MPSH – Ignite Full


MPSH – Ignite FullWhat you’ll get:Ignite Phase 1 // EmbarkMindset & Research for a 5, 6 or 7 figure international business on Amazon from absolute scratch.MPSH Ignite Phase 2 // EvolveImporting & Logistics for a 5, 6 or 7 figure international business on Amazon from absolute scratch.MPSH Ignite Phase 3 // ExpandBusiness Expansion for a 5, 6 or 7 figure international business on Amazon from absolute scratch.Course CurriculumModule 1Section 1 – InterfaceVideo 1 – The Amazon InterfaceIn this video, we’ll help you become familiar with the Amazon platform so you can easily na…Assessment – Video 1Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 2 – Item Specifics To Avoid, Amazon Product Categories & How To Find The Top 100In this video, you’ll learn how to filter researched products, navigate Amazon’s cate…Assessment – Video 2Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 3 – Why Am I Researching This Way & What Will We FindA critical video where we run through the ‘why’ behind our unique research methodolog…Assessment – Video 3Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Section 2 – ResearchingVideo 4 – Starting Research To Find Potential ProductsAn introduction to the principles that make up our ROOTS Research System. In this video, you&rsqu…Video 5 – The Components of MAPThis is the final piece of the research puzzle before moving a product onto the Supplier stage. I…Assessment – Video 5Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 6 – Mapping The Market Live Session With AliIn this over-the-shoulder session, you’ll get to see the MAP process being applied to poten…Struggling With Research?!Check out the playlist of our BEST research videos! Make sure to save this playlist…Section 3 – Software Quiz ResourcesVideo 7 – How To Use Researcher AppIn this tutorial, you’ll learn how to quickly and easily navigate the Researcher App inside…Video 8a – Module 1 – Building BlockCongratulations! You’ve reached a huge milestone by completing the content in module one. I…Video 8b – Module 1 – AssessmentTake the Phase 1 Quiz to see how much you’ve remembered from the videos you’ve watche…Video 9a – More LIVE ROOTS ResearchBack with more LIVE Roots researchModule 2Section 4 – SuppliersVideo 10 – Where To Find Suppliers And What We Need From ThemLet’s go and turn the lights on in this area by going through the details related to suppliers as…Assessment – Video 10Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 11 – Why We Need Information From A SupplierNow we want to move on, we will be looking at what we say to our potential supplier, what we send…Assessment – Video 11Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 12 – Contacting A SupplierOk, so now that we know how to calculate profitability and what variables we’re going to fi…Assessment – Video 12Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Section 5 – Your OfferVideo 13 – The Offer Defining GAPNext we’ll figure out how to stand out in that market by identifying ‘The Gap’ …Assessment – Video 13Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 14 – The Physical BonusWe haven’t really talked about how product bonuses actually work, as well as how to actuall…Assessment – Video 14Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 15 – Offers & Bonuses With AliThis is a live over the shoulder look at how to create the perfect offers & bonuses with our …Section 6 – Module 2 ResourcesVideo 16 – How To Use The Software – CommunicatorCommunicator is a handy tool for keeping a log of all your communications with your Suppliers.&nb…Video 17a – Module 1 – Building BlockLet’s jump into your building block. For this, we need you to contact your suppliers and also add…Video 17b – Module 2 – AssessmentComplete this Quiz to see how much knowledge you have gained from the previous videos.Module 3Section 7 – ProfitabilityVideo 19 – Essential Variables Behind ProfitabilityThe first thing we’re going to do now that we’ve already determined our item’s …Assessment – Video 19Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 20 – How To Prepare For Calculation TakeoffWe are just about to move over to your Ecosystem and into the Profit Calculator Application. This…Assessment – Video 20Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 21 – Validating the IdeaLet’s run through the most important part of your business, your validation checklist.Assessment – Video 21Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Section 8 – SamplesVideo 22 – Ordering And Testing SamplesNow we are moving on to product samples, why we do them and how we get them from the supplier.Assessment – Video 22Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 23 – Pulling the TriggerPerhaps one of the hardest parts of your journey especially so far will be what we refer to as pu…Assessment – Video 23Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 24 – Supplier Communication & Ordering Samples Live With AliWe dive headfirst again into another live segment where our research expert Ali will show supplie…Section 9 – Module 3 ResourcesVideo 25 – How To Use The Software – Profit CalculatorUse Profit Calculator to find out whether a product is profitable to sell in all market…Video 26a – Module 3 – Building BlockThis is your third building block. We have gone through communicating with suppliers and ordering…Video 26b – Module 3 – AssessmentComplete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Importing & Logistics for a 5, 6 or 7 figure international business on Amazon from absolute scratch.Module 4Section 10 – Your Business EntityVideo 28 – Creating an Entity that is World ClassToday we are going to talk about creating that rock-solid business structure that will keep both …Video 29 – Importance of Limited Liability & Your Global FootprintNow that we’ve hopefully convinced you of the importance of working with an accountant, we&…Assessment – Video 29Complete this assessment before moving onto the next video.Video 30 – When and How to Establish Your Business & BrandOnly set up your business when you are in the position to require one, this is not during the res…Assessment – Video 30Complete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Section 11 – BankingVideo 31 – Banking As An Integral Part Of BusinessIt may be self-explanatory that you will require banking for your business however it is not self…Assessment – Video 31Complete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Video 32 – How The Overall Banking Picture LooksNow that you understand that Banking is an integral part of your business, it is time to look at …Assessment – Video 32Make sure to finish this assessment before moving on to the next video.Video 33 – Robert Wright – Forming A Business EntityLet’s look at forming a Business Entity with our very own legal eagle Robert Wright.Introduction To PayoneerSign up for Payoneer here: 12 – Module 4 ResourcesVideo 35A – Module 4 – Building BlockWell done on completing the content of Module 4. Here is your next building block to complete bef…Module 5Section 13 – Placing the OrderVideo 37 – What Will I Need to Place My Order?Placing your order will all focus around what is known as a Purchase Order, let’s look at this mo…Assessment – Video 37Complete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Video 38 – Negotiating the Trial OrderYou are probably wondering how many items we should negotiate our order down to and how we can do…Assessment – Video 38Complete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Video 39 – Functional Product PackagingLet’s focus on how to create the packaging for your item that you’re going to discuss…Assessment – Video 39Complete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Section 14 – Packaging & LabellingVideo 40 – Labelling & BarcodingNow that you know more about packaging, this video will cover labelling & barcoding.Assessment – Video 40Complete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Video 41 – Your Product’s Master CartonVisit this link to get to the Cartons info page I want to take…Assessment – Video 41Complete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Section 15 – Module 5 ResourcesVideo 43 – How To Use The Software – Purchase OrderingIn this video, we will show you how to do a purchasing order within the ecosystem software.Video 44A – Module 5 – Building BlockCongrats on getting this far in your training! Here is your next building block. We recommend you…Module 6Section 16 – Importing & ShippingVideo 46 – Importing Your Order Part 1The first thing in this section is to look at the 30,000ft View of the Importing Process. Th…Assessment – Video 46Complete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Video 47 – Importing Your Order Part 2This video is the second part of knowing how to Import your order.Assessment – Video 47Complete this assessment before moving on to the next videos.Video 48 – Why A HubAt Marketplace Superheroes, we like to do things differently to the majority of people in this bu…Assessment – Video 48Complete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Section 17 – Your PDP & Seller CentralVideo 49 – Creating A Listing That Is Solid GoldWe are now going to focus on optimizing your PDPs for incredible conversions. In this section, we…Assessment – Video 49Complete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Video 50 – Your Seller Central AreaNow that you have created a Solid Gold PDP we need to install it and of course, create what is kn…Assessment – Video 50Complete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Video 51 – SuperHero Freight WalkthroughThis video is a complete guide to SuperHero Freight. At SuperHero Freight, our mission is to make…Listing Masterclass With Melissa ArmstrongWe are joined by our very own Melissa Armstrong to give you a masterclass on creating a listing.Section 18 – Module 6 ResourcesVideo 52 – How To Use The Software – Superhero Freight & Listing BuilderA complete over the shoulder guide on how to use Superhero Freight & Listing Builder.Video 53A – Module 6 – Building BlockWell done Hero. Please complete the following building block before moving on to the next section.Module 7Section 19Video 55 – The Way to FBAFinally, we want to install the PDP. There are a few extra steps here in comparison to the bankin…Video 55 – AssessmentComplete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Video 56 – The Business Launch SequenceI truly think it is time for a well-earned breather and this video is just that. Take the time to…Video 56 – AssessmentComplete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Video 57 – Simple Starter Pay Per Click AdvertisingWe are changing lanes here a little and moving over to something that you can do right now, that …Section 20Video 58 – Expanding to the United Kingdom & EuropeExpanding into the European marketplaces is generally the first expansion that you will consider,…Video 59 – Expanding to North America & AustraliaExpanding into the North American marketplaces is generally not an Expansion for most, as it is t…Video 60 – The Global Business Kills Opportunity CostThere seems to be something in the nature of a junior entrepreneur that invokes a limiting belief…Section 21Video 61 – After Sale, Sales Data Reporting, PPC vs OrganicDo not expect that the minute the tap is turned on for hundreds of orders to start flowing throug…Video 62 – The Messaging & Notification SystemLet’s now look at the first of our scheduled checking tasks – Dealing with Customer Messages.Video 63 – Housekeeping Duties on AmazonNow we just want to review our work to date to make sure that we have the basic bases covered and…Module 8Section 22Video 64 – How And When To Replenish & ReorderThere are a lot of different variables that you can and will have to plot out for this business b…Video 64 – AssessmentComplete this assessment before moving on to the next video.Video 65 – Economies Of ScaleThe first thing that we should explain is the meaning of these terms and then move on to why they…Video 66 – The Serial Investor – When To Add Products“When should I add my next product”, is a very common question we get here at Marketp…Section 23Video 67 – The Eyes And The PrizeI know this may sound a little bit cryptic however by the end of this video you will totally unde…Video 68 – $1k Per DayMaybe looking at $1k per day in your business seems like a long way away, however, having a mediu…Video 69 – A 7 Figure EmpireIn the last video, we looked briefly at a $1k per day profit business, now let’s look at the numb…