platform (2:01)DAY 1: The Product DefinedDefining Your Product (9:33)Bonus: Packaging Your Passion (8:43)LIVE Recording of Day 1 Recap & Q&A (19:44)DAY 2: The Sellable ProductChoosing a sellable product (12:16)Resources: The Product Decision CalculatorResources: The Storyboard MethodLIIVE Recording of Day 2: Recap and Q&A (22:11)DAY 3: The Covetable ProductMaking your product covetable (15:43)LIVE Recording Day 3 Recap and Q&A (27:59)Resources: The Mapping Method CheatsheetDAY 4: The Irresistible ProductMaking Your Product Irresistible (5:37)Resource: Irresistible Product SlidesDay 5: The Profitable ProductWhat makes a product profitable? (4:40)Resources: The Profitable Product Slides