Siddharth Rajsekar – Funnel Building Formula


Siddharth Rajsekar – Funnel Building FormulaLearn How To Build Your Money MachineYour CoachSiddharth RajsekarHi there! Great to have you in this community.With over 15,000 members and growing, I’m glad that you are part of this revolution of redefining our education system. Your role in becoming a digital leader is super important! Thank you for your commitment.Please ensure that you watch every single video 100% without skipping any of them.I believe in you more than you may believe in yourself. How do I know that? Because I realized my true potential only until my mentor showed me the way. And I’m glad to be your digital coach!More power to you,– Siddharth RajsekarCurriculumCONCEPTS – Funnel Building Formula 2.0Core Principles – How To Approach This Course? (8:57)How To Design Your BUSINESS FUNNEL? (7:10)How To Design Your MEMBERSHIP FUNNEL? (15:35)How To Design Your GAMIFICATION FUNNEL? (7:44)How To Design Your MARKETING FUNNEL? (4:09)STRATEGIES – Top 12 Marketing Funnels#1 – The Direct Sales Funnel (3:45)#2 – The Book Launch Funnel (2:09)#3 – The Messenger Class Funnel (4:10)#4 – The Free Webinar Funnel (4:18)#5 – The Paid Webinar Funnel (3:13)#6 – The Auto Webinar Funnel (3:19)#7 – High Ticket Consulting Funnel (8:08)#8 – The Live Seminar Funnel (3:08)#9 – The Live Bootcamp Funnel (5:15)#10 – Multi-Speaker Summit Funnel (4:56)#11 – The Quiz Funnel (4:25)#12 – Hybrid Funnels (4:49)TACTICS & TOOLS – ConclusionTop 33 Lead Magnet Ideas (5:21)What Funnel Builders To Use? (10:00)Connecting The Dots (3:37)Your Next Level (5:52)Funnel Building Formula (1.0)PreviewEpisode 01 – Finding Your Niche & Building Your Money Machine (77:15)Episode 02 – Crafting An Impactful Course Curriculum (88:45)Episode 03 – Building Your Customer Journey (93:57)Episode 04 – Visual Design Tips – eCovers, Product Design, Font & Color Psychology (91:57)Episode 05 – Building Your First Lead Generation Funnel In 60 Mins (72:40)Episode 06 – Setting Up Your Sales Funnel In “GOD MODE” In 60 Mins (103:04)HOTSEAT Funnel Reviews – 01 (80:03)HOTSEAT Funnel Reviews – 02 (65:42)