MuteSix – The Creative Cure Formula


MuteSix – The Creative Cure FormulaYour InstructorMuteSixCourse CurriculumModule 1: How to Think About Your Creative StrategyThe FunnelModule 2: Optimizing Your Ad CreativeContent StrategyModule 3: Video Ads That ScaleThe Types of Creative to LeverageBonus #1: Direct Response CopywritingA Look Inside Ad CopyBonus #2: SeasonalityAdapting Your Creative to the SeasonsMonth-By-Month and Vertical TrendsBonus #3: Creative Bank of Highly Converting Facebook AdsTop Performing AdsTOF ExamplesMOF ExamplesBOF ExamplesUSP ExamplesPaint Point ExamplesProduct First ExamplesReviews and Press ExamplesSeasonality ExamplesVideo ExamplesIntroduction ExamplesInfluencer Pitch ExamplesUnboxing ExamplesObsessed ExamplesTestimonial ExamplesStatic Image ExamplesGIF ExamplesSlideshow ExamplesCarousel ExamplesCollections Examples