Gregory W. Lester, Alan Godwin – Demystifying Personality Disorders: Clinical Skills for Working with Drama and Manipulation


Gregory W. Lester, Alan Godwin – Demystifying Personality Disorders: Clinical Skills for Working with Drama and ManipulationFaculty:Gregory W. Lester | Alan GodwinDuration:Approx. 6 HoursCopyright:Feb 24, 2021DescriptionWatch clinical psychologists and personality disorder experts Drs. Gregory Lester and Alan Godwin for this compelling seminar that offers practical, must-know interventions for not only treating these challenging clients but also those who are left in their toxic wake.Dr. Lester begins with a deeper dive into clinical assessment of personality disorders as well as the most common challenges when working with this subset of clients. He’ll cover:The core of the personality disorder: an ever-changing agendaWhy this client population functions the way it doesHow to diagnose differentially among the most common, heavily nuanced personality disordersPersonality Disorder-Trait Specified (PD-TS) and other general criteria for personality disordersMeaningful navigation of transference and countertransference issuesWhy therapeutic boundaries may look different with these clientsHow to identify (often subtle) warning signs of manipulation – and what to do!And much more!Dr. Godwin takes it from here, focusing on how to effectively work with both clients with personality disorders and those who (repeatedly?) find themselves in their emotional crosshairs. Known for his straightforward style and practical interventions, Dr. Godwin masterfully covers:Psychoeducation for clients to begin recognizing manipulative behavior and patterns in relationshipsHow to teach assertive communication, healthy boundaries, and limit settingStrategies for maximizing therapeutic gains with clients who are manipulativeThe internal peace of adopting a “non-participation” approach to drama and sidebars in session5 must-know signs your client is manipulating youStrategies for addressing common therapy-interfering behaviorsAnd more!Don’t miss this chance to learn from top-rated presenters in their field.OutlinePart I – Gregory W. Lester, Ph.D.The Challenge of Personality DisorderThe core of the personality disorder: the unchanging agendaThe DSM-5® personality disorders and their agendas:SchizotypalNarcissisticAntisocial (and Psychopaths!)BorderlineAvoidantObsessive-CompulsiveTrait Specified (PDTS) What is that?General criteria for personality disordersLevels of personality functioningPersonality trait domainsOvercome Common Clinician StrugglesTransference & countertransferenceWhat does transference and countertransference look like in our work?Boundary crossings and boundary violationsHow to tell when you are headed for disaster and how to intervenePart II – Alan Godwin, Psy.D.Techniques to Counter Manipulation & Empower Victims to Become SurvivorsRecognize the manipulation processRe-structure cognitive distortionsCreate healthy boundaries and set limitsRespond instead of reactMake direct requests, expect direct responsesJudge actions, not intentionsExplore their own vulnerabilities and identify risk factorsAcknowledge relational limitationsResources for ongoing supportMaximize Therapeutic Gains with a Manipulative ClientAccurately assess your client’s personality characteristicsRe-define your therapeutic approach5 signs your client is manipulating youTechniques to manage thinking errors and manipulative tacticsStrategies for Common Therapyinterfering BehaviorsManage countertransferenceHandle boundary violationsStay calm when your buttons are pushed – and carry on!FacultyGregory W. Lester, Ph.D. Related seminars and products: 9Gregory W. Lester, Ph.D., is a clinical, consulting, and research psychologist with practices in Colorado and Texas. Dr. Lester has presented over 2,000 personality disorders trainings to over 200,000 professionals in every major city in the United States, Canada, and Australia. In his nearly 40 years of clinical practice, Dr. Lester has treated over 1,000 personality disorder cases and has performed psychological evaluations on over 2,500 individuals.Dr. Lester has served on the graduate faculty of The University of St. Thomas and as a special consultant to The United Sates Department of Justice. Dr. Lester’s office served as one of the original research sites for the DSM-5® revision of the personality disorders section where he collaborated with Emory University, the New York State Psychiatric Group, The University of Missouri, The University of Kentucky, and the late Dr. Robert Spitzer, chairman of the DSM-3 committee.Dr. Lester is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Texas Psychological Association, and the Colorado Psychological Association. He is the author of nine books, including Power with People, a manual of interpersonal effectiveness, Shrunken Heads, an irreverent memoir of his graduate school training, and Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management of Personality Disorders, which is the largest-selling front-line clinical manual on diagnosing, treating, and managing personality disorders.Dr. Lester’s research and articles have appeared in publications including The Journal of the American Medical Association, The Western Journal of Medicine, The Yearbook of Family Practice, The Journal of Behavioral Therapy, The Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy, The Handbook of Depression, Transactional Analysis Journal, Living Word Magazine, The Priest Magazine, and The Houston Lawyer.Speaker Disclosures:Financial: Gregory Lester is in private practice. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.Non-financial: Gregory Lester is a member of the American Psychological Association; the Colorado Psychological Association; and the Texas Psychological Association.Alan Godwin, PsyD Related seminars and products: 5Alan Godwin, PsyD, is a licensed psychologist in private practice with nearly 30 years of experience. Certified in Alternative Dispute Resolution, he has dedicated himself to helping individuals, couples, churches, and businesses develop better ways of handling conflict. In addition to his private practice, Dr. Godwin serves on the adjunct faculty of the Graduate Counseling Department of Trevecca University in Nashville, TN, where he teaches a class for doctoral students entitled “Psychodynamic Psychotherapies.” He has also taught undergraduates and has guest lectured in the Marriage and Family department.Additionally, he has penned a regular quarterly feature entitled “Ask Dr. Alan” for Deacon magazine, writes a weekly email called “The Drama Review: In Relationships and Culture,” and has been a guest on numerous radio and television programs across the U.S. and Canada. Dr. Godwin’s book, How to Solve Your People Problems: Dealing with Your Difficult Relationships, explains how and why conflict goes badly and how to make it go well with two types of people: reasonable and unreasonable.Speaker Disclosures:Financial: Alan Godwin maintains a private practice. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.Non-financial: Alan Godwin has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.