James Wedmore – Mind Your Money


James Wedmore – Mind Your MoneyCourse CurriculumMind Your Money Kickoff CallKickoff Call 2020BONUS: Manifestation Setting31 Days to Abundance in ActionDay #1: Your Current Money SituationDay #2: MY Relationship With MoneyDay #3: YOUR Relationship with MoneyDay #4: The 4 Levels of Your Money StoryDay #5: Your Relationship with RECEIVING MoneyDay #6: The Power of MoneyDay #7: The Paradox of MoneyDay #8: The Origins of Your Money StoryDay #9: The 9-Step Belief-Busting ScriptDay #10: A Question For You…Day #11: Where Money ACTUALLY Comes FromDay #12: The Energy of MoneyDay #13: How to ATTRACT MoneyDay #14: What’s Preventing Your Experience of ABUNDANCEDay #15: Your 3D Money MachineDay #16: The Language of Your EmotionsDay #17: The ULTIMATE Act of AbundanceDay #18: Mini Miracle Money HabitsDay #19: The LAW of IncomeDay #20: Shifting ValueDay #21: How to Get Everything Cheap!Day #22 BEING Deserving of MoneyDay #23: The Less You Do The More You MakeDay #24: Your Hourly WageDay #25: Is Money Spiritual?Day #26: Mo’ money, Mo Problems?Day #27: If You REALLY Want to Help, Shouldn’t it be FREE?Day #28: My Money ComplaintsDay #29: For the LOVE of MoneyDay #30: The 3 Secrets to Success (Part 1)Day #31: The 3 Secrets to Success (Part 2)