Marco Paret – Ultimate Non-Verbal Hypnosis & Mesmerismus


Marco Paret – Ultimate Non-Verbal Hypnosis & MesmerismusUltimate Non-Verbal Hypnosis & Mesmerismus® Online Master TrainingThe Holy Grail of hypnosis and personal development!The most powerful and advanced MasterClass on mesmerism, fascination non verbal hypnosis. Immerse yourself in secret techniques : an Authentic Tradition updated with modern quantistic science. test modifica MARIO ORE 16 E TRENTAImagine being REALLY able to master any non-verbal hypnosis and mesmerism techniques. Even the most unknown and secret ones. Enter the secret. The SECRET is within yourself. And now imagine using these techniques, for your well-being, and in real life to: manage a challenging period and rise after it, start or boost a business by charming people being the obvious best choice, enchant people with your ideas, hypnotize for healing, and most importantly manage your inner states and develop the force and the power in you beyond your imagination …NEW: in this COVID-19 PERIOD…Acquiring skills are the only essential things at this time!These techniques were already useful and sought for before this pandemic outbreak. Now there is even a greater need to learn it. There is now also an enhanced awareness about staying healthy and well-being in general. Take advantage of this time you have and don’t get caught out unprepared by the opportunities that will arise for you after this COVID-19 emergency is over. Take action now…“Captain, the hub is worried and very agitated about the quarantine they imposed on us at the port. Can you talk to us?”“What troubles you, boy? Don’t you have enough food? Don’t you sleep enough?”“This is not it, Captain, I can’t stand not being able to go ashore, not being able to embrace my loved ones.”“And if they let you down and you were contagious, would you bear the guilt of infecting someone who can’t stand the disease?”“I would never forgive myself, even if this plague was invented for me!”“Maybe it is, but if it doesn’t?”“I understand what you mean, but I feel deprived of freedom, Captain, they have deprived me of something.”“And you deprive yourself of even more things, boy.”“You are making fun of me?”“Not at all … If you let yourself be deprived of something without responding adequately, you have lost”.“So, in your opinion, if they take something from me, do I have to take other ones off to win?”“Sure. I did it in the quarantine of seven years ago.”“And what did you deprive yourself of?”“I had to wait more than twenty days on the ship. I had been waiting for months to enjoy the port and enjoy some spring on land. There was an epidemic. In Port April they forbade us to go down. The first days were hard. I felt like you. Then I started to respond to those impositions by not using logic. I knew that after twenty-one days of behavior a habit is created, and instead of complaining and creating terrible ones, I started behaving differently from all the others. I began to reflect on who, in deprivation, has many and for all the days of his miserable life, to get in the right perspective, then I worked to win.I started with food. I forced myself to eat half of what I normally ate, then I began to select more easily digestible foods, which would not overload my body. I went to feed on foods that, traditionally, contributed to keeping man healthy.The next step was to combine this with a purification of unhealthy thoughts, to have them ever higher and nobler. I forced myself to read at least one page a day of a book on a topic I didn’t know. I forced myself to do physical exercises on the bridge at dawn. An old Indian had told me years ago that the body is empowered by holding its breath. I forced myself to take deep breaths every morning. I believe my lungs never reached such a force. The evening was the time for prayers, the time to thank some entity that rules everything, for not giving me the fate of having serious hardships for my whole life.Always the Indian advised me, years before, to get into the habit of imagining light entering me and making me stronger. It could also work for loved ones who were far away from me, and so this practice also made an appearance on every day I spent on the ship.Instead of thinking about everything I couldn’t do, I thought about what I would do once I got off. I saw the scenes every day, lived them intensely and enjoyed the wait. Everything you can get right away is never interesting. Waiting serves to sublimate desire, to make it more powerful.I had deprived myself of succulent foods, of many bottles of rum, of blasphemies and curses to be listed in front of the rest of the crew. I had deprived myself of playing cards, of sleeping a lot, of lazing around, of thinking only of what they were depriving me of. ““How did it end, Captain?”“I acquired all those new habits, boy. They made me get off after much longer than I expected.”“Did they also deprive you of spring, anyway?”“Yes, that year they deprived me of spring, and of many other things, but I had nevertheless flourished, I had brought spring inside, and no one could have stolen it anymore”.From a ancient secret hermetic book that is in one of the traditions we speak of in the course but it is also relevant to the present period. These were the questions of the candidate:Q – Where are you?A – In the earth. I am now in a stable ground and I can go up toward the heightsQ – Which season is it?A – It is springQ – What is it you desire?A -To expand and to flourishQ – Do you think we can help you?A – YesIf you are or want to become an hypno/magnetic therapist, when people will crave for RAPID and effective methods to overcome mind and spirit illness, it will be absolutely necessary for you to be the one able to dispense those methods. But first work with yourself!Finally, last but not least, some of these techniques (the hermetic techniques) were created in periods were epidemies were very frequent. Their goal was to boost energy add to boost improving the immune system.We will describe them fully inside our program.Discover secret techniques. To develop limitless gifts and Magnetism potential, Fascination, Psychic influence, Energy, Vitality and going beyond your personal limits – Rediscover the tradition in a real Millenary School! Updated with the most recent Elite Expertise about Man and His potential.And… Before putting your hands on my Hypnosis and Mesmerismus® Master Training, let me tell you a few things.From: Dr. Marco ParetDear ReaderEnhancing your skills, managing your internal states, boost your energy, persuade, negotiate, mind control seems to be pieces of a complicated puzzle : Non Verbal Hypnosis, Fascination and Mesmerismus (c) are the solutions to these puzzles!My name is Dr. Marco Paret, and I have been doing research in this field for years.I have also published several books (available on of study on authentic magnetism techniques. Among these: Easy guide to Hypnotism and Mesmerism, Magnetism Hypnotism and Mesmerism.I also have a deep knowledge of modern techniques: in my years of research I have also studied NLP, traditional hypnosis, quantum techniques and my trainings are recognized among the most effective.I have personally trained: Doctors (all specializations) , Managers, CEOs, Researchers, Psychologists, Educators, Martial Arts practitioners, Lawyers, etc…I have conducted training all over the world. This is a breakthrough system of hypnosis.I also contribute to the expansion of AFEM (Association Francaise pour les Etudes Metaphysiques) founded in 1945 which is based on the tradition of Dr. Richet, among the first to study similar phenomena.In the modern field I have met various Italian and American authorities of NLP, Hypnosis, and other techniques (John Grinder, Ormond McGill, Jerry Kein, Tad James, Gil Boyne and many others) who propose valid techniques- which however, are not those which we propose.What I found, is that Real fascination an what we can call “Mesmerism” go beyond and can be modeled only partially with these approaches, which, although modern, do not propose the knowledge of some elements and principles.These principles are instead part of the european tradition I am discussing.NLP, linguistic and verbal were created by modeling verbal behaviours , and they never have a complete effectiveness in describing a nonverbal behavior that acts on other levels.Also the mind catches faster Non-verbal cues than verbal cues.When we speak about non-verbal we are are talking about an inner POWER.But if until now you just only learnt verbal techniques you are on the right page. Even though what is here exposed is different from modern techniques, it is complementary and must integrated for results beyond what you reached until now.In my experience I see that NLP, Quantum practitioner etc.. can surely complement and improve his knowledge. You can reach where you have always dreamed of reaching if you will have the courage to delve into the unexplored and go beyond boundaries.As we love to say with Aristotle, “the soul goes beyond its limits”You are about to come closer and experiment one of the most intense and powerful knowledges ever revealed.MARCO PARET25.2K subscribersEnchanting Mesmeric Experience | Non-Verbal Hypnosis | Dr. ParetThe secrets of the authentic fascinators and hypnotists. The basis of Animal Magnetism and the development of Man. The seven ancient protocols. Discover the keys to a quantistic reality which brings man beyond his limits.MARCO PARET25.2K subscribersDr. Paret’s Hypno-mesmerism – amazing incredible hypnotic fascinative effectThe power of hypnotism and mesmerism combined. Some people believe you need a trance: YOU DON’T NEED A TRANCE. Some People believe you need to speak: YOU CAN USE NON VERBAL, INTENTION, ENERGY INTENTION. Intention guides energy. Intention linked to intense vitality is the key of these apparently incredible feats. Use this skill in a therapeutic session and it will be skyrocketed. In fact many succesful therapists utilize the idea at the basis without even being aware of it and its other possible uses.The non-verbal is inborn and simple, while the verbal needs to be learnt and is complexIf the universe gifts you something which you fail to acknowledge and you thus turn it down, it is by no means guaranteed that such gift will come back or that the universe is going to hand it to you in the form you prefer. Placing ourselves in the position of welcoming the gifts which the Universe bestows on us is the key. Magnetism is one of those gifts!The density of words is lower than the density of gestures. The self is primarily verbal, whereas one’s inward identity is primarily non-verbal. The body is non-verbal…Proof Content Below